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Posts posted by TankM1A2

  1. 25 minutes ago, NJBB said:


    MC Name: NJBB

    Do you have skype?: yes

    Do you have Teamspeak?: yes

    Are you a GM alt spying on us? no



    Name: Joseph

    Place of Residence: what's left of Johannesburg

    How many fruit carts do you squat?: more than wolfGANG

    Do you have battle experience?: sure do

    wanna bet, kiddo

  2. Ooc:

    MC Name: TankM1A2

    Do you have skype?: no

    Do you have Teamspeak?: no, is this becoming an issue

    Are you a GM alt spying on us? ofc not



    Name: wolfGANG

    Place of Residence: The Far East

    How many fruit carts do you squat?: Being very generous here, maybe 5

    Do you have battle experience?: I've once fought off a sentient armorstand

    Do you pledge yourself to the Captain, so long as he is fit to lead?: sure, why not

  3. A revision enacted by the newly appointed Lord Marshal, the Right Honorable Count Glendon Stafford and decreed by His Royal Majesty, King Tobias I of Courland.






    “Strength in Discipline”

    The Stauntonite Coat-of-Arms, the White Eagle, and the military motto.





    When the construction of the capital city of Courland, Aleksandria, came to a conclusion, it became evident that a regimented fighting force was necessary for self-defense and to keep the King’s peace. Such was established by the 1st Lord Marshal, Gared Errmark, who immediately set about reforming this age old Order, which draws its roots back to the Duchy of Courland under Percival I. The once Eagle’s Vigil was renowned for their vast military, discipline, and strong leadership. Today, the Order is based out of Aleksandria, upon the ruins of Old Dreadlands on the Isle of Asul. The Order is charged with garrisoning and ensuring peace and stability within the Kingdom’s borders and to act as Courland’s military arm.





    The Code


    “I, (name of oath-swearer), swear myself wholly and honestly to his Royal Majesty, King Tobias Staunton. My blade is his, my heart is his, my life is his. From this day to the last, I shall forever be known as a Courlander; I am the sword and the shield, I am the worker in the fields, I am the flame in the forge, and I rise a bannerman of House Staunton, an agent of righteousness, a talon of the White Eagle! ‘Ave Staunton!”







    The dual-regimental system has been scrapped in favor of a single regiment, which all soldiers will be a part of. Thus, the Curon Guard and Legion of Westmark, are hereby disbanded and declared null. Supreme authority shall rest upon the shoulders of the current Lord Marshal. There will be a standard chain of command and progression system put into place. All of those serving within the White Eagle ultimately report to the Marshal, who shall directly report to His Majesty, the King. Members of the White Eagle are sworn directly to the reigning King of Courland, and House Staunton.





    Hierarchy of the White Eagle

    Lord Marshal- The Lord Marshal is afforded with ultimate and autocratic authority on military matters both in the White Eagle and in other military organisations that owe their loyalty to the Kingdom of Courland. The Lord Marshal sits on the King’s Privy Council, and his authority can only be overturned by either the King or the Arch-Chancellor.


    Captain- Captains wield similar powers to that of the Lord Marshal, and they act as his right hand men. There can only be two active captains at one time, and they wield ultimate authority regarding military matters when the Lord Marshal is not present.


    Lieutenant- Lieutenants are afforded with great responsibility and authority over lower-ranking soldiers. Lieutenants are the best of the best, and are trusted with a small group of soldiers of their own to coordinate and issue orders to. Those who reach this rank are often considered for knighthood.


    Sergeant - Sergeant is a rank awarded to those who have served long and distinguished themselves from the lower ranks. Typically, one must complete valorous deeds and courageous acts to see themselves rise to this rank. By now, they would have numerous battles under their belt and accolades to their name.


    Corporal - One is lifted to the rank of corporal after displaying several years of faithful, undying service to the Kingdom. They are your cut-above the average footman in amongst the ranks of the Army, disciplined and battle-hardened.


    Private - The rank of Private is afforded to those who have proven themselves loyal men of the Kingdom of Courland and capable with a weapon. Privates are expected to meet proficiency in combat, be it at a range or in melee.


    Recruit - A newly-accepted applicant will receive the rank of recruit. A recruit will be tested both in trainings, and during their day to day duties. After a year ((1 week)), if a recruit passes his training, he will be oathed in by either the Lord Marshal or a Captain, and he will receive the rank of Private.







    To be eligible for military service, one must be the following;

    • Must be of human or elven blood.

    • Be a male.

    • Be between the ages of 16-60.

    • Be a citizen of the Kingdom of Courland.


    Applicants must also adhere to a set of rules

    • Soldiers are trusted with the ability to detain civilians of any nation and nobles of any nation. Soldiers cannot harm the nobility of Courland or of those who are foreign unless their life is in danger.

    • Soldiers have a ‘right to arms’; meaning each soldier has a right to own their own equipment, and share their equipment with other soldiers. If one soldier has looted an abundance of arrows, he is expected to share it with fellow soldiers and the military at large by donating it to his commanders or directly to other soldiers.

    • Soldier must not act insubordinately.

    • Soldiers must not cause harm to one another.




    Applicant’s Name:

    Applicant’s Race:

    Applicant’s Age:

    Applicant’s Skill in Magic:

    Applicant’s Skill in Certain Fields (medicine, blacksmithing, etcetera.):

    Applicant’s signing of the Code, and legally binding consent to serving until honourably discharged:

    ((PM TankM1A2 on the forums with this application))






    Trainings are as follows;

    • ((Every Wednesday and Saturday at 3pm EST, 8pm GMT.))

    Trainings will take place within the city of Aleksandria, at the fighting pits. Trainings may be moved outside of the city if there is not enough capacity. Men should come equipped with a full set of armour and a weapon of their choosing. Men can be promoted to higher ranks at the end of training sessions based on their activity both during the training and the past Saint’s week.


  4. I've known Kevin for a somewhat short amount of time compared to others, but I must say, from what I've gathered thus far... he's competent, responsible, friendly, and very helpful. Without a doubt, I'd give him a chance. To me, he's proven capable. +1

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