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Posts posted by Devdog

  1. Minecraft Name:  Devdog   


    Skype ID: Dahlstron




    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: Nope


    Where do you grab inspiration from:I pull my inspiration for my characters  from many sources, mainly my head. If I'm playing someone that came from a pre-existing bloodline in game, I'd ask the character's parents if they would have any traits. Sometimes I pull my ideas from items I see, like an article of clothing I see. I'll think about what type of person would wear or use that item.  


    What are your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice any:   Well, I’d not really enjoy getting rid of my three characters I play, I guess my most inactive one, Cecily Leaff. I used to thoroughly enjoy playing her, but she has hit quite a character stump when it comes to player development..


    What race, or group, do your events best cater to: I think that I can cater to most role playing types, I've played almost every race besides dwarf. I'm always trying to expand my knowledge and experience when it comes to rp situations os scenarios. I Really enjoy role playing in the Elven community, I also really enjoy the rp in Liandria.   


    What do you believe are they key factors for a successful event: What comes to my mind when I think of an event in the Lord of the craft terminology is something that draws people and entertains them. I always believed the Event actor should set a goal of sorts before going into the event, trying to immerse themselves themselves into their temporary characters, and if given this opportunity, I'd stick by these words. I think the best way to make it succeed would be to try to reasonably attempt to stick to the goal that you have set, in order to make sure the event stays consistent on how you planned it to go out.


    What strengths would you bring to the team:  I have quite a few good ideas up my sleeve when it comes to event ideas if that is a contribute. Another trait I’d like to admire about myself is that I try to give anyone I talk to the most truthful response I can, without trying to hurt their feelings, because I believe that everyone can be encouraged to do the right thing through some positive reinforcement! I always have been quite festive when it comes to the holidays, and I'd for sure absolutely want to do festive events! I'm also quite knowledgeable when it comes to certain voidal arts on the server. For instance ; Fire evocation, Air evocation, and Cognatism are my three most commonly used magics and I think I would be able to play a character who would could be at any stage of learning those arts. From a measly aspiring mage who is just scraping by, selling good off an old, rugged cart. To an adorned mage who uses their magic to better themselves and the people around them, their magic well adept and practiced to a point of mastery


    Why do you want to be part of the team:  I’ve been trying to expand my  role-playing horizons recently and I thought joining the team would be an amazing idea to do so, having the accessibility of experiencing new and amazing role-playing styles that will better myself as a role player and the community sounds like an opportunity I can't pass up..


    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organize

    First Sample Event: Distressed Dryad (for 1-20+ participants)

            [!] As you are on the dirt and cobble path, you'd hear the noise of wood snapping, leaves rattling and a woman's shriek fill the nature air. Seeming quite strange and intriguing, you'd go try to see what's going on. As you walk closer to what you though the direction the noise came in, you'd see dirt and dust falling from the sky, as if something colossal has hit the forest floor! A few moments later, when the dust has settled, there would be quite a strange sight to see. A large tree seems to have fallen on top of what seems to be another tree, A woman of dark ebony skin and long green hair with leaves intertwined and arranged to create an astonishing organic pattern would sit atop her head, her attire seeming to be made of organic items, such as durable leaves and tanned leather, though her facial expression reeks of distraught, she'd turn to the participants in a frantic run, going to beg of their help to help her. She'd explain that the tree that has fallen, has fallen on her tree bonded tree! She proclaims that  if the tree that has fallen on her 'sacred' tree is to hurt it, she could possibly die! What might you do in the situation? Assist the charming Dryad in getting this fallen tree down safely? Or maybe it's a ploy for her to do mischievous things. Only helping her will tell. Perhaps she'd reward you in some way if you did help her...


    Second Sample Event: Tea with a Scarecrow? (for 1-10 participants)

            You'd never really put much thought about the scarecrow that you pass every day that sits lonesomely next to the tavern... His body being made of old burlap, his smile weaved in the small holes in the burlap, his eyes being two misfit green and blue buttons, seeming to be fastened on with twine as well as a few strands of yellow hay that would resemble something to hair. His body a large burlap sack filled with rotten hay.  Two pieces of straggled twig would protrude from each end of his 'torso' of sorts, having old leather gloves fastened tightly with twine would sit at the end of each twig. Though on this night of a full moon, you and your closest llir would walk to the tavern, not knowing it was already closed for the night. You'd hear something of a scraggly, wise, and mature voice mumble a few words from the side of the tavern! You being the curious citizen you are would go check it out. As you reach the end of the tavern, you would see the scarecrow going to look up to you! He'd say in his ancient like voice.  "Ah, uhm heller there, fine fellers like you, not in the tavern tonight. Ahg- I always forget! it's closed on occasion! Hmmrng, well, the most I can offer you is tea I- uhm guess." The scarecrow would stuff his hand into the bottom hole of his burlap sack, pulling out a piping hot tea pot along with a few dainty tea cups! The scarecrow would go to sneeze, spilling some of the hot tea on himself and shattering one of the cups, though he is a scarecrow, not feeling much pain, he'd just ignore it, offering you some tea. "Ehh, yer fellers want some?"


    Third Sample Event: Quite a Greedy Woman... (1-5 participants)

            You and your friends would be conversing outside of your most favorite general store, usually selling things to a degree of ; tools, clothing, basic food like flour, and books. You and your friends would just about be walking through the doorway of the shop, until you see from the corner of your eye a batty woman, wearing tattered clothing with who knows what type of stains on them! her hair greasy and frizzy springing out to every side! her face seeming to be covered in dirt and filth, as she opens her mouth to talk to you, she'd point her grungy finger out at you "Aye!" She'd say in her crackly witchy voice, her index finger shaking slightly, "You there, that's me hat ya wearin!" She'd say in almost an intoxicated manner"Ye you, ugly face, give me my hat!" She'd almost be throwing a tantrum, stomping her left foot on the ground. Are you courageous enough to confront the woman that she is obviously lying, or do you give her your hat and go on with your life?



    How long do you plan to be able to work on the team: As long as I can conjure up some amazing events that bring a smile to people’s faces and joy to everyone!

    Tell me a joke: I used to be addicted to soap, but I'm clean now...

  2. MC Name: Aheral_housewife


    Character's Name:  Lenniel Thylsealaes


    Character's Age: 171


    Character's Race: Fjarriauga


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Arcanism


    Teacher's MC Name: Rasasvada


    Teacher's RP Name: Kypris


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Air Ecocation



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: nope

  3. MC Name: Aheral_housewife


    Character's Name: Lenniel thylsealaes


    Character's Age: 167


    Character's Race: Fjarriauga


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Frost Witch magic


    Teacher's MC Name: Halsi


    Teacher's RP Name: Mabel Durette


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: nope!


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes!


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: nope!

  4. Devdog’s Event Team Application!


    Minecraft name(s):



    Skype ID:






    Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? :

      No, I haven’t had a staff position prior either.


    What MMORPG/video games have you/do you play (past and present)? :

      Well, I’ve  been playing Lord of the craft for almost a year and a half now, though before I was immersed into Lotc, I played Wizard 101, (Which in my opinion is considered an MMORPG, though to everyone their own opinion). I’ve briefly played World of Warcraft, though I didn't  like the role playing scene on the server, and I found it just a little confusing..


    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a event team member? :

      Well, I’d not really enjoy getting rid of my three characters I play, I guess my most inactive one, Cecily Leaff. I used to thoroughly enjoy playing her, but she has hitten quite a character stump when it comes to player development..


    What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain. :

      I think playing somewhat of a character that has good/truthful attributes, such as ; A healer of sorts, Dryads, Oracles, Holy Beings. I don’t really find serious and dangerous rp that exciting. I love to play characters with magics, so things in that department as well. Though I am totally ready to try to expand my role play styles!


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event? :

      What comes to my mind when I think of an event in the Lord of the craft terminology is something that draws people and entertains them. I always believed the Event actor should set a goal of sorts before going into the event, trying to immerse themselves themselves into their temporary characters, and if given this opportunity, I'd stick by these words. I think the best way to make it succeed would be to try to reasonably attempt to stick to the goal that you have set, in order to make sure the event stays consistent on how you planned it to go out.


    What strengths could you contribute to the event department? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? :

      I have quite a few good ideas up my sleeve when it comes to event Ideas if that is a contribute. Another trait i’d like to admire about myself is that I try to give anyone I talk to the most truthful response I can, without trying to hurt their feelings, because I believe that everyone can be encouraged to do the right thing through some positive reinforcement! I always have been quite festive when it comes to the holidays, and I'd for sure absolutely want to do festive events! I'm also quite knowledgeable when it comes to certain voidal arts on the server. For instance ; Fire evocation, Air evocation, and Cognatism are my three most commonly used magics and I think I would be able to play a character who would could be at any stage of learning those arts. From a measly aspiring mage who is just scraping by, selling good off an old, rugged cart. To an adorned mage who uses their magic to better themselves and the people around them, their magic well adept and practiced to a point of mastery


    Why do you want to be part of the ED? :

      I’ve been trying to expand my  role-playing horizons recently and I thought joining the team would be an amazing idea to do so, having the accessibility of experiencing new and amazing role-playing styles that will better myself as a role player and the community sounds like an opportunity I cant pass up..


    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the managers and the lead, not to the community. Note: not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon. :)


    First Sample Event: Dryad in Distress. (for 1-20+ participants)

              [!] As you are on the dirt and cobble path, you'd hear the noise of wood snapping, leaves rattling and a woman's shriek fill the nature air. Seeming quite strange and intriguing, you'd go try to see what's going on. As you walk closer to what you though the direction the noise came in, you'd see dirt and dust falling from the sky, as if something colossal has hit the forest floor! A few moments later, when the dust has settled, there would be quite a strange sight to see. A large tree seems to have fallen on top of what seems to be another tree, A woman of dark ebony skin and long green hair with leaves intertwined and arranged to create an astonishing organic pattern would sit atop her head, her attire seeming to be made of organic items, such as durable leaves and tanned leather, though her facial expression reeks of distraught, she'd turn to the participants in a frantic run, going to beg of their help to help her. She'd explain that the tree that has fallen, has fallen on her tree bonded tree! She proclaims that  if the tree that has fallen on her 'sacred' tree is to hurt it, she could possibly die! What might you do in the situation? Assist the charming Dryad in getting this fallen tree down safely? Or maybe it's a ploy for her to do mischievous things. Only helping her will tell. Perhaps she'd reward you in some way if you did help her...


    Second Sample Event: Tea with a Scarecrow? (for 1-10 participants)

              You'd never really put much thought about the scarecrow that you pass every day that sits lonesomely next to the tavern... His body being made of old burlap, his smile weaved in the small holes in the burlap, his eyes being two misfit green and blue buttons, seeming to be fastened on with twine as well as a few strands of yellow hay that would resemble something to hair. His body a large burlap sack filled with rotten hay.  Two pieces of straggled twig would protrude from each end of his 'torso' of sorts, having old leather gloves fastened tightly with twine would sit at the end of each twig. Though on this night of a full moon, you and your closest llir would walk to the tavern, not knowing it was already closed for the night. You'd hear something of a scraggly, wise, and mature voice mumble a few words from the side of the tavern! You being the curious citizen you are would go check it out. As you reach the end of the tavern, you would see the scare crow going to look up to you! He'd say in his ancient like voice.  "Ah, uhm heller there, fine fellers like you, not in the tavern tonight. Ahg- I always forget! it's closed on occasion! Hmmrng, well, the most I can offer you is tea I- uhm guess." The scarecrow would stuff his hand into the bottom hole of his burlap sack, pulling out a piping hot tea pot along with a few dainty tea cups! The scarecrow would go to sneeze, spilling some of the hot tea on himself and shattering one of the cups, though he is a scarecrow, not feeling much pain, he'd just ignore it, offering you some tea. "Ehh, yer fellers want some?" 


    Third Sample Event: Quite a Greedy Woman... (1-5 participants)

              You and your friends would be conversing outside of your most favorite general store, usually selling things to a degree of ; tools, clothing, basic food like flour, and books. You and your friends would just about be walking through the doorway of the shop, until you see from the corner of your eye a batty woman, wearing tattered clothing with who knows what type of stains on them! her hair greasy and frizzy springing out to every side! her face seeming to be covered in dirt and filth, as she opens her mouth to talk to you, she'd point her grungy finger out at you "Aye!" She'd say in her crackly witchy voice, her index finger shaking slightly "You there, that's me hat ya wearin!" She'd say in almost an intoxicated manner "Ye you, ugly face, give me my hat!" She'd almost be throwing a tantrum, stomping her left foot on the ground. Are you courageous enough to confront the woman that she is obviously lying, or do you give her your hat and go on with your life? 




    How long do you plan to stay on the ED? :

    As long as I can conjure up some amazing events that bring a smile to people’s faces and joy to everyone!


    Tell me a joke! :  I used to be addicted to soap, but I'm clean now...


    I hope you enjoy! I had so much fun thinking of my three situations. I was laughing the whole time writing the last two. XD

  5. MC Name:


    IC Name:


    Original Race (n/a if not applicable):

    Wood Elf

    Transformed Form:

    Creator (MCname and RP name, n/a if not applicable):

    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: 


    The urges to become a Dryad come through in the elfless of a woodelven blood, they can come during anytime of their life, it is completely natural as well. Some wood elven women ignore, or decline the urges. When the elfless accepts the feelings of becoming a dryad, they will undergo a stage in their life called blossoming. When blossoming, it would feel quite hectic, you only feeling at ease while in presence with you healthy tree, if you wander distant from your tree, it can cause some symptoms as if the soon to be come dryad to be extremely nauseous and fatigued. After the last stages of her blossoming, her physical, mental, and spiritual form would morph to adapt to her desired tree.


  6. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: DevBug

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: Devdog_


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: yes

    Do you understand you cannot be on both of these accounts at once? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: yes

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: yes

    How long have you been on LotC?: for a little over a year!

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: one!

  7. MC name: Devdog_


    Character's name and age:  Lenniel Thylsealaes  122


    Character’s Race: High Elf


    What magic will you be learning?: Conjuration 


    Who will be teaching you?: Delluvia DeNurem

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: Nope, not yet.

  8. Cecily would have a small smile on her face, wrapped in her arms would be a small infant, she would nestle her child in her arms, wrapped in divine silks. 

    "You are just the most precious gem in all of Vailor."  Her smile widening, a small dip of her head goes in to peck the infants forehead with a nurturing kiss. she would sway the baby back and forth gently, singing an elven Lullaby. 


    (I'm creating the Lullaby currently)


    Ingrid lets out a small giggle, her baby arms squirming in joy as her mother serenades her to sleep.

    "Sleep well my little Ingrid." 






    MC name: Devdog_


    Character's name and age: Lenniel Thylsealaes 121


    Character’s Race: High Elf


    What magic will you be learning?: Sensory Illusion 


    Who will be teaching you?: Luv, Kypris Dionne 

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Lenniel is resuming her learning  of Sensory Illusion from where she left off.


  10. MC name: Devdog_


    Character's name and age: Lenniel Thylsealaes


    Character’s Race: High elf


    What magic will you be learning?: Cognitism


    Who will be teaching you?: Cyber_king3

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: nope :)

  11. MC name: Devodg_


    Character's name and age: Lenniel Thylsealaes 121


    Character’s Race: High Elf 


    What magic will you be learning?: Aeromancy (Air Evocation)


    Who will be teaching you?: Katari Leaf (Iceflames5) 

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: Nope! ?

  12. MC name: Devdog_


    Character's name and age:   Lenniel Thylsealaes , 121


    Character’s Race: High Elf


    What magic will you be learning?: Sensory Illusion 


    Who will be teaching you?: Luv, Kypris  Thylsealaes

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: Nope! :)

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