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Posts posted by Bvie

  1. Just now, Sky said:

    @SquirtGun How long are we on the boats for IRP? And if someone isn't able to RP from before till after, it's chill to just say 'I was on a boat' ye?


    From what I was told:


    We will be on boats for roughly 2 days, the 14th to 16th. 


    ET has established a deserted island we will be able to use to "stretch our legs" and walk around. 


    ET will be doing events during the time, on both the ships and island.


    If you can't make it onto a boat in time, then just say you tagged along/were sleeping in cargo/got tangled in the ropes of a mast/etc. I don't think anyone will judge you for not being on a boat amidst an evacuation. Just be lost in the masses til we land.

  2. As the isles of Axios are befallen with disasters, natural and magical alike, words of hope are sent out from the Cloud Temple.




    As our land writhes in agony and life becomes further hampered each day,

    we have worked alongside adventurers to find a path to salvation.


    With strong bodies and sharp minds, the denizens of Axios have assisted we,

    the monks of Cloud Temple, in charting a new path to a distant land.


    If our translations of these ancient words are correct,

    this land promises to be a paradise in comparison to our current situation.


    Thus, we urge you to begin to make plans to sail and construct vessels

    to ensure you can make the long journey safely.


    Else, we shall be stuck upon these lands and

    become victim to the atrocities and forces at work here.


    So be swift , the seas grow rough and we must set sail in four stones days else we may not be able to escape!


    ~The Elder Monks of Cloud Temple







    OOC Information Below



    - A region has been established at Cloud Temple for you to build your boats. (Between Fast Travels and Resource Island)


    - This is Free Build  Update: LC is now allowed as well.


    - Fly may be given out to build (This is at a GM's decision, /modreq for this)


    - More space will be provided if needed


    - Boats must be realistic (Things such as dirt boats/boats that would not float will be removed)


    - You're free to have a boat moved over with copy and paste, so long as it is realistic


    - Griefing, as per Server Rules, is not allowed and you will be punished accordingly


    - Should builds begin to conflict with each other we reserve the right to move a build to adjust accordingly


    -Builds must be complete by December 14th to be used in the transition





    As smoke billows from the shattered ceiling of the palace, citizens begin to share the news among themselves




    Some had heard the guards whisper of the increased attacks by the creatures of dark.


    Some had heard the clerics whispering of the increased strain upon the Light to protect the city.


    Some had heard the druids whispering of the instability in the balance of Ceru.




    No matter the source, the story the same. Things were becoming dire, each day worse than the past. 


    However, they stood with each other and looked to the billowing storm clouds upon the horizon, waiting for what was to come.



    Within three days the finale for the War for Ceru event line will begin to take place.


    At this time you may or may not have limited access to your belongings within the city. (This depends on the actions of the players.)


    Anything you wish to hold onto with certainty should be placed in your E-Chest or moved elsewhere.  



  4. Greetings,


    With the beginning of a new month comes the onslaught of staff team update posts. There’s lots of information to discuss, so we’ll jump right into it.


    ET Purge & Activity


    No, there is not another ET purge coming anytime soon. While a highly debated, and heated, topic at the time, the purge has proven to be a resounding success.


    Although the team was forced to reboot over a week into November (and cut down to less than half the previous amount), nearly twice as many events took place. Skylez goes into this in further detail, but the amount of work our team did was simply amazing and I need to give them their credit. Awesome job.



    Proactive vs Reactive Activity Checks


    In an attempt to prune the roster of inactive members while encouraging active members to continue their hard work, management has taken a proactive approach and replaced the reactive activity checks of old.


    Previously, logs were looked over at the end of the month. If an individual was found to be lackluster, they’d have their talk/warning and given another month to tow the line. After a second month of inactivity, they were removed.


    This was found to promote laziness throughout the month and ensure that a flood of smaller and lackluster events took place at the end of the month. Or, an individual would slack for an entire month knowing they had a second month to make changes, simply sitting on PEX and a slot in a team that’s meant to be active.


    Now, the management team meets with members twice a month (15th and 30th) and looks at logs together. Much like progress reports/interim reports in a school setting, we sit with our members to ensure they are on track for a successful month and see if there’s anything we, as management, can do to make their events better. Individuals that seem to be struggling are spoken to, receiving their warning earlier on and then reevaluated on the 30th.


    We felt that this would cull the herd of inactive members quicker(30 days faster) and ensure our members are receiving any assistance we can give them. With the results from this month, we feel this system was a success and look forward to see how it continues forward.



    Transition Event


    New map means transition event. This brings excitement to some and a sigh to others.


    We get it. Transition events aren’t for everyone.


    We’ve taken the input from player base and staff alike to try and find a happy medium. Skylez will be going into more detail about it in his section, along with the transition event post itself.


    However, know that you are not forced to partake in the event should you choose to opt out of it.


    6.0 and Krugsmas


    The team is(and has been) in talks with LT to ensure there are numerous events and stories to discover upon the shores of Atlas.


    Be on the lookout for region specific events, region specific creatures, and several dungeons that you can interact with to discover the history of Atlas.


    While we know a lot of attention is going towards the transition and 6.0, we haven’t forgotten about Krugsmas. Ideas are being tossed about in management chat to ensure it brings everyone some fun during the holidays.





    As one month closes, another opens. Which means applications are open once more for both actors and builders. We will be recruiting more than normal, with the workload of 6.0 and Krugsmas hitting us at the same time. This may not mean a permanent position on the team, but more like seasonal work. However, if you’re a good team member, it may be one!


    If you have questions about actors feel free to send Skylez1 a message. If you have questions about builders feel free to send SeventhCircle a message.

    And with that, let me pass this update to my managers who will go into greater detail about their specific teams.








    ET Actor Manager here!


    My job roughly entails selecting and training new Actors, conducting check ins on the 15th and 30th of each month, reviewing logged events as well evaluating members, I could go on and on, yet I’ll keep this short.


    Actor Roster












    This Month:

    Beginning our count on the 12th of November (right after the ET purge) there has been 60 events logged.

    I’m very proud of the Actors for such a high number despite the hiccup we experienced in the beginning of the month.


    Rough Statistics:

    70% of events logged this month were performed on Tahn.

    19% of the events logged where hosted on Ceru.

    Lastly, 11% of the events logged were on Asul.




    Gold Star Award

    And the most active actor award goes to......



    This guy!


    Congrats, papa_liam!


    One of the newest recruits, his passion for events shows no bounds. Always willing to lend a hand and jump into a situation to give some fun events to the players. He makes his rounds, hitting up numerous settlements such as Krugmar, Sutica, Fort Lumen, Santegia, and Jorenheim!


    If you see him around, give him a pat on the back for a job well done!


    Prominent Event Lines:


    Mordskov - Tahn




    Mordskov can roughly be compared to ‘the Zone’ in the STALKER series of games: a thanhium-ridden wasteland of mutants, men, and supernatural occurrences.

    Lead by: Oncenoeda



    War for Ceru - Ceru



    A circle of seemingly corrupted Druids emerges from the forest with the destruction of Ceru as their goal. Their reasoning seems to be a mystery, but as their numbers fall, more of their story and their desire to shatter the "Heart of Ceru" becomes more clear.

    Lead by: Squirtgun




    The Tomb of Vaz'Karell - Tahn





    A lone mercenary seeks aid after his company is wiped out, delving in a forgotten tomb. He recruits a group to aid him in avenging his fallen comrades and assaulting the Tomb of Vaz'Karell. In order to do such they must seek out four keys of power from various sites scattered across the lands, so that they may open the door that protects the tomb and finally put down the evil that rests within.

    Lead by: White_Wolf



    The Memory of Atlas - Tahn



    What would you do if everyone you ever loved suddenly.....forgot you existed? Their blank stares as you approach them, their confused looks as you move to embrace them, and disbelief being your only gift from them. Who, or what, caused this to you? Your only memory, foggy and unclear at that, being of a brilliant lightning storm and a dagger of some strange origin...

    Lead by: Torkoal_Tom




    Currently Actors are working to wrap up active event lines so as to ensure ends are tied and we all go into Atlas with a clean slate.


    Next Month:


    Looking forward to December we the team is preparing the events that will lead up to Atlas, more on that coming very soon. Our goal is to integrate bits and pieces of the proverbial keys to 6.0 in concurrent event lines, rather than spring up something entirely new and foreign to the community.


    We are looking for new members for the ET, so get your applications in soon if you would like a chance to be a part of the team!


    See you around,








    Greetings from the ET Builders!


    Over the past half a month or so, since major changes took place, we've made some amazing builds.


    This includes both event builds and 6.0.


    But before we get into admiring some of the builds, let's get the introductions over with. Let's welcome...


    Builder Roster








    Now, with the introductions of our current Build Team out of the way, I'd like to showcase some our work!


    Tomb of Vaz'karell





    Created by: drfate786, Starfelt, and Asimulum



    The team was able to complete six builds this month. While that seems like a small number, this wasn't a full month and Thansgiving for Americans occupied some time. However, all six builds were rather large builds. Plus, many of the builders are currently focusing on 6.0 to ensure it's timely, and stunning, release!



    Gold Star Reward

    Finally, a shout out to the best performing builder this month:




    Congrats to drfate786!

    His proactive mindset and positive attitude in the Builder chat is a welcome addition. His creativity and design when it comes to creatures is impressive, creating basilisks, krakens, minotaurs, and more. I'm sure you'll be challenged by one of his creations soon enough as you traverse Atlas!








    With Atlas nearing and Krugsmas following close being, we're always looking for builders! If you're interested, put an application up!


    That's all for now!



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