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Posts posted by Aviers




    2nd of The Deep Cold, 1681


    Fellow mali’thill, it is with a heavy heart that I write this notice, though the time has come for it. The Okarir’tayna and myself hereby announce our intent to resign from elheial’thilln. As such, an open election shall be held to fill the position of Okarir’mali. Mali’thill candidates of impeccable record should announce their candidacy with a speech. Elections will proceed within two elven days.

    -Okarir’mali Arelion Laurir’ante



  2. dDWpXk8LECT2waSkFul77B-UwE4tO2IMTnNyM6pG3kcl6vc9XUp42yyxSfvm1uydQHQ6jlz9bO-7JJHz0YulHJG7Mfly5Kg4z2s_ueeu7HQWHZZqMjbyygn4S8y7m00LZkPcT3Q


    11th of The Amber Cold, 1679


    With the Enchantry having proved its unwavering commitment to the Silver Enclave, the order is henceforth dissolved and absorbed under elheial’thilln, reorganized into the Ministry of Magic. This organization shall be the foremost group upon the Arcane within elcihi’thilln and the lands of Haelun’or, ensuring its safe use while spearheading research upon voidal matters and other anomalies.

    Acknowledging the unique circumstances of its founding, the Ministry shall be able to employ all those who are not deemed to be impure. With special dispensation from elheial’thilln, members of the ministry may be granted the ability to enforce Silver Law within the lands of the Enclave when it falls beyond their mandate. With that said, both mages and scholars will have a place within the Ministry.

    The management of the Ministry at the present time shall fall under the purview of elokarir’tir, for its members are tasked with the sacred duty of preserving the pace and stability of our blessed state. While the Ministry of Magic shall be a group of scholars and mages acting in the interest of defending Haelun’or, elsillumiran shall remain the primary military and guard force.



    [!] Another document is attached underneath. [!]




  3. MC Name: Aviers

    Character's Name: Arelion Laurir'ante

    Character's Age: 240


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Sarrion Zytiaear


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

            https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/172938-telekinesisst-aviers/ Never got a chance to properly self teach.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  4. 00K4VvyVdBZc9somlqYyiO8ws6LEhGtHuxHYBVRtUKAQGAl45c-mvp-DX2vdocHi8LiKJiCIOQo4uUEu5cDlt7OB7AOu8eRmwlpzEzQO1D3W5EeheKvDB5F-Gvp5HsCkHUrJ15k


    15th of Sun's Smile, 1675


    In a world of ignorance, it is rare for the Mali'thill to find those who engage in scholarly pursuits with same vigor as our blessed kin. However after careful negotiation, the Silver Council welcomes the establishment of a Haelun'or branch of the Holm based Remembrance Guild within our city, which shall be based out of the Eternal Library. The leaders of the organization have proven to hold a disposition that aligns with traditions of the Mali'thill and elmaehr'sae hiylun'ehya. The Remembrance Guild, for those unaware, is an enclave of scholars dedicated to the study of our world, and the spread of the discoveries that are made.  As such, mali'aheral of the city are encouraged to acquire membership to help ensure the pursuit of science and knowledge continues. Elokarir'leyun Filanir Ilmoriel (@Paleo) shall lead the organization within elcihi'thilln, and inquiries should be dispatched to him directly. Those of non-mali'aheral heritage will be permitted entry within the organization. However, and it disappoints the writer of this document that this must be even mentioned, the branch shall operate under Silver Law, and will not tolerate the impure mali'aheral under any circumstances.




    [!] Pinned to the notice is another document. [!]


  5. MC Name: Aviers

    Character's Name: Arelion Laurir'ante

    Character's Age: 237


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Transfiguration falls into the voidal category of magic, and offers a broad range of tools for a mage to manipulate the mana in the world around them. Transfiguration has four distinct branches: transmutation, enchanting, warding, and abjuration. As one practices the magic, they will be able to manipulate mana to a greater extent. Notably however, living matter cannot be targeted by transfiguration.


    Transmutation is the first branch taught to students, and it involves the alteration of the innate mana in objects to alter the object's physical properties. Changes to objects are not permanent at first, though as a student becomes more adept in the magic this can no longer be the case. Students begin with altering temperature, before moving on to shape, hardness, and expand/contract the object. A skilled mage may even perform fusion and fission.


    Enchanting allows a mage to imbue mundane objects with magical properties. Using some medium to store mana, usually a gem, the enchantment can be utilized even by those who are not mages. The process is a ritualistic one, and requires a mage that practices the proper magic to achieve the desired effect. The mana gem which fuels the magic imbued in an item must be periodically refilled by a mage.


    Warding and abjuration, while distinct branches, both deal with dispelling magic. Wards are stationary shields, while abjurations serve as projectiles to override the mana in a spell. To be cast, one requires in depth knowledge of the voidal magic one is warding/abjuring. A ward/abjuration will either dispel the mana, or enable minor manipulation of the spell in order to deflect it.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:


    Arelion stands in front of a basin of water, across from his student, motioning to it. "We will begin with a simple manipulation. Extend your hand, and let it hover as close to the surface as possible without disturbing the water."


    The student seems to hesitate before nodding his head, doing as was instructed.


    Arelion narrowed his eyes on his pupil, letting his arms rest folded behind his back. "Mana permeates all things. You have been connected to the void a while now, familiar with the nature of mana. However, using it to evoke is one thing. It is another matter entirely to exert your will on the world around you. I want you to release your own energy into the basin. Change it."


    The student gives another uncertain nod, before focusing himself on the water. Minutes pass by in relative silence, his curled digits giving the occasional twitch. As sweat began to accumulate upon his brow, clear fumes begin to emanate from his fingertips, gently flowing into the water. His breathing became shallow, his body beginning to shake, before the student fell back, exhausted


    "Good." Arelion remarked, as a single ripple formed from the center of the basin, spreading outward. "A successful first transmutation."


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. The Okarir'mali nods his head as he read the message in his office above Haelun'or's great library. The elf would dip his quill in the inkwell, beginning to scribe a response in elegant penmanship.

    "The Silver Enclave shall dispatch a delegation.

    Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya

    Okarir'mali Arelion Laurir'ante."

  7. What is your Minecraft Account Name? Aviers

    Do you have a Discord account?  Aviers#1500

    How long have you played on LotC? On and off since Vailor. Consistently since mid-Axios.

    How many hours per day/week are you available? Roughly 3-5 hours a day. Usually more but depends on IRL commitments.

    What lore do you hold the most experience with? 

    I am most experienced with the voidal lore, having had a large amount interaction with the multitude of branches of the sub-type directly on the server in rp. The magic types I'd say I am most familiar with however are mental magic, arcanism, electrical evocation, and transfiguration, and I have a good understanding of dark magic lore as well. Besides magic lore, I'm familiar with the elf racial lore and have experience with alchemy and a good chunk of world lore.


    Do you have a solid grasp on the existing lore of our server? Would you be comfortable moderating it in-game? 

    Throughout my time on LoTC, I believe I've been exposed to and interacted with a significant enough amount of lore to make me feel confident with what is currently accepted on the server, and am comfortable with putting my knowledge to use to assist with moderating in-game.



    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past


    I was a helper on a small server a few years back, but nothing besides that.



    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it



  8. "And so this election comes to a close." Announces the Okarir'mali stepping up to address his fellow Mali'thill. "Filanir Ilmoriel is hereby elevated to the position of Okarir'leyun. May he not falter in his duty and service to the way of Larihei. Mehr'sae hiylun'ehya lliran."






    14th of The Amber Cold,1673


    A candidate has stepped forward to claim the mantle of okarir’leyun, enabling the possibility of fully seated elheial’thilln once more. As per ancient tradition, all Mali’thill citizens may cast two votes as they wish. Should there be a majority abstention, the candidate shall be deemed unfit to assume duties upon our Silver Council. Votes cast without names shall be disregarded, and voting shall close in two elven days.



    Filanir Ilmoriel [ ]

    Abstain [ ]







    18th of Malin’s Welcome, 1672


    After many years, and due to the industrious nature of the Mali’aheral who wish to see their home prosper, the Silver City has been rebuilt. Like a diamond recut, the glory of elcihi’thilln stands as one of the crowning architectural achievements of the Mali’aheral; a fortress of learning, peace, and stability.

    Under the enlightened wisdom of the Silver Council, the gates of Haelun’or are open once more. The progress of the Mali’thill may now continue as it always should, for all toils bear fruit. All citizens are directed to report to an Okarir to be housed.

    Do not forget our heritage, children of Silver. To those who have strayed from the teachings of old, a pardon is offered. An opportunity to walk the Path, and have one’s impurities of the past washed away, to be forgotten and forgiven by all, as one embraces Silver anew. Leave a life of decadence and ignorance behind for one of the blessed light of Haelun’or. To those who continue to adhere to the elmaehr'sae hiylun'ehya, return to your homeland, for the realms of the lesser races are fleeting in the fires of chaos and war while the wisdom of the Mali'thill endures as eons pass.





    Hello friends! As some of you may have noticed, Haelun’or and the High Elf community has been a bit quiet over the past few weeks as we have been revamping our city. Now that things have been finished up however, we’re looking for people to join us in some High Elf RP (and fill up some lovely tower houses)!


    Somewhat interested? Then if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to message myself or @countessem (Sakura) with questions about High Elf culture and RP. We offer many tea and library related activities. If the military is more to your liking, just drop a PM to @Corpean, leader of our guardforce, the Sillumir.


    Not a High Elf? Feel free to stop by our inn. We don’t bite. (Probably)


  11. "A fool laid to rest, finally," a high elf would mutter. After a moment, he would turn back to his work. "He could be competent at times, yet suffered to be woefully misguided and lost." The elf pauses as he dipped his quill in an inkwell. "What a waste."

  12. What is your Minecraft Account Name? Aviers

    Do you have a Discord account?  Aviers#1500

    How long have you played on LotC? I've played actively since mid-Axios.

    How many hours per day/week are you available? I've been a bit busy recently, but now 2-4 hours a day. This will also depend a bit on school.

    What lore do you hold the most experience with? 

    I would say I'm most familiar with the magic lore on the server, being most experienced with voidal magic (most directly Arcanism, elemental evocation, mental magic, transfiguration, and Celestialism), then dark magic, and finally least comfortable with deity magic. Besides magic though, I'm familiar with the Elven racial lore and have a good understanding of both alchemy lore and a sizable portion of the other world lore.

    Do you have a solid grasp on the existing lore of our server? Would you be comfortable moderating it in-game? 

    I believe I do, and I would be comfortable with moderating on the server. That being said, if I find myself a bit out of my depth I'm willing to read up in those areas.


    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past

    I was a helper on a small server, but as it was a long while ago I can't remember the name.


    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it


  13. Minecraft Account Name(s) Aviers

    Discord Aviers#1500

    How long have you played on LoTC? I was accepted in Vailor, and actively played since mid-Axios

    Timezone and Availability CST. Available most afternoons, but depends on school.


    What lore are you versed in most?

    I would say I'm most versed with alchemy lore, elf racial lore, and void lore. The magic lore I hold the most experience with is Arcanism, electrical evocation, mental magic, transfiguration, and Celestialism, though I am familiar with all the void magics.


    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC



    Have you ever written lore for LoTC?

    I have written a small submission for the alchemy index called Frozen Fire which got accepted, but no other lore besides that.


    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?



    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?

    I'm cool with everyone. (I think)

  14. What is your Minecraft Account Name? Aviers

    Do you have a Discord account?  Aviers#1500

    How long have you played on LotC? I was accepted in Vailor, and have played actively since mid-Axios.

    How many hours per day/week are you available? 2-4 hours a day. Depends on school.

    Have you read and do you thoroughly understand Magic Lore? Yes I have and I do, though I'll admit there are areas I'm weaker in, specifically deity magic.

    What Magic Lore do you hold the most experience with? 

    I would say I'm most familiar with Voidal magic, having direct experience in Arcanism, electrical evocation, mental magic, and transfiguration. Besides that, I have good understanding of the other voidal magics and a general knowledge of most of the dark magics. I have also interacted with Iconoclasts and am familiar with the lore.


    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past

    I was a helper once on a small server a few years back that I sadly can no longer remember the name of, which entailed just general moderation of the community and rule enforcement.


    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it


  15. u95AwQXLWqVSeXuqoPzKgqRmXdW5RYfaTmBbS-vjn2Yg2NSEpfdMlLQ7LDvPZtSclpEg2j24sdUMG34ZD4AAzUz5WsW7wHr2fp9PsOMWbjAFEOCQJ9lx507_u8H90qGwKIzpfuGh



    6th of The Deep Cold, 1665


    By order of elheial'thilln, a full reconstruction of the city will take place, beginning immediately. All citizens are requested to move their possessions to a secure location within three elven days. Mali'thill citizens who wish to ensure the continued pursuit of health by assisting with this edifice should contact the Okarir'mali or the Okarir'tayna. During this period, no further houses will be distributed until new facilities are available.






    Haelun'or will be undergoing a full rebuild, which should take approximately two weeks. The eviction notice will last until the 1st of June, after which your items will be moved to a temporary storage area. If you wish to move them there earlier or help with the rebuild, please PM @countessem (Sakura)/ Sakura#8726, @Aviers/ Aviers#1500, or @Sky/ RideTheSky#0001 and we'd be more than happy to set you up.

  16. u95AwQXLWqVSeXuqoPzKgqRmXdW5RYfaTmBbS-vjn2Yg2NSEpfdMlLQ7LDvPZtSclpEg2j24sdUMG34ZD4AAzUz5WsW7wHr2fp9PsOMWbjAFEOCQJ9lx507_u8H90qGwKIzpfuGh


    9th of Malin's Welcome, 1665


    With Solaria Soulheart's resignation from the position of Okarir'tir, Dragaar Aldirar shall assume the mantle as per ancient tradition and law. May he fulfill his blessed duty in accordance with elmaehr'sae hiylun'ehya, and not fall onto sloth as many Okarian have in the past. That is all.


    -Elokarir'mali, Arelion Larurir'ante




  17. The Okarir'mali quietly nods his head as he read the parchment over, sipping on some tea within his home. "Elcihi is more animated than usual, it seems. Time will tell if this one will succeed." The elf sets his tea aside as he picks up a quill and dips it in the inkwell, starting to write.

  18. IGN(s): Aviers


    Age 18


    Timezone CST


    Discord: Aviers#1500


    What map did you join during?: I joined during Vailor, but started actively playing in Axios.


    Do you have access to a Microphone? Yes


    Average Daily Play Time? About 3 hours a day. Depends on school.


    Have you held any LotC staff position(s) before? If so, for how long?: Nope.


    Do you have prior history in any forms of moderation?

    On LoTC I help moderate the High Elf discord. There was also a small Minecraft server from a few years back that I cannot remember the name of anymore which I was a helper on. From real life, I hold/held leadership positions in a few of the organizations at my school, which I believe provide relevant experience.


    Why do you want to join the GM Team?:


    Now that I've been part of the community actively for the past few months, I want to try and improve the quality of everyone's time on the server by helping the players. Whether it by moderating combat, raids, or simple modreqs, I believe the GM team offers an opportunity for improving the server as whole by facilitating communication between the player base. I believe that I can maintain level head with issues that might arise on the server, as well as remain unbiased as possible as it is important to maintain a level of fairness on the server. Game moderators are in many ways the face of the community, and I believe I can help contribute to a positive environment.



    Have you applied for this position before and been denied? If so, link the application:



    Anything else you want to tell us?:

    Ask to hear @countessem (Sakura) British accent ❤️

  19. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

    Arelion Laurir'ante


    Character's Age:



    What magic(s) will you be learning:



    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self-teaching:


    How did you learn this magic(s)?:

    Previous experience in transfiguration and the arcane in general, as well as books available in Dragur and Haelun'or.


    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT):



    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning:

    Telekinesis is a form of alteration magic that allows the mage to manipulate the force of gravity upon an object, allowing the object to float. Similarly to an evocation however, the change only lasts as long as the mage's concentration upon the object, making the change only temporary. Upon becoming more skilled and experienced, a mage will also acquire the ability to alter the speed and direction of objects as they move through space. How difficult an object is to manipulate hinges upon four factors; the current speed, the amount of objects being manipulated at once, size, and weight. A small, light, stationary object is easier to alter than many large, heavy, moving objects.

    As one continues to practice, one will become far more proficient, with the four factors mentioned previously making alteration less difficult. However, while the magic does allow the application of force, a mage would likely never be able to fully redirect a fast moving object such as an arrow back at the attacker. Only minor redirection of trajectory would be possible. With that said, a telekinetic cannot use their magic on gasses, liquids, and energy directly, nor can they achieve fine control of objects that are not fully under their control.


    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s);



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

    Technically no with the announcement that Soul Puppetry has been shelved. However, I'll post the link to that app here anyway, as Telekinesis will be now be my 5th magic.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:





    As published on the 9th of The Amber Cold, 1663


    Over five years ago, the Silver Sohaerate had pledged its support to the United Southern Alliance, in order to counter the common threats to the autonomy of member states. However, this pact has now served its purpose. By the guidance of the Ah’Sohaer, Haelun’or had forged pacts of friendship with the Kingdom of Norland, yet their kingdom is now defunct. It was primarily due to the Ah’Sohaer’s personal respect for this group of Valah that our Blessed State signed this treaty, but much has changed in recent times and the premise for the creation of said alliance is now void. With this declaration, the Silver Enclave of Haelun'or dissolves all its ties and obligations to the U.S.A.


    Elheial’thilln, and the citizens of elcihi’thilln, find no wisdom in continuing pointless hostilities. The Sohaerate is no more, and much of its legacy is now incompatible with our new direction. The Silver Enclave extends an offer peace to all the nations of Atlas in this time of change. The place of Mali’thill is not to wage needless war, but to preserve our ancient tradition.




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