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Status Updates posted by Bvie

  1. 41 Days left


    Tickets are bought!

  2. Only took 7.5Mil Exp, but got it back :D

  3. Selling Alchemy Herbs! Updated!

  4. Frostvine, Athin, Blood Lotus, Alabaster Leaf, Halfling Grass, Laharei

  5. Where were all these interesting posts to read when I sat at the Druids for four hours staring at leaves :(

  6. TMW your sister just got home for Christmas but is booking a flight back to school already cause she found out mom voted for Trump. Sigh. 

  7. Only a FEW Shopping Hours Remain!


    Some department stores are staying open til Midnight, but that doesn't mean wait til Midnight!


    Police will be on the roads today, ensure you wear your seatbealt and have your inspection up to date!


    Dancing Santas are actually police men in disguise checking your speed via radar gun!


    7-11's Have gift cards for all types of stores! Not sure where they go? Get a VISA gift card! Its basically cash anywhere that takes credit cards!


    Short on money and need a gift for family members? Run to the grocery store! Buy colored plastic wrap(maybe even holiday decorated!), some styrofoam plates, and some Slice n' Bake cookies!


    Bake them, set them, wrap them, and ta da! A gift that they'll eat Christmas day, and less than 10 bucks! New to baking? Buy two, you'll prolly burn them.


    Need a gift for an uncle? Stay away from ties and boxed dress shirts. Be practical. Get a gas station gift card. He'll love it, he'll use it, and he won't hate you for another dress shirt in the closet he has to wear once a year.


    Happy Holidays!

  8. Thank you all for Brawling! We've heard your feedback and will hope to see you at our future events, where even better prizes are available!

  9. The Sutican Bachelor has begun!

  10. Repair STILL broken.

  11. Selling Alchemy Ingredients
    Metzli, Dwarf Pumpkin, Blissfoil, Halfling, and Tippins


  12. Landscaping Contest! Get your Green Thumb working!

  13. 3 Months of opening caskets and I finally get a carb warhammer recipe

  14. Interesting. The GMT players took more advantage of the junk shop than the NA players.

  15. Errand Boy test period is over. 5,400 Minas was given to players for their junk in 24 Hours! Looks like its a success! New items and prices going in after restart!

  16. WTT Mining Smithing and Breedting Tomes for other Skill Tomes

  17. The Light shall purge.

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