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Posts posted by Argontum

  1. YM9Za6I.png

    Greetings applicant;

    Your application has been denied, but do not fret! This does not mean the end. The reason for this denial would be the inability of your application to meet up to our standards. If you follow and complete the changes I lay out for you, your next application might get accepted!

    •  Your roleplaying definition is plagiarized. This is your first warning. Avoid plagiarizing in your next application but if you do plagiarize, you will be banned one week per plagiarized item.

    You may re-apply in 24 hours from the point of this denial.

    Do not hesitate to contact me if you need help or have any questions.



  2. V1pKMbL.png

    Greetings, applicant.

    Your application has been put to pending. This simply means that your app is good! But it doesn’t quite reach the AT’s standards. Your app is given said verdict for the following reasons. Please make these changes in the next 24 hours and send a message over the forums after you have done so. Failing to do so will result in the denial of your application;

    Do not hesitate to send me a message if you need help or have any questions.

  3. V4nyoMr.png

    Greetings applicant;

     Your application is accepted. On the behalf of the application team, we welcome you to the server as a whitelisted player. Still, if you need help regarding anything, be sure to send me a PM over the forums or you can find me in-game, or you can contact a staff member.

    Welcome to the Isle of Axios!


    P.S. Johannesburg is located in the Isles of Axios, not Vailor

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