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Posts posted by squakhawk

  1. Illythia would sigh deeply, going to write a memoire of such to herself.
    He was a man, fiery in his fury and thoughtful in his tactics. He was smart, careful, and strong – As a true son of Horen, we worry not for we will see his likes again, stronger in bloodline.”
    Illythia would then sit back in the chair of her unused, damp office and look around, pondering fleeting thoughts and ideas, before seeming to settle upon something.

  2. Hello, I agree you must’ve posted this somewhere wrong. 


    This is is a magic application, not a character application. You can find the link with Wrynn’s post above this one. 

  3. Spoiler


    Fire rained down and slammed unto Helena’s walls, the drums pounding in the distance as The Armies of Oren closed in. She sat above the walls, looking outward beside her preparing allies. Renatian archers strung their bows and prepared their arrows, knightly royalty and orcish berserkers readied to wet their blades upon the enemy. Uncertainty, filled her heart with the deafening silence. The week approaching had stenched of death, skirmishes and battles sided with grueling hours of aiding builders and smithing weaponry. Friends in Ves lost with the declaration, children and a lover separated, joining the enemy side. Illythia was alone, her battle would be by the side of Horens who she admired, knights and fighters she’d studied under and trained with, and friendships made with those who’d she found as her new brothers.

    Her kind were not an easy folk to talk to, often too stuck in their ways to make good listeners- good leaders. Such is why she found herself always at odds with them. Always did she try and make amends with her people, always did she fail. However, the spirit of A Warhawke is not so easily dismissed. She for a hundred and thirty years, had fought alongside Valah and their struggles. Against Norlanders and Courlanders, now fighting alongside them as if they were her own. The Ruriks and Stauntons had their conflicts, but set them aside when they had seen a greater threat arise. One threat that not only sought to ruin their union, but sought to destroy her home, and those she cared about. 

    As The Dawn broke, the resounding sounds of a distant ram, and trebuchet fire broke the silence. Field commanders began shouting, and the bells began tolling. The attack would come, and today would decide whether she lay dead in the ground, or standing triumphantly over her enemies. She’d looked to those of The Legion around her, now nearly the oldest member of the organization, viewing all the faces she may never see again. She’d built a life here, in thirty years. Best of friends with Legionnaire Officers and High Command, she’d fought for two lifetimes – but not grown attached, to those around her. Such thoughts were broken when she laid eyes upon a soldier, who’d gotten struck directly moments after her gaze fell onto her by a trebuchet shot. Little remained of them, and little remained of her senses. Her heart sunken and formed into stone, and she prepared for the battle ahead. She turned, looking down to the charging soldiers that broke through her walls, their goal to raze her home and hang her from the gallows. 

    Their day would not be today.  


  4. MC Name: SquakHawk

    Character's Name: Illythia

    Character's Age: like 240 or something


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Ailduin Everhilin


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    A Klone is a person that is essentially grown in a fluid tank through means of using DNA samples of the original person. Using things like Spinal Fluid, Blood, Flesh, Fat and Muscle, and Hair (Along with Alchemy symbols). You then put them in the tank-thing, and they will grow over 6-9 IRL weeks. If you were to die without a klone body, you would die. Klones can also often randomly mutate, whether for good or bad. Klones are used as a creative way to skinwalk/escape death. 

    For the jelly, you create such with roleplay by taking DNA aspects of the Klone’d prospect. Things like hair, spinal fluid, flesh even, but primarily blood, a full bodies worth. They also need a great amount of fat of some kind (primarily pigs in rp) as lard. Combined with symbols (Air and Water) and further ritual + symbol addition (Personalized to the Klone, but including a base set), it creates a gelatin which acts as a stasis with a limited shelf life (100-150 yrs) for the klone to sit and develop within. The chamber where the gelatin is stored must be a warm, body temperature, but in a dark place, allowing for small, closed shacks to offer a good place so long as the hearth that keeps the gelatin warm is carefully monitored, alongside the growing Klone. The Klone has the possiblity to Mutate which is to be rolled for often enough, and monitored in roleplay by viewing such, which is described upon the lorepage. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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