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Posts posted by Gustando

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Jeffrey de Wees


    Character's Age:

             old guy


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:




    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    The art of Kani is a magical phenomenon that occurs in the realm of natural mana, which utilizes a specific force called 'Resonance', which can be summarized as displacing of energy similar to that of a sound-wave, creating a 'ripple effect' due to the ambient mana present in all things within the veil, which affects other mana-based forces and induces physical effects in the surrounding world, such as friction, inertia and hardness. Resonance is most effective in fluid materials, such as liquids which naturally allow energy to flow freely within. Denser materials, especially larger and less malleable ones, are less receptive due to their density and natural state of being unreceptive to force.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    The three 'subsections' of Kani can be considered "Aggressive resonance", and "Passive resonance", aswell as "Continuous Resonance"

    • Aggressive Resonance - This type of resonance refers to the aggressive resonant range, where mana begins to act as if it were tasked mana, burning away similar to how active mana behaves - burning into a visually distinctive aura upon the user, often with dynamic and chaotic patterns.
    • Passive Resonance - This type of resonance refers to the passive resonant range, where no mana is used and thus it burns no mana and does not produce an aura
    • Continuous Resonance - This type of resonance, in summary, allows skilled kani practitioners to counter the downsides of strong voidal connection and enhance their physical abilities through constantly maintaining a passive resonance. However, it prolongs the casting times of spells due to the resonant aura during combat.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    [!] The man paused beside a mote. After a moment of respite, the man then took in a deep breath, before exhaling sharply - beginning a series of rythmic, meditative breaths

    [!] His  pattern of breath persisted, in-tune with the mana around him. In only mere moments, out of the soles his feet faux-electricity began sparking - an indication of the man's attempt to establish himself in a resonant trance.


    [!] Eventually, from what were sparks merely moments ago, now flourished into arcs of faux-electricity, dancing and wriggling in streaks just upon the sole of his foot. The man now establishing himself in a resonant state.


    [!] He then proceeded forth, seeking to step atop the waters, pseudo-static popping between the sole of his foot and the running water, causing ripples of the stream to change course, swirling until a disc is formed. An island of 'solid water' amongst the running river, onto which the man would step, before casually walking along the water's surface as if it were earth underfoot.





    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [!] Jeffrey's student arrives where his master had instructed him, right by a beach. Jeffrey already waiting for him.

    "Ah. Good. You arrived. Let us begin" he cleared his throat "Now. Today what I will show to you is considered the condensing of particles. To swiftly summarize - resonance can be employed to gather granules and tiny particles, causing them to merge together upon contact. This process results in a particular matter to condense around a resonating source within a few milimeters. I will now demonstrate"


    Jeffrey then swiftly established himself into a resonant pattern of breath. Downwards from his forearms swiftly began crackling faux-lightning, which trickled down onto his hands and fingers. The man then bent down, his hand sticking into the sand. The faux-lightning appeared to be highly receptive to such, the granules collecting upon his hands, akin a glove which couldn't be shaken off. Yet, it would be apparent that none of it actually 'touched' Jeffrey's skin directly. "Your turn"


    "Yes sir!" The student dummy then too established himself into a resonant pattern of breath. After taking a moment to do so, he bent down, faux-lightning beginning to crackle upon his hands, traversing their way upon his fingertips whereupon they made contact with sand. Much like that of his master's, the sand swiftly began condensing upon the hand in a layer like a glove, though with no direct 'contact' with his skin. His lack of mastery of the ability was apparent, and the student was able to cover just a slight portion of his hand before releasing the ability.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Explain thoroughly to them what they didn't necessarily understand about a certain ability that they powergamed, and ways to prevent such in the future.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  2. On 8/14/2023 at 8:46 PM, Islamadon said:

    • For the purposes of Kani, one may carry mechanical items such as Horse Whistles, PvP Equipment, Alchemist Shears, and Mina which are necessary for the interaction of plugins of the server and will not be considered to be metal whilst on the Oscillit’s person (unless stated as otherwise). Achieving resonance, followed by an acknowledgement of any of these tools as being metal during a scenario, may subject the player to harsh punishment at the discretion of the ST.


    my favorite part

  3. Hey guys I'm selling these skins for $5 USD each, minimum bid raise is $2.00 USD . Hope u guys like some of these :)

    - Bid ends December 11'th, 5 PM est.

    - Head is not included unless specified

    - I can also add your head on a skin for free.

    - I can change the model into alex if you need



    Skin name:
    Your discord and username:




    1 - Green vest



    2 - Blue armor



    3 - Kung fu garbs



    4 - Tinkerer's worksuit



    5 - Brown gambeson (hat included)



    6 - Worker's fit (hat included)




  4. Spoiler

    Should this lore pass, having talked to the Afflicted community, we've come to the agreement for requesting a TA and an MA wipe to occur. Three Grandfathers will be given.



    The symbiote is dying. A mote of possibility can only shine for so long before it darkens and fades away. Modern so-called afflicted now face this as their worm weakens and ages atrophied. There was always a flaw in the design, the first generation of the afflicted noted such. They worked to perfect the design, creating their evolving seed lines. 
    The seeds were given out, to bring new dynasties. Yet, these seed lines were still flawed – raw, unrefined. While the dynasties grew, in the shadows, two progenitors met under sunless skies, and imbibed on each other's symbiote, moulding a zenith design, one fit for a new dynasty.
    This zenith symbiote was lost when they both exited the world; one locked in endless combat and the other a wayfarer beyond the stars. Only an echo remains, mutating and diluting as it went down to each new member.
    However, echoes of this worm flow through one particular line. A family – with heavy roots to The Hanged Man – noticed the flaw of their worm. Seeking to keep their familial ties to their progenitor, they experimented on their symbiote, emboldening and evolving it, laying the foundation of the emboldened Symbiote.  




    With heavy ties to other worms, a dynasty worked to prolong and evolve their symbiote and combat its own mortality. Trial and error ensued, breeding out as many imperfections as possible to create a desirable outcome.
    The two means of producing a symbiote are vastly different. One can be made via cultivating a smaller, weaker version of the symbiote until it is capable of being transferred onto the next vessel thereafter. The second, however, is the making of a completely new symbiote, unaffected by one’s lineage – a mote of possibility


    To cultivate a symbiote born of one’s own is a rather arduous task, requiring the recipient to, firstly, be in a caloric surplus in order to be able to bring out a lesser version of the symbiote, otherwise, the repercussions can be fatal to the creation of its form- incapable of union between the vessel and symbiote. If one chooses to start a lineage of their own and create a symbiote that is independent of any blood ties, an intricate recipe of its own must be known first.



    [A depiction of the symbiote.]

    The affliction is, in essence, a bio-organic parasite that seeks refuge in the body of a man and creates a symbiotic relationship. Seemingly otherworldly, the symbiote does not communicate in a direct manner with its host- the only means of communication is when the recipient chooses to utilize its abilities for their gain.

    The base recipe for an entirely new, fabricated version of the symbiote:


    - Yellow bile x1
    - Black bile x1
    - Phlegm x1
    - Blood x4
    - Earth: Connection x3
    - Earth: Life x5
    - Water: Growth x3
    - Water: Swiftness x3
    - Air: Balance x4
    - Air: Clarity x2

    Upon the base being combined with the necessary symbols and signs, the result of such is rather extraordinary. The 4 senses of humour react with the key elements and thus produce a worm-like, translucent seemingly harmless creature. Afterwards, it must be consumed so that the Symbiote can form, and begin to acclimate within the wielder’s body.

    - The recipe must strictly adhere to the perfectly balanced base and symbols, otherwise the symbiote will be inert and ultimately die.
    - Your affliction cannot talk to you. Perhaps it can produce feelings of hunger or make your skin rise, but these are all aesthetic in form and function.
    - If the symbiote is created for immediate consumption, then no ST signature is required. Although if one chooses to make one in advance to keep it in an incubator for a day or two, then it is necessary to make an item that is ST signed.



    Mental Changes

    As the symbiote establishes itself within one’s body, so does its influence, whilst indirect, reach the confines of one’s mind. Multiple, inherent traits of the symbiote begin incorporating how one thinks, thus changing the behavior of the vessel that it inhabits. More or less, the way one thinks inevitably develops. Due to the Symbiote providing for the Afflicted, and aiding them in their endeavors. The bearer would be more inclined to listen to their gut, or what they may feel. They’d rely more on intuition, though facts may also sway one in their decisions.


    Bloodlines (Mental Changes Cont.)

    Through years of evolution, adaptation to the environment and numerous hosts that the symbiote was forced to inhabit in order to be optimized, and capable of survival, an aspect of it was born - Bloodlines. Such a trait was first discovered and noted by a progenitor of the afflicted, a member of the de Wees family, who saw a change in the mentality of newly-born afflicted whose symbiote was transmitted through direct means in the form of mitosis. Subsequent to this initial make of the afflicted, the traits were found due to their recurrence from those that were subject to being tested. Such traits ranged from merely being prone to inquisitiveness, and short-temperedness to the extremes such as a change of one’s lifestyle, for example, that of becoming a hermit, or seeking something more primal-esque. Naturally, the traits of the bloodlines are prone to change, being capable of evolving in time. As it traverses person-to-person, the individual afflicted is highly prone to gaining new traits, the old ones that the prior bearers had slowly become less recognizable or perhaps even lost in the newer generations.


    There are two means of attaining a trait. The first one is inheritance. This means that the afflicted is capable of commanding their symbiote to perform what is called “Mitosis”, meaning that the worm itself is split into two, the other part being excreted through one’s pores, and the other being an alchemically fabricated one, which is capable of attaining a trait that is directly associated with the to-be afflicted that it will merge with. 
    As a baseline, the afflicted far more often than not depend on their intuition and are prone to depend on their own mindset of what is right and wrong. Although via concrete statistics and facts they are also prone to be swayed.


    Another effect, as well, they may don some physical characteristics denoting their bloodline. This is purely aesthetic, and no benefit comes from it, but it serves as a tell for the Afflicted’s allegiance. Examples from this must be substantial, and can range from; a limit on the Symbiote’s aesthetics, Birthmarks, scarring, etc.
    In the most extreme cases, the Symbiote can take control of the body, instead of causing aesthetic mutations that herald one’s lineage. An example of this may be a Botanist Afflicted, flowers and petals could grow in areas of their bodies – barring sexual organs – to showcase one’s bloodline, etc their eye. An example is seen below.


    [Family] Symbiote

    A symbiote held within a vial, it moves and swirls about; fervent to latch onto life, to feed its hunger.
    Upon consuming, one becomes more reclusive as if they were a vagabond, furthermore, they are slowly lulled and enticed to focus upon botanical works – such as herbs. Upon using their abilities, the individual is locked towards the Aesthetics of flora, with their augmentations or alterations seemingly like roots, or flowers. Furthermore, upon missing any limbs; flowers, petals and roots grow over it – while not strong enough to be a prosthetic – it is an indication of one’s family.


    - Bloodlines, or in other words simply quirks that an afflicted may pass down to another, are capable of evolving. Meaning that over a long period of time, newborn afflicted can attain new quirks separate from those that their makers possess.
    - Bloodline quirks are only transferred, or attained through the means of duplicating a symbiote via the method of mitosis, and thus excreting through one’s pores to be directly ingested by a to-be afflicted. Only then do the two symbiotes possess a family-like bond between them. In order to make an entirely new quirk, it must be fabricated with the necessary alchemical recipe which must be learned through RP means.
    - Generally, the traits are freeform and can be whatever one desires, but change is required. 
    - Bloodline traits can be covered by the means of attire if capable, albeit it cannot be removed/changed with shapeshifting or any other means. 

    - This has to be RP’d, and to not RP the change of personality due to the Bloodlines is PGing.
    - Traits develop once the Symbiote is made, and it has an effect on its wielder, and whoever joins that bloodline.


    - To delve further, and to explain this, an example of a limit on the Symbiote’s aesthetics is such; that an Animii Crafter may harness the Symbiote and create a strain. Due to this, their modifications and alterations upon their body will be locked to a mechanical aesthetic, and so forth.
    - These ‘characteristics’ are required, the people who’d be afflicted with the Symbiote are required to don these birthmarks.
    - The changing of eye colour does not count as a characteristic.
    - Minor bloodlines are not permitted, such as the changing of one’s ears, or eye colours. Substantial change is required, and it ties into the creator’s wants. They do not provide any combative value, and are purely aesthetic.



    Physical Changes

    Due to the Symbiote being inactive for a vast amount of time, the Afflicted find that their boons are more limited than generations prior as it spends more of its time converting energy. This amalgamation of both Alchemy and Biology has been sculpted to join a relationship between the bearer, and themselves. Soon after ingesting the concoction, the Symbiote infects every organ, muscle and nerve of the Afflicted, strengthening the bond between it and the host as it does so, becoming one. The Symbiote, however, does not augment one’s body to a standard above what it currently is, there are no anatomical changes, as it only works with what it's given.
    With this, the Afflicted bears an effective immunity against mundane poisons; this is due to the Symbiote bearing the brunt of the damage as if to protect the host. During this time, the Symbiote requires 3 OOC hours to recover. This does not account for magical variants. This, however, is not passively acting at all times. It requires the Afflicted to utilize its effects with [1] emote, and it lasts for [5] emotes per [1] unit.
    Another effect of the Symbiote is the use of their bodies – effectively turning them into a gigantic alchemical reagent processing unit. It invokes change in the body, and allows the Afflicted to use their organs and inner parts for the creation of potion-crafting, etc; the stomach allows for the processing of reagents, and the liver becomes a distilling tool. This requires [1] unit to use. Further, due to the unison of their bodies, a descendant may find their existence bolstered; a human who may live for 100 or 150 years, may find themselves able to live for an extra 50 years. Elves, however, have a different effect where the Symbiote is able to lessen the effect of their ageing until they reach their 800th year, afterwards its strength wanes and quickly – within 50 years, their true age comes alight.


    - This cannot be used in combat at all.
    - The processed reagents can be discharged through orifices such as the mouth, nostrils and ears.
    - During this state, an Afflicted will find that they bare a resistance to whatever harmful effects that only a reagent may cause. However, they are only capable of extracting the following Signs: Water, Mundane, and Earth. The others are far too volatile and dangerous.


    In regards to the Void, an Afflicted may feel cautious, distrustful, or even antagonistic towards an exposed Voidal Mage, or magicks pertaining to it as they are subconsciously affected by their Symbiote’s need to survive, and instincts, as it is an alchemical creation. Should they be hit with a Voidal Spell that is T3 or higher, they'll also lose a unit for the combative encounter.

    Furthermore, structures like voidable monoliths, if merely glanced at, would cause their eyes to sting, burning until they look away. If somehow forced or if a maddened individual willingly decides to stare for at least half a narrative hour (or 30 OOC minutes), the burn would slowly melt away the eyes until observing is no longer an option. Locations like voidable heaths and hollows have a similar effect. Entering them would induce a sensation similar to boiling ants crawling all over the skin, with the affliction urging them to leave. If they remain within for at least three narrative hours (or 1 OOC hour), their flesh will wither away and, as if starved, would be reduced to a mound of flesh and bone.

    - Affliction cannot be combined with any of the CA races besides Klones and Homunculi. If a body dies, a new Klone must be granted the Symbiote and it progresses as if it was T1.
    - Afflicted cannot practice any Magics which change or pollute the caster’s body in the long term such as Mysticism as any form of Voidal Magic, Necromancy, or Shamanism. Everything else is further explained at the bottom post.
    - Afflicted improved fitness does not offer any benefit to the body, it only alters what is currently there.
    - Afflicted must consume double the caloric amount required by their descendant race, or supplement their diets with alchemically enhanced nutrition or liquid mana. Failing to do so will cause the Symbiote to stop functioning until the Afflicted can properly nourish it again. Vanilla Minecraft Food does not count as ‘food’, nor does ‘Monk Bread’. Although one isn’t forced to RP this every day, it is suggested you include it into your RP when capable.
    - An Afflicted’s lifespan is increased by a maximum of 100 years. Etc, a Human who lives to 100 can live to 200, and so forth. 
    - The protection of Mundane Poisons does not account for Thanhic-Poisoning or Azhl Poisoning, and Thanhic-Poisoning, however as Affliction isn’t a mana-based CA, Thanhic-Poisoning does not disable its ability to augment or alter the body.


    Furthermore, tied to the wellbeing of an Afflicted, a Necromancer's drain is able of stripping a unit from the Afflicted with every portion of lifeforce. Furthermore, plagues and sicknesses made by the Dark Magi will suppress the symbiote for some time, causing the Afflicted to drop [1] tier for their duration. For instance, a T5 afflicted individual afflicted with a necromancer’s curse for one week will be T4 for that same duration.


    Hunger Changes

    The process of becoming afflicted does not come easy. In the first three months (3 OOC days), a host would feel symptoms akin to a fever; chills, headaches, muscle aches, and such. Unfortunate, but nothing unusual. After three months, the cravings begin. The host becomes ravenous, needing at least double their average consumption of food to sustain the affliction that has developed. This hunger includes a newfound penchant for liquid mana, more tasteful and fulfilling than any meal eaten. Luckily, the affliction only feeds on what is necessary, no detrimental intention to starve the host, but there is no getting around the fact that they are now eating for two. 


    Foregoing the process of eating enough for the Symbiote, and the Afflicted for at 4 OOC weeks would cause the host to slowly wither away in a process similar to that which befalls an affliction left the same way without a host. They will appear somewhat starved at first; easily irritable, with gaunt features, and have persistent headaches. With every year that passes, the framework of the host gradually falls apart. Reddened patches on the body, peeling skin, muscle spasms, and should it climax at 8 OOC weeks, the flesh itself will fall, ending with the host as a mound of meat and bones. All throughout this process, the affliction will do what it can to convince the host to preserve itself, even using its remaining strength to force mental maladies like hallucinations.


    Foregoing the process of eating enough for the Symbiote, and the Afflicted for at 4 OOC weeks would cause the host to slowly wither away in a process similar to that which befalls an affliction left the same way without a host. They will appear somewhat starved at first; easily irritable, with gaunt features, and have persistent headaches. With every year that passes, the framework of the host gradually falls apart. Reddened patches on the body, peeling skin, muscle spasms, and should it climax at 8 OOC weeks, the flesh itself will fall, ending with the host as a mound of meat and bones. All throughout this process, the affliction will do what it can to convince the host to preserve itself, even using its remaining strength to force mental maladies like hallucinations.

    - The symbiote, by itself, is a being that cannot survive on its own without a host. Should the symbiote be left in its vulnerable, egg-state for too long - it will simply perish, requiring another to be made. The symbiote can last 1 OOC day without proper care and simply put on a shelf, and 2 OOC days if it is kept in a constantly warm and ventilated area. This may be just a simple glass tank that is warm from the inside, or in an egg-incubator like contraption.

    - It takes 3 OOC days for one to recover from making a symbiote, meaning you cannot make another one for the duration of it.


    - Nutrient-rich alchemical potions like land’s nurture would serve in satisfying the affliction’s hunger.

    - Although one is not necessarily forced to self-rp eating every day, it is expected that one RPs it on occasion or  if the chance arises IRP.




    The Affliction of a descendant is a peculiar boon, while some aspects harken back to the symbiotes of eld, similar capabilities and characteristics can be seen in the ones seen in this age. While the prior generation could utilize their boon indefinitely, this is no longer the case as the symbiote depends on co-existence with the bearer. Therefore, the abilities can only be used – or exerted – for so long before it ultimately loses energy and recedes back to its prior state, where it’d recuperate onto what it once was within a day’s worth of rest.
    While one can be efficient, or smart, with their use of the Affliction, the duration of it stays the same; it is a tool, a utility, above all else. Experience, and teaching, will only aid one in knowing how to properly use it amidst a variety of situations.
    The Affliction follows a tier-based system not dissimilar from regular magics, their aptitude increasing as the bond strengthens.

    - For the Afflicted, the body is sectioned into six parts, those being the head, the torso, the legs, and the arms.
    -  Non-flesh based prosthetics aren’t unable to be used or modified by the symbiote. They are unable to be altered or augmented at all, barring prosthetics such as Bogodan’s Clay as they are structurally indistinguishable from regular organic body parts once fully bound, save for aesthetic flaws.
    - The Symbiote does not alter, augment, or affect any Tawkin Mutation at all. It is further explained below.
    - In a non-combative setting, if agreed on by the players, the various abilities can be used without the severe requirements outlined in the exhaustion table. Should it turn into CRP, however, then the augmentations/alterations sink into the body, effectively reset.


    Tier Progression

    In total, Affliction has only 3 tiers. The afflicted has access to every spell upon reaching tier one, the only difference is the amount of units one has which limits how much/what they can do greatly. 


    T1 (Immediately) - At this stage the afflicted have only unlocked 6 units, their bodily alteration causes them a high amount of pain and struggles to produce. 

    T2 (2 weeks) - At this stage the afflicted will have unlocked 8 units in total, they now begin adapting to bodily alteration, and the pain and struggle that occurs when attempting such now is at a lesser degree

    T3 (4 weeks) - At this stage the afflicted will have unlocked 10 units in total, they have now adapted to bodily alteration and all its elements. The pain, whilst still present to some degree, is greatly lesser than it originally was.
    A TA can only be posted after 2 months of the initial acceptance of your MA, and you have to know the recipe and the creation method for it.




    3 unit(s): The Afflicted’s breathing is slightly more strained, though still hardly inhibits them.  

    5 unit(s): The Afflicted notice a slight lethargy, where their breathing becomes heavier. They will experience slightly slowed reflexes and will be prone to fatigue and shortness of breath. They are limited to three-quarters of their movement speed in CRP.

    8 unit(s): The Afflicted’s movement slows down and becomes two meters rather than the usual four, their breathing ragged and coarse. They will struggle to fight and may collapse from exhaustion.

    10 unit(s): The Afflicted have completely exhausted themselves, quickly falling into an extremely exhausted state, rendering themselves completely unable to fight in the fight as combative movements are ineffective and inefficient. Etc, as you try to swing at someone, it’s very slow and countable.


    At the very first tier, you will only have access to, in total, 6 units. Any bodily alteration causes a high amount of pain and struggles to produce.
    At the second tier you will have access to, in total, 8 units. The pain and struggle that occurs when attempting to do bodily alteration is now at a lesser degree.
    At the third tier you will have unlocked, in total, 10 units. The pain whilst performing bodily alteration is greatly lesser than it originally was.


    When the units are completely used, the Symbiote requires rest to recuperate. During this time, the Afflicted cannot use it for 3 OOC days, and the Afflicted requires nutrition. You are unable to change your appearance, reverting back to your prior one, and are unable to alter or augment your bodies. Furthermore, the passive is not applied during this time, if any.

    - Eating while in combat makes you vomit onto the floor. It provides a stun that lasts a duration of [2] emotes.
    - The Symbiote’s units regenerate every 24 OOC hours.
    - Should one not eat, their Symbiote – within them – would begin to hunger and lash out, eventually feasting on the innards of the Afflicted, effectively PK’ing them. Although in theory,  this is not necessarily forced to solo-RP every day. It is recommended to add it to one's RP occasionally as proof of the afflicted keeping a consistent diet.


    Bodily Alteration
    [1 connect + 1 cast (for one distinct part of the body)]

    “Better suit yourself, if only for a short while.” 



    The primary ability of the Afflicted comes from the alteration of one’s self, much like the prior afflicted before. With the aid of the symbiote, the Afflicted can temporarily sculpt and change their bodies into something different to benefit them in the current situation. This is shown via the wielder’s flesh slowly breaking, and reconstructing itself to whatever is required. 


    Whilst similar to transmutation, the procedure is not magical and comes from the bearer, whether it be through, pores, warping flesh or bone  – to be able to sculpt the desired region; shaping, or hardening into whatever is willed. 


    An example is seen below:



    The Afflicted raised their hand, and slowly skin began to peel away – flaying itself to reveal bone and sinew. Their flesh began to move, molding itself around the reconstruction of their body.
    Slowly, the Afflicted’s bone began to take on a more wooden appearance, all while they are subdued in pain as their hand restructures itself. It began to extend, and strings of flesh clung to the wooden spear-like creation.
    Finally, the Afflicted lowered its arm, and the reconstructing was complete. Haggard breaths heralded the strenuous procedure, and they pant. Their forearm is now replaced with a wooden lance-like creation, spanning two meters.



    This, in effect, allows the Afflicted to harness their symbiote to shape specific parts of their body to the task ahead. Minor alterations, that don’t really add many benefits to combat, such as elongating/hardening nails, making skin courser and rougher do not cost a unit, however alterations such as changing parts of the body to form a weapon, procured armor, or stuff such as fins are heavier in consumption of one’s energy. 


    Costs, and durations, are seen below:


    This costs a minimum of [1] unit to make the parts last for [5] emotes, and to sustain it for an extra [5] emotes, [1] unit is required. An additional piece requires [1]


    Etc, Two pieces would cost; ((2 Units to make it last for 5 emotes, and to make it last for another 5 emotes, it’ll require an extra two units.))


    These alterations can mimic weaponry to a fine degree, capable of morphing and creating axes, daggers, swords, polearms, etc. As for defensive means, like Procured Armor, one would find that it’s no different to its normal counterparts, reaching the maximum potential of steel plate mail, and weighing the same as well. Procured armour doesn’t protect one from the force of impacts, or blunt weaponry. One could still feel, and have their bodies injured even while having their bodies protected, or hardened. Furthermore, the stronger that the procured armour is, the more distinct and noticeable that it becomes, it cannot be hidden underneath plated armour, or protection, meaning that either long garbs or a cloak are required.


    Upon being interrupted mid-cast, either be it by defensive or offensive action, the Symbiote would pause its transformation, keeping the body in its half-formed shape. Normally, these bare Slayer-Steel strength, and will be cruder – bending, and causing pain, with sufficient force. The uninterrupted focus must be gathered to continue the alteration of one’s limb. 


    As seen below:



    [1] The Afflicted, once interrupted, found their transformation paused. What was supposed to be a lance, instead became a crude short-spear, donning the strength of Slayer-Steel. Haggard breaths curl from their lips, and they found themselves unable to walk faster than two meters.
    [2] Now they are in an uninterrupted area, they began to focus once more – with no action being taken to them – the spear began to grow until it was the length of a Lance.

    Clarity, or Focus, is seen as a moment of time wherein the Afflicted are not interrupted amidst the alteration of their limb. As long as they are not interacted with physically, or with the use of potions, they are able to continue. Mundane sharp, or shrill noises do not count as interruptions. In order to tell if an afflicted is casting, otherwise, a “tell”, it is rather blatant. Skin warping, bones crackling- a rather grotesque scene, in general, that is easily noticed.
    You cannot shift, or move, your organs. Nor, can you fix, or mend wounds instantly. The most that can be accomplished is augmenting flesh to temporarily block the wound that is on the surface level so one doesn’t bleed. This does not apply to organ damage.


    - If you don the Tawkin Mutation of Natural Armor or Natural Weapons – mutations are unable to manifest in those areas.
    - Formed weaponry is not greater than their mundane counterparts. A bladed arm would serve just as a normal blade, and their strength is akin to steel. With adequate force, it could be chipped.


    - The aesthetic is up to the player’s discretion as long as it does not blind/daze the opponent, but mostly it borders around the reconstruction of one’s body and the bodily horror that comes from it.
    - Alterations can not extend past [3] meters (blocks), though must be reasonable; one cannot have a three-meter long sword.
    - There must be a distinct tell when performing this ability as long as the limb is exposed. If you attempt to hide it, you will at least show pain amidst your transformation, and continuing means you are unable to respond or defend yourself.
    - Strength and dexterity cannot be bolstered, or altered, beyond the capability of a descendant’s race.


    Bodily Augmentations
    [1 connect + 2 cast (for one distinct part of the body)]


    “I lend my aid -- wield it well, host.”



    As a more complex variant of bodily alteration, Augmentations offer the Afflicted a short-term addition to their bodies. As depicted in the name, bodily augmentations build off the body while bodily alteration changes it. The ability can be likened to transmutation, an example being the creation of extra limbs, though weaker than ordinary limbs.
    The amount that can be attached to one’s body is finite, the more that one has procured, the less the wielder is able to effectively utilize at one given time; augmentations must remain attached to the body to function. Similarly to alteration, augmentations invoke pain upon the persona, becoming less of a burden as the Afflicted becomes more experienced.



    This allows the Afflicted to harness the symbiote in conjuring forth attachments to themselves, an example being additional limbs or augmentations to the body. The aesthetic is up to the player’s discretion as long as it doesn’t provide any combative advantage at all, even if it’s a metal-like appearance, it is a facade, and it will have the same density of flesh, and bone. It is functionally a new limb, made of flesh and bone.


    Upon being interrupted mid-cast, either be it by defensive or offensive action, the Symbiote would pause its transformation, keeping the body in its half-formed shape. Normally, these bare Slayer-Steel strength, and will be cruder – bending, and causing pain, with sufficient force. The uninterrupted focus must be gathered to continue the alteration of one’s limb.


    As seen below:


    [1] The Afflicted, once interrupted, found their transformation paused. What was supposed to be a lance, instead became a crude short-spear, donning the strength of Slayer-Steel. Haggard breaths curl from their lips, and they found themselves unable to walk faster than two meters.
    [2] Now they are in an uninterrupted area, they began to focus once more – with no action being taken to them – the spear began to grow until it was the length of a Lance.


     In combat, all attachments after the first two will become clumsy and harder to control as the Symbiote is put into a state of panic. In light of this, an Afflicted with 4 attachments during combat would experience clumsiness in the 3rd, and the fourth 4th, which would be unable to form sensitive enough ends to properly wield objects, and would also take [2] additional emote to aim and strike with; to aim and strike respectively.


    Costs, and durations, are  seen below:



    Like alterations, attachments are not instantaneous and require [3] emotes to use. Four is the maximum attachments capable, the more additions equal the less they are feasible, degrading them. In essence, an Afflicted’s attachments are halved in strength per every two they manifest.  This costs [1] unit. 
    - Attachments can not extend past four meters (blocks).
    - An Afflicted can have up to four attachments, however, they diminish in strength. This is seen below.
    - The third, and fourth attachments possess 25% the strength in comparison to one’s natural appendage  
    - The first two attachments possess 50% strength in comparison to one’s natural appendage.


    The aesthetic is up to the player’s discretion, even if it’s a metal-like appearance, it is a facade; and it will have the same density of flesh, and bone. It is functionally a new limb, made of flesh and bone. Aesthetics only applies aesthetics and doesn't contribute to anything.


    - Should an appendage that the afflicted made be cut off or by some means destroyed - the afflicted will, nonetheless, feel pain equivalent to that of losing a regular arm, and it will continue to bleed profusely, at this point, the injury can be temporarily blocked, preventing one from bleeding.
    - One can only attack with one attachment in one emote as per CRP rules.
    - In a non-combative environment, the attachments can be as strong as a normal limb and can be summoned in as little as [1] emote. Should it progress to combat, the attachments will retreat into the body as the body works towards survival.


    Augmented Senses

    [1 connect + 1 cast]



    As a more specific and controlled effect of the aforementioned abilities, the Afflicted is able of enhancing one of their five senses by will, augmenting and strengthening it beyond what was possible in exchange for their other senses, bolstering it with an associated cost.



    Only three of the five senses below can be applied at a time due to the limitations of the Descendant body, undergoing more than one would make the Afflicted suffer from sensory overload. With the effects of it become more and more prevalent with each sense strengthened. This is chosen with a (/roll 3) with the effects listed below;


    [1] - The Afflicted becomes short-sighted, blind to all but changes in light past [3] blocks.

    [2] - The Symbiote weakens the other senses to strength the one targeted, becoming totally deaf.

    [3] - The Afflicted becomes clumsy and impotent, all dexterous actions (etc, wielding a sword,   catching an object, performing a dodge) resulting in failure. 


    Nonetheless, this is activated over the course of [2] emotes in which the specific body part reflects what was chosen for the individual.


    Example; Should one augment their eyes, they'd begin to become catlike and even take on inhuman hues.


    Otherwise, enhanced sensory organs such as echolocation require the individual to not conceal themselves, preventing them from wearing cloaks, helmets and the like. The effects and listed augmentations can be seen below;



    Sight - By augmenting their sight, the Afflicted's eyes become sensitive to light, permitting them to have nocturnal vision akin to a torch. Nonetheless, shrouded by the moonlight, they'll have the ability to see in the dark as if it were day. Sunlight, however, becomes incredibly bright and binds the Afflicted for [2] emotes. This also includes bright flashes, magical lights, Alchemical concoctions such as Flash Powder. Being affected by it twice forces the Symbiote to recede and to withdraw its bolstering affects for [1] OOC hour. It does not offer infrared sight, x-ray vision. In the case of the latter especially, an afflicted person cannot see through the holes in someone’s mask or helmet to identify them (though can if the only ‘disguise’ they wear is the shadow of a hood).


    Sound - By augmenting their ears, they'd become more sensitive to sound, permitting them a limited variant of echolocation. At its strongest, the Afflicted is capable of pinpointing footsteps(not muted by magical or alchemical means) within [8] blocks in every direction. Shouts and loud noises such as explosions within [4] blocks of the afflicted individual will cause the symbiote to withdraw, making the afflicted dizzy for [1] emote and deaf for [2] emotes, forcing the sound enhancement to recede and withdraw for [1] OOC hour. Sound does not allow users to hear sound/dialog not heard mechanically unless OOC consent is given by both parties participating in that dialogue.


    Smell - the afflicted nose becomes extra sensitive to odors. This has a blanket range of [8] blocks, in which the afflicted can identify in detail what combination of spices have been used in foods as well as the freshness of said foods, and also the foul smells clinging to the likes of decayed flesh on undead creatures (where relevant; a being made exclusively of bones will not carry a smell) and individuals covered in excess gore in the wake of battle. The afflicted can pinpoint the directions from which these smells are coming. When exposed to excessive odors within [4] blocks, such as two or more decaying corpses (or undead), or magical or alchemic concoctions with a potency higher than mundane perfume, the afflicted will be nauseated to the point of vomiting, incapacitated for [1] emote and forcing the smell enhancement to recede and withdraw for [1] OOC hour. Smell does not immediately identify individuals as undead, it merely amplifies the reality of a bad smelling person to a worse smelling person; the afflicted individual would need to investigate that line of questioning themselves before drawing a narratively appropriate conclusion. Therefore, proclaiming ‘bad smell to be an undead’ would be obvious metagaming.


    Touch - the afflicted becomes incredibly sensitive to texture, temperature and weight. This only extends to objects and entities the afflicted individual can establish skin contact with, allowing them the unique ability to appraise materials they are familiar with. That is to say, by evaluating the texture, weight and temperature of an object through [2] consecutive emotes of hand contact, the symbiote can identify the material an object is made of so long as the afflicted individual is already familiar with it. For instance, an afflicted metallurgist could tell platinum from silver, whilst an afflicted carpenter could tell yew from oak. This sensitivity becomes incredibly detrimental to combat, where if an afflicted is physically struck the pain of their injury is amplified threefold, causing them to writhe uselessly in pain for two emotes (additional to the debilitation caused by their injury) and forcing the touch enhancement to reset. Touch can only appraise materials the afflicted is already familiar with. It cannot be used to discover the properties of new materials, nor can it mimic the likes of voidal feeling or seer identification in revealing the strengths, weaknesses and purpose of materials.


    Taste - the afflicted becomes sensitive to taste. Requiring literal contact with the afflicted individual’s tongue or lips, the symbiote can identify the full range of signs and symbols an alchemical reagent has to offer any medicinal or poisonous properties, as well as the full range of ingredients held in food or drink - including a precise understanding of alcohol content. Despite the afflicted metabolism usually protecting against such, reagents with detrimental ingestive properties will strike an afflicted symbiote that tastes them as though eaten in full, lasting for five emotes until the taste enhancement is forcibly reset. Taste can only be used on reagents and food. It cannot be used on potions or be used to identify the recipe behind alchemic creations (Etc, drinking animii fluid would not teach the afflicted animii crafting).


    - The Afflicted cannot use or augment their senses alongside other alterations or abilities. It is a singular thing.


    Full Alteration
    [1 connect + 3 cast]

    “Perfected. Evolved. We stand forevermore."



    Upon garnering a full mastery of their Symbiote, the Afflicted may harness their control over it to change the entirety of their body and form; building and changing what is there to aid the wielder in their current task. Similarly to alteration and augmentation, this invokes pain upon the persona, and it does not diminish as the Afflicted becomes more experienced, therefore it is recommended that one uses this far from combat, as being interrupted completely reverts the transformation, and the process must continue once more.



    This allows the Afflicted to harness the abilities of their Symbiote, allowing them to overgo a full transformation to become a beast-like creature. An Afflicted can only have one fully altered form in their lifetime. This is listed in their FA as if it was a CA, stating what they look like and their abilities. The Afflicted will still remain mostly humanoid throughout their mutations; Afflicted cannot be used to emulate Druidic Shapeshifting to the extent of becoming another animal. At the most, they can grow 3 feet in height.


    Costs, and durations, are  seen below:


    Full Alterations are not instantaneous and require [4] emotes to use. After utilizing the ability, the Symbiote needs to briefly recuperate, and thus cannot be used for [5] emotes. Meaning one cannot make any additional limbs or bodily augments for [5] more emotes and will be left to use the natural weapons one has in their transformed form.


     The Full Alteration of one’s body cannot exceed the strength of iron and it doesn’t protect one from the force of impacts, or blunt weaponry. One could still feel, and have their bodies injured even while having their bodies protected, or hardened.  Bodily weapons, in this state, cannot exceed [2]  meters (block) in length.


    Being interrupted in this state would completely revert the transformation, and the process must restart once more and must maintain focus. 



    Clarity, or Focus, is seen as a moment of time wherein the Afflicted are not interrupted amidst the alteration of their limb. As long as they are not interacted with physically, or with the use of potions, they are able to continue. Mundane sharp, or shrill noises do not count as interruptions.


    Using this ability requires [5] units, and to prolong it requires another [2] units. Once it is used, the user cannot use their Symbiote for 1 OOC day and will be extremely exhausted – and unable to take part in offensive combat – for the rest of the OOC day. In this state, they cannot exceed the peak strength of their race. However, endurance is unaffected – meaning the use of it will still make an Afflicted exhausted, and the energy required to sustain this form cannot be handled for long periods of time.


    - The Full Alteration of one’s body cannot exceed the strength of iron and it doesn’t protect one from the force of impacts, or blunt weaponry. One could still feel, and have their bodies injured even while having their bodies protected, or hardened.
    - A maximum of two attachments can be used at this time, and upon forming it, they are half the strength of the Afflicted’s arms. 


    - Looking at Enchantments, Voidal Casting, or Voidal Structures would be painful for the Afflicted, as if they were staring at the sun for a prolonged time. Being near a Voidal Structure in this state would begin to decay their current forms until they are just bone over the course of [10] emotes, or 10 minutes in narrative time. Due to this, they are more antagonistic and hateful towards the Void, or Mages; intentionally damaging or causing harm to their forms. An afflicted may feel the void connection cast by a mage from, in total, 10 blocks, and mana obelisks from 25 blocks.
    - Armour still has to adhere to the logic of full plate mail armour. Meaning joints and slits in the armour must be accounted for without having one's movement completely restrained.



    Lacking any personality or consciousness of its own, the Symbiote expresses itself through its host’s identity and self-awareness. This leads to subtle changes in the appearance of mutations specific to the individual Afflicted. They – by no means – can drastically, or fully alter their appearance. At the most, they can change their hair colour to a natural pigment, eye colour, skin colour (by making it paler, or tanner), can provide minor bone alterations, eye-shape, and cannot fully rid themselves of scars; only making it slightly better or larger, furthermore, they can rid one of their horns, and may alter your height by 1" taller or smaller.


    - Aesthetics cannot functionally supersede the limitations prior set out by Bodily Attachments and Bodily Augmentations.
    - To alter an already-made Augmentation, or Alteration, [1] emote is needed.


    - Concentration is needed to perform this successfully. If they are interrupted while harnessing their ability, the symbiote is then distracted and they’d have to start from the beginning.
    - If Aesthetics are applied alongside an Augmentation or Alteration, it will last for the duration that body part lasts for.
    - Minor bone alterations count as making one seem pudgier, or sharper. People, who have known you well, will still be able to tell that it’s you, or that your appearance is similar.
    - Aesthetics do not count towards the number of Attachments and Alternations an Afflicted can have at once as they are not functional, but they will be dropped if an Afflicted is rendered unconscious by any means other than sleep.



    Should the Afflicted come to blows with another, they are able to devour the worm from the beaten body of another. This requires [3] uninterrupted emotes, and [5] units. In this instance, the Afflicted would restrain, or keep the other, trapped before sending their Symbiote within the person’s body to devour their own.


    - The [3] emotes duration must not be interrupted at any moment for it to proceed. The devouring must be focused on, and the Afflicted is unable to respond at all, lest they’d break the connection.
    - PVP deaths, or knock-outs, are not eligible unless the Defender, should they be the Afflicted, default to PVP.
    - Upon one’s symbiote getting devoured, the afflicted will be unable to attain yet another one for 4 OOC weeks, this is due to the damage in one’s body and soul that the invading symbiote would cause- and in ‘turn would need time to heal to be fit to hold yet another symbiote. This strictly cannot be circumvented with klones or machine spirits or in any other way.


    General Redlines



    - Affliction is regarded as Further Alchemy, which must be taught and requires an accepted FA to use.
    - The mental changes brought on by the Afflicted only serve to shift their personalities and perceptions and do not bring about any changes in the individual’s intellect or ability.
    - Due to being an Alchemical Creation, the Symbiote is inherently wary and distrustful of the practising – and use – of the Void, and Voidal enchantments. Rather than providing an extreme response, it instead provides the Afflicted with an antagonistic view of them, a mindset that occurs with each bad experience; slowly lulling the bearer onto a rather rigid and harsh view of them.
    - Varg Sigils, whilst able to be placed on afflicted, will also additionally be tied to the alchemical arts. Meaning that one will gain a propensity to see limbs and fingers where there is none (Ex. seeing tree branches as arms, leaves as fingers). 
    - The afflicted are not capable of using void enchantments due to their innate distrust of such by any means. Additionally, they will more than likely seek to destroy said enchantment should it be forced upon them.
    - Due to the natural superstition that is caused by the symbiote, one cannot use or have voidal enchantments in their inventory. For the necrotic or deific kind, you cannot use them in tandem with your symbiote's abilities.
    - The symbiote's abilities cannot be used for any sort of sexual intercourse (obviously).



    The following cannot be inflicted with the Symbiote:
    All Transformative CAs, barring those listed
    Voidal Mages
    Heralds – The Feat, and the Magic
    Arcane Scions
    Malchediael Templars
    Slotted Seers

    The following can be inflicted with the Symbiote:
    Feat-Level Seers
    Klones, though if the previous body died, it’d have to be inflicted with the Symbiote once more.
    Descendants, Wonks, Kha, and Musin
    Blood Magic







    A progenitor says, "To the user of this lore, use it well."








  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Jeffrey de Wees


    Character's Age:

             old enough


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Automaton crafting


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Automaton crafting, in essence, is the art of creating a variety of machine-like constructs that are wrought of organic or inorganic material. The creation of automatons is versatile, meaning that the creator is capable of adding or removing numerous aspects of the automaton, ex. Allowing for one to have additional appendages, or have less appendages, or a finger open up and have a pen inside, or something more complex as allowing weapons stored in their appendages- although this follows the rule of common sense and has to be reasonable in terms of balance and physics. If one were to take a peek at the innards of an automaton, they’d find that they are created via numerous faux vessels, cogs, bolts, pulleys, metallic contraptions, and most importantly; the gear heart that churned within. The gear heart consists of various springs and cogs that are infused with redstone, and a precious gem that is conductive such as a diamond or a graphite which is inserted in the centre of the gear heart. 


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?




    A far simpler task than creating an entirely, from scratch, automaton. The art of prosthetic making is explained in its name. Whilst measuring and making calculations to fit a missing appendage, the creator is capable of making a machine prosthetic for an individual that is fully functioning. In order for it to be created, it must be filled with alchemical fluids within the vessels of the arm, and additionally adding a small gear heart within the centre of it. Either strapped on, or attached directly to an individual, the prosthetic will not bear the same amount of feeling as an organic arm. The prosthetic can be customized to the creator’s desire as long as it is reasonable. Meaning if it is heavy, the user must be capable of physically lifting it otherwise it shall simply be too heavy to utilize. The arm, as any other limb, can be destroyed- it is especially prone to blunt damage and, if the inner vessels be cut- it will bleed the alchemical fluids alongside the user’s blood out due to the alchemical vessels having to be attached to the individual.


    Machine spirits


    Originating from methods similar to kloning and golemancy, Machine-spirits is certainly a unique branch of animati- allowing for one to, literally, become a machine- flesh turned into steel. To accomplish such an arduous task, the craftsman must begin the creation of a cog heart, albeit not a mundane one- a one that possesses the innards of it layered with gold, alongside more or less hundred milliliters blood of the individual that’s to become a machine-spirit, alongside reagents that represent an individual. For example, should a person be of quick temperament, a reagent that possesses fire, heat, rage etc would fit perfectly. This acts as an identifier for the soul, so being put into a machino body would be possible. Eventually, as an entirely new body, heart and everything else is made- all that is left to do is have an individual die, and upon awakening- they’d find themselves in a new body, that of machine. This new change of existence of course comes with its downsides, that being that for a few weeks the newly made machine spirit will find their body less sensitive to the environment, alongside being surreal to the individual. Should a voidal mage become one, they’d suffer the same weaknesses that a regular voidal mage possesses, alongside the outer layer of the automaton being fragile- easily penetrated with enough force. The automaton must be shaped from the creator, meaning that if a creator is a human- the machine spirit cannot feasibly be a horse.


    In order to once again resurrect upon death, the machine spirit has one option. It is to simply have more of itself made. This means the whole process must be done again, and a body left in reserve that will be inhabited by the soul after the death of their previous mechanical husk. Should one run out of the bodies- it’d mean certain death and the character will be subject to a PK. 


    Obedience Vessel


    The craftsman of the automaton, to make sure their creation's loyalty is absolute, may choose this avenue of automaton crafting. Whilst simple education whilst an automaton is young an option, this is no guarantee. To accomplish such, the craftsman must add 20 milliliters of their own blood into the fluids of the automaton, this acting as an identifier and making the automaton's loyalty guaranteed. There is also an option for the automaton to have numerous masters, although the one who's blood was poured in first, will always have the command over the automaton over anyone after, with each lower number having priorty than the lesser numbers.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    As Jeffrey stood in the midst of his laboratory, he gazed at an in-depth diagram detailing the inner machinations of a cog heart. Upon eventually having collected his thoughts, he would now begin his construction.


    To begin, the man withdrew a sheet of leather, which acted as a base for the heart. Then within it, via the use of a pincer, began assembling a mass amount of cogs, redstone-infused springs and other small metal pieces to help with the assembly. Upon laying each of them upon the leather piece and measuring out the size that the heart would require to be- the man then began the arduous process of connecting each and every single cog to one another via the assistance of bolts and metal pieces- this taking the man numerous hours to accomplish, alongside various pathways to accommodate the tubing on the frame. As the necessary components were assembled, Jeffrey now had begun the last part of the cog heart- the gem. Procuring a graphite, the man inserted it within the centre of the heart, placing it in a cage-like contraption within it to hold it in place. The heart was now complete.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    As Jeffrey and george the alchemist entered a laboratory, the duo settled upon a workbench.


    “Alright, George. You must listen to me well and pay close attention, for making these appendages is a taxing task. We will begin with a simple forearm and hand for now, to have you understand the basics. Firstly, we begin this process not with a blind eye, but instead we must have measurements of how large the appendage must be, otherwise it will be unproportional and thus may lead to further issues later on. To measure is rather simple, we begin with the length and width of an appendage, alongside the curvature so it would be realistic and not a shabby piece of scrap- you may use your own as an example, try to measure out your own arm. See how the arm becomes larger from the wrist to forearm. We must take all the details into mind whilst making a prosthetic.”


    George the alchemist measures out his arm, giving some rough calculations and pointing out the curvature of his arm.


    “Good. As we now have precise calculations, we will, on a piece of large paper, do a detailed sketch of how it /should/ look like. This will be your homework, but for now let us use the one i already have” Jeffrey said, as he withdrew a diagram of an arm all the way to the shoulder, curvature, width, length, weight and everything thoroughly measured. “To begin, we will assemble these pieces of steel on top of a very thing glove- then, we shall conjoin the pieces of steel to one another, be careful to leave space for joints, otherwise one part may not be able to move at all. Think of it as armour. Then, we shall line the glove with further pieces of steel and bolt it together on the sides so they would not separate. As we have done this, we shall continue this process all the way up the forearm and stop right there until we have made the shape of an arm. Within it, we shall use small rubber wires within to act as vessels that’ll hold the alchemical fluids, and then implement a cog-heart in the centre of the forearm, which will allow for the appendage’s function. In order to attach the forearm we just made, we shall perform a procedure to attach the parts of vessels that were implemented into the individual- thus getting a link of sorts between the duo. It is how the user gains feeling with the appendage, although not as regular as one would with an organic one. After that, the arm will be complete.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If during, I will do my best to correct him in any mistake that he would make, and explain as to why it is considered powergaming. I’d also have him send screenshots of the RP he does for a short while by himself until i have decided that no mistakes are made. If there are, we would discuss it.


    If after teaching, we would talk about it over text and we would go over what the issue was and try to resolve it.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. 1 hour ago, Heero said:

    Back in LoTC's infancy, the bulk of our demographic were kids in the same age range of ~13-16. There was Mineman's big boom in popularity from the sensation of narrated playthroughs on YouTube. We got a shout-out and feature from the YogsCast on two separate occasions. I began playing LoTC either near the end of middle school, or as a freshman just entering high-school. LoTC offered such a unique avenue, especially for that ~2012 time period. There certainly was a form of escapism at hand and a lot of us back caught on. It a distraction from IRL stresses, the worry of school or the looming weight of actual responsibilities IRL, homework, assignments, etc.


    We were dumb kids, had a centralized Teamspeak server that a majority of people would hang out in. The main LoTC TeamSpeak was poppin' 24/7, seven days a week. Just the fact we could've all been in the same school more times than not made us extremely comfortable around each other. We enjoyed the game of Mineman but had our little special club that uniquely used Mineman. We could boast we had actual wars, organized conflict, wars and conflicts, fostered governments and municipalities, etc. It blew our little developing brains that we could watch GoT and emulate the things we saw and due to the always online nature of LoTC, turn that influence into our own abridged take. This lead to a plethora of reasons for people to interact, and the social nature of roleplay, Skype being our central means of communication and Teamspeak to idly chat and sometimes try to organize lol. Over the years there were countless people I had the pleasure of meeting, many who left a stark impact on me for whatever reason.


    Unfortunately, there's a time when you have to wake up and smell the coffee. Over a decade is a long time. Considerably so. Centuries for a community centered around a vidya game and a niche form of entertainment like roleplay/fantasy writing. Folks grow up. IRL calls. People just go their separate ways. It's the natural way of things but sometimes I do get struck by this sudden storm of nostalgia. I'll take a trip down memory lane through the forums or screenshots I have saved from back then. Probably once a year I'll dust off my Skype and take a peak to see if there's anything I can finagle in terms of reaching out to an old friend I haven't spoken to in ages. But it does hurt somewhat knowing that there's so many people that I regret not talking to or having some form of contact.


    I'm an old fart now; somehow feeling old AF IRL despite being in my twenties. At it's core, LoTC's wholesome roots or just general aptitude for what it can provide at times to others is what keeps me around. But deep down, I still miss the folks I've lost touch with over the years and seeing their old posts hurts more often than not

    garrett it's time for your pills 

  7. Rumor of the Nephilim's return soon found the ears of the deteriorating Oscillit. Sat in a rocking chair within the confines of his abode - a herbal joint 'betwixt his lips - Jeffrey was merely left at a perpetual bewilderment. Grasping 'hold of his cane, he decided to go out for a walk at this new revelation.

  8. Spoiler

    Should this lore pass, having talked to the Afflicted community, we've come to the agreement for requesting a TA and an MA wipe to occur. Three Grandfathers will be given.




    The symbiote is dying. A mote of possibility can only shine for so long before it darkens and fades away. Modern so-called afflicted now face this as their worm weakens and ages atrophied. There was always a flaw in the design, the first generation of the afflicted noted such. They worked to perfect the design, creating their evolving seed lines. 


    The seeds were given out, to bring new dynasties. Yet, these seed lines were still flawed – raw, unrefined. While the dynasties grew, in the shadows, two progenitors met under sunless skies, and imbibed on each other's symbiote, moulding a zenith design, one fit for a new dynasty.


    This zenith symbiote was lost when they both exited the world; one locked in endless combat and the other a wayfarer beyond the stars. Only an echo remains, mutating and diluting as it went down to each new member.


    However, echoes of this worm flow through one particular line. A family – with heavy roots to The Hanged Man – noticed the flaw of their worm. Seeking to keep their familial ties to their progenitor, they experimented on their symbiote, emboldening and evolving it, laying the foundation of the emboldened Symbiote.  





    With heavy ties to other worms, a dynasty worked to prolong and evolve their symbiote and combat its own mortality. Trial and error ensued, breeding out as many imperfections as possible to create a desirable outcome.


    The two means of producing a symbiote are vastly different. One can be made via cultivating a smaller, weaker version of the symbiote until it is capable of being transferred onto the next vessel thereafter. The second, however, is the making of a completely new symbiote, unaffected by one’s lineage – a mote of possibility


    To cultivate a symbiote born of one’s own is a rather arduous task, requiring the recipient to, firstly, be in a caloric surplus in order to be able to bring out a lesser version of the symbiote, otherwise the repercussions can be fatal to the creation of its form- incapable of union between the vessel and symbiote.


    If one chooses to start a lineage of their own and create a symbiote that is independent of any blood ties, an intricate recipe of its own must be known first.



    [A depiction of the symbiote.]


    The affliction is, in essence, a bio-organic parasite that seeks refuge in the body of a man and creates a symbiotic relationship. Seemingly otherworldly, the symbiote does not communicate in a direct manner with its host- the only means of communication is when the recipient chooses to utilize its abilities for their gain.


    The base recipe for an entirely new, malleable version of the symbiote:



    - Yellow bile x4

    - Black bile x4

    - Phlegm x6

    - Blood x8


    - Earth: Connection x5

    - Earth: Life x7

    - Water: Growth x6

    - Water: Swiftness x6

    - Air: Balance x8

    - Air: Clarity x5


    Upon the base being combined with the necessary symbols and signs, the result of such is rather extraordinary. The 4 senses of humour react with the key elements and thus produce a worm-like, translucent seemingly harmless creature. Afterwards, it must be consumed so that the Symbiote can form, and begin to acclimate within the wielder’s body.


    - The recipe must strictly adhere to the perfectly balanced base and symbols, otherwise the symbiote will be inert and ultimately die.


    - Your affliction cannot talk to you. Perhaps it can produce feelings of hunger or make your skin rise, but these are all aesthetic in form and function.


    - The symbiote, once created, requires an ST-Signature, and a screenshot of it is posted in the FA Application to showcase their Bloodline and Sufficient RP. An example of this is showcased in ‘Bloodlines’.







    As the symbiote establishes itself within one’s body, so does its influence, whilst indirect, reach the confines of one’s mind. Multiple, inherent traits of the symbiote begin incorporating how one thinks, thus changing the behaviour of the vessel that it inhabits. More or less, the way one thinks inevitably develops. Due to the Symbiote providing for the Afflicted, and aiding them in their endeavours. The bearer would be more inclined to listen to their gut, or what they may feel. They’d rely more on intuition, though facts may also sway one in their decisions.




    Through years of evolution, adaptation to the environment and numerous hosts that the symbiote was forced to inhabit in order to be optimized, and capable of survival, an aspect of it was born - Bloodlines. Such a trait was first discovered and noted by a progenitor of the afflicted, a member of the de Wees family, who saw a change in the mentality of newly-born afflicted whose symbiote was transmitted through direct means in the form of mitosis. Subsequent to this initial make of the afflicted, the traits were found due to their recurrence from those that were subject to being tested. Such traits ranged from merely being prone to inquisitiveness, and short-temperedness to the extremes such as a change of one’s lifestyle, for example, that of becoming a hermit, or seeking something more primal-esque. Naturally, the traits of the bloodlines are prone to change, being capable of evolving in time. As it traverses person-to-person, the individual afflicted is highly prone to gaining new traits, the old ones that the prior bearers had slowly become less recognizable or perhaps even lost in the newer generations.


    - As a baseline, the afflicted far more often than not depend on their intuition and are prone to depend on their own mindset of what is right and wrong. Although via concrete statistics and facts they are also prone to be swayed.


    - Bloodlines, or in other words simply quirks that an afflicted may pass down to another, are capable of evolving. Meaning that over a long period of time, newborn afflicted can attain new quirks separate from those that their makers possess.


    - Bloodline quirks are only transferred, or attained through the means of duplicating a symbiote via the method of mitosis, and thus excreting through one’s pores to be directly ingested by a to-be afflicted. Only then do the two symbiotes possess a family-like bond between them.


    - Generally, the traits are freeform and can be whatever one desires, but change is required.


    - This has to be RP’d, and to not RP the change of personality due to the Bloodlines is PGing.


    - Traits develop once the Symbiote is made, and it has an effect on its wielder, and whoever joins that bloodline.


    Another effect, as well, they may don some physical characteristics denoting their bloodline. This is purely aesthetic, and no benefit comes from it, but it serves as a tell for the Afflicted’s allegiance. Examples from this must be substantial, and can range from; a limit on the Symbiote’s aesthetics, Birthmarks, scarring, etc.


    In the most extreme cases, the Symbiote can take control of the body, instead of causing aesthetic mutations that herald one’s lineage. An example of this may be a Botanist Afflicted, flowers and petals could grow in areas of their bodies – barring sexual organs – to showcase one’s bloodline, etc their eye. An example is seen below.


    [Family] Symbiote

    A symbiote held within a vial, it moves and swirls about; fervent to latch onto life, to feed its hunger.


    Upon consuming, one becomes more reclusive as if they were a vagabond, furthermore, they are slowly lulled and enticed to focus upon botanical works – such as herbs. Upon using their abilities, the individual is locked towards the Aesthetics of flora, with their augmentations or alterations seemingly like roots, or flowers. Furthermore, upon missing any limbs; flowers, petals and roots grow over it – while not strong enough to be a prosthetic – it is an indication of one’s family.


    [!] This was created by the Alchemist, [Player-Name], and follows the redlines and guidelines of Afflicted Lore. It is a Symbiote whose lineage calls to the [Player Surname] Family.


    - To delve further, and to explain this, an example of a limit on the Symbiote’s aesthetics is such; that an Animii Crafter may harness the Symbiote and create a strain. Due to this, their modifications and alterations upon their body will be locked to a mechanical aesthetic, and so forth.


    - These ‘characteristics’ are required, the people who’d be afflicted with the Symbiote are required to don these birthmarks.


    - The changing of eye colour does not count as a characteristic.


    - Minor bloodlines are not permitted, such as the changing of one’s ears, or eye colours. Substantial change is required, and it ties into the creator’s wants. They do not provide any combative value, and are purely aesthetic.




    Due to the Symbiote being inactive for a vast amount of time, the Afflicted find that their boons are more limited than generations prior as it spends more of its time converting energy. This amalgamation of both Alchemy and Biology has been sculpted to join a relationship between the bearer, and themselves. Soon after ingesting the concoction, the Symbiote infects every organ, muscle and nerve of the Afflicted, strengthening the bond between it and the host as it does so, becoming one. The Symbiote, however, does not augment one’s body to a standard above what it currently is, there are no anatomical changes, as it only works with what it's given.


    With this, the Afflicted bears an effective immunity against mundane poisons; this is due to the Symbiote bearing the brunt of the damage as if to protect the host. During this time, the Symbiote requires 3 OOC hours to recover. This does not account for magical variants. This, however, is not passively acting at all times. It requires the Afflicted to utilize its effects with [1] emote, and it lasts for [5] emotes per [1] unit.


    Another effect of the Symbiote is the use of their bodies – effectively turning them into a gigantic alchemical reagent processing unit. It invokes change in the body, and allows the Afflicted to use their organs and inner parts for the creation of potion-crafting, etc; the stomach allows for the processing of reagents, and the liver becomes a distilling tool. This requires [1] unit to use. Further, due to the unison of their bodies, a descendant may find their existence bolstered; a human who may live for 100 or 150 years, may find themselves able to live for an extra 50 years. Elves, however, have a different effect where the Symbiote is able to lessen the effect of their ageing until they reach their 800th year, afterwards its strength wanes and quickly – within 50 years, their true age comes alight.


    - This cannot be used in combat at all.


    - The processed reagents can be discharged through orifices such as the mouth, nostrils and ears.


    - During this state, an Afflicted will find that they bare a resistance to whatever harmful effects that only a reagent may cause. However, they are only capable of extracting the following Signs: Water, Mundane, and Earth. The others are far too volatile and dangerous.


    In regards to the Void, an Afflicted may feel cautious, distrustful, or even antagonistic towards an exposed Voidal Mage, or magicks pertaining to it as they are subconsciously affected by their Symbiote’s need to survive, and instincts, as it is an alchemical creation.

    Furthermore, structures like voidable monoliths, if merely glanced at, would cause their eyes to sting, burning until they look away. If somehow forced or if a maddened individual willingly decides to stare for at least half a narrative hour (or 30 OOC minutes), the burn would slowly melt away the eyes until observing is no longer an option. Locations like voidable heaths and hollows have a similar effect. Entering them would induce a sensation similar to boiling ants crawling all over the skin, with the affliction urging them to leave. If they remain within for at least three narrative hours (or 1 OOC hour), their flesh will wither away and, as if starved, would be reduced to a mound of flesh and bone.


    - Affliction cannot be combined with any of the CA races besides Klones and Homunculi. If a body dies, a new Klone must be granted the Symbiote and it progresses as if it was T1.


    - Afflicted cannot practice any Magics which change or pollute the caster’s body in the long term such as Mysticism as any form of Voidal Magic, Necromancy, or Shamanism. Everything else is further explained at the bottom post.


    - Afflicted improved fitness does not offer any benefit to the body, it only alters what is currently there.


    - Afflicted must consume double the caloric amount required by their descendant race, or supplement their diets with alchemically enhanced nutrition or liquid mana. Failing to do so will cause the Symbiote to stop functioning until the Afflicted can properly nourish it again. Vanilla Minecraft Food does not count as ‘food’, nor does ‘Monk Bread’.


    - An Afflicted’s lifespan is increased by a maximum of half their life. Etc, a Human who lives to 100 can live to 150, and so forth. Elves, as explained, do not share the effect.


    - The protection of Mundane Poisons does not account for Thanhic-Poisoning or Azhl Poisoning, and being afflicted with Thanhic-Poisoning would force the Symbiote to retreat back in the body; utilising the wielder as a shield of sorts.




    The process of becoming afflicted does not come easy. In the first three months (3 OOC days), a host would feel symptoms akin to a fever; chills, headaches, muscle aches, and such. Unfortunate, but nothing unusual. After three months, the cravings begin. The host becomes ravenous, needing at least double their average consumption of food to sustain the affliction that has developed. This hunger includes a newfound penchant for liquid mana, more tasteful and fulfilling than any meal eaten. Luckily, the affliction only feeds on what is necessary, no detrimental intention to starve the host, but there is no getting around the fact that they are now eating for two. 


    -The symbiote, by itself, is a being that cannot survive on its own without a host. Should the symbiote be left in its vulnerable, egg-state for too long - it will simply perish, requiring another to be made. The symbiote can last 1 OOC day by itself, and 2 OOC days if it is kept in a constantly warm, hydrated and ventilated area.


    - It takes 3 OOC days for one to recover from making a mini-symbiote, meaning you cannot make another one for the duration of it.


    Foregoing the process of eating enough for the Symbiote, and the Afflicted for at 4 OOC weeks would cause the host to slowly wither away in a process similar to that which befalls an affliction left the same way without a host. They will appear somewhat starved at first; easily irritable, with gaunt features, and have persistent headaches. With every year that passes, the framework of the host gradually falls apart. Reddened patches on the body, peeling skin, muscle spasms, and should it climax at 8 OOC weeks, the flesh itself will fall, ending with the host as a mound of meat and bones. All throughout this process, the affliction will do what it can to convince the host to preserve itself, even using its remaining strength to force mental maladies like hallucinations.


    - Nutrient-rich alchemical potions like land’s nurture would serve in satisfying the affliction’s hunger.

    - Although one is not necessarily forced to self-rp eating every day, it is expected that one RPs it.







    The Affliction of a descendant is a peculiar boon, while some aspects harken back to the symbiotes of eld, similar capabilities and characteristics can be seen in the ones seen in this age. While the prior generation could utilize their boon indefinitely, this is no longer the case as the symbiote depends on co-existence with the bearer. Therefore, the abilities can only be used – or exerted – for so long before it ultimately loses energy and recedes back to its prior state, where it’d recuperate onto what it once was within a day’s worth of rest.


    While one can be efficient, or smart, with their use of the Affliction, the duration of it stays the same; it is a tool, a utility, above all else. Experience, and teaching, will only aid one in knowing how to properly use it amidst a variety of situations.


    The Affliction follows a tier-based system not dissimilar from regular magics, their aptitude increasing as the bond strengthens.


    - For the Afflicted, the body is sectioned into six parts, those being the head, the torso, the legs, and the arms.


    -  Non-flesh based prosthetics aren’t unable to be used or modified by the symbiote. They are unable to be altered or augmented at all, barring prosthetics such as Bogodan’s Clay as they are structurally indistinguishable from regular organic body parts once fully bound, save for aesthetic flaws.


    - The Symbiote does not alter, augment, or affect any Tawkin Mutation at all. It is further explained below.


    - In a non-combative setting, if agreed on by the players, the various abilities can be used without the severe requirements outlined in the exhaustion table. Should it turn into CRP, however, then the augmentations/alterations sink into the body, effectively reset.



    Greater Mutations do not augment the Symbiote in any way, etc – one cannot use augmented senses, heightened dexterity, or Bolstered Strength on attachments to make them more useful. Furthermore, the Symbiote is unable to alter any areas covered by Natural Armors, or Weapons.




    3 unit(s): The Afflicted’s breathing is slightly more strained, though still hardly inhibits them.  


    5 unit(s): The Afflicted notice a slight lethargy, where their breathing becomes heavier. They will experience slightly slowed reflexes and will be prone to fatigue and shortness of breath. They are limited to three-quarters of their movement speed in CRP.


    8 unit(s): The Afflicted’s movement slows down and becomes two meters rather than the usual four, their breathing ragged and coarse. They will struggle to fight and may collapse from exhaustion.


    10 unit(s): The Afflicted have completely exhausted themselves, quickly falling into an extremely exhausted state, rendering themselves completely unable to fight in the fight as combative movements are ineffective and inefficient. Etc, as you try to swing at someone, it’s very slow and countable.


    - When the units are completely used, the Symbiote requires rest to recuperate. During this time, the Afflicted cannot use it for 3 OOC day, and the Afflicted requires nutrition. You are unable to change your appearance, reverting back to your prior one, and are unable to alter or augment your bodies. Furthermore, the passive is not applied during this time, if any.


    - Eating while in combat makes you vomit onto the floor. It provides a stun that lasts a duration of [2] emotes.


    - The Symbiote’s units regenerate every 24 OOC hours.


    - Should one not eat, their Symbiote – within them – would begin to hunger and lash out, eventually feasting on the innards of the Afflicted, effectively PK’ing them. This is not necessarily forced to solo-RP every day, although it is recommended to add it to one's RP occasionally as proof of the afflicted keeping a consistent diet.



    “Better suit yourself, if only for a short while.” 


    [1 connect + 2 cast (for one distinct part of the body) + 1 (for another specific piece of the body.)]



    [A depiction of an afflicted, utilizing his symbiote to produce a whip-like appendage.]


    The primary ability of the Afflicted comes from the alteration of one’s self, much like the prior afflicted before. With the aid of the symbiote, the Afflicted can temporarily sculpt and change their bodies into something different to benefit them in the current situation. This is shown via the wielder’s flesh slowly breaking, and reconstructing itself to whatever is required. An example is seen below:


    The Afflicted raised their hand, and slowly skin began to peel away – flaying itself to reveal bone and sinew. Their flesh began to move, moulding itself around the reconstruction of their body.


    Slowly, the Afflicted’s bone began to take on a more wooden appearance, all while they are subdued in pain as their hand restructures itself. It began to extend, and strings of flesh clung to the wooden spear-like creation.


    Finally, the Afflicted lowered its arm, and the reconstructing was complete. Haggard breaths herald the strenuous procedure, and they pant. Their forearm is now replaced with a wooden lance-like creation, spanning one meter.


    Whilst similar to transmutation, the procedure is not magical and comes from the bearer, whether it be through, pores, fluid, mist – or whatever aesthetic –to be able to sculpt the desired region; shaping, or hardening into whatever is willed. 


    Naturally, the changes are not permanent; one must keep in mind that calories begin to burn to keep this alteration active, more minor alterations (ie elongating/hardening nails, making skin courser and rougher) burn significantly fewer calories compared to more flamboyant and aggressive alterations. While in the process of transformation, the afflicted will endure some pain, given the transmogrification of flesh and bone.


    - This costs a minimum of [1] unit to make the parts last for [5] emotes, and to sustain it for an extra [5] emotes, [1] unit is required. An additional piece requires [1]. Etc, Two pieces would cost; ((2 Units to make it last for 5 emotes, and to make it last for another 5 emotes, it’ll require an extra two units.)) This is due to the Symbiote requiring energy to utilize its abilities, and over-exerting itself would exhaust both the Afflicted and the Symbiote. Great shields, and polearms and lances – and items of that length – count as two pieces.


    - Only one distinct part of the body can be altered at one time, and to morph another requires [1] extra emote. After utilizing the ability, the Symbiote needs to briefly recuperate, and thus cannot be used for [2] emotes.


    - Alterations are only capable of being crude versions of the mundane weapons. This being axes, swords, daggers etc. No intricacies can be applied to them (ex. sword breaker.)


    -Procured armour is no different than its normal counterparts, reaching the maximum potential of iron Platemail. Armouring is as durable as any ordinary armour counterpart up to iron in quality with no added defence and would weigh the same as if an individual were to equip that armour normally. With adequate force, it could be chipped by steel or even shredded by Pure-Carbarum.


    - These formations are unable to be done instantaneously, generally taking [3] emotes minimum depending on the size of the manipulation in question. Someone could pull out a weapon quicker than an Afflicted could make one, for example. If they are interrupted while harnessing their ability, the symbiote is then dazed for a moment - required to start again from the beginning of this specific augmentation.


    - Upon being interrupted mid-cast, either be it by defensive or offensive action, the Symbiote would pause its transformation, keeping the body in its half-formed shape. Normally, these bare Slayer-Steel strength, and will be cruder – bending, and causing pain, with sufficient force. Uninterrupted focus must be gathered to continue the alteration of one’s limb. As seen below:


    The Afflicted, once interrupted, found their transformation paused. What was supposed to be a lance, instead became a crude short-spear, donning the strength of Slayer-Steel. Haggard breaths curl from their lips, and they found themselves unable to walk faster than two meters.


    Now they are in an uninterrupted area, they began to focus once more – with no action being taken to them – the spear began to grow until it was the length of a Lance.


    - Clarity, or Focus, is seen as a moment of time wherein the Afflicted are not interrupted amidst the alteration of their limb. As long as they are not interacted with physically, or with the use of potions, they are able to continue. Mundane sharp, or shrill noises do not count as interruptions.


    - Talking counts as an emote-turn.


    You cannot shift - or move - your organs while they’re inside your body. Nor, can you fix, or mend wounds instantly.


    - If you don the Tawkin Mutation of Natural Armor or Natural Weapons – mutations are unable to manifest in those areas.


    - Procured armour doesn’t protect one from the force of impacts, or blunt weaponry. One could still feel, and have their bodies injured even while having their bodies protected, or hardened. Furthermore, the stronger that the procured armour is, the more distinct and noticeable that it becomes, it cannot be hidden underneath plated armour, or protection, meaning that either long garbs or a cloak is required.


     - Formed weaponry is not greater than their mundane counterparts. A bladed arm would serve just as a normal blade, and their strength is akin to iron. With adequate force, it could be chipped by steel or even shredded by Pure-Carbarum.


    - The aesthetic is up to the player’s discretion as long as it does not blind/daze the opponent, but mostly it borders around the reconstruction of one’s body and the bodily horror that comes from it.


    - Alterations can not extend past one meter. (blocks), meaning that the max height of your weaponry can reach 100 centimetres, although leverage should be also taken into account. Ranged weaponry is not possible, but things such as quills are. 


    - This cannot be used at the same time with a magical ability.


    - There must be a distinct tell when performing this ability as long as the limb is exposed. If you attempt to hide it, you will at least show pain amidst your transformation, and continuing means you are unable to respond or defend yourself.


    - While one can transform their arm into a tentacle/make the bone malleable and strengthen the muscles around it to become as flexible as a tentacle, it cannot exceed half a meter of the current length of their arm. Likewise, this alteration cannot exceed the max strength of the limb. Furthermore, you are unable to exceed the peak of your race’s strength.


    - Any and all alterations cannot exceed the peak strength of your race.


    - Strength and dexterity cannot be bolstered, or altered, beyond the capability of a descendant’s race.



    “I lend my aid -- wield it well, host.”


    [1 connect + 2 cast (for one distinct part of the body) + 1 (for another piece of the body.)]



    [An afflicted, altering their skin to protrude spikes from it.]


    As a more complex variant of bodily alteration, Augmentations offer the Afflicted a short-term addition to their bodies.


    As depicted in the name, bodily augmentations build off the body while bodily alteration changes it. The ability can be likened to transmutation, an example being the creation of extra limbs, though weaker than ordinary limbs.


    The amount that can be attached to one’s body is finite, the more that one has procured, the less the wielder is able to effectively utilize at one given time; augmentations must remain attached to the body to function. Similarly to alteration, augmentations invoke pain upon the persona, becoming less of a burden as the Afflicted becomes more experienced.


    - As alterations, attachments are not instantaneous and require [3] emotes to use as minimum, more or less depending on the size and density. After utilizing the ability, the Symbiote needs to briefly recuperate, and thus cannot be used for [5] emotes.


    - Talking counts as an emote-turn.


    - Upon being interrupted mid-cast, either be it by defensive or offensive action, the Symbiote would pause its transformation, keeping the body in its half-formed shape. Normally, these bare Slayer-Steel strength, and will be cruder – bending, and causing pain, with sufficient force. The uninterrupted focus must be gathered to continue the alteration of one’s limb. As seen below:


    The Afflicted, once interrupted, found their transformation paused. What was supposed to be a lance, instead became a crude short-spear, donning the strength of Slayer-Steel. Haggard breaths curl from their lips, and they found themselves unable to walk faster than two meters.


    Now they are in an uninterrupted area, they began to focus once more – with no action being taken to them – the spear began to grow until it was the length of a Lance.


    - Four is the maximum attachments capable, the more additions equals the less they are feasible, degrading them. In essence, an Afflicted’s attachments are halved in strength per every two they manifest.


    - Attachments can not extend past two meters (blocks).


    - An Afflicted can have up to four attachments, however, they diminish in strength. This is seen below.


    - The third, and fourth attachments possess 25% the strength in comparison to one’s natural appendage  


    - The first two attachments possess 50% strength in comparison to one’s natural appendage.


    -In combat, all attachments after the first two will become clumsy and harder to control as the Symbiote is put into a state of panic. In light of this, an Afflicted with 4 attachments during combat would experience clumsiness in the 3rd, and the fourth 4th, which would be unable to form sensitive enough ends to properly wield objects, and would also take [2] additional emote to aim and strike with; to aim and strike respectively.


    - The aesthetic is up to the player’s discretion, even if it’s a metal-like appearance, it is a facade; and it will have the same density of flesh, and bone. It is functionally a new limb, made of flesh and bone. Aesthetics only apply aesthetics and doesn't contribute to anything.


    - This costs a minimum of [1] unit, and further augmentations cost an extra [1] unit per body piece.


    - Should an appendage that the afflicted made be cut off or by some means destroyed- the afflicted will, nonetheless, feel pain equivalent to that of losing a regular arm, and it will continue to bleed profusely unless the afflicted will retract the appendage, this requiring [1] emote to do, and will leave the afflicted open-to-attack for that one emote.


    - One can only attack with one attachment in one emote.


    - Although making a longer attachment such as a spear is possible, considering it requires two hands to wield it'd be highly impractical due to leverage. Blows would be highly imprecise and thus not powerful.


    - In a non-combative environment, the attachments can be as strong as a normal limb, and can be summoned in as little as [1] emote. Should it progress to combat, the attachments will retreat into the body as the body works towards survival.



    “Together, we are strong. Eternal.”


    [1 connect + 4 cast]


    Upon garnering a full mastery of their Symbiote, the Afflicted may harness their control over it to change the entirety of their body and form; building and changing what is there to aid the wielder in their current task. Similarly to alteration and augmentation, this invokes pain upon the persona, and it does not diminish as the Afflicted becomes more experienced, therefore it is recommended that one uses this far from combat, as being interrupted completely reverts the transformation, and the process must continue once more.


    - Full Alterations are not instantaneous and require [5] emotes to use. After utilizing the ability, the Symbiote needs to briefly recuperate, and thus cannot be used for [5] emotes.


    - An Afflicted can only have one fully altered form in their life-time. This is listed in their FA as if it was a CA, stating what they look like and their abilities. A reference would help as well.


    - The Afflicted will still remain mostly humanoid throughout their mutations; Afflicted cannot be used to emulate Druidic Shapeshifting to the extent of becoming another animal. At the most, they can grow 3 feet in height, but with every foot raised, they lose a block of movement speed.


    - Clarity, or Focus, is seen as a moment of time wherein the Afflicted are not interrupted amidst the alteration of their limb. As long as they are not interacted with physically, or with the use of potions, they are able to continue. Mundane sharp, or shrill noises do not count as interruptions.


    - The Full Alteration of one’s body cannot exceed the strength of iron and it doesn’t protect one from the force of impacts, or blunt weaponry. One could still feel, and have their bodies injured even while having their bodies protected, or hardened.


    - Bodily weapons, in this state, cannot exceed 1 meter (block) in length, and longer melee weaponry, such as spears, halberds, or lances cannot be used.


    - Senses cannot be augmented or altered,  in this state.


    - Being interrupted in this state would completely revert the transformation, and the process must restart once more.


    - In this state, they cannot exceed the peak strength of their race. However, endurance is unaffected – meaning the use of it will still make an Afflicted exhausted, and the energy required to sustain this form cannot be handled for long periods of time.


    - A maximum of two attachments can be used at this time, and upon forming it, they are half the strength of the Afflicted’s arms. They, however, cannot be altered into weaponry and act as more limbs instead. A maximum of two tool-or-weapon augmentations are permitted while fully altered.


    - Using this ability requires [5] units, and to prolong it requires another [2] emotes. Once it is used, the user cannot use their Symbiote for 1 OOC day and will be extremely exhausted – and unable to take part in offensive combat – for the rest of the OOC day.


    - Looking at Enchantments, Voidal Casting, or Voidal Structures would be painful for the Afflicted, as if they were staring at the sun for a prolonged time. Being near a Voidal Structure in this state would begin to decay their current forms until they are just bone over the course of [10] emotes, or 10 minutes in narrative time. Due to this, they are more antagonistic and hateful towards the Void, or Mages; intentionally damaging or causing harm to their forms.


    - Armour still has to adhere to the logic of full platemail armour. Meaning joints and slits in the armour must be accounted for without having one's movement completely restraited.



    “You complete me.” 



    Lacking any personality or consciousness of its own, the Symbiote expresses itself through its host’s identity and self-awareness. This leads to subtle changes in the appearance of mutations specific to the individual Afflicted. They – by no means – can drastically, or fully alter their appearance. At the most, they can change their hair colour to a natural pigment, eye colour, skin colour (by making it paler, or tanner), can provide minor bone alterations, eye-shape, and cannot fully rid themselves of scars; only making it slightly better or larger, furthermore, they can rid one of their horns.


    - Aesthetics cannot functionally supersede the limitations prior set out by Bodily Attachments and Bodily Augmentations.


    - To alter an already-made Augmentation, or Alteration, [2] emotes of preparation are needed. - Concentration is needed to perform this successfully. If they are interrupted while harnessing their ability, the symbiote is then distracted and they’d have to start from the beginning.


    - If Aesthetics are applied alongside an Augmentation or Alteration, it will last for the duration that body part lasts for.


    - Minor bone alterations count as making one seem pudgier, or sharper. People, who have known you well, will still be able to tell that it’s you, or that your appearance is similar.


    - Aesthetics do not count towards the number of Attachments and Alternations an Afflicted can have at once as they are not functional, but they will be dropped if an Afflicted is rendered unconscious by any means other than sleep.


    - You may not alter your height.



    “We, men, are monsters now.”


    [1 connect + 2 cast]


    Should the Afflicted come to blows with another, they are able to devour the worm from the beaten body of another. This requires [3] uninterrupted emotes, and [5] units. In this instance, the Afflicted would restrain, or keep the other, trapped before sending their Symbiote within the person’s body to devour their own.


    - The [3] emotes duration must not be interrupted at any moment for it to proceed. The devouring must be focused on, and the Afflicted is unable to respond at all, lest they’d break the connection.


    - PVP deaths, or knock-outs, are not eligible unless the Defender, should they be the Afflicted, default to PVP.


    - Upon one’s symbiote getting devoured, the afflicted will be unable to attain yet another one for 4 OOC weeks, this is due to the damage in one’s body and soul that the invading symbiote would cause- and in ‘turn would need time to heal to be fit to hold yet another symbiote. This strictly cannot be circumvented with klones or machine spirits or in any other way.





    “I am the first, and the last; The sun, and the moon. I am all, and nothing – I am reborn.” 


    If one seeks to venture into the state of the Symbiote’s perfection – the magnum opus of Alchemy, they may experiment or become the Rebis.


    Several factors play into effect with this, but overall, the Afflicted must bring their bodies onto the several stages of death, allowing them to rot and cleanse, sorting out opposing abilities, then uniting said abilities in order to create the perfected being – a culmination of the two forces; epitomizing the balance of polar opposites. It can be seen as the pinnacle of the arts, wherein the Alchemist achieves ‘immortality’ and transcendence over their form. However, this is not true immortality as their body would still decay and rot, as they overgo death; permanently stuck in it, with brief visions of what they once were.


    Since when opposing forces are harmonized and balanced through synthetic creation, the unification of soul, and body, occurs wherein both the Symbiote and the Afflicted become one; the two entities don a single body, and both masculine and feminine traits are unified. It is the merger of the red king and black queen; the sun and the moon.


    - Due to the creativity of this, it is advised that one properly researches, and does the RP for it. It’s completely freeform to allow for player development.


    As a baseline, one must find a way to separate their soul from their body – either done by magical means or alchemical in the way of Homunculi – effectively bringing their body to the stage of death. Here, they’d begin to rot and decay, and their body must be cleansed via either Magick, or Alchemical means, further purified with the means of reagents, and symbols; every symbol must be used in equal amounts, and the mixture is therein granted to purify the body. Their opposing traits and bodily forms must be conjoined, and united under sulfur to represent ascension, and the alchemical sign of Fire must be used.


    - This allows a player to self PK through the transcendence of their bodies, or form. Their transformed character, unable to shift back to their prior form, is therein permanently granted to the ET for use.


    - A player has to give OOC consent for this to occur.


    - For the ET’s use, the Afflicted – as a Rebis – has full control of their symbiote. They can find their alterations, or augments as strong as an Olog. Their attachments may be up to an Orc’s in strength and do not diminish in strength, and they are able to span up to 8 meters in length. However, these look as if they’re an amalgamation of flesh and bone. Furthermore, they are unable to use [Aesthetics] to change themselves or the effects of their Symbiote. However, in this state, magical spells – specifically voidal spells – greatly harm them and decay their form as if it was Necromancy.




     [General Redlines for Affliction]


     - Affliction is regarded as Further Alchemy, which must be taught and requires an accepted FA to use.


    - The mental changes brought on by the Afflicted only serve to shift their personalities and perceptions and do not bring about any changes in the individual’s intellect or ability.


    - Due to being an Alchemical Creation, the Symbiote is inherently wary and distrustful of the practising – and use – of the Void, and Voidal enchantments. Rather than providing an extreme response, it instead provides the Afflicted with an antagonistic view of them, a mindset that occurs with each bad experience; slowly lulling the bearer onto a rather rigid and harsh view of them.


    - Varg Sigils are unable to be placed on the Afflicted.


    - The afflicted are not capable of using void enchantments due to their innate distrust of such by any means. Additionally, they will more than likely seek to destroy said enchantment should it be forced upon them.


    - Due to the natural superstition that is caused by the symbiote, one cannot use or have voidal enchantments in their inventory. For the necrotic or deific kind, you cannot use them in tandem with your symbiote's abilities.


    - The symbiote's abilities cannot be used for any sort of sexual intercourse (obviously)




    [Tier Progression]


    In total, Affliction has only 3 tiers.


    >The very first tier is attained following the initial acceptance of your MA. At this stage the afflicted have only unlocked 6 units, their bodily alteration causes them a high amount of pain and struggles to produce.


    >The second tier is attained after 2 weeks following the acceptance of your MA. At this stage the afflicted will have unlocked 8 units in total, they now begin adapting to bodily alteration, and the pain and struggle that occurs when attempting such now is at a lesser degree


    >The third tier is attained after 4 total weeks or approximately a month following the acceptance of your MA. At this stage the afflicted will have unlocked 10 units in total, they have now adapted to bodily alteration and all its elements. The pain, whilst still present to some degree, is greatly lesser than it originally was.


    A TA can only be posted after 3 months of the initial acceptance of your MA, and you have to know the recipe - and creation method - for it



    The following cannot be inflicted with the Symbiote:

    All Transformative CAs, barring those listed




    Voidal Mages

    Heralds – The Feat, and the Magic

    Arcane Scions


    Malchediael Templars


    Slotted Seers




    The following can be inflicted with the Symbiote:


    Feat-Level Seers


    Klones, though if the previous body died, it’d have to be inflicted with the Symbiote once more.

    Descendants, Wonks, Kha, and Musin

    Blood Magic








    Here is basically a TL:DR of the issues, and the changelog that we addressed.


    - The recipe used would necessitate 8 days of self-rp in order to acquire the humors without help. Though it should be difficult, a less time-consuming approach is ideal.


    Clarified that the 8 days segment was something to do on Hunger, rather than focused on the creation of it.

    - A 3 OOC day cooldown should be standardized, to avoid needing to track use of waters of life, etc.


    Clarified, and fixed; the 3-OOC day cooldown is standardized and cannot be shortened.


    - The PK clause should be worked in elsewhere, as moderation of how many calories a character has consumed is unfeasible. It should simply be stated as an expectation that one roleplay eating twice as much as they normally would.


    Removed the PK-Clause, and put it as a requirement in RP instead.


    - The passage of traits from one symbiote to another should be a standard rather than being mostly reliant on player choice or the number of people who have inherited it. It should always happen, and in the same way barring new specific mutations.


    - Applications should be made to include relevant details on these inherited and new traits, for ease of ST tracking.


    Elaborated, and stated that it should always happen. Furthermore, an example has been added. It can be seen below:


    [Family] Symbiote

    A symbiote held within a vial, it moves and swirls about; fervent to latch onto life, to feed its hunger.


    Upon consuming, one becomes more reclusive as if they were a vagabond, furthermore, they are slowly lulled and enticed to focus upon botanical works – such as herbs. Upon using their abilities, the individual is locked towards the Aesthetics of flora, with their augmentations or alterations seemingly like roots, or flowers. Furthermore, upon missing any limbs; flowers, petals and roots grow over it – while not strong enough to be a prosthetic – it is an indication of one’s family.


    [!] This was created by the Alchemist, [Player-Name], and follows the redlines and guidelines of Afflicted Lore. It is a Symbiote whose lineage calls to the [Player Surname] Family.


    - Biological reagent extraction, particularly elemental extractions, is a bit hard to justify. The scope of what signs can be retained should be limited to what they can reasonably accomplish via internal processes.


    Stated that only the following signs can be extracted -- Earth, Water, and Air. Personally, I don't understand this as it's just a flavourful way of having an alchemical lab build with you.


    - The increase to age limits should not apply to elves, or clarify that it does not alter the physical and mental degradation that afflicts them with age. Namely infertility after 500, and mental decay after 800-900.


    Stated that Elves just look younger for longer.


    - Physical damage from the mere presence of Voidal Magic is not necessary, it should instead be a primarily mental aversion that redlines willing approach of strong voidal sources such as obelisks, hollows, casting magi, etc.


    I was confused with this part, but I followed it. The Physical Damage was removed from Weaknesses.


    - Exhaustion levels for 2 and 3 units are effectively identical, making the difference a bit redundant. Exhaustion could simply start at 3.




    - Interaction with clay prosthetics should be clarified, as Tawkin grafts are structurally indistinguishable from regular organic bodyparts once fully bound, save for aesthetic flaws.


    This was the case originally, but the wording made voters confused.


    - Emote cost of each bodily alteration must be explicitly outlined, rather than stating '3 or more'.


    - Bodily augmentation requires explicit emote counts, rather than a statement of '3 or more'.


    I was confused with this, as '3 or more' was never in the prior write.


    - Clarity should be given on what constitutes a connection emote for an afflicted. What does it look like, how is it done?


    Stated: ' Clarity, or Focus, is seen as a moment of time wherein the Afflicted are not interrupted amidst the alteration of their limb. As long as they are not interacted with physically, or with the use of potions, they are able to continue. Mundane sharp, or shrill noises do not count as interruptions.'


    - Mists and liquid do not seem ideal as tells for alteration, with warping and twisting of flesh or other solid displays appearing more thematic and fitting as options.


    'With the aid of the symbiote, the Afflicted can temporarily sculpt and change their bodies into something different to benefit them in the current situation. This is shown via the wielder’s flesh slowly breaking, and reconstructing itself to whatever is required. An example is seen below:'


    - Bodily Alteration could diminish the piece cost of polearms/lances to 2 rather than 3.




    - Decreasing durability as more parts are added could be removed, and instead all modifications could be unified at iron strength for consistency and simplicity. This permits potential chipping/damage if meeting actual steel or is met with sufficient force.


    Stated: ' - Formed weaponry is not greater than their mundane counterparts. A bladed arm would serve just as a normal blade, and their strength is akin to iron. With adequate force, it could be chipped by steel or even shredded by Pure-Carbarum.'


    - Paragraph detailing the ability to maintain a transformation during crp should be rewritten for clarity. It only needs to say that defensive and offensive actions during crp, whilst in the midst of transformation, will pause its progress and be less effective in the outlined ways.


    - Paragraph detailing the ability to maintain transformation during crp should be clarified equivalently to the one in the prior section.


    Stated: 'Upon being interrupted mid-cast, either be it by defensive or offensive action, the Symbiote would pause its transformation, keeping the body in its half-formed shape. Normally, these bare Slayer-Steel strength, and will be cruder – bending, and causing pain, with sufficient force. The uninterrupted focus must be gathered to continue the alteration of one’s limb.'


    - Range should be kept at 1 block, as 1.5 blocks is difficult to judge and moderate.




    - It would be best to diminish attachment numbers to 2, as judging 12%/6% strength is extremely hard to quantify. It could, if desired, be brought in-line with automaton balancing, which permits 2 additional appendages at the cost of halving strength in all 4.



    '- An Afflicted can have up to four attachments, however, they diminish in strength. This is seen below.


    - The third, and fourth attachments possess 25% the strength in comparison to one’s natural appendage  


    - The first two attachments possess 50% strength in comparison to one’s natural appendage.'


    - The Rebis should be explained in greater detail, particularly around its abilities and so forth. Some guidelines within which ET can reasonably work.


    - The statement of achieving perfect immortality is questionable, and the process should be made a bit more open to interpretation as to how one might characterize the end result. No objectively perfect beings, in other words.


    Explained, granted effects, and showcased how one can do it.


    - Templarism does not seem to be an ideal combination with affliction, due to some questionable interactions and thematic conflicts.


    - Blood Magic could, theoretically, be compatible.




    Consultation, Help, and Feedback

    - Spoon (Co-lore writer)

    - Du locians

    - TitaniumLord430

    - Tom Lawrence

    - 3Jane

    - Count Zero Interrupt

    - Kujo

    - Shady




    A progenitor says, "To the user of this lore, use it well"

  9. On 5/10/2022 at 1:26 AM, punished breeni said:

    lotc reaches a plateau of stagnation w/ the staleness of almaris, and i think that cliques are more deeply rooted now more than ever


    its a byproduct of dollhouse syndrome: people reluctant to change, even if that change means rping out of their social circle where they feel comfortable


    the world of lotc should feel foreign and scary-... in character. most people play out short sequences on their character while they're on the server, they don't engross themselves in the day to day of their character. 


    the map SHOULD be more appealing filled with stuff to find, players should be empowered to wander the map and go from city to city to interact with people. . . . . but cliques are so deeply rooted that if you even so as wander chances are one group will shit talk another group and there is zero cohesion for a healthier server. discordism and rp elitism are the main causes of this mentality and the current culture of the server


    7 minute walking times to a closed gate murders roleplay with strangers


    toxic communities that think they're better because instead of erping as elves they erp as human nobles murder rp with strangers


    a wholly uninteresting map and uninteresting world murders roleplay with strangers


    bureaucratic staff-heavy systems murder roleplay with strangers


    piss poor attitudes that result in calling blue jannys murders rp with strangers

    take of the year imo. 

  10. Changelog:


    - Removed paladins and druids from being capable of having affliction


    - Clarifications on the self alchemy station ability


    - Attachments can no longer extend past 1 block


    - Clarified redline: "Alterations can not extend past one, and a half, meters (blocks), meaning that the max height of your weaponry can reach 150 centimeters, although leverage should be also taken into account. Ranged weaponry is not possible, but things such as quills are."


    - Clarified caloric system "Although one is not necessarily forced to self-rp eating every day, it is recommended you occasionally RP it."



  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Jeffrey de Wees


    Character's Age:

             old enough


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Jeffrey de Wees


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The making of a klone is an arduous process, taking many resources and effort in order to produce one. A klone, in essence, is an artificial body that is made entirely out of alchemy- a vessel that can be inhabited by a soul after one’s death to continue on living. 




    In order to produce one one, the user firstly needs to mould a vessel, otherwise known as a ‘pygmy’ out of bogodan’s clay, which is then infused with numerous signs and symbols, individual’s black and yellow biles, individual’s blood and phlegm. Due to this, the vessel is able to take form similar to that of the creator and begin growing. As one has done this, the pygmy must be placed in a glass vat or otherwise a sealed compartment, laced with connection and filled with oils extracted from growth, alongside dosed with vitae of rebirth. The vessel can also be laced with the symbols of swiftness and vigor, which will make it grow twice as fast, although it will be prone to harsher mutations due to this (a 1/4 and 2/4 will grant mutations). In this stage the vessel is extremely fragile, and will now grow for 6 OOC weeks (or 3 OOC weeks if laced with vigor and swiftness).


    The first week of the making of a klone is rather uneventful. The fetus remains a fetus and not much changes bar the colour of its flesh. It is at this state very vulnerable and prone to death should it be tampered with. 


    Upon reaching the second week, the klone’s growth shall be more noticeable primarily in its size. Veins shall begin to appear upon it, arms and legs now appear as small stubs, holes such as eyes or the mouth will now appear on the vessel.


    The third week of its growth is even more exponential, the fetus reaching about the size of a beach ball. Lungs and the circulatory system now begins to manifest- attaching itself to the rest of the body and vein. Vitae of rebirth, at this point, will have begun flowing through the veins of the fetus.


    Upon the fourth week most of the other organs have now been complete such as the stomach, digestive organs and livers. Characteristics such as skin colour, facial features and specks of hair would begin growing, which would at first be pale and slowly gain colour.  At this point a roll must be done 1d4. Should a 1 be rolled, a mutation will be attained and its severity will depend on another roll out of 20.


    As one reaches the fifth week, one's immune system will now have begun developing. Organs such as the gland, brain and nerves will have formed, the vessel now nearing the point where it may support life, appendages that once were stumps now nearly grown. Although seemingly almost ready, should one attempt to enter the vessel at this stage it is very likely that it'll lead to a catastrophe to the alchemist, if not death of the vessel.


    Reaching the sixth week, the vessel has now fully grown and may be inhabited by another soul. Any and all abnormalities such as mutations that occurred throughout the growing process are now fully apparent. 


    If there is more than one vessel, the order that one is transferred to is dependent on its quality- meaning that the most healthiest, physically able vessel that one possesses is the one that the alchemist will be transferred to upon death. Upon one's soul entering the klone, and awakening, one will find themselves dizzy and nauseated for a few narrative days, at minimum one IRL day. Common effects after awakening are vomiting, loss of touch, temporary blindness and so on. Over the course of the week the individual will begin acclimating themselves to their newfound body. They'd also need to adapt to a tawkin-based mutation, this being an extra appendage or any other sort of intricacy.



    Mutations can, in total, be of 5 severities: Minor, Lesser, Major and Critical.


    Minor slightly alter the original body, meaning it might just be slightly lighter hair or at most freckles


    Lesser are a tad more complex than Minor, albeit too not as much noticeable, it may include small streaks of scales, alter to bone and muscle density and numerous other things.


    Major mutations are far noticeable than the prior two, as they can consist of more radical changes such as weak bones, disorders, lack of smell, partial deafness and many more. Whilst able to function, it’d not be pleasant nor easy.


    Critical mutations - certainly the worst of them all - are extreme changes to one’s vessel which can consist of cancerous growths upon one's body, respiratory issues that complicate one’s normal life, large changes to one’s physique to the point of growing a hunchback or change of facial-structure for the worse, poor immune system and many more possibilities. Whilst these not outright fatal, it might lead to death far earlier than intended.



    The Juliet Potion, otherwise known as the Vitae of Rebirth, is an alchemical elixir that essentially allows for the user to switch between the vessel and their body that they have inhabited prior. Upon ingesting it, one would find themselves suddenly paralyzed- their soul leaving their body and passing onto the next available vessel should there be any. If but a regular descendant chooses to drink it, their soul will be given back to the monks like regular, though if an alchemist that possesses the knowledge of reincarnation, has no available klones, and chooses to drink the juliet elixir- they will be forced to a harsh PK and the monks will not revive them.




    Notable Redlines


    -Knowing reincarnation subjects the individual to a harsh pk clause

    -Racial curses and other magical curses carry on to the next vessel

    -Juliet potion cannot be used to escape combat

    -Klones require a mechanical representation, and require an ST signed sign placed on them.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    The Klone, while versatile in its form, can be altered with numerous mutations that tawkin allows, to some way shape or form being capable of its appearance being change to a certain degree. As the exterior of the vessel changes, the interior cannot. Meaning the soul that inhabits the klone will not alter by any means, and will keep the racial curse that they had prior alongside any unorthodox curse that may have been bestowed upon them. (ex. An elf who got into the body of a human will still bear the racial curse of the elves)


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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