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    Antal of Nordengrad, Ronir Rhuiloth

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  1. [MC Name: CrymsonBlade] Name: Glynfir Aevaris Vote 1: Ante’ahern Wynasul Vote 2: Ante’ahern Wynasul
  2. Glynfir snorted disdainfully after reading of this development. "Cowards are the one thing not in short supply these days. Hardly a surprise, especially given the nature of 'canondom' of late."
  3. “I do wonder what happpened to Orcish strength that they have to lean so heavily on canonism. Good on Silasia for reminding others that these are false converts.” A veteran mused after reading.
  4. "So in forsaking the ways of their ancestors, the Uruks seek to be absolved of being warmongers? I do not know what else to call this but shameful." Glynfir laughed.
  5. Glynfir grins, setting the missive down after reading. “More than fair terms. Unfortunately, the Khanate isn’t overburdened with intelligence. I doubt they’ll accept a reasonable resolution.”
  6. Glynfir scoffed at what he had just read. “More fools rushing headlong into the Khanate’s thorned embrace. The irony of calling such nonsense ‘an age of elves’…..”
  7. Were the Lurak shaman truly as skilled as he believed and capable of teleporting to Glynfir’s exact location, he’d have retorted. “The use of princely title and the wording of the missive are clear enough. You fool no one in what you intend to create, regardless of what it is called.” Alas, no such exchange was possible.
  8. Glynfir released a bitter laugh upon reading of this particular development. “As one who fought under Ivarielle’s banner when Malinor actually meant something more than an empty title, this is not what I fought for. I knew the Nullivari were dangerously arrogant, but this is a graver insult to Vytrek’s legacy than all before it. I am glad he is ne around to see it. Any future for our people is well and truly dead.”
  9. Glynfir was a weary veteran of several wars who had hoped not to have to fight another one. He'd moved to ensure such, yet even a peaceful man could only be pushed so far. Besides, fighting Uruks was nothing new. He gathered the gear he kept stashed away from his peaceful existence with a sigh. "Once more into the fray. Here's hoping it's the last time, though I doubt it."
  10. Glynfir raised a brow upon reading the missive then nodded. “Good on you, Zalerya. Glad you’re still around. They claim to follow Vytrek’s dream but none of them remember what that actually was.”
  11. Hali shook his head. “It is no surprise. Adria’s surrender was to save their own necks. We were too lenient. The saddest part is that our leaders continue to trust them.”
  12. Hali scoffs. “Again the Veletzian vermin get pardoned too easily. When will the leadership of our covenant realize you cannot bargain with weasels.”
  13. “Lie in the bed you’ve made, Veletzers. Your lies fall on deaf ears.” Hali cast aside yet another Burgundian missive.
  14. Hali raises a toast in the Numenost Tavern. “At last a voice of truth and reason on this matter. May the Veletzian agitators who wrote the accusations tremble!”
  15. Hali shakes his head. “Help not those who bite the hand that feeds them. Rot has set in among them.”
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