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Posts posted by Halsi

  1. Spoiler



    As the sun sets over the Silver City, the Malauriran, vested as they are with the wisdom of their past tenures, begin to file from the Citadel. In the days to follow, the results of the their deliberation would be made public.







    Following the assassination of the late Maheral Azorella Elibar’acal, it became the solemn duty of the heial’malauriran to deliberate on her succession. The Silver City shall never flourish without an interpreter of Larihei’s intentions and one dedicated solely to the pursuit of the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. The malauriran express their concern with the events of the past several elven days. The assassination of the embodiment of Larihei and the haste with which the subsequent trials were executed all present serious threats to the continued prosperity of the mali’thill as a people. Azorella Elibar’acal, The Bee, will be remembered as a faithful servant of the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, undone by the treachery of an unclean sect among her students the mali’thill. Her memory shall live on in her teachings and in the histories of our people. 


    It is the decision of the heial’malauriran that the mali’thill best situated to mend this shattered state of affairs is Acaele Lazul. We encourage Acaele Lazul in his capacity as the Maheral to pursue a path of reconstruction and reconciliation and trust in his disposition toward doing so. The restoration of the peace will require the most aggressive elements on either side of this apparent rift to lay down their arms and for those of cooler sentiment to seek justice for all crimes recently committed against Larihei’s legacy. 


    May the person of the Maheral remain a mediator in the face of internal strife and uncertainty, and may the people of the Silver City heed the call to spill no more blood until the proper legal frameworks can be exercised with the involvement of all internal factions. Maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.







    Maheral Acaele Lazul

    Malaurir Iaria Elervathar

    Malaurir Dimaethor Elervathar

    Malaurir Ceruberr Asul’Ailer

    Malaurir Athedil Haler’thilln

    Malaurir Lelien Lazul

    Malaurir Avern’dionne Adriane

    Malaurir Iatrilemar Elervathar



  2. Spoiler









    The Woman became aware of the recent events in the Citadel of Silver, permitting negligent response in the idle action of frozen-demeanour. A Woman that had wailed and wept for something greater than her own vulnerable persona, choosing to relish in the overwhelming anguish that encompassed indomitable setting.“I am mournful. I had promised silence.”


    Alas, the deplorable action of another assassination had been concluded and nigh upon chaotic habitual climate, sudden and forceful blustering of ever-frozen winds ejected forceful motion inside the rotten abode of a stagnant persona. The Woman eventually, and ultimately succumbed to the paralyzing fear of her own creation, and curse. “No. No. This cannot be.”


    The tales of the icebound Woman had been riddle and imagination, accompanied in desperate pleas that followed this wretched being in the strange decision to ascend from boundless rest. The Woman had made her mind up and still within the abysmal night-sky that reigned over her heart and mind, hearsay plagued infertile rumours. “I cannot bear it.”


    Until this day, grand controversy had surrounded the idea of what or whom had concluded this reign of misfortune and mischief. As common, rumours presumed certain demise approached her in pitiful action, upon woeful evening. Were she young, energetic and zealous, perhaps she’d have conjured an army, to destroy the grotesque beast. Albeit, the Woman knew better and in determined heap of eternal agony, she bid her farewell.“Farewell, once more.”


    An everlasting sense of solitude dominated the Woman, until the momentous morning she emerged from the depths of the cavernous settings she hid within. This was not her final plea, but a precaution in vengeful purpose. The Woman had concluded and the message was sent to the realm.






    We believed her demise, the down-fall of a feral creature that beseech upon the souls of those unable to escape the frozen grasp of the Fjarriagua. Her name had not been uttered for centuries, for she had disguised in the bitter conditions of her disappearance. Adeline, no longer. The Lady of Corruption, Eloh’ra Cuth’arlin, heeded not our warnings. The Vixen’s actions were not her own, but for Xion and the infatuated practice of their unfaithful message. There is no consolation, nor solace that allows her resolution from the constant sorrow that torments this wretched creature. 


    The Silver Witch must be stopped. Lest we remain in constant apprehension and unlawful concern of our peers, in daunting thought that she might still be here. The howling of the wind shall unfold her frozen heart, succumbed to ache and torment. Not something. But SOMEONE urges the despicable Woman forth, despite the obvious limitations of her mortal coils. At first, few survivors remained upon the cursed land that she trod but we now unite to rid of this curse.


    As time elapsed and centuries reign, we recall the Woman’s unlawful actions against the nations and people of our realm. A presence that manifested hatred in essence, bringing forth a reckoning of darkness wherever HER name was mentioned. The Fjarriagua’s conspiracies against the State of Celein, the State of Laurelin, the Silver State of Haelun’or, the Druidic Order and the populous that attempt lawful livelihood instilled alarm and hesitation since her ungodly birth in Vailor.


    The Silver Witch must be stopped. We cannot bear another attempt of supreme ruling from the cultists of Xion and the abundant reign of terror must be terminated, as soon as possible. Find her, rid the Witch of her curse once and for all. We must find peace in the troubled times we meet.




    Mabel Durette



  3. Spoiler





    Issued from The Office of the Blessed Diarchy

    on the 8th of Grand Harvest, 1760

    My kin, my friends and loved ones..

    The Silver Bastion has always asked for a keen mind to preserve its rich culture. Teaching young and eager High Elves the tradition which Larihei Lohmani rigorously paved for our people has always been crucial to the foundation of our glorious culture. Mali’thilln like the esteemed Lucion Sullas, the radiant Lelien Lazul or the sagacious Iatrilemar Elervathar have shared their enlightened wisdom to their people and shaped our home into the marvel we know today. My contribution to the state is one that has stretched over a prolonged period of time, established ever since the very vulnerable phase of my adolescence and extending far beyond the years of my adulthood.

    As your Maheral, and your guiding light, I have took many of my years for granted. I served elcihi’thilln dutifully, swearing both my loyalty and clever supervision to the Mali’thilln for what is nearly a century now. This once weak framed Mali’thilln was subject to ridicule, skepticism and doubt, yet you have still allowed me to be your beacon to bring prosperity to what was once a city tainted with corrupt ideas and fruitless efforts. Both these tenures as Maheral combined have brought great success to something that was initially perfected already by its founding fathers and mothers, yet it has also delivered a feeling of eternal gratitude I’ll forever be indebted.

    However, just as the world changes around us so shall we.

    The Blessed Diarchy are awaiting OFFSPRING, which shall continue the Elervathar tradition of guidance at the helm of the Silver State when the time is ripe, with the wisdom of their grandfather Iatrilemar Elervathar, the beauty of their mother Iaria Elervathar and the fervor of their father Dimaethor Elervathar. Our promised successor, the Child of the Blessed Diarchy.

    With this, I reluctantly declare my RESIGNATION from the position of Maheral. Okarir’mali Azorella Elibar’acal shall ascend to the position of Sohaer in my place and join Sohaer Sullrael in a newly formed Diarchy. They are, in addition to their common duties, expected to teach and mentor the young Child of the Blessed Diarchy.

    signed by

    Iaria Elervathar

  4. [!] Notes were hammered onto several bulletin boards in Haelun’or for its citizens! Bearing the quentessential traits of a missive sent out by the Blessed Diarchy, the text however bore a much flowerly cursive handwriting than normal.





    An Elervathar Soirée

    Issued from The Maheral’s Mansion, Home of the Blessed Diarchy

    The 5th of Snow’s Maiden, 1760


    To celebrate and commemorate our industrious contribution to Haelun’or’s rich history, the Elervathar invites the citizenry of Lareh’thilln to a private soirée within the confinements of the city’s opulent Citadel.


    True excellence is always looked at with skepticism first, but soon we realize that true splendour comes from inherited brilliance no person can compare to. The Elervathar have proven many times before that they create an everlasting impact on the Silver Bastion with great success following their noble pursuits. Henceforth we wish to share our brilliance with everyone, hoping it could enlighten and meliorate all and sundry.


    We look forward welcoming you, lliran.


    signed by

    The Elervathar Talonnii

    [[Citadel, 21st of March, Saturday. 22:00 CET / 5 PM EST]]

  5. On 12/16/2019 at 3:06 AM, TreeSmoothie said:

    Name: Celia Avilum

    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/17/2019 at 5:55 AM, Luxury said:

    Name: Eliza

    Accepted as an Ailer.

    On 12/17/2019 at 8:49 PM, MarkFoundGOD said:

    Name: Taunar Miravaris

    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/17/2019 at 10:53 PM, Evonpire said:

    Name: Elsye Haler’thilln

    Accepted as a Disciple.

    (Please message me over the forums or on Discord if you haven’t had the invitation yet to our Discord group!)

  6. On 12/14/2019 at 4:42 PM, Bubblegum said:

    Lilar Alkinor.

    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/14/2019 at 7:29 PM, Talias said:


    Malaurir Athedil Haler’thilln

    Accepted as Amanaan.

    [!] A small note written on a piece of colored parchment paper was added to Athedil’s acceptance letter.

    “I like Visaj wine the best. – Iaria”

    24 minutes ago, Jake the Dog said:



    Accepted as an Ailer.

    8 minutes ago, Kimika said:

    Name: Valliline Yllasalor

    Accepted as a Disciple.

  7. MC Name: Halsi

    Character's Name: Iaria Elervathar

    Character's Age: 198


    Character's Race:

    High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Arcanism is an Arcane Evocation that relies on the manipulation of pure Voidal energy from the Void to make an array of things, ranging from purely aesthetical lightshows to missiles meant for heated combat. This energy can be prompted in any state of aggregation and contains of tiny Arcane wisps of the Mage’s personal aura color, which is their main building tool to conjure whatever they desire.

    Arcanism is categorized in four different spell types:

    • Art
    • Projectiles
    • Shielding
    • Tools


    Art spells are the most free-form spell type that Arcanism has to offer. It allows the caster to make any art beyond their imagination. These spells are non-combative and only have a purely aesthetical function.

    Art spells:

    • Conjure Solid
    • Conjure Fluid
    • Conjure Arcane energy


    Projectiles spells permits the Mage to solidify Voidal energy into concentrated projectiles that they can use in combat. These projectiles come in a variety of forms and can sometimes inflict lethal injuries.

    Projectiles spells:

    • Arcane Missile
    • Arcane Orb
    • Arcane Disc
    • Arcane Arc
    • Arcane Beam
    • Arcane Ray


    Shielding spells provide the Mage a means of cover and protection in the heat of a battle. They can create a barrier of pure Voidal energy to defend them and their allies from any attacks.

    Shielding spells:

    • Arcane Disc Shield
    • Arcane Flat Shield
    • Arcane Bubble Shield
    • Arcane Colossal Shield


    Tools spells allow the caster to conjure any utilitarian tool out of pure Voidal energy. Apart from the Arcane Chains, these spells are non-combative.

    Tools spells:

    • Arcane Tool
    • Arcane Lens
    • Arcane Chains


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  8. 13 hours ago, _HyperionXe said:

    Name: Anya Alfakyn

      Accepted as a Disciple.

    13 hours ago, iconic_fluff said:

    Name: Lucy Avern Dvorak

    Your application is pending.

    13 hours ago, HeftyDonut said:

    Name: Jewel Tathvir

    Your application is pending.

    13 hours ago, IIJENSENII said:

    Name: Adrian Valarieth

    Accepted as a Disciple.

    12 hours ago, Alpheus said:

    Name: Olrin Hildinyr

    Accepted as a Disciple.

    12 hours ago, Rhuyne said:

    Name: Rinaedith Seregon

    Accepted as an Ailer.

    8 hours ago, Hephqestus said:

    Name: Vaalyun Visaj

    Accepted as a Disciple.

  9. On 12/12/2019 at 6:37 AM, Ryloth said:


    Your application is pending.

    On 12/12/2019 at 6:37 AM, dssblindfox said:


    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/12/2019 at 6:59 AM, SquakHawk said:


    Accepted as an Ailer.

    On 12/12/2019 at 7:26 AM, Kenzo74 said:


    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/12/2019 at 8:13 AM, CaptainSheepy said:


    Accepted as Amanaan.

    On 12/12/2019 at 8:38 AM, KorusPrime said:


    Accepted as Amanaan.

    [!] A small note was added to Cinh’llytn’s acceptance letter. “Don’t get on my nerves. – Your Maheral”

    On 12/12/2019 at 8:58 AM, Kiviel said:


    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/12/2019 at 12:27 PM, WhereIsMySpoon said:


    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/12/2019 at 1:28 PM, Benelux said:


    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/12/2019 at 2:25 PM, JohnTheMage101 said:


    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/12/2019 at 3:01 PM, puffyduck said:


    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/12/2019 at 10:32 PM, piggs said:


    Accepted as a Disciple.

    On 12/12/2019 at 11:00 PM, StormBreaker0520 said:


    Accepted as a Disciple.

    20 hours ago, Gemini said:


    Accepted as an Ailer.

  10. efRJWTHtslliPlau03yZQxRLObw_BZOMuO18QpyiYBZJuhYlXYk5IRAd9AhfcrmvqVTZCYPpOdjpnroZXZnubezmk8S8JVo3LsAeprQqVn_PjMa-xqsMMGuMo-Oop5C3QZfsTj8J

    5TH OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, 1742

    The Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya is an eternal structure that needs rigorous and ardent larbour to keep itself alive, requiring enough effort from elcihi’thilln’s citizenry to continue its blinding splendour. We celebrate and honour those who have been diligent in their work, the Talonnii, however I’ve discerned stagnation amongst my own elite. My concern has grown exceedingly large that I woefully feel accountable to formally address this deplorable quandary where a Maheral should commonly not worry over.


    The Uradir have been a distinguished bloodline that has stretched their relevance over several centuries in worldwide history. Nobody could compare to the magnificence of the extraordinary Kalenz, which is very apparent by his current generation ancestors. Okarir’san Silir Uradir, the bloodline’s representative on my council of Lauriran, has failed to find himself a suitor yet to continue the prestigious Uradir Talonnii. His blatant tardiness and evident reluctance to proliferate has made me believe that the end of Kalenz’s legacy may be near. I won’t tolerate it any longer.

    I give the Uradir Talonnii the ultimatum to find their Laurir an appropriate suitor in the span of four Elven weeks. If these terms are not met by the end of the given deadline, it’ll result in his prompt removal from elheial’lauriran and a marriage arranged by power of the Diarchy.

    Okarir’san, I challenge you to exceed elcihi’thilln’s expectations. It is not too late yet for you to veer back onto Larihei’s path.


    Albeit the Elibar’acal have built their legacy to a reputation of respect in a relatively short period of time, I feel their efforts slacking the moment after I honoured them by elevating their bloodline. Its Laurir, Azorella Elibar’acal, has shown remarkable development by flaunting her astounding intelligence and shrewd judgement. She has set herself as an exemplary member of society. However, it unfortunately seems like a poor habit for her kin to ride on her coattail and profit from her hard work. Talonnii are a representation of the work from a joint effort of all its members, not from their Laurir alone. I won’t tolerate it any longer.

    I give the Elibar’acal Talonnii the ultimatum to rise to the occasion and contribute to the Silver State through efforts with remarkable results. If these terms are not met in the foreseeable future, it’ll result in the removal of their Talonnii status and ultimately the abolishment of Azorella Elibar’acal’s position in elheial’lauriran.

    Do not make me undeservedly punish someone by grace of your disappointing tardiness, dear Elibar’acal. It is not too late yet for you all to veer back onto Larihei’s path.


    The two aforementioned Talonnii should heed attention to the Aldin bloodline, who single-handedly donated a total of two hundred seventy books to the Eternal Library. For their sensational work and keen dedication to the contribution of the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, I elevate their bloodline to Talonnii Status with Goan Aldin as its respective Laurir.


    Let this missive resonate, dear Mali’aheral. For if you feel addressed by my words of concern, then I implore you to reassess your decisions. It is not too late yet for us to veer back onto Larihei’s path. With the correct amount of dedication spent we can see Haelun’or flourish, as we are the only capable of doing so after all.





    signed by,

    Maheral Iaria Elervathar


  11. efRJWTHtslliPlau03yZQxRLObw_BZOMuO18QpyiYBZJuhYlXYk5IRAd9AhfcrmvqVTZCYPpOdjpnroZXZnubezmk8S8JVo3LsAeprQqVn_PjMa-xqsMMGuMo-Oop5C3QZfsTj8J




    As decreed by the blessed DIARCHY, and led by her most extolled Malaurir, today marked the first meeting of Elheial’lauriran. Attendees featured the current Talonnii Lauriran, consisting of: Dele Seregon of the Seregon Talonnii, Silir Uradir of the Uradir Talonnii, Uppori Visaj of the Visaj Talonnii, and Azorella Elibar’acal of the Elibar’acal Talonii.

    Issues covered were as follows:

    I. The issue of Mali’ata both within the blessed walls and in neighbouring nations. How these cases should be dealt with by Elheial’thilln, Elsillumiran, Elemyumiran and State. Conclusions drawn involved focussing disinfectant efforts through only Elemyumiran and collaborating with allies before arriving in their lands to make arrests.

    II. The issue of the Path of Purity and how Elheial’lauriran are involved. Resolve included the Sohaer promising changes in law, should the Lauriran fail in their duties, and accounted for the suggestion investigation should be made into the Malii that calls her haelun.

    III. Courtesy of the Visaj: The Lauriran issue of gate policy, after witnessing an influx of unsavoury company in elcihi’thilln. Most concurred that greater training should be provided to gatekeepers, more consequences for negligent Sillumir, and for lessers to be asked to provide more if they wish to access Lareh’thilln. It was also suggested passports might be introduced for actively visiting lesser, along with the issuing of a missive regarding gate policy.

    IV. Courtesy of the Elibar’acal: The Lauriran issue of reproduction, as she considers the populace slothful with the subject, of late.  Most in attendance consider arranged marriages, whereas the Sohaer implores another Imperative of Reproduction is published. Miss Azorella is asked to lead the missive.

    V. Courtesy of the Uradir: The Lauriran issue of the Path to Purity is brought up, inciting the Heial’lauriran to consider its use being scarce compared to current, with execution used more steadily in its place. While little was agreed upon the topic, Malaurir agreed to reassess the laws and policy surrounding its employment.




  12. [!] Notes were hammered onto several bulletin boards in Haelun’or for citizens who daily passed through the city’s streets! Bearing the quentessential traits of a missive sent out by the Blessed Diarchy, the text however bore a much flowerly cursive handwriting than normal.






    Issued from The Maheral’s Official Office, Representative of the Blessed Diarchy

    The 6th of The Deep Cold, 1738


    As Mali’thilln it stays our duty to steadily commit ourselves to Larihei’s principle and desire, the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Albeit as centuries pass, time allows for new troubles to arise and incites degeneracy unlike we have ever seen before. To rigorously regulate the system to Larihei’s predilection and preserve elcihi’thilln’s purity, Maheral Iaria Elervathar established elheial’lauriran - A council of the most esteemed members of society to help the Maheral decide on all matters regarding cultural affairs.


    The Lauriran of the Talonniian promoted, in pursuance of The Talonnii Act of 1717, seat this new Council, namely:


    Uppori Visaj

    Iatrilemar Elervathar

    Silir Uradir

    Dele Seregon

    Aiera Sullas

    Azorella Elibar’acal

    Goan Aldin


    This list is subject to change.


    In addition to the Lauriran, all Malauriran of the Motherland are invited to partake in the discussions and decision-making, as is only natural considering the nature of the issues.





    signed by,

    Maheral Iaria Elervathar


  13. Iaria was not one to loiter in places where she’s not supposed to be, although the quality portrait of the Sohaer on display in the library does regularly take up a few idle minutes of her day. This time was no different, staring at the canvas for no particular reason at all. She harbored a meek smile of endearment, an expression so frail and foreign on the Elfess’ face.


    "For an eternity long, please."

  14. A certain Elfess wasted no time to blindly toss the missive in the fireplace of her quaint apartment, practically ridiculing the author for the message she published with loud chortles.

    “By the love of anything almighty, maybe I can fool everybody with folly like this next.”


  15. [!] Notes were hammered onto several bulletin boards in Haelun’or for the citizens who daily passed through the city’s streets.



    The Maheral’s Duty

    as issued on the 5th of The Deep Cold, 1719.


    Impurity, I abhor it, yet somehow it still manages to crawl its way inside our walls of Silver.

    With countless trials in the span of mere months showing us how relevant the problem is still to this day, it seems like only a select few are reminded of our sacred principles that Larihei has forged for us. You all rigorously convince yourself that the Silver Enclave is an oasis to all Mali’thilln. Albeit with the recent accusations, I wouldn’t dare to call it even close to that.


    I’m concerned and perturbed. Not only for the security of my citizens, yet also for the few Mali who’s mind are so easy to manipulate to succumb to the grievous atrocities of the Dark Arts. To willingly corrupt what is already perfect, I cannot understand. To voluntarily defile your mind in favour for something so heinous, I cannot understand. To use it as an instrument to betray your own kin, I will never understand.


    It is my duty as Maheral to protect Haelun’or’s purity and ensure that Larihei’s desire is preserved among our people. With the recent accusations coming from Pelilasdir Vontia’athem, I cannot let it fall upon deaf ears - Even if the Mali spits slander and folly. If I did, I would not be a leader of the people.


    Hence why I take the initiative now to firstly eliminate the jeapardizing core of this dire predicament.

    I urge and advice Sohaer Dimaethor Visaj to summon Okarir’tayna Caestella Valarieth, Okarir’tir Elrion Visaj and Pelilasdir Vontia’athem to a trial within the building of governance, so they can each receive a fair trial to explain their part of the deplorable accusations called forth infront of the Blessed Citizenry.


    Let this missive resonate, dear Mali’aheral. For if you feel addressed by my words of concern, then I implore you to reasses your decisions. It is not too late yet for us to veer back onto Larihei’s path. With the correct amount of dedication spent we can see Haelun’or flourish once anew, as we are the only capable of doing so after all.




    signed by

        Maheral Iaria Elervathar


  16. 5 hours ago, CUwU said:


    A rather large hawk perhaps one for hunting would land atop haelun’ors gate a letter in its talon for a guard to take


    The Gilded Courts of Mirasul request attendance! For we believe a grand Mali’thilln Masquerade would be a great place to do business.

    We pray the Silver council finds this acceptable

    Dearest Clarity Nekhabet

    [!] Clarity and her associates got a simple piece of parchment paper as a response after days of waiting, the relatively blank page alone giving off an impression of dominating conceit.


      If you and your entourage intend on coming, I do sincerely hope you’ll bring your best behavior and most appropriate attire. We don’t wish to endure the folly about your risible culture at our moment of celebration within the confinements of our silver walls. Any less than that and I’ll seen you thrown out of elcihi’thilln immediately.

    signed by

        Maheral Iaria Elervathar


  17. [!] Notes were hammered onto several bulletin boards in Haelun’or for the citizens who daily passed through the city’s streets!



    The for Honor and Glory Masquerade of 1718


    On behalf of the whole Silver Council, you are invited to attend the For Honor and Glory Masquerade.

    Haelun’or has undergone a variety of triumphant alterations that begs to be acknowledged with an appropriate call for celebration. From establishing the profound Diarchy to victoriously resisting the pressure of the current warfare, we have established great progress. On behalf of elheial’thilln, we thank you.


    Hence why it was only apt to commemorate our diligent work with a Masquerade Ball. We invite you, dearest Mali’thilln, to enjoy a night full of dancing and merriment in the newly constructed ballroom.

    To acknowledge the might and pride we’ve shown throughout these years of unrelenting turmoil, it’s recommended to wear garments fitted with a color palette of red hues. And along with your most opulent attire, we naturally ask for you to bring a mask to conceal your visage.


    We look forward to the special occasion, lliran.





    signed by

        Maheral Iaria Elervathar

    [[Ballroom, 1st of June, Saturday. 22:00 CET / 5 PM EST]]


  18. [!] Notes were hammered onto several bulletin boards in Haelun’or for the citizens who daily passed through the city’s streets. The text was penned down in flowery cursive letters, seemingly alike to the handwriting of a few books within the Eternal Library.



    The Assembly of Mali’thill of 1717

    as issued on the 2nd of Snow’s Maiden, 1717.


    In spite of its sheer opulence and enthralling splendour, the Silver Enclave is in a never ending construction and will always harbor more room for evolution and progress.

    As the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya dicates, us Mali’thilln must ensure that we don’t fall stagnant and should continuously endeavor to further enhance what is already more than adequate. It is our sacred duty, as Maheral and Sohaer, to ensure that Haelun’or won’t recline from a lack of progress and diligence.


    To guarantee the Motherland’s thriving success, we summon the most Blessed Citizenry of Berr’lin to the Citadel so they can voice their concerns and grievances about the Silver City directly to the Maheral and Sohaer. We ask you, lliran, to prepare a short list of what you think the Silver Enclave could potentially improve upon. Your words won’t fall on deaf ears, dear Mali’thilln. We need your aid and well-judged opinion to help us ameliorate elcihi’thilln in something more imposing than it already is.

    We promise you, for as long we may reign, progress will be procured through our most assiduous duty for the betterment of our Blessed State.





        signed by

        Maheral Iaria Elervathar

        Sohaer Dimaethor Visaj

    [[Citadel, 25th of May, Saturday. 00:00 GMT / 7 PM EST]]


    Name: Mabeline Durette
    Address/Property: 1 Frederick Avenue
    Nationality: Marnan

    Party: Independent


    [ ] Aran Talraen

    [ x ] Alexandre Ashford d’Aryn

    [ ] Godwyn Crast

    [ ] Abstain

    [ ] Force these structures into vassalization

    [ ] Assimilate these settlements peacefully

    [ ] Destroy and displace said settlements

    [ ] Leave these settlements be

    [ x ] Abstain



    [ x ] Yes

    [ ] No

    [ ] Abstain



    [ ] Yes

    [ ] No

    [ x ] Abstain



    [ ] Yes

    [ ] No

    [ x ] Abstain



    [ ] Yes

    [ ] No

    [ x ] Abstain

  20.     ZL9NQZm.png

    The Escape Of A Dove  



    I reigned as your Maheral for exactly fourty-three years. I served elcihi’thilln dutifully, swearing both my loyalty and supervision to the Mali’thilln for decades. I reckoned to serve for an eternity, yet Haelun’or’s fall is beyond repairable and stooped far from Larihei’s grace. It’s only an abandoned city now with only its council members as her inhabitants. It’s a dead city, one I no longer wish to care for.


    I’m humiliated, truly. As a little girl I ogled the city in awe and wonderment, but now I only glare with disgust. Haelun’or has never met true degeneracy up until now, something I tried to prevent - Yet many saw me as a mere nuisance and obstructed my progress. I pity them all, since they will never experience a flourishing Silver City when constantly struck with doubt.


    And you, dearest Mali’Aheral - I gift you gold. For none of you have ever shown true progress in these dire times when Larihei would have wanted it the most. I despise all of you for abandoning your home of splendor and leaving it like an empty desert, begging to be rejuvenated. You marked the end of an era, and will never get it back.


    I’m disappointed, yet I have not lost faith. Despite all, I believe only one individual is capable to restore this tarnished society and prosper it into something new. She showed devotion and care for the state, even in the times of need. My confidence for her wonderous progress runs deep and I entrust this individual with the illustrious responsibility of becoming Haelun’or’s next Maheral.


    I appoint Lanavia Iyathir as my successor, trusting both her competence and purity to guide the Mali’Aheral onto the right path again.





    Iaria Elervathar



    [For those actually interested in this muck, I wrote something down. It's nothing Haelun'or related, but it essentially marks the definite departure of Iaria from Axios.]


    The road back home seemed to last an eternity and appeared endless in sight. It only took a few miles in reality for the nimble Elfess to be back within her confined silver walls, though - But her mind simply deceived the sight.  It was her melancholy and regret that caused this turmoil in her head. She couldn’t focus, she couldn’t see. Instead, her thoughts squandered the opportunity for tranquility. The Elfess knew this was the last time heading to what she called home for years, hence why she took her steps so carefully on the hard dried soil.


    “It’s filth.”


    Iaria couldn’t deprive the sentence from her mind. The more she said it, how convincing it actually sounded. She continuously repeated the futile words beneath her breath when snatching the very few valuable things from her whimsical room. They were all disposed in a satchel that appeared massive in its capacity, managing to store a myriad of things that varied in size.


    “It’s destroying me.”


    She was convinced. After leaving exactly five messages on different spots, Iaria glanced at the towering sight of Haelun’or’s splendor, now abandoned and stripped from citizens. She reminded herself of the beauty that she built, in all those years she inhabited the city. The Elfess was devoted once, though the discouraging sight of a forsaken city tarnished her good memories and clouded them with bad ones. The tears that welled in her eyes was the reaction to multitude of reasons and emotions, yet her recently caused despair stood as the most prominent of them all.


    “May the leaving be joyful; and let’s hope I never have to return.”


    Since then, the young Iaria Elervathar disappeared and vanished from society. Some may have seen her leave on a vessel into the unknown seas, though its final destination remained a grand mystery for the very few who witnessed the Elfess depart. The silver shackles that bounded her to a city once were finally cut free.


    Iaria finally experienced the sweet taste of liberty.



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