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Clay Stat

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Everything posted by Clay Stat

  1. The best way to begin, is to begin.

    1. Rhewen


      True **** right here

    2. Pav33


      umm I think you mean the best way to begin is to end :')

    3. Sebasgann


      I'm going to assume your goal is change, and change won't come :/

      In the words of the great Telanir himself, word for word "momentum in LotC, drive and power are distributed by the amount of time you spend, and how long you stick"

      And this my friend, won't have any, significant impact whatsoever on the server, or any kind of change :/


      Then again, if your goal wasn't attempting some derpy revolution from your planned series of posts regarding the staff team of the server, I end up sounding like a bumbling fool.

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