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Posts posted by š•¾š–™š–†š–—š–Œš–šš–˜š–

  1. ab3d5892e0a79cca7a41876dbf843cfe.jpg



    Many of stories have been told of the UzgĀ some about ancestors, some about spirits, but Uruks all have one thing in common that brings them together as a community, Klomp.


    As the story would start off, it would recall upon a band of Uruks who we're looting from a Kharajyr and an Elf in front of Courland, nearly pushing them to submit their items until a cart full of guards approaches, the horses galloping fiercely which would be how they arrived so fast. The uruks would be prepared for such an occasion as they had already a rally point in case such a situation were to arise, due to their combat experience through the lives they had grown attuned to. They had known better than to deal with Humans without using caution because where there is a few guards, more are surely to come. The uruks would quickly group together making sure none are picked off, and would lug their heavy armor across their bodiesĀ to theĀ rally point upon a mountain to the North of Courland. For some time, the Uruks would stay upon the mountain slowly scouting out, watching for any activity until suddenly arrows were being rained down upon them from the keep.

    The Uruks quickly hid behind trees, sending arrows flying to hit the wall and whoever may have been on it, it was on and off dueling, until a human ran into the forest looking upon the orcs and running away quickly. Then, things were quiet for a while; the Uruks would sneak back checking to see if they had left and all had seemed good as if they were in the clear. That was until a mass of humans came charging into the fields of wheat chasing and battling the Uruks; due to the severe amount of Humans the Uruks would have to battle as they fleed, knowing they were outnumbered. The Uruks would battle up and over a mountain, arrows flying in each direction putting them under a heavy amount of fire. They would soon be pushed down a mountain looking for some place they would be able to bunker down in, hoping that they may be able to escape the Humans without them seeing where they were going.Ā 


    They would discover a house at the bottom of the mountainĀ taking shelter in it as a last resort,Ā the Uruks would break through the door piling into the basement of the building watching the stairs cautiously, at this point their lives were at stake. As they would stay silent in the basement, they would soon hear guards barking orders at eachother as they finally break into the building searching every crack for where the Uruks may have been hiding. Soon they would discover stairs leading to the basement, as they would try to come down the Uruks would pile underneath the stairs slicing the ankles of anybody who dared face the Uruks head on, many Humans would be killed either by blade, bleeding out, orĀ falling to the bottom of the stairs breaking their necks. The Uruks would hold their position for some time, bodies beginning to pile upon the floor at the bottom of the stairs; the guards would stand at the top of the stairs peering into what might have been their death thinking of some way they could counter the Uruks. Soon enough, they would call for more reinforcements in an attempt to break through the stairs.

    The reinforcements would consist of inexperienced guards, who were used as meat shields to break through the lines of defense the Uruks had easily taken advantage of, though the Uruks would have slain many of the troops that had piled down the stairs, some would have gotten past as more constantly came down. The Uruks would come together for their final battle, taking on any Human that swung at them as each Uruk would successfully take many down with them the Humans would overrun the basement, all sticking their blades into the Uruks completely outnumbering them. If you were to find the place of battle, you would find stains of blood within the cobble due to the mass amount of death on such a remarkableĀ day, proving the power of just a small raid party of Uruks.





  2. So far defender default hasn't really proved to be of much use to me. When I was stir up trouble either on my human or my Orc, some people just DO NOT like to lose, or don't understand how to RP correctly, so PvP default is a good way of solving the problem, it is a traditional problem solver in orcish roleplay as well. It's hard to keep RP constantly going and getting nowhere and then with the possible chance of a meta squad coming in makes it harder

  3. 1 hour ago, The Elfen Lie said:

    I will make it exist because I want it to exist, nerd.

    Good for you lad, if you have any questions about Orc RP you can see me in RP or through messages, I tend to run around with other recently new orc kubs and get into trouble with them and teach them about the uzg, so if you wanna join the fun feel free lol

  4. First, they are not families they are clans. Lurs are more of a family clan. But looking into clans would be a good thing to do as well as speaking to some people in those clans while you wait for an answer, if you ever have questions feel free to ask.Ā Let us enlighten you of TRUE Orcish roleplayĀ 


    ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

  5. MC Name:Ā Humanistic


    Forum Name:Ā Humanistic


    Skype Name:Ā sexyman123456436


    Timezone:Ā (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (USĀ & Canada)


    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards set forth to be a member of this team? 100%


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others? Ā I'd like to be able to evaluate people's roleplaying skill and help them learn how to roleplay correctly, and also answer any questions that new players might be curious about, collaborating with people is one my best traits.


    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC Wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC? FullĀ RecognitionĀ 


    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you? I am a very friendly person, and in my words I can be very clever and open minded, I love meeting new people.

  6. 8 hours ago, xDK said:


    "If the defender has better gear, and the attacker would prefer RP, but the defender chooses PvP".. What would be the difference from PvP default compared to Defender default? Also, the server is a Roleplaying server, using Minecraft as a Platform, and not a Minecraft server with Roleplay in it.

    Because the Defender would have the choice of either or and have an upper hand against the attacker if he chose PVP default, and it's Minecraft and Lord of the Rings brought together, they are a mixed game between roleplay and minecraft, plus it's not like you don't RP before PVPing anyway.

  7. Hmmm. What if the defender has better gear, and the attacker would prefer RP, but the defender chooses PVP? I believe PVP Default should remain, as it is a basic minecraft mechanic that is built into the game itself, getting rid of PVP for the most part is basically removing something that the game offered originally. It is also strong in Orcish Culture as Orcs tend to settle their problems or debates through klomping. Now RP klomping is fun, but unless you have a bad frame rate or internet then there shouldn't be anything stopping you from becoming a better PVPer.

    I feel as if many people also give Orcs a lot of heat when it comes to PVP, I recall being attacked by people in looc because I ran up to my friend and attempted to steal from her at the docks in RP even though I was just joking around and they tend to beĀ PVP alts sometimes. Orcish RP has a lot of value that people don't realize, there is a certain way that Orcs are supposed to live due to Krugs Will. We are just RPing how the Orcish lore made them.

  8. After a fierce battle with Oren and allies, Vorgo'Yar would drag himself into the Uzg heavily injured, and small grunts of pain would come out as he enters the gates of the capital plopping down into the sand with immense fatigue. He looks up closing his eyes feeling the warmth of the desert sun upon his face, his skin feels as if it is going to boil and his whole body feels sore and weak due to blood loss. VorgoĀ sits there and after a few moments he opens his eyes to the appearance of a goblin shading him from the great rays of the Sun.

    A feeling of coolness due to the shade flows over Vorgo's body as he stares at the goblin who seems to be grinningĀ as he tosses some rotten steak on the floor next to him. Vorgo would reach, his arm heavy and weak, for the rotten food stuffing it in his mouth for energy the Goblin then speaks saying, "Mi knowz zomeone whu haz been zellin green." Vorgo would stare at the goblin his facial expression begins to grow more fierce and angry. Halfway into the conversation Vorgo would faint due to fatigue but not before finding out the culprit.

    The rest of the day goes by untilĀ Vorgo would be awoken to a cool desert moon, the sand below him feeling soft and cold. His eyes open staring straight up at the sky, his body stricken with soreness and scars forming across his skin, he would attempt to sit up though it would be difficult, but does successfully. He looks around near the campfire with the goi seeming very silent except for the cracks of the campfireĀ along with a feeling ofĀ emptinessĀ as most Uruks would be fast sleep. After having difficulty standing on his feet, Vorgo drags himself to the Krugtel Cave sitting next to the table, pondering his mind about the options he can take from the news of the goblin.

    His mind would be very weary but his mind would come to a conclusion. Vorgo grab wooden planks and begin hammering them upon the walls of the cave, after a while of putting up the signs a bounty board is formed. Vorgo would drag himselfĀ to the lower level of the cave to sleep for the rest of the night. As morning would come Vorgo would wake up early, and sit upon the logs around the campfire. Slowly one by one Uruks would come out of the tents, and others would enter the capital through the gates, the commotion becoming more intense as they fill the goi. Vorgo would stand perched upon the log roaring to the others so he would be heard, "Mi haz heard newz of otherz zellin green! We needz tu ztart puzhin our drugz hardur!Ā Diz does nub ztand with mi!" he would snarl at the thought "If laht iz with da Krugtel, laht kould find ah flattin board in da cave, along wid dat mi haz kome to termz wid how mi wihl have da workerz pozitionz." he would motion for Uruks and Goblins alike to form around him as he speaks of the ranks of the Krugtel.





    Labz: The farmers and creators of the drugs, some of the most important positions of the Cartel and the ones who farm and create the product for the whole Cartel.


    Vourukhz: Considered the "eyes and ears" of the streets, the "Vourukhz" are the lowest rank in any drug cartel. They are responsible for supervising and reporting the activities of the police, the military, and rival groups.


    Klawuruk: The armed group within the drug cartel, responsible for carrying out assassinations, kidnappings, thefts, extortions, operating protection rackets, and defending their plaza (turf) from rival groups and the military.


    Lubtenant: The second highest position in the drug cartel organization, responsible for supervising the hitmen and falcons within their own territory. They are allowed to carry out low-profile executions without permission from their bosses.


    Bub: The highest position in any drug cartel, responsible for supervising the entire drug industry, appointing territorial leaders, making alliances, and planning high-profile executions






    • Minecraft Name:
    • Persona Name:
    • Professions:
    • Preferred Position:



  9. I think it's a great and beneficial idea to bring you into our world of roleplay, the duck thing is probably the biggest part of it, but other than that I am totally with you. We tend to have a serious RP lore going, and there are only 2 ways maybe that I could think of that could even possibly work for him to be a duck. He would either be created by an Aengul which would definitely be written into the lore if such an event were to happen, otherwise maybe you could be a necromancer and have an undead duck? There would have to be persona changes but it could also be seen as a very memey thing to do, as Necromancers are in the more serious rp area because it deals with Dark Magic.

  10. Vorgo would have trouble reading the posters, after a moment he finally understands the words and gets filled with excitement "Mi hopez dey hav bubhozh drihnk agh grub!"Ā  he stares at it for a moment longer then continues gnawing on his rotten roasted jabbernak.

    • Minecraft name(s): Humanistic (Graavity, Dynodanny)

    • Skype ID: sexyman123456436

    • Time zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

    • Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report: N/A

    • Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? N/A

    • What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present)Ā 
      The Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars the Old Republic, Vindictus, Mabinogi

    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member? Yes.
      Vorgo'Yar my brutish Orc
      Davon Strauss my southeron Human

      Ravihyn my Dark Elf

    • What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain. I have experience inĀ Orcish Role play and have read about Shamanism and some lore but, I am interested in the lore and rp of other races, which is why I decided to make a Dark Elf.

    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event? Anticipation, interesting role play, and the groupsĀ activity within an event.

    • When was the last time you saw a event? Ā I participated in a hunt of a Jabbernak that was oversaw by sean66

    • What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? I am great at organizing, and I am pretty creative when it comes to RP, and tend to think about things with an open mind.

    • Why do you want to be part of the ET? To provide satisfactory and nutritious RP for the players of LOTC.

    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the Managers and Raelplayer, not to the community. Note: Not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.


    1) For 1-3 person Votar Fur Da Hozhgreen


    This would be a more simple event, similar to a hunt.

    On some hot and sunny day, an elderly UrukĀ lounges around the logs in front of the campfire in the Goi, as a few Uruks cross the goi they get a wild scent of good quality Cactus Green. TheyĀ noticeĀ that the elderly Uruk isĀ lighting a blunt, a few more scattered across the sand around him. A few Uruks approach the elder asking about the strain of green he is smoking, and where he got it. The elder says, "Mi knowĀ ofĀ ah legendaryĀ fahrm ofĀ theĀ preziouz cactuz grean." he takes a slow drag of it and puffs out smoke "Mi could show laht whereĀ itĀ iz if laht iz willing tu fulluw, it might be dangerouz though, there is a beast there that Ā ikezĀ to hordeĀ green there." He tells them to grab a blunt off the floor for the journey, and headbutts every single one of them before the journey "Laht will be glad laht peeped this plaze."

    • 2) For a group of 5-10 Sock and Buskin



    This event would take place in a home full of 2 things, deadly traps or hilarious pranks,

    eliminating players from the party or scaring the living hell out of them caused by a Gremlin.



    AĀ bounty is seen along the boards in Felsen asking for help to find a mischevious rascal that has been fooling around a home near Kvaz.

    As you and several others approach the massive homeĀ you catch the sight of a man who seems to be living well but hasĀ a welcoming yet miserable face, "Hello, friends. I am glad you could all make it here on this day. I have been robbed, injured, and humiliated by the fellow who seems to like to roam near here." he looks at every single person in the eye, identifying each person. "I seek anyone who is willing to go through these tough trials with me to catch this criminal.Ā I will be sure to reward anyone who will stick with me to the end, if you do not wish to have a possibility of what I statedĀ previously happening to you, I wouldĀ not blame you if you chooseĀ to depart, soĀ now that that's established, come in and have some tea!"Ā as the groupĀ turnsĀ to move inside you catch a slight look of discouragement on the man'sĀ face.





    • 3) For a group of 20+Ā  (Randy Dandy O')



    ThisĀ would be a stronglyĀ role playĀ based event consisting of 2 groups of people: Adventurers and the other being Pirates.

    It would start by having heavyĀ role playĀ by gaining a captain, along with the crew setting up the ship to prepareĀ sailing, as they go on their way a battle between roll-based cannons would fire upon enemiesĀ along with subsequently boarding the ship, if others remain.




    As you approach the docks you see people moving about their paths, but someone seems to catch your eye along with many others who pass by. You begin to approach the man, it becomes clear that he is a sailor and you become more receptive to what he is speaking the closer you get,Ā "Aye, IĀ sw'ar on meĀ mum's grave th'arĀ be treasure out th'ar, take a ganderĀ 'ere I even 'ave a map that shows 'xactly whar it be!"Ā the sailor approaches you glancingĀ abruptlyĀ at other people trying to catch their attention as wellĀ "Shall ye' be tha swashbucklin'Ā jack to prosper t'is loot wit' me? I jus'Ā need ah crew! T'oseĀ who seek out lovelyĀ booty, meet me at me t'e Harbor GraceĀ and be ready to lift t'e masts!"Ā the sailor beginsĀ looking furiously through the crowd. seeking out volunteers, whenĀ he recognizes thatĀ people got the message,Ā he turns and starts toward his Ship.


    • How long do you plan to stay in the ET?Ā As long as possible.

    • Tell me a jokeĀ I can't believe they are still together even after all that crap. Who? My buttcheeks.

  11. 12 hours ago, Bloodnight said:

    Seeing as literally my only encounter with you was staring at you for about ten seconds, before walking away I can safely say this without bias that you should, in my opinion, limit your application to one or the other. You're gonna be juggling acting and building, I would suggest you pursue an ET actor application, I don't think that your current builds are up to standards at the moment.

    I appreciate your feedback, and would it make a difference if I used this for either or? Or would it be wise to make another application?

  12. Name: Ravihyn
    Age: 56
    Race (If not mali'ker then an interview will be required): Mali'ker
    Notable Skills: Great in RP and combat (New persona fresh professions)
    How many will be moving in with you? None.
    Do you accept the laws of Ker'nor and by extension Laureh'lin? Yes.


    Mc Name: Humanistic
    Skype: sexyman123456436

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