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Posts posted by ๐•พ๐–™๐–†๐–—๐–Œ๐–š๐–˜๐–

  1. 7 minutes ago, Humanistic said:


    Please for the love of god, switch back to 1.8 and use this for feedback for now, Orc buff was taken away does 1 heart of damage, not including shields that you can hold up until it breaks unless you have an axe basically. Please, work on it more before implementing it.

  2. tumblr_n9hk22GVgR1tragw5o1_500.gif


    Vorgo would sit in the comfort of San'Thraka recalling the glorious day of a raid on the Mali'Aheral as he puffs away on his cactus green.
    A few Orcs and Olog who go by Gnarl, Vorgo, Glumpuz and ย Guhrub would come together before San'Thraka, a great distaste of Elves would spread through conversation soon evolving into action as they agreed that something needed to be done about them. Each of them along with a goblin named Burgur who was excited to kill an Elfย would brandish their blades in agreement as they trudged their way along the terrain to soon find themselves at Haelun'or, losing the nifty goblin along the way with their tough and bearable muscles.ย As the Orcs arrived they would stretch and rub out the soreness of their muscles from the journey, as they found themselves upon the closed gates they would attempt to search the premises of any possible entrance. After coming to the conclusion that they were stuck peering past the gates, an idea would strike them as they reminded themselves of the great strength they possessed.

    This would inspire the party greatly as they smashed and pounded fiercely into the Mali'Aheral defenses. As they found themselves wandering the grounds of the High Elf, they would regroup and regain composure, complimenting one another on each of their strengths. As they rested and got some air, they would oversee Elves in the city discussing things that an Orc would probably snarl or gag at, they would turn to one another relating someย of their memories of Kahn. They soon would grow tired of hearing Elvish words, they would lumber up to their feet and began searching the grounds deeper.


    As they past some homes, the grand wall of the Silver Estate would catch their eyes, none of them having explored it, they would continue their assault on the Elves defenses soon finding their way into the promised land. As they inspected the sectioned off area, two mali'aheral guards would catch sight of the Orcs quickly approaching them to halt any further movement. "Orcs how did you get in here?" one of the guards would ask; the orcs would look at one another not taking being caught lightly, Vorgo would step forward speaking with an annoyed tone, "Whu ahm laht kuhnt?" he would question the guards authority. As they began to speak, Vorgo would take no time in shutting the closest one up with a quick uppercut, the others quickly catching onto his movements.

    Guhrub would walk behind the further guard swallowing his body against the Olog's, completely binding him and preventing any cry for help, at the same time Glumpuz would move in catching the Elf that nearly became incapacitated by the hit. Though the mali'aheral would take the hit, he would still beย consciousย as he began to yell out "Orcs in the Upper Terrace!" Vorgo, quickly becoming irritated of the bruised elf, would pull a rat-gag from his loincloth and stuff it in the Elves mouth. Meanwhile, as the rat squirms around, Guhrub would please himself as he snaps the neck of the guard in front of him, then considering if it was grub or not. As luck would have it, a citizen female mali'aheral would hear the plea quickly rushing to aid the voice, though as she came into view she would come to a quick stop at the sight of the Orcs, stepping back and drawing her blade in fear.

    Vorgo and Gnarl would quickly drawย their battleaxes in retaliation attempting to rush and seize the Elf, Vorgo would step forward kicking at the bend in theย Elf'sย leg as she focused herย attention on Gnarl. As she fell to her knees, she would drop her only hope of survival, also barely missing a swing of Gnarl's Battleaxe. Vorgo would seize the weapon turning back to the guard with the rat in his mouth, watching as Glumpuz snaps the neck of the mali'aheral. Soon after another Elf would unfortunately walk upon the blood covered Orcs, losing their head in the process.


    Through the journey back, they would bond speaking of their life stories and experiences. As the party returned to San'Thraka they would be welcomed and cheered, by some Orcs that heard word of their journey and success. Gnarl, Vorgo, Glumpuz, and Guhrub would each approach Rex Kharak'Raguk offering a head as tribute to him with honor. Kharak would speak firmly raising and eyebrow in interest of the heads "Hozh bruddahz" he would compliment on the aesthetics of the heads. Kharak would then heave the heads against his chest and stomp his way towards the arena. There Kharak would add the four heads to their existing Mali'Aheral effigy. As the Orcs shared their story of the raid, a rat would be seen struggling and pushing through the neck of the Elf, each Orc would have a grand laugh at the sight.



  3. tumblr_nq3uf1LgTv1tphdyqo1_400.gif


    As Garris D'Avre gazed about Rosethorn admiring the buildings bigger than he, glancing from the roses to the animals catching sight of Vynari, his mother, waving to him. A natural rush would overcmoe him as he sees his mother instantly full of glee. Vynari would motion for him to come closer extending her hand as she greets him. "Wewld yew loike to take a trip wit' Mama and Papa?" Vynari would insist with no intention of waiting for a response, she would quickly take hold of Garris's hand leading him through the Rosethorn Gates.

    She would push him up onto the cart, and as they left Garris would spectate the passing scenery, every now and then giving a pleased expressionย as he catches sight of an occasional animal. The ride would soon come to an end as Vynari and Garris step down onto the cobble of the docks. With a quick sighting, Garris would glance from person to person, his eye soon catch upon his father, Roy, speaking with someone. Garris getting a rush of excitement would run throwing his arms aroun Roy as he greets him "Bonjour, Papa".

    As Roy, Vynari, and the stranger spoke, Garris's eyes would drift attempting to look behind the ocean's horizon. AS Garris stared in awe he would ask what the large body of water was. Vynari's attention would immediately become caught on Garris's question as Roy would keep talking. She would inform Garris of what the 'ocean' was, filling his mind with a great amount of mystery. He would watch the waves of the water roll in, the massive ships swaying on the water, for what seemed like forever, Garris's attention would snap back to reality when Roy and Vynari turn towards Garris asking him where he'd like to see. After a couple suggestions they decided to stop in Laureh'lin and departed with a motioning hand to Garris. As the docks began to lose it's field of vision, Garris's eyes would be drawn to the large body of water, watching the light glimmer off the sea until it faded from his sight.



  4. 28 minutes ago, Aerial said:

    Gareth blinks.ย "Orcish honor for you, fleeting and imperfect. Krug would be displeased."ย 


    Vorgo would chuckle at the thought that people understand Orcish honor better than Orcs

  5. Vorgo would slowly drop his head at the realization at the endings of many lives he had once grown a friendship with. "Mi wihl peep Laht wid da zpiritz" Vorgo exclaimed in honor of Kahn

  6. tumblr_n3dhlqPobR1ralxhxo1_500.gif

    Voices would echo through the height of San'Thraka as Vorgoย and the other Orcs speak, all catching one another within each uruks daily journey. Soon talk about the taint would arise between them;ย Kra'Thum would be to the side intently watching and listening in as Vorgo would speak about Kharak telling him about the taint being pushed back, Elphaba would respond immediately creating a search party of the Orcs. The Orcs would walk through the dry desert sand, crossing the whole Uzg before reaching the old wall of the Uzg, passing through it to step on the land of the taint, glancing around for any signs of blessing upon the land. Though the land seemed perfectly well tainted, Glumpuz would insist that we split up to check the borders of the taint in case it were to be pushed back any. They searched for hours on hours, a bird finally reaching Vorgo from Glumpuz saying he found where it had been pushed back.

    As the bird arrived, Vorgo would have happened to have been defeated in the search slowly crossing the Uzg's desert once again. Vorgo would heave his legs, as they felt like they weighed him down from pushing his endurance that day. Without much company, Vorgo would take in the scenery for part of his travel soon becoming weary as his legs begin to feel stiff. He would sit under the shade of a independent tree, taking in the coolness of his body, it began to become very relaxing as he leaned upon the tree. A thought would overcome Vorgo as he would fall into meditation due to his fatigue, his vision and sound draining from his eyes and ears.

    As Vorgo entered the void in his mind, he would begin calling for his spirit to perhaps have a conversation along the way back to San'Thraka but there would be no response. He would continue calling out, and almost instantly after the second time he called out he would be awoken from meditation by a very unnatural gust. This gust became very intense is it built up, pushing Vorgo against the tree, barely allowing him to resist against the wind. Almost as soon as it came it had disappeared, Vorgo would glance around for any sign of what may have caused it but nothing was to be seen, though it seemed it was controlled by something. Vorgo would be cautious constantly aware of his surroundings,ย as he heaves himself up to continue his journey back to San'Thraka.


    The sight of San'Thraka in the distance would come to a relief to Vorgo, as he approaches it closer. The sky soonย became dark, shade beginning to drag itself across the world, the light from the torches burning brightly. Closer and closer he draw to the citadel, relaxation nagging at Vorgo's mind, but before he is able to step foot inside he comes face to face with Rex Kharak'Raguk heaving a limp body over his shoulder. As Vorgo would approach he would assume the body to be anybody not taking mind of it; Kharak knowing Vorgo was a Yar would approach him, giving him a mutual glare, Vorgo would catch a glimpse of grief through Kharak's face as he pulled the body, releasing him to Vorgo. As Vorgo would take over wielding the body, the elf would be rolled over to be discovered that it was a deceased Phaedrus'Yar.

    As Vorgo takes a glimpse of his face, memories would rush through Vorgo's mind of the early days of Vailor when he would walk the desert plainย of Gundz'Koth, often seeing the Wood Elf speak with Uruks that would come across his path. Vorgo would look back up to Kharak, nodding at him heaving Phaedrus's body over himself, his muscles screeching at him physyically for straining them so heavily. He would drag himself through the city, pushing himself up the stairs into his blarg, setting down Phaedrus's body slumped amongst a chest. As he sets down the body, relief would overcome Vorgo's body as he climbs up the ladder, collapsing into the hay, instantly knocking out from fatigue. A long night would pass, Vorgo's mind drawn in to the hallucinations of his dreams.
    Vorgo would awaken to light slicing in through the banner covering the enterance, he would rub his eyes attempting to adapt to the brightness. Almost instantly as he is able to stand the brightness, memories of the previous night would rush through his mind, quickly moving downstairs to see if he had dreamt it. As he climbs down, he would happen upon the Elf, blood covering parts of his outfit, he would seem almost at peace, simply ignoring the wound. As Vorgo approaches the body, it would seem very cold and pale, he would frown at this disturbing sight. As he opens the door, he would walk out happening upon Glumpuz, but his eye became drawn to something looming behind him. It seemed very nostalgic, as Vorgo would regain focus on the familiar face, finally realizing the sight of Grothmar'Gorkil. As they would greet eachother once again, they would speak about Ancestor spirits, something drawing on Grothmar's attention. Vorgo would then guide them to his blarg, speaking to them about the events that occurred, while feeding Grothmar as he grew very weak and thin during his time away. Soon after, the trioย would all conclude a Orcish Burial would be necessary in honor of such a legendary Orc.



  7. My favorite memories of LOTC, have always been in Orc Roleplay. I would have to say the genocide of the Snow Elves was probably my favorite time of the Orcs.

    We raided them almost every day, and sometimes got caught in their gates 3v4ing buff, his champion, and who ever else was on their side

  8. As Vorgo would stand amongst the halls of San'Thraka, Kharak would approach him wielding a limp body across his shoulder, giving him off to Vorgo. As he glares at the lifeless body of the previous Rex, a feeling of sorrow would overcome him. He would think back on early ages, walking through the Goi constantly seeing him through the sand of the desert. He would speak "Laht wehnt wid hunur."

  9. Social Classes

    In the Uzg, Orcs were cursed with bloodlust but blessed with Honor. Now depending on the Orc it depends how far their honor would stretch (ie: Other races). Orcs are a huge family basically, everyone in the Uzg has respect for one another goblins, orcs, and ologs alike. Though Orcs and Ologs can be more intimidating to Goblins, they could probably settle it with a drink or two, or maybe an invention of a great machine.

    Now i'm not saying there aren't rivalries, but they tend to be less harmful. If rivals klomp they won't kill eachother, they would still compliment one another on their skill at klomping.


    Rex: Highest Respected Uruk in the Uzg, claims leadership of the Orcs as a whole


    Shamans: Very knowledgable about the Spirits that surround the Uzg, great source of advice and relief, very respected Orcs and in abundance more reasonable than the Rex



    Dominus: A direct vessel of the Rex's will, the Dominus is a very strong and respected Uruk, replacement for Rex if absent, and potential seeker of Allies.



    Wargoth: Highly respected Orcs, more popular within a clan but still well known in the Uzg,ย leader of theirย clan.



    Targoth: Commanders in Wagh (War), commonly seen around the Uzg, respected fighters and strategists.


    Warboss: ย Decently known Orcs, these Orcs usually command small amount of Orcs, leading raids and battles.



    Regular Orcs/Goblins/Ologs: Commoners of the Uzg, not as well known, but still social and unique in their own ways, reputation depends on their spread of RP.




    Honouraries: Any race that is not of Orcish decent, but have gained the respect of many Orcs to be accepted into their social standards. It is common for an Honorary to speak blah being whatever race they may be, and is optional if they wish to take upon the fashion of the Orcs.




    Half-Orcs: Though there are some exceptions, Orcs do NOT try to surround themselves around a half-orc. A lot of people are skeptical about Half-Orcs and their place in the Uzg, but they Orcs see them as the high elves see any other elf. They are impure, but the difference with Orcs is that an Orc wouldn't necessarily kill a half-orc off the back, because either way they have the blood of Krug, that doesn't mean that they aren't allowed to be killed, it's just something where 'some'ย Orcsย try to turn their eyes away from.



  10. Just now, Narthok said:

    Warclaims are ******* weird because they encourage mass activity for one day instead of rewarding factions with consistent activity. I feel like using a warzoneย in the place of a warclaim would be not only more fun to both parties but encourage activity while rewarding active factions. Let a battle take place over a week or so then declare a winner at the end instead of having the entire server changeย their personas or switch characters for an hour to fight in a battle they have 0 stake in.

    Actually I was speaking with someone recently and spoke about how they should really just hold warclaims on another server or something so it's not as laggy, when theres lag in a warclaim bows and arrows are out of the question, but they are half the battle so if we can't be accurate with a 10 second delayed bow, you're going to be overran so you might as well go in deep with melee. But that server Dark Age is closing on the 17th I believe and it holds alot of people without lag and its LOTR themed, perhaps LOTC could make a deal or something.
    The Dreadlands warclaim was good because we actually were able to go in and pull out when we needed to, instead of fearing the lag and having to throw yourself in the battle.

  11. 4 hours ago, Lunar said:

    It's a much bigger problem than you think, warclaims on this server have a lot of people turn up that aren't involved and normally wouldn't be but since they can do what mog said there isn't much of a penalty. I've seen this rule enforced on occasion but it needs to be stricter imo.


  12. "ย Zeemz da zpiritz ahm peepin bubhozhly wid lahtz progrezz"Vorgo would compliment as he inspects the mycelium, trying to look back on how the land might have appeared before, he would nod his head in approval

  13. OrcFight.jpg

    As the flames in Avar burn brightly into the night sky, Vorgo'Yar and Gruk'ku'Gorkil, would wander amongst the warzone huddling amongst the fire for warmth as Uruksย are not used to cold weather. The Uruks would be seen amongst the battlefield on numerous occasions, slashing throats and bleeding their victims out. Each kill one of the two would get they would make a tally in the back of their head due to their competitive klomping attitudes. The Uruks would drag themselves through the snow,ย setting traps as theyย send sneak attacks to the Orenian forces in honor of Votar. After a long day of fighting, Gruk'ku and Vorgo would sit upon logs near Avar, sitting amongst the fire speaking of the spirits and their daily tributes to the spirits, and how the spirits have been treating them well in battle.

    The two Uruks would be surrounded by other Humans, Elves, and the occasional dwarf, though they would isolate themselves with the other Uruks or Ologs that may have banded together during the time of battle. Vorgo'Yar would unsheathe his cleaver lying it upon his lap, the cool metal of the blade would be sensitive upon parts of Vorgo's leg but it wasn't much different from the brutal weather. Vorgo would speak to Gruk'ku and the rest of the Uruks as the sun began to settle into the depths of the earth, slowly falling asleep around the fire, each warrior taking a shift to guard the others.ย As the sun would begin to rise, it's rays shining brightly through the leaves of trees, the blankets of snow would appear ridiculously bright; each one by one would wake up and begin eating their morning rations, rubbing their eyes trying to adapt to the brightness of the day. As time would pass into the late morning, each warrior would begin to look towards the capture point in the warzone watching as Orenian forces pile through the little fort breathing heavily as they call upon 'The Creator' to guide them through battle, rushing towards Seahelm.

    As each warrior got the glance of Oren, they would instantly gear themselves falling back to Seahelm; Vorgo would be late, slumping as he quickly grabbed the things he needed he would look to Gruk'ku as they ran through the snow still half-asleep "Wub ahm guuin ohn, bruddah?" he would peer over, bags under his reddish-brown eyes. Gruk'ku would peer forward his eyes set on his destination, with no hesitation he would respond "WAGH!"


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