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Posts posted by Askuzai

  1. "O', s'thas when teh Harves' fesitvitehs begin, ave been wonderin' when i' was comin.'" Rae could comment passively at the many fliers littered around Nordengrad's walls, trees, and beyond. "Ah can' wai'" he breaks out a joyful smile before going about his daily business.

  2. "Oho, the end of the house Silversteed has finally arrived. I will not be debuting a return for it. Even if I wished, I cannot as I honored the stripping of my Silversteed name. I hope William lets it rest now that it's founder lies in the mud. Fallen, cold, and dead." says Atturi, The once Cousin of Avalon Silversteed, in a rather grim tone to usher in this fact. "May the dead rest in peace."



  3. Galen will not have to worry about skin contact or breathing in the disease as he is always suited with a mask and a full suit of armor at all times anyways. He crosses his arms together at the document before briskly leaving to help his brothers with this task of curing the diseased with fire if necessary.

  4. Atturi 'Silversteed' sighs at the document. "Oh how it all shatters to pieces, every time, why cant we just negotiate instead of declaring him a traitor to go hunt him? Oh well. I guess that's how the cookie crumbles after all this time." he neatly folds the scripture back unto itself and creases the paper between thumb and forefinger. His eyes looking off elsewhere to think of what is to become of all this.


    Galen's visor glares down at the parchment before him. He shrugs as he has nothing to do with this situation. "If he is truly a corrupt man then we shall go send him to the afterlife in a blaze."

  5. Galen peers at the parchment with a raised brow beneath his helmet, he turns to Elle "I feel we have no issue with any elf, Less they be corrupt of mind, body, or spirit, Those Elves that are accepting of the Allfather pose no problem to us and are certainly allowed. Those that dont, They are still welcome to convert or visit."

  6. Atturi had found one of these fliers, he'd think to himsef "Well ive no care for this band of sorts. But I would like to know why the heck there are a ton of Jayamen docks scattering down that precious river running through the land. It blemishes the terrain" he turns the paper over and writes his thoughts as a formal complaint for them. Itd be sent off on a bird in a short time to go find this Jaya Jayamen. ((Excuse me For the lack of color coding, phone post))

  7. "What has William done wrong to lose his name? I know I was of no assistance, but William was a good leader for the time that he was around? And what of Ethan? I know he is dead now, yet is his name revoked aswell? Why does William never get to be Silversteed ever again? It is quite a strange thing to commit such actions when neither does anything anymore. I suppose you will enjoy your time over in Caminus, or so the rumors say,  best of luck to you Avalon." -Atturi NotaSilversteedanymore.

  8. "What a pity. Forcing people to convert into the faith is heresy. I have little idea of what this prince is talking about by this so called violence. It is possible that we of the Allfather's light are being used as a tool to shield Norland's bandit raids from blame." said Galen.


    On Racial Corruption

    Corruption, Greed, And sloth are all traits of those unworthy. Does that mean many Dwarves are already unworthy of the red faith or even servants of the long dark? No, They were cursed with such a damaging affliction for their fight against the agents of decay, the undead, so long ago. The same fate was had by the other races. A different ailment placed on each. That is not to say their internal rot is incurable, Rather that each race has their own set amount of corruption already within themselves at birth.


    To clear oneself of filth

    There are ways to clear oneself of rot. By joining the faith and leading one’s eyes astray from ignorance. To seek out the Allfather’s guidance to clear yourself of the filth within. For those who are unable, such as undead or voidal mages (whose bodies and souls are too far tainted), or those who cannot rid themselves of such corruption even by being subjected to penance by fire. The only other option is the Allfather’s peace.


    The Allfather’s Peace

    To put it simply. It is death by the Holy Fire. There is little explanation needed. It should be clear that there are many ways to carry this out, All using holy fire as a base. One can tie a tainted soul to a stake to keep them still, or even simply just light them into a blaze. After this maybe then the Allfather will be merciful and let them back into his grace.


    -Initiate Galen

  10. Rip grappling now that nexus is ded. oh woe. How can I skip over gates now to get to rp I actually care about? Nooooooo. How could you do this to me and the fishing community!? Reeeeeeeee



    Edit: After posting I realize it might become an expensive item or everyone's gonna have one. ****. More grinding if it isnt forever gone. But hey them grapple spams if it is added without having to work

  11. I think this is a pretty good update man. I hated getting stuck on LC borders. Or people preventing me from following them by walking into an LC zone that I didnt have access to.


    edit: Also should help out those who want to LC small building makeovers in cities.

  12. Right. I'd like to specifically point out some of the broken things with it.


    1. When you grapple onto a block it either makes a 'breaking' sound and does nothing except take a good chunk of durability. If it does work it pulls you to the side of the block but doesnt ever get you onto the block. The extra lee-way to get on the top of the destination for it is gone.


    2. For some reason im able to grapple against the wall. This isnt much of a problem. This helps with the lee-way issue in cases where the target block has two blocks above it to grapple to, Then you can get on the top of the block using that, But it doesnt fix the issue entirely either.


    3. Apparently when being pulled it pulls you straight towards the block instead of an arc up and then onto the block.



    edit: It's been working. Just not good or to the standard it was before the energy update.

  13. Atturi reads the silversteed lore "Hmmm I remember the time when Avalon was around, I think Ethan was only 13 at the time when his father left. Hard times because Ethan was very annoying at the time." he says to himself as he gets close to the bottom. "Wait.... Avalon outlasted his son?" he shrugs and goes about his day, maybe to see the rise and fall of Norland once again, As theyve risen and fallen about three times so far since he first knew of them back in Vailor. Silversteed pride.

  14. OOC:

    Minecraft Name: Askuzai

    Skype (Required): lolwait what you got skype? you got skype but not discord? bruh ill work on it.

    Team Speak (Preferred, Not Required): ye

    Professions (Blacksmith, Miner, etc)- fisher/lumber/woodworker, Bonus is interchangeable


    In Character:

    Name: Atturi

    Race: Wood elf

    Age: 150

    Any past services to the Ashguard, Norland, or House Silversteed?: Yes, you know. All of the above.

  15. MC name: Askuzai


    Character's name and age: Atturi Idate, Around 100.


    Character’s Race: Wood elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Electric Evocation


    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?: Moorke

    Who will be teaching you (RP Name)?: Locke Lamora

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Not at all

    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No. Not this magic

  16. ((While I missed the Event,)) Atturi stood strong alongside his friends and family of the Ashguard to defend the ship against the hordes of angry spirits, Later that day below decks as they sailed around in the new realm. Atturi had begun working on a bow made of some wood broken off of their ship from the battles prior. He finds he cannot make any progress at all with it. "****, I've lost my touch." he had said angrily, thinking of how it must've been that one fireball... Nonetheless he shrugged it off and went about his business below decks, Licking the wounds he had sustained.

  17. Here's me, got a teacher like a good little boy


    MC name: Askuzai


    Character's name and age: Atturi, 96 abouts


    Character’s Race: Wood elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Fire Evocation


    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?: KetchenX

    Who will be teaching you (RP Name)?: Erik Stalfen

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No

    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: On self teaches, yes. Two got denied, Link to first denied is in the second denied app


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