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  1. Blackquiver


    One thing to quickly clarify, I was told that starting as a member of a Clan wasn’t necessary and I could start as clanless if I wanted, but to choose a surname.
  2. Blackquiver


    Grom was born in 1659, but remembers little of his early days. He cannot remember any of his family members, save vague recollections of his father; Gram Burdun. Gram was a strong, stoic Dwarf who instilled both qualities into his son. Grom was distraught when his father passed away in 1672, during a cave-in. Born in the halls of Kaz’Ulrah, Grom had a brief stint in the military; patrolling borders, slaying minor beasts troubling the areas. Not finding any real sense of purpose in this work and after a particularly traumatic experience in a giant spider nest, he went and began to work in the smithies; finding and fetching ores and pumping bellows. Slowly biding his time in the smithies and forges, he gained some modicum of experience in a multitude of metalworking skills; tempering, planishing, forging, fitting and other such tasks. He has not had much time to work on his own creations, often finding himself in libraries reading up on books and penning his own scrolls of his own metallurgy techniques. Grom moved to Agnarum in 1690 shortly after it was founded. Again, finding work in mines and smithies, he has pretty much gone unnoticed for a number of years; often just busily working in the corner. Grom has travelled to the realm of Atlas, following in the footsteps of others. He wishes to find the new Dwarven Kingdom in order to hopefully establish his own workshop, though he will seek out the smiths there in order to work for, or with them.
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