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Posts posted by Gustando

  1. maybe if he didn't have a history of completely disregarding techlock, and the words of LT he wouldn't be taken as an actual joke, plus he's literally the most insufferable person i've met on lordofthecraft in 6 years of playtime.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Jentos said:

    Gamling draws out a puff from his orcish slave-picked tobacco cigarette, adjusting his wig. Hearing the phone ring he walks up, and slides it up to his hear. "And, Haskir, you old cat ! Yes - yes, a drink, and a game of bridge ? Or would you I dial up the boys for a game of basketball?" He asked with a smile. "By - the - by, have you heard of 'em new invention, they call them guns." He paused "Yes, you see, they claim it hits like a crossbow, whereas it tears your back off. How amusing, innit ? Anyhow, let me finish this piece of legislation and I'll be right off. You know how much I love legislation !" He said vividly with a great smile, returning to writing hate-speech against those sickly anti-wigs failing to appreciate modern Orenian culture. 

    "Gamling, you old rat!" called Jeffrey the man through a bananaphone "Have you seen this blasphemy? The orenians are attempting to invent some witch-like weaponry!" he told him in a panicked tone "It is utterly unacceptable!"

  3. Name: Crumena Of Kamees

    (ign:) Remeron

    (discord:) Heero#7850

    Age: 800+

    Gender: caveman

    Hair color: White

    Eye Color: Blue

    City of birth: God knows

    Favorite Animal: God knows

    Favorite Flower: God knows

    Would Marry: Definitely.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Orlanth said:

    It's appalling to see people discourage a new player and his ambitions so much

    Indeed! Magic roleplay.... the pinnacle of lordofdecraft. Yes, i fully discourage a new player to seek magic instantly as they join. That desiredbreakfast fella rounded it up pretty well, read it up if you want:^) I also believe, that they should firstly develop their characters rather than seek funny fire ball magic. 


    42 minutes ago, Orlanth said:

    With how difficult magic is to find on LOTC it makes sense that he'd turn to the forums to ask for it.

    Literally not even that difficult. Self-teaching altars and housemagery books are all around, if you dig just a lil bit, perhaps ask ppl IRP in a civil manner- there's a big chance you'll stumble onto something eventually. It's not atlas times where the only chance of you attaining a magic is by getting an actual teacher.


    42 minutes ago, Orlanth said:

    Please be more tactful in how you respond to new player posts and understand this player probably deserves magic more than many people who currently have magics.


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