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Posts posted by Stolos

  1. 3 minutes ago, Taketheshot said:

    We have an antag its Oren, duh.


    Literally everyone is trying to kill Oren now, they won't last long enough to be a main antagonist.

  2. 1 minute ago, Reznc 2.0 said:

    I've got this glass ball of corruption that I was planning to use on some poor city, but I feel as though it'd be better used for the end of the server.


    This is my boi ^^^ He could vouch for the earlier post

  3. I am currently working on building an antagonist group. We will be going public after our first major attack. Several people could vouch for me. I think you guys would like it, no aenguldaemons, just a group opposing everyone.

  4. 5 hours ago, Balthasar said:

    Pontius, a recruit of the Imperial Garrison of Oren, discovers an invitation from this illustrious Society hanging on a wall somewhere in the poor-district of Lorath. He rips the parchment off the wall and crumbles it together and throws it into the dirt, as a final measure he'd spit on it "Oren's all the Freedom you need" he'd say to any onlookers and carry on with his patrol, eyes peering to the right and left now and then.


    (really good tho, if i had the characters for the society, i'd def join)


    @Balthasar*When Letholdus returns to check the invitation he sees it has been taken down. He yawns, and with a blank tired face retaliates by etching it into the wall it was previously stuck to.


    ((Thanks. :)

  5. 8 hours ago, KentuckyFriedCreeper said:

    A gruff looking, weatherworn clothed bard stumbles upon one of the etchings, then notices some chalk bellow. "Oh, how convinent." Then writes a name bellow the notice.


    "The Idol"


    He then strolls off down the dingy, dark alley, humming a tune as he makes his way to the local inn.


    @KentuckyFriedCreeper*Going to check his invitations, Letholdus looked strangely on the new name, but despite its oddness he wrote it down and removed it from the wall.


    ((My Skype is carter.minich, my Discord is c a r t e r#2851, or you can pm to discuss what will happen next.

  6. 19 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    ((This is a bit of an OOC question, but...... Do you accept child characters?))


    Victoria Merentel the human child would notice this message carved into wretched and menacing looking oak tree by her home "I wonder what this is about; it sounds like a lot of adventure!"


    @NotEvilAtAll((If you are willing, as a child, to join you will be accepted. So yeah. You didnt mention writing your name so I don't know if you just passed by it or wrote your name. Either way, I assume you are looking to join so could you possibly send me the location of this tree, if and when you write your name, so it is easier to find you? 



  7. Villain RP Stuff You Should Know That Does Not Pertain To The Group: I am relatively new to LoTC, but I have been roleplaying for a very long time, and I can understand the reasons why people dislike the current state of this servers villain rp. In the past I had considered playing a villainous character, but until now I had not. And now that I am I do not want to ruin anyone else's time with it. I don't care about winning, I care about having a good time and letting others do the same. And if anything, television has shown me that even dying can be cool in a fictional world. But while my character lives I want to make the most of it, and that is why I am here. I plan to fill this group with as many decent villains as possible. Not to get money or anything other than fun rp, eventually we might earn something but that is not the goal. So if you think you can fit into this then I'd love it if you join. Even if you are not a villain and want to join the fight for freedom, you are allowed. This is not entirely a villainous group but will be employing villainous tactics, so if you are not playing a villain keep this in mind when joining.

    Description of the invitation:
         An invitation recently began to appear in places the average citizen of Axios wouldn't think to look, on a wall in a dangerous area of the city or etched into the side of an alleyway in an old village. Few noticed it, and fewer cared to read it, yet those who did usually left very curious. The invitation read, "Those who are willing to earn their freedom, tell me your name, do not worry it will wash away." Below the first line, written in smaller letters, it said, "A meeting will be arranged." On the ground under where it had been written were a couple pieces of white chalk.


    Group Description:
         This is a society without a name, where every member is a member anonymously. Your neighbor or friend could be in it and you would know no better, that is unless you were also a member. It is one of the group's few rules not to expose the society unless they all agree it is time to reveal themselves. They are a society that aims for freedom and equality through the destruction of all existing governments and social rules, using any means necessary to complete their goals. Being a widely unknown group, members collect information and share it with the whole. Members will do a lot to get this information, for example placing themselves in positions of government. This information is in turn used to target people of power. The society accepts people in positions of power on the promise that these people will work for their citizens and reform their government according to the ideas of the society.

         The only people with any titles are the Archiver and the Founder. The Archiver's job is to gather and sort the information given to the society, and when they feel the time is right the Founder can order assassinations, kidnappings, etc. based on this information. Outside of the Archiver and Founder the group separates itself based on skillsets. Some people may work as assassins, and others might work as information thieves. And if someone did not have the skillset to commit those crimes they would simply give information and advise. They have no restrictions in completing their tasks.




         Anyone is excepted entry, but special skills are appreciated. If you have a guild/organization of your own and want an anonymous ally let me know.

  8. On 5/18/2017 at 10:08 PM, Abbles said:

    7/10 seems like anime meets harvey dent


    not that id really know much about anime having never watched it myself, but the mask he holds seems to be of a traditional japanese theatrical style


    12/10 I don't know what it is, but I like it.

  9. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Stolos

    What is your timezone?: CST

    How old are you?: 16 (made most of this application when 15, or at least the first bit, so if things on the application are in a strange order I apologize. There have been changes since then to the application format.)

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): I am aware

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:


    Things we absolutely do not allow in RP:


    Abusing glitches


    Hostile, toxic or satirical memeage

    Breaking server lore



    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): All good here

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? About a month ago I was with a friend on another role play server, and they mentioned LotC. I had heard of it but had not played it. I found your website signed up, and well, now I'm applying. (old story, I was re-introduced in the same way though, coincidentally, so I'll leave it.)

    Have you logged into the server yet?: Yes




    What is roleplaying?: Coming up with a character, who is not you of course, and interacting with other people's characters as if you are this character. Storytelling as you go to make your character either better, or worse, and to overall tell the story you want to tell through this character's actions. In this case it is done in Minecraft.

    What is metagaming?: Using OOC information, or information your character would not RP'ly know to better yourself, or effect roleplay whatsoever. For example say that my character sheet said I was a musician, but your player did not know me within roleplay, but asked if I would play a song; this would be meta because they did not know me, or that I was a musician.

    What is powergaming?: Powergaming is to act overpowered or unrealistic within roleplay, most of the time this will occur in combat. For example say I was fighting another player and I said something along the lines of *thrusts sword at opponent, and without giving me a chance to block or anything the other player says something like *dodges attack, does three backflips, roundhouse kicks opponents face, then slits their throat. I had no fair chance to stop it and thus they were power gaming.


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Letholdus

    Characters sex: Male

    Character’s race: Half-Elf

    Character’s age: 29


              Born to a male Snow Elf and a female Highlander in 1584, in Taliyna'maehr, Letholdus was an outcast to his father's people. Being the bastard son of his elven father, he and his mother were pushed into hiding. Abandoned to protect his father's reputation. His father was one of the only respected Snow Elves in the city, having been raised there. They moved from Taliyna'maehr to the Kingdom of Haense, his mother's birth place, and began a new life. They were poor and Letholdus's mother, working as a house maid, often scavenged or begged for food in an attempt to keep him alive. In 1595, when Letholdus was 11, his mother became ill, dying the following year. It was on this day he forsook his father's name, blaming him for his mother's death. He would go by Letholdus and only Letholdus.

              Letholdus continued scavenging until he was of age to conscript in the Kingdom's military, for both room and board. He worked in the military until the Battle of Elba, where the Kingdom of Haense suffered a terrible loss. Severely injured on the battlefield, he lied on the bloodied dirt for what felt like days until finally someone retrieved him. They did not expect him to survive, a gash two inches deep in his abdomen, but against all odds he pushed through. Slowly he healed, and while he did one thought continued going through his mind, "Why must they fight."

              Society had now destroyed his Family and nearly ended his life. He had new goals now, and a dream of a new world.

    Personality Traits: Semi-Psychotic in speech and attitude, sometimes introverted and other times extroverted depending on who he is with, power hungry but only for the power to put an end to the powerful, he carries a sad or tired expression unless he is about to get something he wants, quirky, masks his intentions with a false personality

    Ambitions: His goal is universal freedom, the absence of government, and the death of the social standards that killed what could have been a normal life for him.

    Strengths/Talents: Good lier, lack of mercy, intelligent, skilled with the bow and sword

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Scared of failure, lack of temper, lack of concentration even in situations where it is required

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):  6ft 4in tall, 180 lbs. White-Grey hair, somewhat built, tired eyes, pale skin

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here): 



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