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Posts posted by Ixli


    For The Union of Man



    Praemium Virtutis Honor



     The once grand eagles that swooped above the ignorance of men, now stand perched with their shallow gaze, gnarled talons and crooked beaks; ingurgitating the carcasses of their own subjects. For their cruel wantonness of power, has thinned the state of half its people. Now tainted by this influence, they have forgone the promised rights of their people, denying their GOD-given principles, and have shackled them in chains of blood.


    Now, their once noble fantasies have lost their formalities - drowned in earthly-mindedness, envenomed with malice, exalted in an individualistic opinion of their own righteousness - leaving all but a trail of hypocrisy and carnal ends in GOD's service. These such deceptions have turned upon men themselves, stripping all sense of virtue and refinement, reducing us from civilized men to beasts of the wild.


    Yet the truth is all the more clearer now, that without the union of man: civilization shall fall, freedom shall not prevail, and peace shall be forgotten. It is only when mankind is united in their defense, and in possession of a constabulary power before which barbaric and atavistic forces will stand in awe, shall these principles persist.


    By this basis alone,  we must all act in solidarity for the unification of man once again. It is by the grace of GOD, that I must denounce these convocation of unruly pursuivants and abandon all pledges to the distorted dominion of Courland, to swear an oath of fealty to the eternal Holy Orenian Empire.


    Like a blaze of glory, the Horenic Dragon returns to its rightful place amongst the sun and stars, reborn from the ashes of pain and suffering.


    Penned by the hands of the Ducal Court,


    -His Grace, Abdessamad de Savin, Duke of Savinia, Marques of Valencia and Seville, Count of Veldin and Castell, Grand Knight of the Order of Veldin, Soverign of the order of eminence and General of the Savinian Brigade


  2. "I would have voted Augustus but he allowed a Goblin and his Golem to kill my lliran to take our belongings in the tavern, and then came after he was dead. After we got rid of the goblins, I heard him bragging to some lady about how he just took care of a goblin menace as if he took on the goblin and golem alone." The elf rants, his face hidden as he leans over the voting ballet,"To think he almost let a Lord of Courland be slaughtered by a meager goblin and his pet golem.." he'd mutter.

  3. An elf shopping in the market's of the Dwarves would hear the screaming of the death of the Grand King. He would pack up all his goods and run.


    "IT WASN'T ME!"  he would continuously shout on his way to his Donkey.

  4. 2 hours ago, Destroyer_Bravo said:

    "No." says a high elven guard captain, pinning the poster to his wall with a grimace. He'd produce a red brush and draw a line diagonally across the poster.


    "Basically." a Tilruir'tir responds.

  5. The traveling elf would pick up the long document, reading over the marks upon the paper. "I do not - will not - involve myself in such silly conflicts of the valah. Again, they prove themselves plagued with anger against one another. Johannessburg is a ripe example of this - the failing of the valah disease that land, forever marking it with death. I, time and time again, have come to their aid only for the end of a conflict to result in more of equal proportion. Do you want another Oren to happen, I ask you? There is no peace without war, of course not, but there is also no peace when there is ALWAYS war!" Varen'thal spits out. 

  6. The elf stood just outside the Westerlands, looking around at the forests. He stood there what seemed like forever, listening to everything - but nothing. The absence of birds, and animals.


    "Mordring. They attempted to defy Mordring? Idiot valah. They should of foreseen this."


    Varen'thal stood there just a bit longer, before turning and heading back home.

  7. MC Name: Crinky

    Skype Name: Gargled

    Timezone: EST
    Age: 15


    Do you have Discord? (you need to): Yep.

    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the application standards?: I do! As a two time applicant myself, I really do grasp the standards that all applicants must strive for to be accepted on LotC. When I get really bored of the games I play, I find myself yearning to read. The LotC wiki is a very good place to just sit back and read about the fictional past of the server, as it is really well written and enjoyable to explore, so I do think I have an extremely good grasp on the lore this server has in it's RP community. 


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others?: In past experiences, as a member of a community's leadership or perhaps working with community leaders, I have found that I enjoy giving people the good news, and found myself good at giving bad news if needed. As an AT you always need to be pacing back and forth between the two. I am very used to that. I have been an admin of decent sized server's, and game moderated others. Accepting and Denying Staff applications has always been something I've done for a very long time now, and I feel that bringing the experience to deny and accept whitelist applications is something that I could do very well.

    Beyond reviewing whitelist applications, what ways do you think you would enjoy helping new applicants?: I would find it fun to help applicants further explore the lore and see how they explain it with their character's background. I also thoroughly enjoy character development and what they aspire to do in the future. If they fell short in applying, I would give them tips and tricks as to how they can improve what they did wrong, or what they missed.


    How do you think the server’s application process could be improved?: When I first joined, I honestly did expect the person who accepted me to point me in the right direction, but instead they left it up to other player's to do that, and there are always players who find the process of helping a new person irritating, so it was hard to get started! I feel that if the AT member who accepted the application was to tell him,"Hey, when I see you on I'll help you get to where you need to be, get you speaking with the right people." Personally, that would of been great, and I know many new members feel the same way!

    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?: As stated, I've had much experience answering Staff applications and I feel that really will help me in accepting + denying applicants. I always explore for backgrounds of the Staff that I accept, and this means I will read the background the player gives me on their character and see if they really are suited for this server based on the lore they gave me, or if they need to do a bit more reading.


    Tell me a joke: When my wife starts to sing, I always go outside and do yard work so my neighbors know there is no domestic violence going on. :/

  8. MC Name:


    Character's Name:

    Character's Age:


    Character's Race:
    High Elf

    What magic(s) will you be learning?


    Teacher's MC Name:


    Teacher's RP Name:
    Lysio Hestonnis

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  9.      Posters would begin to pop up across the Dominion of Malin, scattered along walls, one or two here and there scattered across the ground. Some in the tavern, other's outside homes, or posted on the huge tree.



         My fellow mali'ame - the Elven Vigil has reformed. Perhaps you have not learned of us - but in most cases you have. You know us as tyranic.. perhaps mad elves. I have written this in heed of informing you we have reformed - not just as a force to be reckoned with, but as friend's of all mali.


         Arche Raell has left us - former Tilruir'tir of this group. He has left myself, Daitan Padaryn, and legendary mali'aheral Varen'thal Elibar'acal in charge - and we will forever change the Vigil. Today, I come to you, not as a tyrant, but as a friend. As a mali'ame. We wish to help all of elvenkind, starting with the Dominion.

    As the Leaders have changed, so has the Vigil itself. A new Vigil has risen from the ashes of the old one, one that wishes to help all of elvenkind.


         We have recently formed an alliance with Linandria, and we have set up a headquarters here. We welcome and encourage all mali'ame, mali'ker, mali'aheral alike who wishes to join us to search down a Vigil officer. We will give you a home and a place to sleep at night - freshly cooked food on the table, a roof over your head, and other's to spend your time with.

    Our home lays here - in the city of Linandria - as well as a main fort in the Krag, capital of Norland.



         In elvenkind we trust, protect, and aid.

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