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Posts posted by Balthasar

  1. 1 hour ago, Aelsioln said:


    Don't forget 90% of the server is banned from Fenn 

    a former Ascended is now High Prince of Dominion 

    druid shenanigans (again) 

    oh and there was a giant fire Godzilla sort of thing in the water near the Dominion during one of our festivals

    how can you be former ascended?

  2. Current Username: Salier

    Discord: Balthy#6909

    Timezone(s) you mainly play: GMT and a sum of the earlier EST hours

    What group/nation do you consider to be your main? Marna, is where someone would find me the most



    Have you held a staff position before? Yes

    Do you currently hold a staff position? No

    Do you plan on applying for other staff positions? No

    Have you ever been banned before? If so, how long ago and what reason? I was once banned for X-raying, this was back in 2016 in April. I haven’t been banned since



    What style of events do you feel you enjoy creating? 


    Back when I myself was an ET, I usually did Quest events for people. I do consider myself adaptable when it comes to events. If someone would request something specific, I would more or less indulge them, with my own twists here and there, of course. More simply put, I enjoy making any type of events.


    List three factors you feel play a part in a quality event and expand upon them.


    Originality - I believe that events should be something that the actor has written himself. None of that recycled mumbo jumbo. While I think an event can be used twice, I don’t think it should be done over a period of weeks.


    Interaction - The most dullest thing a player knows of during an event is to just sit and do absolutely nothing during an event. I always like to incorporate everyone, no man/woman left behind! And if I do become an actor, I do hope to keep everyone busy with the event


    Player Freedom - I think it’s important to let the participants have a certain degree of freedom, to explain further, if a player wishes to do something I would never have anticipated I won’t curb the player, rather I want to accommodate them.


    I know my three factors are brief, but I’m content that I’ve made my point


    Which member(s) of the team would you attempt to emulate and why?

    PapaVesemir. Seeing as he does events that I cater to



    Provide three event scenarios, in total, of the style(s) you listed above:


    A commander of a battalion has expressed his interests in finding capable men and women, through a bounty found in the North. The bounty asks a party to go to a decrepit battlefield and burn the bodies of the deceased. If any looters are found, they are to be slain and hands are to be separated, so they may never steal again. Torches are required. At the bottom, the bounty mentions in large writing that the party will be paid two-hundred mina on completion, and twenty more for each pair of hands.


    A local lord in the North is to hold a grand feast, for this lord has just married his daughter to a rich and powerful lord, this will surely benefit him. Now however, the land has suddenly been struck by undeath. The Lord’s levy is no match against this plight. He has thus ordered bounties to be placed around Axios. The Lord asks for at least five men. The Lord suspects a necromancer to be at hand. The bounty mentions that torches will be supplied, to burn the necrotic bodies. If both the necrotic and foul necromancer are dealt with, he will pay the party six-hundred mina to be shared. If the necromancer is not killed the party will only be paid three-hundred and fifty mina. The party will be allowed to keep any loot discovered.


    An archaeologist has pinned bounties up all around Axios. It reads; There has been a grand discovery, an ancient dungeon has been exposed, but it reeks with many ancient creatures. I Archibald Mitty, require many capable hands. You must protect me whilst I document the many documents, that were found before these creatures were awoken. I am afraid that this dungeon might collapse if I do not document it immediately. Once free from the threat, everyone will be properly compensated.



    Why do you wish to become an ET Actor Member?

    I have time to spend and I’d like to see some more events for the nation I play in.


    What strengths would you bring to the team?

    I think that I am a good organizer, I have experience in organizing people together, on other games. I’m an active member of the community, I visit the server every day and read forum posts constantly, for real. I keep my promises and I never ignore someone, who is asking for attention. I consider myself dependable and honest. Lastly I am learning the lore of LoTC day-by-day


    What are your weaknesses?

    I have a job, so I will not be able to get on at certain hours. To add some more, I easily get annoyed by people who have no idea what they’re doing.


    How much time could you give to this position in the foreseeable future?

    During my last tenure as an ET actor, I spent roughly half a year as an actor. I could definitely see myself giving another six months


  3. 3 hours ago, Bad Guy Shady said:

    "I'd like to know what gave the mayor the idea that the HOLY Order of Saint Lucien would even be interested in participating in the slave trade when we are sworn to GOD, not Marna. First Clement resigns, and now this. GOD I pray these slave owners aren't mix breeding with the slaves." Rakim says to himself as he contemplates having the Order execute any half humans that enter Senntisten, free or enslaved.

    "Keyword is 'may' as such, it is an option. A slave is one's property, you may do what you wish with your property, can you not? If the order so desires it can opt out of slavery, again it is simply an option" Says Godwyn Crast

  4. somehow it reminds me of the adunians. it must be that snow elf and highlander part. but i find it odd how they literally cannot thrive in an environment which isn't wet or cold, for example i live in a damp environment, but i can certainly stay in places that are warm, for example.


    all in all, i like it anyways

  5. 1 hour ago, Caranthir_ said:

    Alexandre frowns back as the Crast frowned, knowing full well what his designated jurisdiction was. He then began to wonder who bestowed such powers of the judiciary upon the Mayorship.

    Godwyn didn't realize Marna had a 'Lord Magnate of the Judiciary' as the privy hasn't been heard from for years. Nonetheless, with an inactive judiciary body, one must take matters into their own hands

  6. shit.jpg.77610b191dfc03fafab99ec659cfdf99.jpg


    Before the huge crowd a man appeared, standing behind a humble wooden podium with the seal of Senntisten adorned in its center. He took a moment to scan the denizens of the alluring capital - At last he cleared his throat and began to speak "Greetings, people of Senntisten!" he said, his voice quivering "I am Godwyn Crast, a god-fearing citizen of Marna. As you might be aware, I am running for the office of Mayor, while I am young, I assure you! I am capable of holding and managing the office" as he spoke, he raised his hand, his index finger pointed and waving about, as if to strongly make his point.


    Then he stood in silence, for seemingly ages. Again looking over the crowd, but alas he spoke "I am here to explain what I may do for you; the people!" again silence, he quickly produced a paper, which he laid upon the podium in front of him "A few years ago, I arrived at Senntisten, at the behest of my Uncle, Balian Crast, the city seemed fine initially, but as I looked under the carpet I saw it lacked many important elements. That is why I intend to reform aspects of the municipal government, the ineffective stewards will be replaced, and many more jobs will be established for the common people - I promise to found a city council, where the most dedicated and skilled common men and women, may find work in specific branches of the government, and a judicial court, where you the people may be elected and decide the fate of criminals, but also draft municipal laws. As our city expands, I intend to expand and compose more departments"


    Within a few moments, he had swapped around the papers that laid upon the podium. Again he spoke, his voice more confident than ever! "With a more efficient municipal government, I hope to see a rise in the municipal treasury to fund both public works and to fund the Free Company” A moment of silence appeared "I plan to hold periodic festival and events for the city. A chance for the people to show a part of their lives, with fairs - for example."


    “This great city cannot be allowed to stall and wither into emptiness like Adelburg did, years ago. We can’t wait for some steward or some celebrated organizer to arrive and make their attempts at saving this city - it must be done while it is alive! I shall give you an never-declining capital, which will stand the test of time.” he stood quiet again, but spoke seconds later “I aim to see this city, its laws, its people and electoral system, be properly documented and made available to every citizen. Reciting what I said before, I earnestly promise to reform our municipal government, so that every man and woman in senntisten may participate in it.”


    With that he stepped back, took a humble bow and waved “Remember to vote for Godwyn Crasthe announced, as the crowd began to applaud. Finally he made his way away from the podium, disappearing somewhere with a flock of people



    Name: Godwyn Crast
    Address/Property: Pictorus Square 3
    Nationality: Marnan

    Party: Independent


    [ ] Aran Talraen

    [ ] Alexandre Ashford d’Aryn

    [X] Godwyn Crast

    [ ] Abstain

    [ ] Force these structures into vassalization

    [X] Assimilate these settlements peacefully

    [ ] Destroy and displace said settlements

    [ ] Leave these settlements be

    [ ] Abstain



    [ ] Yes

    [ X ] No

    [ ] Abstain



    [ ] Yes

    [X] No

    [ ] Abstain



    [X] Yes

    [ ] No

    [ ] Abstain



    [ X ] Yes

    [ ] No

    [ ] Abstain

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