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Posts posted by Caedis

  1. 1 hour ago, SethWolf said:

    Walter Weiss looked over the missive, and he chuckled.


    He began to pen the missive, which would be placed anywhere public - basilicas, market stalls, what have you.

    "To the Baron of Sevilla,
    Iduna is a curse amongst the family of Colborn. She knowingly, and willingly by her own admission and others hid her own family from the Weiss. Despite knowing that she was alive, she hid Raelle from us. From her own mother, who feared she was dead. Iduna denied Raelle's family any grief. Any closure. A most grevious sin, and deplorable action. Raelle has since turned to a daemonic and heretical faith of Druidism, of which she happily obliged. Hence, I was the one who asked that she be disowned."


    The missive continued.


    "Should you fight anyone, you shall fight me, should my father be unwilling to entertain your ill-informed rant. Name the time and place. You should know, I only duel to the death."

    Anatoliy Ilya Godunov saw this reply, and gave a slight frown. Said frown turned to a silent, cold glare.


    And so, he, in turn, wrote a reply to this reply. Reply-ception.


    "To the Lord Palatine, Viscount Walter Weiss,

    I'm afraid you've been misinformed. Raelle's mother never feared she was dead - For Raelle herself had sent numerous letters to her mother, all of which were ignored. Raelle's fall into the vile Druidic paganism is regretable, but it was not Lady Iduna Colborn who denied the Weiss the right to see and speak with her.

    It was Raelle herself who wished not to speak with the rest of the Weiss family. Due to my own intervention upon finding her injured, she met with the Lady Veronica Weiss, whom I had personally informed of Raelle's location and state. Raelle herself had also told me that she had sent letters to her mother. She herself told me that every single one had been ignored.

    What has happened within your family is Not the fault of Lady Iduna Colborn - For Iduna did not force Raelle to leave your family.


    I do wonder though - In your missive disowning your own uncle, you claimed it was for the sake of his children - Yet, immediately after, one of those children ran away from you.

    I hope that your family will cease taking out unjust actions, and quite frankly petty insults, against a child. Maybe if the Weiss focused on this eternal winter as much as they did on Iduna, we would be freed from this curse."

  2. Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov read the missive curiously. He wasn't much of a reader, granted, but something had compelled him to read through this random document - Where he saw the succession list..


    An old habit, one learned from his proclaimed elven sister, reared its features once more as Ilya's tongue gently flicked his canines. He gave a grin.

    "She'll do wonderfully. Now.. How much mina can ea make us..?"

  3. Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov, the merchant child of Haense and founder of the Godunovian Lotus, beams as he sees that at least for this event, he does have a special invite.


    At last. A friend who doesn't despise him for his wealth.


    "Feck vy!" A call to all those who dislike him.

    Sadly, none of them can hear him.

    "Ah- And Congratulations to the happy couple."

  4. Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov, Heir of Verskaya and the Founder of the Godunovian Lotus, grinned as he read the missive. As usual, his sense of pride beamed from the words of his King.

    "Ah- Ea wonder if they'll need weapons.." He mused, the merchant boy, as usual, already tasting the money of war.. And dreading the cost..

  5. a9zStB08QvAb87KNhq65x7BC_8nDp-gP76XXbTPPsNUdHdgEfq07UOzajzQwgR1nxJfqXayIzVJkPNT9vxtD0XMMAU-9KhZSwT-brydU0hAv0Z8PcqqZkNhjAW45d159khfnBX3c3DZJg41VPG7V3co
    Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov Presents:

    The Godunovian Lotus




    The Godunovian Lotus is a store like no other - Boasting a grand assortment of distinctive products from all over the Canonist realms and beyond. What sets apart the Godunovian Lotus from the rest of the crowd, is our unique Contract system - By which we sell the products provided by our famed Contractees (Members including Queen Amaya “The People’s Queen” of Haense, and King Adrian of Balian) in exchange for a cut of the profit.

    Our novel Contract system grants us access to rare, remarkable goods from nearly every corner of Aevos - And what we display is only the best of it all - ensuring that You, the customer, find only the most inimitable, exquisite items, all under the same roof!


    The Godunovian Lotus is run and managed by Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov - of the Haeseni nobility - However, the company has no political ties to Haense otherwise. Meaning, if you purchase goods from this store, including our vast array of weaponry, you are not purchasing from Haense. Private bulk purchases with Anatoliy Ilya however, will be denied should it impact the Kingdom of Haense.

    If you wish to sign a contract with the Godunovian Lotus, or indulge in a private exchange with the company - Send all inquiries by bird to Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov (Caelaerin).


    ((Location: Jungle Beach Warp. Head towards Amathine (right) and you will immediately find the Silver Merchant Sovereignty.

    The Godunovian Lotus is located within on the left hand side, 2nd floor.))



    The Godunovian Lotus, as previously mentioned, sells a large variety of exclusive, one of a kind goods. This ranges from weaponry, to armour, to horses and even toys and dollhouses for children! But if you wish for an example of the items we sell - Merely take a look below!





    This Doll house is any creative young child's dream! A delicate and beautiful craft, this item allows stories of all genres to be played out - from a haunted mansion to a mundane family story plot - the ways to play are endless, and the only limit is your child’s wondrous imagination!



    This beautiful refined product is found in only one corner of the world! Only the best blacksmiths and artists, those with the greatest of skills, are able to sculpt this precious material into the perfect jewellery piece, or sword decoration.. Do you dare to test your skills?





    A mighty weapon for a mighty warrior.. Only those with immense pride in their strength can hope to wield such deadly beauty. Forged from simple ferrum, but masterfully crafted, this warhammer is sure to catch the eye - and limbs - of your enemies.


    An ad for

    The Silver Merchant Sovereignty


    The Silver Merchant Sovereignty is a haven for Merchants, and a shopping paradise for Customers.

    Free from Political influence and declared a strict neutral territory, the Silver Merchant Sovereignty deals with All factions, ensuring that no matter your race nor affiliation, you can be sure to find yourself whatever your heart desires -

    Looking to arm yourself with high quality weaponry? Look no further!

    Aiming to purchase some delicate jewellery for that special someone? Set your sights on us!

    Or perhaps you’re more pragmatic, and simply seek to ensure you’re properly equipped for any medical situation? Logic dictates you choose us.


    Not only do we have products from every corner of the world - But we sell them for the best price, thanks to our Grand Comparison, a large, constantly updated document featuring the prices of every major product, from every major city!


    And if what we show on our shelves doesn’t excite you, then take a peek at our famed auction, the Grand Exchange, home of our most valuable and perfected items!


    No longer will you need to travel across half the world, searching for that one thing you desperately need - For the Silver Merchant Sovereignty has it all.



    Red arrow marks the location of the Sovereignty!


    Furthermore - If you belong to a guild or organisation that is in need of a port, the Sovereignty has you covered. Located on the coast, our facility is equipped with a shipyard and port, perfect for any group that requires a place to settle their sea-faring roots. Simply send a bird to Yera Silveria (Ewdrawings) to inquire about it!


    The Shipyard outside the Silver Merchant Sovereignty!


    Note: Some small structures and even stands /may/ be constructed around the shipyard! Send your birds today!







    His Lordship, Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov,

    Heir to the Barony of Verskaya,

    Founder of The Godunovian Lotus.

  6. Anatoliy Ilya, the Great merchant child of Haense, reads the notice with a bright, excited grin - Before pausing, and looking a little confused.

    "Wait - Costume? But - Don't we kill monsters?" He pondered this for a few seconds. He then shrugged.


    "WHO CARES!!" The boy rushes out of his home, barely putting his hat on, and decides to head south to the Silver Merchant Sovereignty for a costume.

  7. Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov, the child merchant of Haense, pauses in the square. He reads the words of the missive, then reads them again, and finally, one more time, before nodding as he comes to a firm decision.


    "FEAR NIET, PEOPLE OF AAUN!" The young boy declares, to nobody in particular, as he stands in the square, "EA SHALL CARVE VY ALL SOME BOWLS AND SPOONS!"

  8. Ryba sent out the final missive, and retreated inside to his home. Everywhere he was reminded of her - And of course he would. She had built this place. From the walls, the cieling, the titles. She had built House Volkov to what it was today..


    And Ryba would not let it fall.


    He sat down before the fire. The house had been completely emptied of alcohol weeks ago - A necessary precaution - And one Ryba regretted deeply as he stared into the crackling flames.


    "Dravi, mea simpa maj.. Ea love vy.."

  9. Although learning of it late, and despite his typically happy and giggly personality, Ilya still burst into tears the moment he was finally told of Fable's death. The boy, unable to read, had only just learned of her fate - And sat crying as he was told about the message she had left for him..

  10. Ryba Volkov-Novikov


    To the Citizens of Haense - It is with great regret that I must announce my withdrawal from the elections. One of the requirements for candicacy in the Alderman elections, was that one had to belong to the commoner class.

    With my recent marriage, I am no longer of that class, and thus, despite nobody bringing this to attention or mentioning it, I feel that I cannot in good conscience continue to run.

    To put it simply, since I am now a Noble, I feel I am unable to represent the common people anymore.

    I wish both Rayne and Skaul the best of luck in their elections - The two are great people, and each would have my full support for this election.

  11. H7U24aUnQdYS60jxxKjS4UG_qHbmfF66PevAwSzR9aey3qfne0lg4ziQ2YmZp9W1eomJqkTd-P9Y5RK72FNM_uJ6cpTUbQDfNv2smjVLbSml77ArOT-mI1Unc0_ValqTk_NOLLF3Y3HKNBVgv9m_8UI

    R y b a

    N o v i k o v


    Prevja va ve Eldervik.


    My name is Ryba Novikov, the second son of the humble Novikov family, and Hanseti Hart for the 6th season of Lifstala. I currently serve in the honourable BSK, serving as an initiate, and am one of three brothers residing in our great city.

    My past, like some of yours, was not pleasant. When I was two, my brother Konstantin was born, and a mere few days later- My mother took him and left us for good. Myself and my older brother, Demitrey, were left abandoned with our drunkard father.. Our survival was nothing short of God’s miracle.

    Konstantin returned to us when he was ten, and since then, the three of us have fought tooth and nail to survive - To stay close - And to stay good and true to the teachings of our Grandfather, a man who sought to make the world a better place.


    Throughout my campaign here, I wish to share a little of my strengths and weaknesses. To be completely honest, boasting has never been a passion of mine, but as much as I dislike self-praise - I also recognise that a man without pride in his achievements and characteristics, is a man unworthy of representing our glorious people.

    Of representing You.




    The most important thing, in my opinion, is the safety and wellbeing of our citizens. It is the duty of the Alderman to create and vote on laws that ensure the prosperity and protection of You.


    I believe that a good Alderman is one who treats their people with kindness. For those of you who have met my family, you will be well aware that Kindness is a core trait of our ideology. It is my firm belief that all should be judged with compassion - meaning that nobody should be unfairly tried and punished due to anger or a flair of emotions. Everyone deserves a fair chance to explain their actions, and a willing ear to listen. 

    With that being said, criminals will still be punished as they should be.




    One Major problem I have noticed is the lack of laws surrounding Voidal magic. Our beloved late monarch, the Great King Georg, created a position for voidal mages in our courts.

    The issue as I see it, is that there is no protection for Voidal Mages in the laws, nor is there any protection for the faithful citizens who may be subjected to such magic. If a mage were to throw a magical shard of ice at a loyal citizen, they will be charged for assault or attempted murder - But I would argue they must also pay for the crime of using harmful magic on a citizen of the realm.

    Voidal mages need to be both protected, and restrained, so that all of our citizens, magic or not, can find safety and solace in these walls. It is for this reason that I suggest permits be created, and that only mages with such permits - Documented mages - May use magic within our walls. This allows us to not only identify each mage within our realm, but also allow us to more properly hand out judgements and punishments to those few who would break our laws.


    Another issue I would like to call to attention is the state of the BSK. Our beloved Brotherhood, of which I am a part of, has recently seen a number of Initiates either desiring unnecessary violent situations, or outright breaking our laws. Recently, an Initiate even went as far as to mug a fellow citizen - Other initiates have also been known to threaten unwarranted violence almost immediately should their orders be ignored.

    It is clear that such things cannot continue - We cannot continue to randomly recruit just anyone who wanders into our city, for what would happen if Adrian spies wished to infiltrate our military? I believe a basic check of our recruits should be made, identifying their history, and having someone (perhaps a footman or above) who can vouch for them.


    Thank you for reading

    To all the citizens who have made it this far, I sincerely thank you:


    Vote for Safety, Vote for Protection, 

    Vote for Novikov





    Candidates I support:


    Kaida Valtonen-Novikov

  12. Out-Of-Character Information


    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


     What’s your Minecraft Account: 2ndDragon_Knight


    How old are you?: 12


    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Cyber bullying is not allowed


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): No


    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I searched for the best Minecraft roleplay server.






    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!




    What is roleplaying?:  It is where you pretend to be the fictional character that you are playing and treat it as if it's your own life.


    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is something your character does that you tell it to do that goes with a given ruleset, for example: If the aim of the game is to kill everyone, and I do, then I have used an action, which is metagaming. Yet if I killed everyone but one person I have done an action, but not followed the rules, so I have not used meta gaming.


    What is power gaming?: Power gaming is where there are 2 or more sides that both dont give each other the chance to respond to what they are doing. For example:

    An american plane flies from an aircraft carrier,

    A British boat sinks the aircraft carrier,

    The plane bombs the ship,

    The ship shoots down the plain.


    Nether side gave each other the chance to stop each other, like this:


    An American aircraft carrier manages to scramble a bomber in the air,

    A British destroyer fires at the carrier,

    They carrier gets sunk after shot after shot from the destroyer,

    The plane heads towards the ship,

    The ship fires at it with it's aa guns,

    The plane goes down after it's wing was blown up.


    Here each side gave the other the chance to respond. This one is not power gaming. 




    In-Character Information


    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.




    Character’s name: Zearth’en


    Character’s sex: Male


    Character’s race: Elf


    Character’s age: 19


    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): Zearth'en was a boy who grew up in the Ivory order. He wanted adventure,  danger and the courage to do so .  12 years later, he is now 19, tired of fighting and only wants  a normal  life. His talent's are  potion making and  archery combined with stealth, which makes him the ultimate assassin. Due to his skills, many people want to hire him for there dirty work., although Zearth'en only does so if he deems necessary. He used to work for money but only does so now if he thinks it must be done.




    The place he learned such skills was always a secret until an elf found out that he had been one of the civilians kidnapped in an attack wave sent by the Haelun'or's Evarir'thillin. How he had escaped nobody knows, but he had done so, and, as a result, became one of the most powerfullest assassins of his time. When he got out he followed the rest of his kind and went to valor.

    Personality Traits: Potions maker. Archer

    Ambitions: Become the strongest archer and one day have a normal life


    Strengths/Talents: He became very protective when he first appeared in the town,unsure of who was watching. His loyalty was given if you helped him, once he is loyal he will never betray you, even at the cost of his own life. 

    Stealth, He has a great ability in observance and can respond quickly in situations. 

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: He is too cocky and will one day die when charging into a base rather than sneaking in to it which he could have easily done. He sometimes creates a lot of commotion when he does this and is forced into hiding. 

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):Weight = 8.4 stones  Height = 1’8". Wears a white and grey cloak with a black mysterious liquid on his hands and feet. Brown hair and blue eyes.


  13. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!

     What’s your Minecraft Account: 2ndDragon_Knight

    How old are you?:12

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:Cyber bulling is not allowed

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):no

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I searched for the best Minecraft roleplay server.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?:Its where you pretend to be the character that  you are playing and treat it as if its your own life.

    What is metagaming?:Meta gaming is something your character does that you tell it to do that goes with a given ruleset, for example: If the aim of the game is to kill everyone, and I do, then I have used an action, which is metagaming. Yet if I killed everyone but one person I have done an action, but not followed the rules, so I have not used meta gaming.

    What is power gaming?: Power gaming is where you try and achieve a goal or get progress for it, for example: If my goal is to rule the world, and I rule a small village, then I am achieving that goal and getting progress, that is power gaming.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Zearth’en

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Elf

    Character’s age: 19

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): Zearth’en was 3 when his village was destroyed. He saw the worst of the war and became a refugee. Despite this, he still chose the side of the daemons. He worshiped them until he was 12, then the daemons decided they would put him into a deep sleep, for a long time. In that time the aenguls had won the war and were freeing  all of the daemons prisoners. When they got to Zearth’en however, they hesitated. They all sensed his rage not only for the daemons destroying his home and putting him cryogenic sleep, but also for the Aenguls who abandoned them. After much consideration they let him go free. When he was first put to sleep he was 12,now he was 19, and he was after revenge.

    Personality Traits: Potions maker. Light mage. Archer.

    Ambitions: To one day become the most power fullest light mage ever.

    Strengths/Talents: Caring, Protective, loyal.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: His only weakness is he is afraid of what he is capable of, and so he will only use potion magic.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):Weight = 5’2. Height = 1’5. Where’s a white and grey cloak with darkness reaching out from his hands and feet. Brown hair and blue eyes      p.s sorry about the colour.

    Inline image 1S


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: 2ndDragon_Knight

    How old are you?: 12

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):Yes I am aware.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Cyber bullying is not permitted (may not be what it says on the rules).

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): No

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I searched for the best Minecraft roleplaying sever out there :)



    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is where you pretend you are the character and you are living what your character does. 

    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is (in this case) an action in the game which transcends (go's with) a given ruleset. 

    What is powergaming?: Powergaming is interacting with a game to ultimately achieve one specific goal.  



    Character’s name:Zearth'en

    Character’s sex:Male

    Character’s race:Elf

    Character’s age:19

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):Zearth'en was a worshiper of the Daemons, who cast him out. Shortly after he started to worship the Aenguls who did not see him as evil. Although Darkness still lingers on his fingers... Also respects dragons...

    Personality Traits: Light mage, can make potions. fights for good. Archer.

    Ambitions: One day become the strongest Light mage ever.

    Strengths/Talents: Good at archery, Redstone, and potion making, Good at pardcore.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: OK at building, not too great with a sword, don't know how to Create furniture.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Height 1'3, weight 6,12. Every one can see the darkness. Also I made my own skin.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):


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