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Posts posted by Caedis

  1. Dainn reads the letter, and tosses it to the desk. He yawns, his other pursuits leaving him quite the tired wreck - the hunts were yet to end.

    He lifted his axe from beside the oaken table, inspecting those razorbladed teeth that hungered for war.

    He spared a final glance to the message. He awaited his Overlord's command.

  2. Alyovich stares blankly at the missive, his natural brown eyes obscured by the darkness of his helm, as a blanket of soft purple fabric hid away his remaining features. No voice spoke out. No words were needed. It was a foolish hope - but even he had believed the mortals would recognise the true threat.


    With a gentle roll of his shoulders, he passed the missive off to O'zen@Karina, and finally spoke his words,


    "Write a poem about me in this, will vy?"

  3. 5 hours ago, Cheese said:

    Any missive found within Kaethul is promptly collected by Juniper and set alight.

    Dainn reappears from his vacation for a bit to help collect and burn these missives, mumbling to himself, "Ah leave fer a year an' daemons are 'angin' shite on teh walls.."

  4. Adine Kirnberg Regular







    TO THE CITIZENS OF Aevos, Kaethul humbly presents its findings on the magicks of the Ailmerian threat. The first thing we need to stress is thus:


    DO NOT ATTEMPT TO spirit walk with the marked/cursed. The powers of the Harrower have grown - spirit walking is now a suicide mission, which will result in the death of the cursed individual. It has become impossible to win in his domain at this time. This is not a challenge of your personal conviction or strengths, nor should this be taken as one. I don’t care how strong you are, you cannot save the cursed via spirit walking at this moment.


    INSTEAD, KAETHUL HAS DISCOVERED a new cure - a harmless one. By merely subduing the cursed with null arcana, and then bringing them to a Paladin for purging, one can safely remove the curse from the victim. Failure to use Null Arcana will result in the Cursed being able to call for the Harrower’s Chosen to launch a rescue mission, which will result in a very difficult battle.


    THE SECOND DISCOVERY OF Kaethul is where the Harrower gains his powers. The answer is rather simple - blood. Via spilt blood, the Harrower is able to grow his magic and powers. We believe this does not have to be blood spilt in ritual, but rather the blood spilt of ANY of the Harrower’s forces. This means that every single thrall or Chosen we slay is in fact empowering this being.

    Furthermore, the Harrower’s Domain has begun to tear. We believe the dark fog surrounding Ailmere is a result of these tears. There is a theory that the Harrower’s Domain is actually a prison, one that the Harrower is slowly escaping.


    THIRDLY, WE PRESENT GRAVE news. The Tribes of Ailmere - the Thralls and Chosen, are in fact Slaves. For some this information is known, however what isn’t known, is that every single Thrall and Chosen, the Zeniths included, no longer possess memories of their lives before the Harrower - they have been stolen by that very same being. Thus is the fate of all cursed individuals.


    FOURTH, WE ISSUE A warning. The Raiders of Ailmere are in possession of what many believe to be a mere Mine. Reports indicate otherwise, and allude to the potential of a large, underground Stronghold, where the majority of the Harrower’s forces amass.

    If you are attempting to explore these mines for the promise of loot or reward - Do not, it is a trap. The ‘mine’ is likely detailed that way to trick you into seeking the rewards - it will be your grave. Don’t throw away your life for the promise of a shiny ingot.


    IN LIGHT OF THESE recent discoveries - Kaethul hereby seeks a change in tactics. We wish to see the Ailmerian Tribes freed from their shackles, rather than killed and merely added to the power of the Harrower. If the situation turns dangerous, then do prioritize your own life, but please, try to take them alive and free them from the curse.


    MAY THE LIGHT OF Purity triumph over this darkness.







    Guardian of the Unicorn, Priest of Eraan, Sword of Purity



    Royal Scribe of Kaethul, Anti-Darkspawn Air Shielder


  5. Adine Kirnberg Alternate








    THE BATTLE OF THE Harrowing Peak, an operation led by Kaethul in tandem with the brave Ravenswood denizens, was originally a siege on the Western Ailmerian Fort. This quickly changed however, with the appearance of the Raider's three Zeniths.


    THE ARTILLERY DIVISION, COMPOSING of Ravenswood’s finest and a small cohort of Paladins, were ambushed atop the peak opposite the fort, by the ever watching banners of Ailmere. The Three Zeniths appeared before them - the three Commanders of Ailmere’s forces - and unleashed their never before witnessed magic. A dark fog engulfed the division, extinguishing all mundane lights and rendering magical lights to a mere personal glow - save for Paladin mist. Dark portals opened in this fog, summoning forth the legions of Ailmere, bringing Chosen and Thralls to assault the cannon crew and their Paladin defenders.


    IT WAS THEN THAT Kaethul’s assault force, a large division of armoured cavalry led by the Sword of Purity, Dáinn, turned their attention from the fort to their allies, and began racing through the snowy peaks to reach them in time.


    THE CLASH OF BATTLE was fierce. Flames flickered briefly through the dark fog, cannons kept firing towards the Fort, even shattering those gates - Ravenswood held firm, their adept forces crushing the countless hordes that surged from the darkness. The Paladins, the sole source of glowing light amidst that dark cloud, faced off against the Zenith Tor, and a newly discovered Zenith, a woman of white hair donning a curious mask. Both factions fought bravely, but alas even they would not have withstood the might of Ailmere..


    FORTUNATE, THEN, THAT THEY did not stand alone. Kaethul's cavalry arrived, the Sword of Purity's light blazing through the darkness as the call of reinforcements echoed through the peak. Horse and rider charged fearlessly into that black void, plunging into that wicked darkness.


    IN THE ENSUING FIGHT, Kaethul's multinational force procured overwhelming victory. Ravenswood held and remanned the cannons. Balian took the right flank, absolutely obliterating the ranks of Chosen and Thrall alike. A detachment of Urguan Dweds and their adventuring allies joined with the battered Paladins, pushing forth towards the Zeniths. Forces of the Vale secured those cannons, fending off even Kamikaze Thralls, men strapped with Blasting Potions. The Sword of Purity, paired with the great Obok, hammered into the Zenith Tor, the former plunging both axe and sword into the foul beast's neck - Victory was assured..


    BUT ALL PETS HAVE a master. The Zeniths were close to defeat. The Harrower himself stepped in.

    His voice rang through the mountain, his rage felt like a burning pressure on our shoulders - darkness swept over the battlefield, healing and revitalising our enemies, even saving Tor from the brink of Death. Portals opened all around, and the full, unfiltered might of Ailmere was brought to bare..


    LET IT BE KNOWN that for the first time since this war began, it was KAETHUL that forced the Harrower into action. Our Power - our Strength - was so great that only the master of the Raiders could halt us, and force a retreat. Even then, our retreat was orderly, formed, and resulted in the safe extraction of every single member of the expedition.


    KAETHUL FACED THE WRATH of the Harrower, and emerged without a single casualty.



    AND SO, THE FOLLOWING words are dedicated to the brave warriors who fought at our side. Although ultimate victory was not achieved - our enemy were forced to reveal multiple of their hidden cards, and were bled dry of countless lives. They may have held the fort, but it is a bitter, pyrrhic victory for them.


    KAETHUL THUS GIVES PERSONAL commendations to the following individuals:


    HILDA ADRIANNA BRAWN - A squire of Balian. Growing up, I was always fond of Balian’s Knighthood.. Their honour was unquestionable, their pride deserved, and their talents unmatched. Squire Hilda Adrianna Brawn is all the proof I need that these traits have persisted. Responsible for the eradication of several Chosen and countless more Thralls, Squire Hilda made her contributions even more impressive, when during our retreat, she took it upon herself to carry our wounded from the frontline. The skills to destroy our enemies, and the humble sense of duty to protect her comrades - There is no individual more deserving of Knighthood than she, save for perhaps Balian’s current line of Knights.


    RAVENSWOOD - Praise is given to the entirety of Ravenswood, who, despite the threat of war, devoted time, effort, resources and their very lives to participate in this siege. The mages and soldiers of Ravenswood held the line valiantly, defending the cannons from hordes of Thralls, and lasting long enough for Kaethul’s reinforcements to arrive. Even after our cavalry stormed through, the heroic troops of Ravenswood remained, providing support and aid to our forces against the Zeniths, and even opening a sizable hole in the gate of the Ailmerian Fort. A fearless band of heroes, led by a charismatic and beloved Sovereign.

    Kaethul does however stress its political NEUTRALITY in cases of war. Our only enemy is the Harrower, and the usual threats to Descendant-kind. All others are welcome within the lands of our Merchant State.


    GALLIO GRANDAXE - Once more, Kaethul praises the might of Urguan. Yet another Dwarf has proven their undeniable valour and strength on the fields of battle. Gallio was not only a destructive force against our Ailmerian enemies, but a source of protection and fearless resolve when facing the unknown Zeniths, and extracting our unconscious comrades. One day I hope to see the pure power of an army of Dwarves - I only pray I will stand on their side, should the day come.


    I WILL ONCE MORE state the importance and virtue of every single member of our fighting force. You were all vital. You shall continue to be so.





    Guardian of the Unicorn, Priest of Eraan, Sword of Purity



    Royal Scribe of Kaethul, Anti-Darkspawn Air Shielder


  6. A certain Fallen Baron lifted the missive into the light, allowing the beaming sun to illuminate those parchment papers and shine through onto his careless features. A scoff was given.

    "I suppose in a land of disgusting, corrupted taint, even the briefest spec of genuine nobility would be seen as rot.. No matter. The shackles are coming undone, one by one.." A grin formed, flashing two mundane canines in the glistening light.

    "I'm almost ready, my love.. I will see you soon."

  7. Dáinn, the Sword of Purity, raised a hand before him. His blazing pure white light dimmed in the darkness, subdued to a meager candle flicker. 

    "Well shite.. This makes killin' em so much feckin' 'arder!" He grumbled, rolling his neck. He mumbled a few more swears, and returned to his experiments.

    The Harrower would be destroyed - he would ensure it.

  8. Dáinn receives the news with.. Confusion.. There was a lot of random fluff in the declaration, but he'd yet to see an actual reason for this war..


    He sighed, and sent a bird to the Sovereign, an assurance that the siege of the West Fort was still on - for Kaethul had charged him to cared for only one thing: The destruction of the Harrower, and Ravenswood would help.

  9. The Sword of Purity - Dainn - cackled as the ground trembled. He was once more atop the watchtower of Fort Tyrand, survaying the abysmal landscape with a calm eye and a lopsided smile.

    The chants reached his ears.. A grin formed.. He'd been waiting a while to spill frost witch blood.

  10. Adine Kirnberg Regular








    THE EAST HAS FALLEN - Tyrand, once the indomitable bastion of The Harrower’s influence in Eastern Ailmere, sits with its gates blasted open, towers set alight, and residents put mercilessly to the sword.


    LED BY THE INGENUITIVE Norlandic battle-bards, the combined forces of Norland, Kaethul and Nevaehlen launched a vicious bombardment upon the Fort of Tyrand, before engaging in a mountained assault upon their gates. 

    Our enemies utilised ice to encourage difficult terrain, from whence they could release volleys of arrows upon our approaching forces.

    Behind the breached gates lay a trap - wooden walls hastily erected around even more ice, providing cover for their fresh ranks of archers whilst, beneath that ice, lay near overwhelming monstrosities. Corpse golems. Beings of flesh stitched together from the fallen and unrecovered bodies of Reinmar, Celia’nor and Haense - all now put to rest upon the pyre, in the hopes that it may grant their souls peace.


    EVEN WITH THEIR ARMIES, the Raiders of Ailmere were massacred down to the last. The combined power and might of these three forces eradicated the Chosen and dispatched the Thralls. VICTORY WAS ACHIEVED.


    THIS MISSIVE AIMS TO both inform the world of our findings, and ensure due commendation is awarded to those who performed exceedingly well during this offensive.


    TWO IMPORTANT FINDINGS WERE discovered within the walls of Tyrand. 

    Firstly: The presence of a Frost Witch shrine, confirming reports that the Frost Witches are in dealings with The Harrower’s forces. This shrine was aptly destroyed.

    Secondly: Information on the Harrower’s central Camp. Within those wooden walls you may observe a small forest of ancient trees - They call this place The Grove. Whatever lies inside there, it is clear this place holds a unique importance to the Harrower, and potentially even the Tribes of Ailmere who now stand enthralled and chained beneath his banner.




    THE FOLLOWING WORDS ARE dedicated to the brave warriors who fought to take Tyrand, and provide this monumental victory. Each and every soldier, adventurer, citizen, mage and druii who fought alongside us deserves praise. The battle was taxing, the fighting was fierce and bloody, and many times it looked as if defeat was the natural outcome. This victory was possible because of every single individual who took up arms, left the comfort and safety of their homes, and pushed themselves into a war of righteousness and justice. I thank you, and pray you will continue to stand at my side as we drive our blades deeper into the Heart of Darkness.


    KAETHUL THUS GIVES PERSONAL commendations to the following individuals:


    ARIANE DRAKON - A warrior with an unparalleled sense of battle and strategy. When duty called, she was there. This woman not only stood at the forefront of conflict, even pushing herself to hold our left flank alone, but also defeated numerous marked, Thralls, and Chosen, all whilst ensuring her comrades, myself included, remained safe from devil sorcery and sharp blades alike. To call her friend, is an honour too great to state.


    OBOK METALDRINKS - A dwed who, alone, proves Urguan’s might and strength. This valiant, sturdy soldier not only captured the Raider’s gates, but interrupted the vile spellcasting of Inferi Warlocks by beating them with his hammer, before even leaping atop the first golem sewn from corpses, and repeatedly decimating what constituted as a ‘head’. Obok played several vital roles during the siege, and I would rather stand alongside no other man should the choice be given to me.


    TALIYUN’ORRIR SIRAME - A druii who deserves more respect than half the Knights I’ve witnessed, and a tragic loss in the War against Ailmere. Nature itself weeps for his death, and after standing alongside the man, I know why. When the day comes that my children ask me what the Druids of Nevaelhem are like, it is the story of Taliyun’orrir that I will tell them. It is his bravery, courage, strength, honour and sacrifice, that I will pass down to my own blood, ensuring his memory in the hearts of Man lives on. May he rest well in Nature’s embrace.


    FARIAN MALTO-GYLLDENE and VICNAN HAWKINS-GYLLDENE - Two members of the Norlandic Gylldene Clan, whose contributions for our pushes into the siege were astronomical. Both of these honourable men utilised their bardic magic in the most selfless and trusting way possible, using a spell that rendered all enemies who witnessed them incapable, whilst also rendering themselves the same. This magic not only disabled enemy archers from launching their volley, but even took down the primary group of Chosen, allowing our allies to swiftly cut them down. If I had to give my life to anyone and trust them to keep it safe - it would go to one of these two fine men. The Gylldene Clan once again proves its fame and prestige is rightfully deserved.


    I WILL ONCE MORE state the importance and virtue of every single member of our fighting force. You were all vital. You shall continue to be so.







    Sword of Purity, Guardian of the Unicorn, Priest of Eraan



    Royal Scribe of Kaethul, Anti-Darkspawn Air Shielder


  11. The Sword of Purity, Dainn, Commander of Kaethul's Northern Offensive into Ailmere, stood proudly atop the Northern watchtower. His gaze drifted across those accursed lands as his body emitted the soft, white glow of purity.

    There were many memories in that moment. Many thoughts of the events that had led him here. In battle he was a force.. A bloodthirsty warrior who slit the throats of Chosen and decimated the ranks of Thralls..


    But as his gaze turned inwards, to that burning and ruined camp - as sparkling snow drifted down and twinkled against his constant light - a question occured to him..


    Did they all, have to die?

    Was simple destruction and murder the only end to this war?


    He achieved the same answer he always did.




    And so The Sword of Purity descended that tower, and marched off into that snow. His questions needed answers. There had to be another way to end this war.

    There had to be a way to ensure those deaths weren't in vain.

  12. Anatoliy stands in the background of the events described, being escorted by a Haeseni retinue out of the city. He never returned.



    Dainn, however, checks his list again. "Ari.. Mara.. Xally.. Ah feck, ah need so maneh more signatures ta ge' this shrine!" A soft white breeze of frosted mist swoops around his light blessed body, twinkling in the pure snow white illumination of his form. "Aye, aye.. Don' worreh Eraan. We both know ye' love is needed nah, more than ever."

    The Sword of Purity rises to his bare feet, casting a loving gaze across the landscape. White light keeps radiating from his body as that twinkling mist swoops around him again.

    "Kae'hul will be a place o' love an' passion. Ah swear et."

  13. Anatoliy frowned as he read the missive. A part of him wished to rectify the many random claims, incorrect statements, and- Well to be honest there was some stuff in there he had absolutely no idea what she was speaking of.

    "First Yera, now me..? Do they think this is an election..? Sermi.. My name is already deep in mud, you know this." He gave a sigh, shaking his head and merely.. Ignoring the words spoken. "As I've always said - Actions over words."


    The man walked off, yawning. He was tired.. But the battle wasn't over.

  14. Anatoliy glanced to the missive, and laughed. "Is she stupid? To write words instead of perform actions- I can't believe the infamous White Cat, is scared of us.. Keep writing, great aunt, but perhaps write a will instead?"

  15. Anatoliy returned home a few days later.


    He stepped through the threshold into their warm Balian home, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he finally allowed his armour to clang to the floor. He was tired. It would be odd if he wasn't.

    His war in the North, leading the united southern forces in tandem with their Norlandic allies- The pressure of having close friends fall victim to the same curse that tore his memories and left his body in agony- The offer of his Paladin friend, the being who had first taught him to wield a blade, to join their holy crusade.. And of course, the literal Aengul he had just spoken to.

    He was exhausted.


    "Ea'm home mea love!" His voice, strained yet filled with the warmth and affection few knew he possesed, echoed around the house.


    It was met with silence.


    Anatoliy kicked his shoes off, and placed his sword on a nearby rack. He headed upstairs, a light frown on his features though paired beautifully with a complete lack of annoyance.

    "Poppiya?" His feet thudded through the halls, old wood creaking beneath him, until he found their bedroom.


    He gently opened the door.

  16. Kaethul's Commander of the Northern Offensive, Anatoliy, dripped in fresh crimson from slaughtering more swathes of Thralls, looks out across the blistering cold landscape of the North.

    "Wonder when the Paladins will arrive to help.." He mused. His keen, bloodthirsty gaze became drawn to the sight of a lone, shadowy figure in the hills above. He raised his weapon towards the figure, revealing a wicked grin.




    Dainn relaxes on the beaches of the south, his body sprawled out on the dusty sands, accepting the warm sun on his fiery ginger hair.

    "Sure do 'ope those pala'ins win. Feckin' 'ated bein' that 'arrower's *****." He paused. ". .Wai', the pala'ins won' kill meh too, aye?"

  17. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Silveira Godunov


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Arcane Scion


    Teacher's MC Name:



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    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



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  18. Dainn stretched out his limbs, side to side, left and right, up and down, back and front, then all around! He clicked his tongue at the missive, then cackled in a devilish giggle.


    "Faken' 'Aus! They're hun'in' a faken' 'Aus! Tha' ain' how ya spell 'Ouse, dipshi'!" He continues cackling, the Harrower Cultist having absolutely no idea who 'Haus' is.

  19. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Anatoliy (I Silveira-Godunov)


    Character's Age:



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