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Posts posted by Balthasar

  1. On 5/14/2021 at 3:42 AM, Enlightenment said:

    Name: Stefan Varoche

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Intent on joining (Temporary/Full time): Temporary

    If temporary, how long do you intend to stay?:  An undetermined amount of time

    If full time, do you agree to taking on all aspects of the monastic life?

    Do you agree to follow the rules of the Monastery? Failure to do so will result in immediate eviction. I understand

    A courier would find Stefan Varoche and offer him a letter sealed in wax. If he should accept and break it open it would read, rather breifly:

    "Salutations! The Abbot and Bishop are patiently awaiting your arrival to Luciensburg. The fastest way to the city is by taking the road from Eastfleet south and merely following the signs. May His Holy Light guide you safely to us."


    (DM myself at Balthy#6909 or the abbot at GangstaGibbs#6958)




    Located in the Diocese of Sanctia, Luciensburg


    Hark ye, sinners! Repent for thy sins - the path to the Skies is narrow and easy to stray off. If life in the hereafter with our LORD is eternal, then so is damnation for those who deny GOD and HIS GRACE from their lives.


    The Monastery of the Flaming Covenant  is modeled after Saint Humbert’s REGULA SANCTUS UMBERTIUS TITANUS [aka Rule of Saint Humbert] and the Abbey-Seminary of Saint Robert under Abbot Odus Cardinal Saint-Robert and while there is a specific emphasis on Owynist Rite, the monastery allows acolytes the freedom to pursue their monastic life in one of The Four Schools of Ecclesiastical Thought: [Sybillism, Flamenism, Epulonism and Augarism]. Self defense is also promoted in the monastery through the use of blunt weapons [maces, staves, etc.] to avoid the wanton loss of death but also protect the faithful and defenseless.


    We are always seeking those who would wish to take on the monastic life full-time and join our Holy Mother Church becoming a monk or nun opens up a world of scholarly learning and physical work to better oneself spiritually and mentally. We are also training priests under the clerical teachings of Flamenism. Potential priests will join the monks as an acolyte, who will then teach the acolyte. They must obey the same rules and procedures as they do while under their wing.


    The Monastery prides itself on having a large and ever-growing library of religious and historical texts. In addition to this, it operates a clinic named the Hospice of the Shining Sacrament, which is located within the monastery area. Both of these institutions are organised and led by the members of the monastery and the greater Church. Those with remarkable skill and piety are however permitted to hold specialized roles, in the Hospice for example.



             Any form of narcotics are prohibited on the Abbey grounds. Except for medicinal and alchemical uses.

             Heretical texts and speech are forbidden on the Abbey grounds.

             No violence to the faithful may be done on the Abbey grounds. Except for combat training

             Sexual acts and pornography are strictly forbidden on the Abbey grounds.



    The Abbey shall live by the Rule of Saint Humbert to see to his vision of how monastics should live.


    “Monastic life can be separated into two functions, the first of which are dubbed the Virosites those who have established themselves in permanent communities among brothers in a monastery after the famed monk Bl. Fabian Viroi. The second of which are the Vytenites who wander from community to community preaching, performing acts of faith, or aiding those in need which are named after wandering priest Bl. Vytenis of Visiga. The distinction of monk and friar can also be used between the Virosites and the Vytenites.


    To the Virosites, do not grow sloth for the work of God is endless. Do not bar entry to the needy and the willing. Repay the gifts which are bestowed unto you with faith and works. With this I charge you


    To the Vytenites, do not grow wild on your travels and stay true to God’s will. Do not neglect your brothers and return to them often. Spread the Canon, to believers and not for this is your gift unto others. With this I charge you.”


    Acolytes and others apart of the priesthood must refrain from personal honorific titles [i.e knighthood] or monetary rewards unless said monetary rewards are donations for the Church. One should expect to take a vow chastity, obedience and poverty upon ordainment and acolytes are expected to practice this lifestyle.



    Postulants - those who wish to enter the monastic life temporarily and swear an oath to follow the rules of the monastery while staying. They may leave whenever they wish. Usually postulants are those performing penance or in a trial-period prior to becoming fully fledged acolytes, to see if one is committed and if it's truly what the postulant wishes to do for life.


    Acolytes - All of those who join the Church full time begin as acolytes learning the word of GOD. They take proper oaths and any serious breach of the rules of the Monastery will lead to expulsion from the monastic community. Otherwise, acolytes may be reprimanded and punished for breaking rules of lesser degree.


    Monks - called Brothers are those who have taken formal and permanent vows tying themselves to God as his servants in the world. They are bound to their monastic vows for life and live together among other brothers within a monastery. They must do what their superior instructs them without question as long as the superior is just and represents the will of God. 


    Nuns - called Sisters are the female equivalent of monks. Nuns live in separate quarters from their male counterparts and are prohibited from engaging in any intimate relations with the monks of the monastery to prevent dynastic religious families in the monastery. Nuns may preach, conduct sermons and are held to the same responsibilities to the Abbot such as their monk counterparts. 


    Abbot - The head of a formal community of monastics within the Abbey and referred to as father. They are given supreme authority over their monastery and thus are given supreme responsibility over it as well. They are required to maintain, feed, and provision the monastery as well as scheduling tasks for the monks which reside under their authority. They may delegate responsibilities to individual brothers as they see fit. The Abbot is elected by the monastic members and affirmed by the Bishop of Sanctia






    Intent on joining (Temporary/Full time):

    If temporary, how long do you intend to stay?:

    If full time, do you agree to taking on all aspects of the monastic life?

    Do you agree to follow the rules of the Monastery? Failure to do so will result in immediate eviction. 


    You will receive medical training, combat experience, theological lessons and good work ethic.


    Be willing to help operate Church-owned businesses, study Canonist doctrine and defend the faithful from savage brigands and abnormal monstrosities.


  3. Bishop Guy said a prayer over his bed before bed, one for all Humankind. Acolyte Elim Temmeck de Langford-Sadre had produced a well constructed thesis, which he eagerly had accepted and stamped with his own seal - Soon there an ordination would take place. An ordination all would be welcome to observe, to learn more His followers.

  4. The Bishop of Ves read the newspaper, in his bed, a flickering candlestick illuminating the text "A wonderful paper!" He declared, flicking a hand at it. "One problem! It is the Cathedral of Exalted Owyn, not Saint Catherine - Named by the former Bishop Erasmus and later consecrated by me!" he said to the servant preparing his vestments for the 'morrow



    Issued and confirmed by the TRR Bishop of Ves, Guy de Soissons FSSCT PSR, Mayor of Owynsburg, 

    1st of Tobias’ Bounty, 1787


    Several years ago, I was elected Mayor of this city by virtue of the people’s mandate. I must confess there is not much for me to boast about, as there hasn’t been much for me to administer. I have made attempts at revitalizing our beloved city in the ways with which I am learned and most familiar; through faith. At first, my method did not prove fruitful, and I, therefore, came to the conclusion a change in myself and my conduct was in order. I have since found success and in my efforts and restored a margin of life back to our city.  The founding of the Priory of Saint Robert and the Order of Saint Robert, centers of work, worship, prayer and opportunity, have with them breathed to our Commonwealth a cultural resurgence and an unexpected wave of immigration. In this occasion, I would like to welcome both the pious and the diligent, who in seeking opportunity found a new home as our compatriots.


    I have therefore decided to hold a second open forum, the first of which I summoned at the beginning of my mayoral term. I shall briefly explain what the open forum is; an assembly wherein all Kaedreni citizens, man and woman, may come and speak their mind freely on the ongoings of Kaedrin, an occasion where one may come forth to petition our community and government both, and then together in our assembly, we can find a solution.


    The forum shall be held in a Saint’s day at the House of Commons in Owynsburg. It is past the coffeehouse from the city’s western gate.


    (28/09/2020 – at 20:00 BST / 3 PM EST at the House of Commons in Owynsburg. Should last about an hour)



    Issued and confirmed by the TRR Bishop of Ves, Guy de Soissons FSSCT PSR, Mayor of Owynsburg, 
    Mr. Bernard D. Hoffman, Undersecretary of Sewage and Waste Disposal of the Office of Public Services of Owynsburg, 
    9th of Horen’s Calling, 1787


    In recent years the citizens of Owynsburg have expanded their property without asking or informing the municipal authorities. This has allowed the citizenry to claim more property than they currently pay for. Property that legally belongs to another individual or the to city government. No more shall this illegal expansion continue.


    Any property owner, be it of an estate, in-urbe house or stall shall henceforth be required to contact the Mayor to receive written permission to expand their property. To do so without permission shall result in a fine, the amount of which is dictated on the severity of said expansion.


    The city of Owynsburg understands that space may be sparse, thus citizens may clear the ground below their home to construct a basement (the basement must not intrude on other properties). Property exteriors may be changed freely, but any drastic changes must be approved by the municipal delegation. Drastic changes account for the moving of the entry door requiring the address signifier to be moved, replacing housing material, breaking down an exterior wall to open up the house, etc.


    The municipal delegation shall also henceforth be permitted to inspect the property for any expansions that have not been approved. Let it also be known that the expansion of one's property also means the rise of taxes. Citizens who have claimed and expanded their property prior to this edict will also have their taxes increased as soon as their property is inspected by the authorities. The amount for both is determined on a case-by-case basis as all expansions are not equal in size and range.

  7. Full Name of Man -  Santiana Conor Sean Patrick Cain Liam Darragh Cillian O'Rourke

    Date of Birth of Man - 1757


    Name of Woman - Jeanne Poisson de Motte

    Date of Birth of Woman – 1767


    Location of Ceremony - Chapel of Saint Thomas, Kaedrin

    Date of Ceremony (Year) – 10th  of Tobias’s Bounty, 1786

    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Guy de Soissons

  8. klyzQJ6.png


    Consecration of A New Cathedral


    More than a decade ago the city of Owynsburg was expanded greatly and new housing and businesses were made available to all. With this expansion followed a humble chapel, which was given the fitting name: The Chapel of Exalted Owyn. After the disappearance of our previous Bishop Erasmus von Gertreide, there was a sudden void left in the  hierarchy of the diocese. The only remaining priest was quickly elevated by the High Pontiff to replace the lost Bishop.


    With this elevation, it has allowed many new things to happen in Kaedrin. For example, a new monastery has been made with a library and a clinic. The most notable within the city is that Bishop Soissons has elected to move the Cathedra of Ves into the chapel, elevating the chapel to a Cathedral. The entire cathedral has been refitted, elongated and widened to make the church larger and more presentable for the seat of a Bishop.


    In honour of this event, the Cathedral of Exalted Owyn shall be re-consecrated, making it fit for worship. Any who wish to witness this event shall meet at the door of the Cathedral, where the service will begin. It will later move into the Cathedral, where all may see it in its splendor.


    Let this also be an opportunity for all who are interested to serve the Church, to step forwards.. Those who have secular professions outside of the Church and do not wish to abandon their job, wife and children may seek to become permanent deacons after a time of study. Permanent deacons are ordained, but are not permitted to do the same sacraments as a priest.



    Guy de Soissons

    Bishop of Ves



    6/09/2020 8PM BST - 3PM EST. In Owynsburg, specifically at the Cathedral of Ex. Owyn, located at Helvets Ave. 8. Near the two trees by the eastern gate.


  9. The Bishop of Ves, Guy de Soissons had of course heard of the sudden disappearance and later the death of Rylan Swint, especially being situated in Kaedrin.  He said a solemn prayer and hoped the knight would be given a proper Canonist burial, whatever condition his body was in.

  10. On 8/31/2020 at 4:12 PM, Borin said:

    Name: Coen de Ruyter
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Intent on joining (Temporary/Full time): Full time
    If temporary, how long do you intend to stay?: N/A
    If full time, do you agree to taking on all aspects of the monastic life?: Yes
    Do you agree to follow the rules of the Monastery?: Yes

    A bird finds his way to Coen de Ruyter. It carries the seal of the Bishop of Ves, Guy de Soissons.

    ”May His Holy Light shine upon you! The Priory is more than willing to see you join the brotherhood of holy men. Please, come find us in the outskirts of Owynsburg as soon as possible, where we may speak about your role”

  11. On 8/21/2020 at 12:02 AM, EmiliainWonderland said:

    (Well, I’m technically already a nun but eh, I’ll fill it out just for verification or whatever.)


    Name: Celia Silversteed-Hart
    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Intent on joining (Temporary/Full time): Temporary
    If temporary, how long do you intend to stay?: Several years
    If full time, do you agree to taking on all aspects of the monastic life?: Yeah
    Do you agree to follow the rules of the Monastery?: Yup!


    A messenger eventually finds their way to Celia Silversteed-Hart. He presents her a letter bearing the seal of the Bishop of Ves. Should you choose to accept the sealed letter and open it, it would read this;

    “The Hospice of the Shining Sacrament has been outfitted and furnished with the necessary equipment! I would be pleased if you would visit the hospice and see if it is worthy. I await a letter eagerly”


    16 minutes ago, wyvernbro said:

    Name: Fritz of Curonia
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Intent on joining (Temporary/Full time): Full time
    If temporary, how long do you intend to stay?: N/A
    If full time, do you agree to taking on all aspects of the monastic life?: Yes
    Do you agree to follow the rules of the Monastery?: Yes

    A somber tonsured acolyte finds you, Fritz of Curonia. He presents to you a sealed letter from the Bishop of Ves, he nods as you take it and scurries off, you assume back to wherever he came from. You decide to open it;


    “It warms my heart that another of the faithful has volunteered to serve God and the Church. You are summoned to the Priory of Saint Robert, where you will don the habit and begin both your scholarly and physical work. May God guide you on your way!”



  12. The Priory of Saint Robert


    Written by Cardinal Odus de Jedih, 1724
    Revised in 1780th Year of Existence by Bishop Guy de Soissons


    With the burning of the Golden City of Ves, the Monastery dedicated to Saint Robert followed. While a new city has been rebuilt on the ashes of the old, there existed no monastic buildings. By the will of Guy de Soissons, an ardent admirer of Cardinal Odus St. Robert, the old monastery of Ves has been rebuilt and reformed in the outskirts of Owynsburg.


    The path to the Seven Skies is narrow and easy to stray off. If life in the hereafter with our Lord is eternal, then so is damnation for those who deny God and His grace from their lives.


    The Monastery of Saint Robert is a refuge for the battle-worn and repentant man or woman. There is free room and boarding, with participation in daily duties and following of our rules. Come learn about the Creator, the Prophets and the Canonist faith. No faithful Canonist will be denied refuge based on their political stances with respect to local law or races among the four descendants.


    We are always seeking those who would wish to take on the monastic life full-time and join our Holy Mother Church becoming a monk or nun opens up a world of scholarly learning and physical work to better oneself spiritually and mentally. We are also training priests under the clerical teachings of Flamenism. Potential priests may join the monks as acolytes, who will then be taught the Canon by the monks. They must obey the same rules and procedures as they do while under their wing.


    The Monastery prides itself on having a large and ever-growing library of religious and historical texts. In addition to this, it operates a clinic named the Hospice of the Shining Sacrament, which is located within the monastery area. Both of these institutions are organised and led by the members of the monastery and the greater Church. Those with remarkable skill and piety are however permitted to hold specialized roles, in the Hospice for example.



    The Monastery of Saint Robert shall live by the Rule of Saint Humbert to see to his vision of how monastics should live.


    Monastic life can be separated into two functions, the first of which are dubbed the Virosites; those who have established themselves in permanent communities among brothers in a monastery after the famed monk Bl. Fabian Viroi. The second of which are the Vytenites; who wander from community to community preaching, performing acts of faith, or aiding those in need which are named after wandering priest Bl. Vytenis of Visiga. The distinction of monk and friar can also be used between the Virosites and the Vytenites.


     To the Virosites, do not grow sloth for the work of God is endless. Do not bar entry to the needy and the willing. Repay the gifts which are bestowed unto you with faith and works. With this, I charge you


     To the Vytenites, do not grow wild on your travels and stay true to God’s will. Do not neglect your brothers and return to them often. Spread the Canon, to believers and not for this is your gift unto others. With this, I charge you.


    Postulants - those who wish to enter the monastic life temporarily and swear an oath to follow the rules of the monastery while staying. They may leave whenever they wish. Typically people come as postulants to pay penance or get closer to GOD.


    Acolyte/Novice - All of those who join the Church full time begin as acolytes or novices learning the word of GOD, wheter they are to become a priest or a monk. They take proper oaths and any serious breach of the rules of the Monastery will lead to expulsion from the monastic community. Otherwise, acolytes may be reprimanded and punished for breaking rules of lesser degree.


    Monks - called Brothers are those who have taken formal and permanent vows tying themselves to God as his servants in the world. They are bound to their monastic vows for life and live together among other brothers within a monastery. They must do what their superior instructs them without question as long as the superior is just and represents the will of God. 


    Nuns - called Sisters are the female equivalent of monks. Nuns live in separate quarters from their male counterparts and are prohibited from engaging in any intimate relations with the monks of the monastery to prevent dynastic religious families in the monastery. Nuns may preach, conduct sermons and are held to the same responsibilities to the Prior such as their monk counterparts. 


    Prior - The head of a formal community of monastics within the Priory and referred to as father. They are given supreme authority over their monastery and thus are given supreme responsibility over it as well. They are required to maintain, feed, and provision the monastery as well as scheduling tasks for the monks which reside under their authority. They may delegate responsibilities to individual brothers as they see fit. The Prior is elected by the monastic members and affirmed by the Bishop of Ves



    Intent on joining (Temporary/Full time):
    If temporary, how long do you intend to stay?:
    If full time, do you agree to taking on all aspects of the monastic life?
    Do you agree to follow the rules of the Monastery? Failure to do so will result in immediate eviction. 


    You will receive medical training, combat experience, theological lessons and good work ethic.


    Be willing to help operate Church-owned businesses, study Canonist doctrine and defend the faithful from savage brigands and abnormal monstrosities.

    (Big thanks to Shady for helping me out with this!)



    Issued and confirmed by the honourable, Guy de Soissons, Mayor of Owynsburg, 9th of Horen’s Calling, 1782


    With my electoral win, two Saint’s days ago. I would like to go to work immediately! I already have plans ongoing to make our fair city better but to do this. I must have help from the people of the city. This is no task for one man to do. That is why I have elected to hold an open forum where any man or woman may approach myself and speak their mind on the city, offer ideas and services.


    Many in Kaedrin often boast about the Commonwealth being the successor of Ves, but I must confess that the common people have little to no power to decide how things are run. I believe this will be the first step, to bring back some of what was good in old Ves and truly make Kaedrin the successor-state it dreams to be.

    The forum shall be held in two Saint’s days at the House of Commons in Owynsburg



    (21/08/2020 – 21:00 PM BST/16:00 PM EST at the House of Commons in Owynsburg)


  14. klyzQJ6.png

    Confession In Owynsburg


    It has been too long since any sort of service has been held in the city of Owynsburg. With the former Chapel of Ex. Owyn, located on Helvets Ave 7, being raised to the status of Cathedral, the building has been made slightly larger and refurbished. As Bishop of Ves, it is high time we return to a time of religious service within the city. The first service in decades shall be a simple confession, long have the citizens of this city gone without a way to repent, this is no more. Confession shall be held in the Cathedral of Ex. Owyn in a Saint’s Day. Everyone is welcome, no one shall be denied entry. If you are unfamiliar with the method of confession, you will be explained the procedure below:


    Before even entering confession, you must reflect on your life and search for your sins. Once you enter the confessional, you will sign the Lorraine and say “Bless me, Father for I have sinned. It has been X days/years since my last confession” Then you may begin your confession, declare all your mortal sins in number and kind. Once that has been done you will say “I am sorry for these and all of my sins." After that the celebrant will offer advice and assign a penance. You will say an Act of Contrition, which is a prayer expressiong your sorrow for your sins. Finally the priest as the intermediary will absolve your sins.



    Guy de Soissons

    Bishop of Ves




    (16/08/2020 – 21:00 PM BST/16:00 PM EST at Owynsburg)


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