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Posts posted by MrMineLoveDude

  1. U2eLEWz-J5jn4JycZ0V-4hT6ACC2GE2e42AcqfbJNfRSuJf6ZqpJFwAQKrGShQkr7SW0rzc8pSSsx5En5C8tihKWwOgZWWzNfX4MlnTRHb0-lfAYqIu6d9f-LFbMBkKFHLAiq4l8

    Congratulations MickMeist! On behalf of the Application Team, we’d like to officially welcome you to the Lord of the Craft community. You’ll have to wait just a few brief moments while we get you whitelisted on the server and ready to go. Feel free to continue reading the rules or browsing the forums and/or wiki for more information or directly contact me if you prefer to!

    We also have a New Player Discord, that is solely used for helping new players attune to our unique server, filled with many helpers and other AT members who are more than willing to help. Click here. Also be sure to check out the New For you, New player guide!


    And to answer your question, LOTC has a unique plugin that's called Nexus, which basically implements a new way of crafting items. With this, we also have professions on the server, and with each profession, there are different levels, much likes tiers. In this case, you don't obtain enchantment books through putting a book in an enchantment table along with lapis, but rather you obtain enchantment books from elsewhere, and use the table to apply the enchant to the item you wish to imbue. It may be a bit confusing at first, but once you're on the server, input the command /help, and that should be able to clear it up. If not, you can always message me!

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

    Ganved Elibar’acal


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:





    What magic(s) will you be teaching?:

    Soul Stealing Fihiirantanya


    Summarize the Lore of this magic(s):

    Fihiirantanya, also known to be anti-magic, which allows the caster to sever a mage’s connection, be it from the void or their respective patron. Though, they are not limited to mages, their magic also affects magic entities such as magic/diety enchants, wards, and beings. This either requires a sacrifice of another individual, forcing another soul into the student, soul stealing, or taking the desired mage’s pre-existing soul and splitting it in half and allowing it to grow into a second soul, soul splitting. Soul Stealing allows for the mage to fully master the art, though being extremely weak versus soul splitting allows for the mage to be stronger physically but weaker in terms of channeling their mist and mastering it.


    For soul stealing, the student much fight against the second soul to declare dominance, if they fail to do so, they will be forced to PK, if successful, then they are free to use their mist. The newfound fi’ mage must use that second soul to channel their boon, a very tolling process for the mage, along with the usual effects of general fatigue, loss of appetite, and unexpected mood influences. Learning this magic prevents the mage to learn any of other magics, along with this, a person cannot have connected to the void or patron prior to receiving a second soul, be it through soul steal or soul split. Failing to receive the knowledge of effectively use their gifted boon will result in the mage growing insane and unable to sustain themselves, ending in a PK.


    This dark art allows the user to summon their mist, the pigment of said mist depending on the mage. At T1, the mage would be able to drain mana from anything that comes in contact with the mist that holds any magical presence, sending it back to where it came, the void; though this would be extremely difficult for the student to maintain at this stage, most likely doing more harm than good. At late T2, Fi’ mages are able to bring their mist to life, creating a bubble, about 3 blocks in radius from their standpoint, comprised of mist to protect them from any magic in the area and are better at using the mist. At T3, the mage is able to silence another mage, seeping two horns into their form, one into the forehead, and another relatively close to the chest- this, prevents the mage from summoning their magic for an allotted amount of time, no longer than 1 IRL week, going beyond such would require ooc consent from the mage. As the mage progresses through T4 and T5, they’d be much more adept at the art, able to summon and utilize their mist with ease, and be more effective towards higher tiered mages. Along with, being able to spread their mist bubble to about 15 blocks in radius.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:

    Ganved Elibar'acal stood idle on a secluded area with a birch forest, tapping his foot to a rhythmic beat, growing impatient and annoyed with every passing second. "How I grow tired for the tardy." He drawled, pacing back and forth within the clearing. “Two more elven minutes.”


    Just in time, with seconds to spare, the young mali’aheral student arrived, out of breath and clearly exhausted as he huffed and wheezed uncontrollably. "I-I’m… here.” He managed to say, placing his palms upon his knees as he tried to recollect himself.


    "And late.” The teacher snapped, shuffling forth to place himself before his student, peering down at the shorter male. “No time to waste now- We will begin with casting and collecting your mist within your grasp; and from there, expanding it outwards as far as you’re able.” He stated, holding up a gloved palm as his ears give off a single flick, digits twitching frantically.


    The young student was utterly perplexed by his teacher’s words, lips tugging towards into a frown. “H-How do I do that?” He inquired.


    “It is the same thing as the first, but this time, I will not let you stop when you’re exhausted. You will cast until you physically cannot anymore.” Ganved stated simply, not a single sign of sympathy shown in his tone. All the while, a crimson mist-like substance begins to come to life within his hand, collecting into a large mass, expanding outwards slowly.


    “Okay.” The student nodded, following suit and holding out a palm. His brows knitted together, lips pursed as the student put forth all their attention into casting. Moments later, a jet black mist flickers into existence betwixt the newly connected mage’s palm, slowly but surely expanding outwards.


    Ganved observed carefully, not caring to intervene. With that, he slowly closed his palm, the mist slowly shrinking and fading from existence, dispelling. He yawned softly, raising a hand to cover his mouth as he continued to watch the younger mage.


    The black ball of mist grew to be about three feet in diameter, pulsating frantically. The casting mage’s visage was visibly strained, beads of sweat rolling down his visage as he held the mist. “C-Can I stop now?” He managed to ask, words congested.


    “No. Keep going.” He demanded, eyes narrowing upon his students contorted face.


    The student offered no further response, the mist growing more to be about 4-5 feet in diameter, his visage turning noticeably pale. Suddenly, the student stumbled to the floor, the mist dispersing along with it. He laid upon the ground, cheeks puffing out before a hurl of vomit followed, splatting upon the ground and rolling down from the corner of his lips.


    Ganved perked a brow, a subtle smile spreading across his pale lips. “Good. The next lesson will be in an elven week, if you are late again, I will personally see to it that you regret it.” He stated sternly before departing, leaving the distressed student in the open clearing by himself.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. U2eLEWz-J5jn4JycZ0V-4hT6ACC2GE2e42AcqfbJNfRSuJf6ZqpJFwAQKrGShQkr7SW0rzc8pSSsx5En5C8tihKWwOgZWWzNfX4MlnTRHb0-lfAYqIu6d9f-LFbMBkKFHLAiq4l8

    Congratulations Vetzrah! On behalf of the Application Team, we’d like to officially welcome you to the Lord of the Craft community. You’ll have to wait just a few brief moments while we get you whitelisted on the server and ready to go. Feel free to continue reading the rules or browsing the forums and/or wiki for more information or directly contact me if you prefer to!

    We also have a New Player Discord, that is solely used for helping new players attune to our unique server, filled with many helpers and other AT members who are more than willing to help. Click here. Also be sure to check out the New For you, New player guide!

  4. U2eLEWz-J5jn4JycZ0V-4hT6ACC2GE2e42AcqfbJNfRSuJf6ZqpJFwAQKrGShQkr7SW0rzc8pSSsx5En5C8tihKWwOgZWWzNfX4MlnTRHb0-lfAYqIu6d9f-LFbMBkKFHLAiq4l8

    Congratulations Louis! On behalf of the Application Team, we’d like to officially welcome you to the Lord of the Craft community. You’ll have to wait just a few brief moments while we get you whitelisted on the server and ready to go. Feel free to continue reading the rules or browsing the forums and/or wiki for more information or directly contact me if you prefer to!

    We also have a New Player Discord, that is solely used for helping new players attune to our unique server, filled with many helpers and other AT members who are more than willing to help. Click here. Also be sure to check out the New For you, New player guide!

  5. Alex Aureon descends the lift within the Lucerna Temple, his breathes shaky as he released a soft sigh, chest rising and falling at steady intervals.  He walked down the corridors, the bold sound of his boots echoing throughout as he went to his usual resting place, the sanctum, gaze casted towards the alter that stood at the end of it. Despite this being his usual routine, something was off, Alex was not at peace, his thoughts racing through his mind.


    "Stay strong." He simply muttered to himself as he placed himself before the alter of Tahariae. "Must focus... Must continue."


    And with that, he lowered to a kneel, proceeding with his usual daily prayers, though this one was quite different than the others. His words were purposed, filled with sorrow.


    "Elvira has left us this day, the woman that had raised me to who I am today. I gave her my utmost respect, went to her for guidance at my lowest moments... I wish I could have done more for her, given back for all the times she helped me. But I ask, that wherever she is, she's at peace, watched over and protected."


    The cleric rose to his feet, departing the sanctum and heading off towards his vacant room to rest, odd.



    Hey there Louis! Your application is well written and for the most part done well, with the exception of a few but minor mistakes. However, they can be fixed with a couple of tweaks and you’ll be set for being accepted onto the server!


    Your Application has been put on Pending for the following reason(s):

    • Biography | In your persona's biography, you've mentioned that Ri'zahn grew up in Karak’Vylthawl in 1572, which contradicts your claim of him being 20. The current date is 1628, which would Ri'zahn at least 56 years old, or making it false that he was born in the time period the city was established. Either alter the age, or fix the biography staying he grew up in Karak’Vylthawl, and you should be good to go! 


    With that, you have 24 hours to make the necessary changes needed. Failing to make these changes within the allotted time will return in an automatic denial, though upon request I’ll be able to grant more time for your corrections.No need to make another post, just hit the ‘edit’ button on the bottom! If you ever find yourself having trouble, there are many resourceful locations to retrieve useful information such as the forums and wiki. Other resources will be left below as well!


    If you have any questions or concerns regarding the application, do not hesitate to contact me through the forums. Simply click my forum name and locate the ‘Message’ button to get started! And don’t forget once you’ve made the corrections, send a message via the forums.

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