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Posts posted by ToodIes

  1. MC Name: Toodles


    Character's Name: Revion Tathron


    Character's Age: Around 112


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Dark Elf


    Transformed form: Wight


    Creator's MC Name: Begotten (@Zarsies)


    Creator's RP Name: Kozilek


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: Wights, quite simply, are the pinnacles of mysticism. The process of becoming one is quite tedious; firstly, one must find an Apparition. They may find any existing one, but it is far more common for the mystic to saturate and bind fifteen soul shadows (non-PKs) or five souls (PKs) to a Menhir, spawning an Apparition (as was done with Revion). This Apparition must be fought, and brought to the brink of death-- whereupon the hopeful Wight must saturate the Apparition, killing it. This second death will cause the Apparition to split into a sea of "ripped, spiritual ribbons", which must be then bound by a secondary mystic to the Wight-to-be. He or she will then feel extremely drained of energy, and will fall into a coma for an IRL week. Upon waking, they will rise as a spectral Wight, and their body will have morphed into a phylactery of stone-like material.

    A Wight's prowess in mysticism increases, and they also gain moderate telepathic, telekinetic, and illusory abilities. They also become capable of husking a body; the heavier the body they wear, the weaker their innate abilities become. They have almost total control over their spectral appearance; however, one specific aspect of their spooky forms must remain constant. Wights, being completely incorporeal, are unaffected by mundane weaponry, such as iron swords or fists. Their weaknesses include aurum weaponry of all kinds, holy magic, Fi', and Shamanistic spirits. After becoming a Wight, a mystic will find themselves with an inherent bias/disconnection towards the living, preferring to interact with mystics and undead. They are incapable of crossing gold lines in spectral form, and doing so while husking will cause moderate pain. Wights are the only beings capable, other than Apparitions, of Crowning new mystics.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Of course.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nay.

  2. A dark elf stood in a dank cavern, the sounds of metal on bone ringing from outside. Bedecked in formal blue robes and an excess of facial hair, most would not recognize him as one called Revion Tathron; but that was his name. He ran a single hand along the side of an open ebony sarcophagus, his fingers inspecting every rune carved into the surface of the dark wood; he bent over to peer at the gleaming gold interior, marred by deep, animalistic scratches. He straightened himself to look once more upon the figure across from him, on the other side of the vast sarcophagus. There a half-translucent corpse-like figure floated, his expression unreadable as he gazed through a dark feather-adorned helmet. The bearded elf observed the wight with only minor signs of anxiety-- the occasional tap of his foot, nigh-unnoticeable trembling in his hands. An unearthly screech sounded from outside-- whilst this had happened several times throughout the long wait that Revion had endured in the clammy cave, this shriek was especially shrill; the sounds of a monstrous being near death, lashing out dangerously at those around it. The elf's head flicked towards the sound; when he returned to facing the wight, the gelid spectre nodded to him. The 'ker nodded back.


    Revion purposefully walked towards the entrance of the cavern, taking no notice of the dripping stalactites of blue-green stone, nor the dim moonlight filtering through. His right hand strayed to his belt, where a black-iron dagger was sheathed; his dusky ears gave a twitch. He emerged from the cave with a grand flourish of his robes, looking down upon the source of all that noise.


    A jagged spire of the same teal stone spiked out from further down the mountain where the entry of the cave was situated, accented with sickly greenish hues. Directly adjacent to that obelisk was a skeleton. A very large skeleton, of thin and lanky figure, with black bones and a hazy aura of darkness surrounding it. This skeleton was the source of the repeated death-shrieks, emitting from its gaping, boney maw. Surrounding the Apparition were five mute, armored figures, of hefty build. They trudged from various spots upon the mountain, gleaming golden weapons in tow, distracting the ethereal skeleton as Revion sneakily approached from behind. Both the paleknights and the Apparition bore signs of a long, drawn-out brawl-- the dark blue armor of the paleknights being marred with various cracks and chips, and the bleached-black bones of the Apparition being fractured, entire portions carved out.


    Curious changes began to take root on the dark elf, striding with as much stealth as he could muster. His visible skin, ashen-grey, took on an unearthly blue-green glow, illuminating the frigid air around him. His flesh appeared to wither and decay with every step he took, wrinkles and spots rapidly forming upon his features, his eyes sinking into his head. These changes seemed to be merely aesthetic; the 'ker was quite unhindered as he slid his rotted hand towards his belt, retrieving a small, black-iron dagger with an ornate crossguard. An otherworldly translucence and white glow seeped from the handle-downward as Revion clutched the dagger; however, these effects faded as he finished his brisk walk towards the Apparition, and stabbed it directly in the spine. The enormous skeleton let out an ear-splitting howl, crumpling over frontwards-- Revion seized it with a gauntleted hand, its weightless form being borne easily as he flung it behind him. It landed neatly in the ornate sarcophagus, having silently been dragged behind in a telekinetic grasp by the wight.


    The captured being thrashed and bellowed, before being abruptly muffled by the thunk of the wight telekinetically depositing a golden lid riddled with eldritch inscriptions on the sarcophagus. It lay in there, the much-embellished sarcophagus being rattled by its death throes. Revion stumbled over to it, his robes acquiring a good deal of mud as he knelt at the side of the Apparition-container. To his side, the wight floated, looking down on the dark elf as he began to take on that same ethereal teal glow. The phantasm extended one gauntleted, illuminated arm towards the jerking sarcophagus, and the other towards the shivering dark elf. The deadened shrieks still emanating from the sarcophagus subsided immediately as an extremely odd substance made the journey from the coffin to the elf. A curious, goopy material; lighter than air, half-translucent yet glowing blue-green seeped out from the tomb of the apparition, sinking into the chest of the ‘ker. Revion struggled to keep his violet-streaked red eyes open; but alas, they soon closed, his last word fluttering from his lips as he tumbled onto the sarcophagus.



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