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Posts posted by MunaZaldrizoti

  1. Game of Thrones Season 6: Episode 4 - Book of The Stranger


    Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) strikes a deal. Jorah (Iain Glen) and Daario (Michiel Huisman) undertake a difficult task. Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and Cersei (Lena Headey) try to improve their situation.



  2. 44 minutes ago, WalrusGames said:

    Great Ginger! My only problem is that if your trying to establish a proper chinese culture the name format isn't <First name> <Middle Name/Whatever> <Last Name> it's <Last Name> <Middle Name> <First Name>. An example:

    Usual Name Format: Ang Mei Wal

    Chinese Name Format Wal Mei Ang

    Otherwise great lore! I may play one if theres possibly a position for a diplomat or something.

    Well, the Chiyaki are a bit different. Being descended from stranded Orenian Sailors, they are much like most humans in naming, religion, and appearance. Though they have adapted to the sunny island with their eyes slanting a bit, they still retain hair colors and eyes colors. 


    Yes! We're always looking for more people, I can message you on Skype about it, and you can meet with Owlette as well! As the two main creators of these updated Eastern cultures, we appreciate interest in our lore and content! ^__^

  3.  ▅ ▆ ▇ █ eaѕтernerѕ ιn aeтнerмoor █ ▇ ▆ ▅ 

    [] A Introduction []




    As the summer winds blow onto the walls of Aethermoor, you might notice ships, of various size and design, approaching the docks. From afar, you might think it was a group of merchants, returning home with goods to sell in their homeland. However, upon closer inspection, these people look quite different, with red or black hair and wearing what seems to be...bathrobes? Who are these people, why are they here? Perhaps they were driven from their homeland, or just purely seeking adventure in a land as unknown to them as they are to you.


    Upon reaching an agreement with the Lord of Aethermoor, Lord Neero Saar, the various eastern cultures have all come together as one, hoping to find a home in Vailor. In the hopes of acquiring their own lands in the future, the Easterners are hopeful that their time with the people of Aethermoor will prove helpful and fruitful, and guide them on their path to rejoining the rest of the known races and cultures!


    THE  Cultures


    The Chiyaki a very modern culture who are descended from Orenian Explorers, are considered to have the most in common with the already-established cultures of Vailor, especially in their kept in belief in the Canonist Faith. The Chiyaki are quite proficient in celebration, holding a Harvest Festival every year in the Autumn Months. Men and women truly dedicated to such celebrations have invented quite a few items to help add to the fun, such as exploding colored powder and wands that sparkle when lit with a candle. They are also quite keen in fashion and art, always coming up with new ideas for kimonos, pottery, and jewelry. Everyone born in the Chiyoko Empire is raised to be quite passive and kind to others, only a few men and women holding jealousy or hatred in their heart. They also fear leaving their islands, many of  the previous generations of Chiyoki saying that contact with Oren and the other human kingdoms might corrupt their pureness.


    The Xian - The Xian are a numerous group of people from a distant land mass far to the east of those lands familiar to the inhabitants of Vailor and the previous lands known plainly as Xia. Or "Life" in their native tongue. The Xians are a truly ancient people, and their culture reflects that. Having been taken from many other lands they had visited or conquered, along with their status on retaining ancient traditions has kept these people from changing much over the course over their long and storied history. The Xian in their native lands are fiercely loyal to their lords, and in turn to the grand Jade Dragon Emperor. A title granted and passed down through different family lines or histories known as the dynasties. The Xian are extremely intelligent people as a whole, having their own writing and book-keeping systems since near the rise of their empire. They are skilled in navigation, astronomy, alchemy, and strange esoteric practices, along with the many exotic trades that exist in this faraway land.


    The Hatamoto - The more religious and superstitious of the three cultures, the Hatamoto are often ruled by a Daiymo, or a clan leader. Their are very devout in their belief in the Jade Dragon, and many a monk can be found amidst their people. Not much else is known, but many of them have begun to appear in Aethermoor, most likely hoping to start their life anew.



    These three powers in the  East have come together in hopes of a new life in Vailor, and in the belief that it will bring their people together. The Chiyaki and the Xian have been in a alliance for a bit over a century, being that their islands sit quite close to one another, so they are a bit wary of the Hatamoto joining them in their quest.


    Current Leaders of the Eastern Cultures in Vailor


    The Chiyaki - Minako Saefang, Princess of  The Chiyoko Empire (Ambassador)

    The Xian - VACANT

    The Hatamoto - Saito Issen Yoshida, Daiymo of Clan Yoshida (Ambassador)






    [] The sigil of the city of Aethermoor (Above) []

    [] The Imperial Emblem of the Chiyoko Empire (Below) []












  4. Name: Othiel Nelovu 
    Age: 24
    Race (If not mali'ker then an interview will be required): Mali'ker (Dark Elf)
    Notable Skills: Writing only, but wishes to find a Political Mentor.
    How many will be moving in with you? None, just myself!
    Do you accept the laws of Ebonglade and by extension Laureh'lin? YES


    Mc Name: TheMostGinger
    Skype: TheMostGinger

  5. 14 minutes ago, Shalashask said:

    Can we all agree that the Dorne plot is absolute trash. D&D some how manage to completely ruin the most interesting characters and best actors like Doran Martell. The Sand Snakes in the show are like Xena warrior princess rejects.

    You reckon D&D will bring in Young Griff at all?

    Nah, D&D have already given all of Young Griff's stuff to Dany and Jon Connington's stuff to Jorah. Looks like there is only 1 Targaryen this time around.

  6. 12 minutes ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    Ollie and Ser Alliser complain make a feedback thread saying the staff should enforce Jon Snow's PK. Jon Snow's pocket admin friend lord_of_light denies them and bans them both for being toxic members of the community



    The Global Moderator Daenerys Targaryen gets taken to the home of the "Old Farts", where the former staff members go when they retire. They strip her of her gifs and memes, and reduce her rank to "Newly Spawned".

  7. Game of Thrones Season 6: Episode 3 - Oathbreaker


    Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) meets her future. Bran meets the past. Tommen confronts the High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce). Arya (Maisie Williams) trains to be No One. Varys (Conleth Hill) finds an answer. Ramsay gets a gift.






  8. Welcome!

    to the

    Game of Thrones

    Official Discussion Thread





    1) If you wish to discuss a spoiler, please use a spoiler tag (the eyeball button) to prevent others who may be behind from being spoiled!


    2) Please be open to other's opinions, and hear what they have to say. Please don't attack people on site if they put forth a question or theory you don't agree with.


    3) Nerd Out! Say what you want about each episode, giving reviews and opinions. Have Fun!


    Every Sunday, around 8:00 pm, I will make a post in this forum letting you know when discussion for the new episode is open. This way, viewers of this thread will be able to locate all episode-specific content by finding the correlating episode post!






  9. I would like to thank you all so far for commenting your likes and concerns about this application. I understand that myself only being here a short time, you're a bit apprehensive to consider me for this position. I hope that by reading through my work, be it short story or lore-related, you might change your mind. I look forward to the continuing feedback! ^__^



    What is your Minecraft Account Name?: TheMostGinger


    How long have you played on LotC?: 2 1/2 Months


    How many hours per day/week are you available?: Monday thru Sunday, but on weekdays I am gone from 1:00 pm to 8:45 pm.


    What lore do you know best on LotC: I am VERY much learned and obsessed with the Human Lore, especially Nobility both past and present, though I have also dabbled a bit in Elf lore and Orcish lore (Goblins).


    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past: Wiki Team (Contributor Trial)


    Do you have a Skype account? You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it.  Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team: TheMostGinger


    Have you ever written any lore for LotC? We are looking for LMs who either know a lot, have a lot of ideas— or preferabl both. So lets see what you have done. If you want a part of the app to pay most attention to-- pick this one. Yes, I have written lore and made posts about established lore for LOTC ^__^


    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, ban or other blacklist if so, please link it: No.


    Please include a link of  anything you've wrote that you consider to be your best work, this does not have to be LotC related however it must be by your own hand:











  11. ((RPing with Juno as Gwyndolyn Warlai was most likely some of the best RP I have ever experienced and being a newer player at the time of our meeting, she really guided me down a good path. I love Renee personally, seeing her has the reason Gwyn chose a higher path, and hope to RP with her in the future!))


    Gwyndolyn "Gwyn" Warlai looks down from The Seven Skies, smiling down at Renee whilst holding her child in her arms. "My sweet Renee, at last, your story begins." Gwyn kisses her baby's head, giving one last look at Renee. "We will be together again, someday. My dearest friend."

  12. Beaufort_Castle_construction.jpg

    Art by: ElectroScotland


     A Return to Marland 


    Jaryd Marbrand's horse trotted slowly up the dirt road leading to his family's keep, a light breeze blowing up from the river and gently pressing against his face. I am home, my family's rightful place. The tall walls of their keep rose up before him, the flags atop the walls waving in the breeze. I arrive alone, but my family is all around me. From afar, he noticed how the castle had come into a manner of disrepair, since Jory's death almost a year ago. With no servants or councilors to aid in keeping the Marbrand Keep alive and well tended to, the outside, at least, looked quite shabby. There were fallen stones in the towers, leaving large holes. Their catapult hung from it's base, leaning against one of the walls like a tired child. A few windows were shattered, and the garden was overgrown and filled with weeds. How does a red dragon allow his home to become such a place of sadness? Jaryd trotted his horse around the back of the castle, his horse trying it's hardest to work through the weeds of the overgrown garden and reach the servant's door. Dismounting, Jaryd pulled open the heavy door and strode inside, shaking his head at the further unkempt nature of his family's keep. The great hall was covered in dust and cobwebs, some of the wooden chairs rotted away and the rug moth-eaten. The kitchens were bare, and the bedrooms were messy and filled with junk. I must save this place...for myself and for House Marbrand. Jaryd sighed and picked up a broom that had been leaning against the wall near his brother's old bedroom. With great strokes, he began brushing the stone floor. I must make the first steps towards repair, for I have very far to go.



    And there is a little peek of what I will be doing in Marland. I will make a recruitment post once I am ready, but I hope this gives you a taste of what is going on with the Marbrands of Vandoria! ^__^









    To your Majesty, King John Godfrey Horen,


    On behalf of House Marbrand and it's members, I send this letter to you to let you know of some changes that have been made in concern of governance of our lands and the placement of certain family members. Below, please find the decisions we have made in the hopes to better our family and make it so that we can all be happy in our short lives.


    Jerrik Marbrand, son to Count Jory Marbrand of Marland, has abdicated his titles and lands in order to join is last living sister, Lopkaea Marbrand, in Oren as he is unable to govern the lands of Riverford. As Lady Lopkaea is to be married to Petyr Barbanov, recently made Governor of Erochland, that is where Jerrik plans to make his new home.


    As stated above, Lady Lopkaea is currently betrothed to Petyr Barbanov of Erochland, a marriage which shall take most of the remaining Marbrands with her.


    And finally, in order to keep with our origins in Vandoria, I myself, Jaryd Marbrand, have been named by my nephew Jerrik as the new Count of Riverford and Marland, and plan to serve your highness to the best of my ability, and restore the lands of Marland to greatness! 


    May the Creator Watch over you and Vandoria,


    Lord Jaryd Marbrand

    Count of Marland, Baron of Riverford



    |House Marbrand of Marland|




  14. 3 hours ago, ˢᵏʸ said:

    While it's cool, I highly advise anyone wanting to create their own culture to do it via role-play and not through a lore post, once it's established and the culture thrives, then make a thread if you feel it needed.

    This is mainly for pre-established/historical lore on a new sub-culture I wish to create for Asian-oriented personas or RP. Whilst I understand your view, I feel trying to establish what I established in this post would be quite hard only doing such in RP. The purpose of this is to create a sub-culture that is already rich with things like history and customs, which is why I seek for it to be approved as a sub-culture. If approved, I have already had a few people message me with opportunities to link the Chiyaki with other races in their area, which will only enrich the history that this culture will have. 

  15. 2 hours ago, Swgrclan said:

    Email from: Glorious Godless Yippon Incorporated (Yulthar)

    Subject: please respond

    The Most Ginger,


    would you be interested in establishing a relation between the Yultharans and the Chiyaki? As the article portrays, Yultharan Easterners originated farther east and migrated to their current lands, so it would be in the best interests of interconnectivity to convey an association.




    Yes, I would love to add more depth such as a connection to the Yultharans. That is a very interesting idea, and one I intend to message you about if this sub-culture is approved! ^__^


  16. 4 minutes ago, Moeshツ said:

    Few things:


    1) Easterners have existed as a culture before in the past, therefore some early history is sort of conflicting


    2) It doesn't require lore submission or approval, you can play a more eastern farfolk character already, creating a culture is more of a roleplay thing of getting stuff together and getting people interested


    3) Last I heard it was a very unpopular thing, however I truely believe if done right can be very good such as Faiz did with the Caliphate of whatever


    4) Shash'o Kais Ishiwaka rolls over in his grave

    Thank you for the feedback! If needed, I will remove the Early History if it conflicts with anything existing that may effect previous storylines. And yes, I am mainly just trying to do what Faiz did and introduce a new culture of human into the LOTC world. This is mainly a post to peak interest, and to see if the Lore Masters might approve of such a culture existing and perhaps a "Colony" forming in the next realm. ^__^

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