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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Bvie

  1. Three missed calls.

  2. 4 Missed calls.

  3. Alch Shears are the ghetto Pokemon GO

  4. Six Down, Seven to Go

  5. But I had more explosive arrows and alchemist fire to use :(

  6. Sigh, stubborn druids are stubborn.

  7. Legion is here. o7

  8. Thanks for the prayers, messages, and worries. I'm safe.

  9. I was told the Kha wanted to speak to me. Send me a message and we can set up a time.

  10. TFW new players still message you for help with their whitelist apps, months later.

  11. How I miss the old Vailor mines...

  12. And people wonder why I don't get more involved in foreign relations...

  13. Fastest 5 Mins ever Restart Timer!

  14. 2Hours and 28Minutes on another maze

  15. 2cc3f2613c2bd8436c9a53d838ac8fb4.png They grow up so fast....

  16. Thank you to those that attended our prayer circle.

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