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Posts posted by Crymson

  1. Hali wonders if orcish shamans have developed some sort of ventriloquism to participate in conversations miles away. “You love to parade the slaughter of innocents as victories, when you aren’t disavowing your own troops. We’re still ahead in actual battle victories.”

  2. Hali’s face formed a bitter half-smile. “It is nothing new for the crucible of war to separate those with true hearts from the soldiers of fair weather. I am glad that reason still has a voice. To treat with  the alliance is tantamount to kneeling to the betrayer himself. I find it odd that the children of Krug believe their foes will and should surrender, when it is said that their way is either to succeed or to break. One should expect that one’s foe will match one’s own resolve.”

  3. Hali pins this note up above his space in the barracks. “More should be said about the wisdom of dwarves. Of all the reasons given for why we must halt this horde of blackguards, these are central truths. Veletzian nature has been proven before.”

  4. Hali smiles upon reading the missive in the tavern in Numendil. “Let the brigands whine about ‘honor’ all they want. Veletzers have never known the meaning of that word anyway.”

  5. Too late..... He'd been too late.

    Narn'amae had not intended for his wanderings to carry him so far away for so long, but they had. There were no excuses, nothing that could salve the wounds of shame. He had considered not returning at all, but that would only be another failure. He might not be able to see it now, but there would be a future for his people. They would rebuild, as they always had. There was hope in the words he now read.

  6. Theroden smiled sadly. "At least some have not taken leave of their senses. Sad are the times indeed when folk make excuses for slavers and brigands. The honorable will stand together, though the realm may collapse around us."


    Narn'amae gathered more arrows for the next bout, pondering the true meaning of "The Wilds know ne honor."

  7. Theroden shakes his head. "Of all dwarven shortcomings, their greatest flaw is that they continue to misjudge their situation. They think we will back down after such an egregious crime? The AllFather's judgement shall be ten fold."

  8. What is your name, hero-to-be?

     Hali Black

    What is your age?


    What is your race? 


    Where do you reside?


    What powers do you have to fight against this great evil?

     Courage and honor

     What is the meaning of a free-spirit, in short words?

    Finding purpose no matter the changes in life.

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