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Posts posted by Halsi

  1. MC name:



    Character's name:

    Mabel Durette


    Character's age:



    Character’s Race:



    What magic will you be learning?:



    Teacher’s MC Name:



    Teacher’s RP Name:



    Do you have any magic(s) dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



  2. Within the dimmed homestead of the 'Thar estate, an Elfess could be seen tossing papers into a blazing hearth. Her throws to the fire lacked vitality and strength, an evident sign of her insouciant nature at this moment. 


    "May they regret their impatience."

  3. [!] Notes were hammered onto several bulletin boards in Haelun’or for those few citizens who daily passed through the city’s streets. The text was penned down in flowerly cursive letters, seemingly alike to the handwriting of a few books within the Eternal Library.



    The Maheral’s Duty


    Stagnation. I scorn it, yet it seems all what Haelun’or is capable of doing over the course of these past few years. My concern has grown exceedingly large that I woefully feel accountable to formally address this deplorable quandary where a Maheral should commonly not worry over.


    With trepidation I watch our ilk deteriorate by low efforts, a lack of recognition to culture and impurity. I am revolted by what I have encountered within these streets these past few months. All are so ignorant of the sacred culture that has been so diligently forged for us, a privilege to only the most pure of Mali. Even elheial’thilln, the prime example of this entire cihi, runs with corruption and filth. They have forgotten Larihei’s path and make way for tyranny and despair instead. For each of them, I give enough acaln to redeem themselves from the disappointment they have let me witness.


    Yet you, citizen of Haelun’or- I had expected more. With tea in hand you all watch your city decline without taking the right initiative, letting it passively occur and standing there as a witness to the disgrace of many. The library, an establishment I have recently tended to once anew, had collected dust from the years of neglect that it received. All awaiting the council’s initiative to repair what is damaged, yet don’t you see the unavailing result? For those few who dare to call themselves Elves of Silver in this cihi still, why do you hold back?


    I have continuously tried to protect our preserved culture within Haelun’or, ever since the mere age of twenty-one. By building a neglected library, removing a despotic monarch from his Elven throne and guiding countless Mali’aheral to see Silver upon their path, I have actively attempted to not let our culture be tarnished by the hands of a few negligent Mali.


    Hence why I take the initiative now to firstly eliminate the jeopardizing core of this dire predicament. I summon Lysio Hestonnis, former Okarir’tir and proclaimed Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun’or, to a trial within the building of governance. He will see to his crimes of impurity to be equitably punished by Larihei’s desire. The selected Parir’tiran are Durion Uradir, Andri’ante Izalith and Lanavia Iyathir. Hestonnis is expected to willingly turn himself in for this trial. Should he attempt to flee from Haelun’or or inflict harm unto the citizens of Taliyna’Maehr, he will be immediately branded as a traitor to the state and will be exiled from Haelun'or's soil.


    It is not too late yet for us to veer back onto Larihei’s path. With the correct amount of dedication spent we can see Haelun’or flourish once anew out of its ashes, as we are the only capable of after all.





    Maheral Iaria Elervathar

  4. A delayed letter was sent to the Crimson Cardinal where it would linger for the proprietor who summoned the slothful writer months ago. The old piece of parchment paper contained a short message, written in an exquisite handwriting.


    To the writer of the very old notice,


    Your notice hadn't reached me until quite recently, my apologies. If your desire for a meeting still stands, I would willingly accept. I am currently taking residence in the city of Metz to await contact. Hopefully I am not late.


    Sincerely, Astoria Durette

  5. Operative Once Anew

    [!] A letter is sent to all registered First Class citizens of Haelun'or, both at home and abroad, with return postage and avian shipping included.





    As described in the Ikur'onn Sohaer System, the Silver Council has selected by supermajority a candidate to replace the resigning Sohaer Ralnor Kelyarus..




    Ikur Seregon, Medi'ir of Taliyna'Maehr prior, has been nominated and vetted by the Silver Council and shall be opened to the necessary airing of grievances mandated by the Ikur'onn Sohaer System. Those who possess grievances may send signed, written word of them to the Silver Council within the next two Elven days. In their absence, Ikur Seregon will take the office and duties of Sohaer'ento Haelun'or'leh.



  6. MC Name:



    Character's name and age:

    Iaria Elervathar, Thirty-one


    Character's race:

    High Elf


    What magic will you be learning?:



    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?:



    Who will be teaching you (RP Name)?:



    Do you have a magic(s) dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors Topic?:

    Of course.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:





    (( MC name: ))




    Iaria Elervathar


    Do you accept Lyu Elibar’acal as the Maheral of Haelun’or, a pure Mali’aheral of impeccable record, and believe the previous Maheral was in the right to appoint him?

    (  ) Yes

    ( X ) No

    (  ) Abstain

  8. ((In character information))


    Estelle Iriel


    Race and Age:

    Mali’aheral - Approximately around a century old.


    School of Arcane known(Magics Known):

    -Water Evocation [Mastered]

    -Sensory Illusion [Mastered]

    -Mental Magic



    Why do you wish to join the Enchantry?:

    Not only would I like to offer my assistance as an adept sorceress in the very first two arts that I mentioned, yet I also wish to possibly expand my knowledge further regarding the preserved field of the Arcane. By no means have I seen everything yet and I’m eager to know more.


    Do you understand and accept the Enchanters Codex?:

    Naturally, I do.


    ((Out of Character Information))

    MC Name:



    MA/SA's for listed magics:

    Water Evocation:




    Sensory Illusion:




    Mental Magic:





  9. Spoiler



    Iaria Elervathar dropped silent after thoroughly reading through the prominent notice somewhere in the city she resides. It was uncertain whether her reaction was one of vexed intentions - Although the boiling rage in her face that started to arise had simultaneously gotten evident so quickly after. She aims to proceed forth and away from the notice, yet the irking announcement from moments before had prevailed her from leaving.


    "Lelien allowed a volatile Mali'ata to ascend and takes the illustrious title that he does not deserve.. Being a cultivated mali of the Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya does not necessarily mean that he practices our sacred belief. A traitor amidst our kin, yet somehow elevated to this title of prestige."


    The youth's incompatible and eloquent speech possessed a bitter tint of apparent resentment. It took not long for her to complain again, albeit it was for granted that her rambling elocution wouldn't cease throughout the acrimony she currently lived in.


    "Elcihi'thilln will be tarnished to the core."


    For days, the young librarian hasn't made her regular appearance in the public anymore. Perhaps she hid out of fright for the agonizing results that this succession of incertitude dragged along, or maybe she merely refused to encounter these revolting sights where she was unprepared for.


    It was a mystery, yet Iaria Elervathar was inexplicably absent from the exuberant city of Haelun'or.



  10. * - Tell me about your character. What race are they? What is their in-character job? What professions do you have on that persona?

    Iaria Elervathar - A High Elf seamstress and librarian. I focus my professions mainly on farming and alchemy.


    * - Why did you choose the professions you chose? What made you pick it over all the rest, even those who don't have a ton of players already working on them? Do your professions match your character's roleplay/in-character profession?

    I have never made use of alchemy in RP yet, aside from the idle tea brewing that my character occasionally does. As a farmer, Iaria can easily obtain and craft blank tomes for her library. It’s somewhat necessary for her to do.


    * - How many minas do you have on that persona? On all your personas? How many minas do you gain in a week?

    She earns approximately 1600 minas per week, if I happen to skin efficiently and quick. Right now she has a a total of.. 7k?


    * - What do you spend your money on? What do you save up for? What's something you want to buy but don't have enough for?

    Last I’ve spent my money on LC. I don’t really use minas all that much, apart from maybe art commissions and the alike.


    * - How often do you trade items for minas? If you're a crafter, approximately how many crafts do you sell?

    I only trade minas if the consumer can afford it. The Tailor’s Guild will pay for my skins anyway if I place them on my PMC.


    * - Have you ever seen a nexus item (read: non RP) that you've gone "That's a pretty good item. I'm going to spend minas to buy it."? If so, what has it  been?

    Nope, never.

  11. For my frost witch, Mabel, I must say that the progress through her curse must've been something I've never done before. The character development that she experienced was significant, and I'm really glad that I can be apart in this villainy roleplay as a frost witch. She had some pretty great scenarios, including a blood bath that she caused and the time where she casually waltzed out the Imperial Palace, unharmed, after being caught and captured by guards. ty ty ty @Eileen The Crow for giving me the opportunity to become one, and a really big thank you for all the people who made the experience great so far! :')


    For my High Elf, Iaria Elervathar, I must say that I generally like the situations where she gets herself into. I've been playing her since she was six and encountered an elaborate character development that I really enjoyed so far. Although if I had to pick a favorite moment, then I'd probably go for the period where Iaria was so relentless as a child, oblivious from the world outside the thick walls of Haelun'or until she finally went out to thoroughly explore. @Sir K Andruske , @#Flexave , @Tahmas, @Parion and @Chris (Acaele) were the few who actively helped me to develop my character, although I'm really thankful for those who I encountered in roleplay as well!!

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