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Posts posted by DrunkCapybaraa

  1. Somewhere far away, where the beach meets forest, a former patriarch sat next to a grave, atop planted a small purple heart tree. He drank a beer (this individual brewed it himself!) out of a coconut; blissfully unknown to these events or the end of his daughter’s bloodline. Hopefully, his daughter, granddaughter and wife were together wherever was after the mortal coil.

  2. A Taliame'onn chief in exile thought to the days when he first showed up to Elvendom, back to the times of the Wardens and his brother's words about the weakness of the Mali'ame - and how they must have strength to remain together. In his years, despite being young for an elf, he saw the words of this missive to be true-- whether he enjoyed it or not, "I do suppose pride always was my downfall..." he'd crumple up the missive and don his helmet, aiming to return to a realm of his past, "I just need to tie up one more loose end..."

  3. Ehrendil entered the room, excited to tell Leika about the developments of the day- hope shone through his eyes for a new beginning despite what was occurring in the world outside the walls. It was the first time in a very long time that Ehrendil had felt this way, and he opened the door only to find his wife asleep- he stepped forward to shake her... there was no response. He shook more harshly- becoming more frantic - "No.. no no no." he'd mutter, "Leika- Leika... please." he'd beg, he needed his wife to wake up. He couldn't do this without her. The hope in his eyes instantly evaporated, turning into pain. Tears began to fall and his shaking of her body ceased, he did not cry out for if he did it would surely be heard. He reached down to hold the hand of the woman he loved, kneeling beside her and allowing himself to weep.


    "I am sorry, Leika... I failed." he'd whine, "I love you. I love you."


    More time passed as he gathered himself, for eventually there was no more tears to weep. Leika was the strongest person he knew in his long time on the mortal plane, but she was gone and it was his turn now. There was no more running, his family would need him- surely it was what Leika would want- she wouldn't leave him if she didn't think he was ready to step forth without her. He decided that he would remember the good times instead of the bad, and honor her memory by not hating himself for his failures but instead attempting to continue his path to a better life. He would take care of their children and protect them like he always tried to shield her.


    "I will be their shield, Leika. I'm not going anywhere."


    He recalled when he proposed to her, under the tree called Leika Two - named by Leika when he was in his Druidic dedicancy and how they had to fight off spooks shortly thereafter. Or how they were married in the middle of a war under Leika Two by a mercenary named Raja before two of Ehrendil's friends. Or the many adventures they had together in the years between - those were good memories, far better than the pain they fought through together, but that to was a feat in itself. She was so strong, she never broke even when he did. He admired that. They broke every rule people placed on them together and even in loss, triumphed. That was the definition of a team.


    He would then move forth, going about notifying everyone who would need to know about her passing and went about making arrangements. She wanted to be buried under Leika Two- who was a sapling at the moment- so that would wait. 


    Until then, he would be her Shield one last time- and guard her until her wishes could be fulfilled.



    It was a great ride and I enjoyed every moment of it. It was an honor playing your husband and being with you thru your tenure as Queen of Vikela. I hope our paths cross again very soon. @Tigergiri


  4. wY71jG-iEzNS0oDZ_H2simFVBYqVvk1SnwCdFV-uRc_ySN1L8nwimBwW3fxpbFE0iJaaKRgnvjzb_QRubGMKb404IoAgzwT65i-aPsyEasTw6439-NyJAfWAdznsEe-FptkIKWn0XqGIyNsCS4m7Jt8F8IzFoQjfN0NGOT4aYzWiCVkDhs3wKbszMc7AqQ

    [A painting of a field of heather]



    For far too long the Wood Elves have been unaware of the growth that has been taking place outside the walls of Amaethea and The Vale- I, Ehrendil Taliame’onn, took it upon myself to take the name of Chieftain of the Taliame’onn after the disappearance of the previous chieftess, Melawen, my lari’onn, several years ago. Despite my exile from the Wood Elven nations at the time, I endeavored to restore the seed after Melawen left it in turmoil. When I started passing along parts of our culture— some of which had been believed to have perished with Briar Taliame'onn— to my children, who underwent the traditional trials, the seed slowly started to resurface. I rekindled old ties with my mal'onn, La'io Taliame'onn, by expressing my intention to assume the chiefdom's obligations also while spreading the seed outside my immediate family.


    Kholi’brii asks that we bring vibrancy to this world and I worked for decades to do just that and bring honor to my seed after my own failures in the past-- both to my seed and my people-- and the unfortunate happenings that the seed had endured since Briar’s passing. Since the scattering of my people, I've amassed ten members who are currently alive and strong, there were several more who have regrettably passed away since joining (Aspects guide them on their path to the Eternal Forest), and various others who have joined but are indisposed for a variety of reasons. I encourage all of the members to wander freely for, as the chief, I do not believe that the forest's children should be chained to one location. We are, after all, "of the trees." We have no allegiance to any nation and are subservient to no one other than the will of our Mani- we are to bring vibrancy to a world that is ever covered in darkness.


    Some may question my decision to rebuild the seed without a public proclamation- and to them, I understand your concern, why do I decide to announce this now? To what advantage do I have to proclaim this today? 


    With my exile from Amaethea now lifted, and the seed strong and healthy as a mighty ironwood tree- I have decided to name the individual that I wish to succeed me, my eldest daughter -- Raell Taliame’onn, for I have laid the roots of a tree that may thrive under her leadership. She understands the customs of our people, and she possesses leadership qualities so great that she takes it upon herself to teach others what I have taught her of her own volition. She brings vibrancy to every room she walks in, and embodies what it means to be chief of this seed. To name her as my successor and to soon lead the seed that I have nurtured and loved for more than a century fills my heart with immense pride.


    I also write this message so that all Taliame’onn that I have been unable to contact since I took the mantle of Chief know that we have not been crushed under the weight of the splittings of our seed and our people. Furthermore, I welcome anyone, Wood Elf or otherwise, who chooses to join the Taliame'onn and aid in our creativity, so that we may continue to be a beacon of vibrancy in this world full of darkness. You may find me or one of my kin among Vikela or Amaethea.



    Chief of the Taliame’onn

  5. 4 hours ago, Crevel said:


    I don't understand how that's supposed to help since they're exact same thing, but Americans started calling it soccer to distance themselves from Britain

    It's more like Canadian Arena football to American football.

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ehrendil Taliame'onn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:

    Alchemy is the study the material alphabet and mundane energy. Alchemists utilize materials, signs, and symbols to create potions and other useful things.


    There are three main processes that are used during the Alchemic Process:


    Extraction is the process of drawing the correct signs and symbols out of the identified materials. There are five methods of extraction, The water method, fire method, earth method, air method and the mundane/aether method. The mundane method is the most common, but depending on your desired result or the recipe of the potion you are trying to create it may be required to use a specific extraction method on a certain ingredient to gain a specific sign.


    Identification is the practice of inspecting the ingredients the alchemist has gathered and understanding their properties. This can only be done with time in the lab, often through trial and error along with guidance from their teacher in the beginning.


    Mixing is the final one. Differing potions have different requirements that must be met during this step. Some potions require certain signs that are acquired during a specific extraction process, while others simply require mundane symbols.

    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are many specializations of alchemy that are available to a student after they are done learning base alchemy- further alchemy such as Tawkin's or Aniimii construction are two examples. there are also rare recipes that are scattered about Almaris. These rare recipes do not require one to have a T3 application or a separate application like Tawkins or Aniimii but are required to be taught IRP.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?










    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "Today we will be learning how to make a luminosity potion." declared Ehrendil within the lab, "Grab yourself a Goblin's Ivy and a Nightglow, as well as your mortar and pestle. This potion requires distilled water as a base in addition to the light, endurance, and swiftness symbols. We'll begin with the distilled water, and while that distills, we can extract the the symbols from the plants." he'd explain to his student, "Get out two pots, with one being slightly smaller than the other. Place the smaller one within the bigger one and fill the space between them with water, then allow the water to boil with a lid, the water in the middle pot will eventually be used to create this potion."


    Ehrendil watched as his student did this, making sure that the lid was sealed and the steam would not escape. Once his student had finished he'd turn his attentions to the two plants that had been set aside.


    "Use your mortar and pestle to grind up the nightglow first and extract one count of the light and swiftness symbol from it -" his student would interject with a question about extraction methods, "Correct, for this potion no particular extraction method other than the mundane process needs to be used. We previously discussed extractions. Ti, ti, do the same for the Goblin's Ivy and extract one count of endurance! Place them in separate containers and once we have approximately a bottle's worth of distilled water in the pot, you will pour all three in any order you want and mix them until they are dissolved into the water."


    His student would do as instructed, putting the symbols into the water and mixing them. After which he would take the solution and pour it into a bottle. At this point, his student had successfully created a luminosity potion.




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    For a more minor offense I wouldn't reprimand them so much as have a genuine conversation so that they can understand what they did wrong and how they could amend it. Another minor infraction would cause them to be given a warning by me, and explain that it reflects badly upon us both as well as correcting their mistake. Three would result in me removing them from my TA and alerting the powers that be. For a more major offense, I would have a much more serious conversation and instruct them on the reasons why they powergamed and that it cannot happen again- if it were to happen a second time, I would report it to the proper powers that be and be entirely willing to remove them off my TA as that is a reflection of me and my teachings.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  7. ehrendil talking to a disembodied mechanical head from another dimension inside of a transient mushroom being that crossed across multiple dimensions and absorbs souls. wild. that same mushroom stole part of his brain... which he now has in a jar.

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ehrendil Taliame'onn


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Sycophants of Boletius


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Floria Starling


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ehrendil Taliame'onn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  10. Ehrendil stared before the fox statue- Saegusa. His glowing golden eyes peered upon it with a discerning gaze- "I came here to start a new life, fought a war against orcs... again, fought against joining Malinor to keep our freedoms some years ago, lost everything to prevent this." he'd laugh, the cosmic irony setting in on him, "It is ironic that all roads seem to lead to the same place, isn't it Saegusa?" he'd query the statue, "But, if Leika thinks this is right, then I will bow my knee and put away my pride for the good of my new home." He'd turn his head to look down the path, toward Celianor, "GOD guide us on this new path." he'd mutter, turning the rest of way to head back into the gates.

  11. A missive would be posted around Almaris’ Taverns


    The Burrow Tavern Night 

    Animal Costume Contest Edition 




    Drunken Bokolo Tavern from Year 84 of the Second Age 




    Festivities/Time Table 

    Events of The Night: 

    Drinking Games + Free Drinks

    Water Dunk the Royals


     Specials : 

    Animal Costume Contest  



    Come join us in Elysium’s Burrow for a special themed tavern night! The theme of the night will be dressing up as your favorite animal, and there will be a contest for a grand prize of two-hundred mina! In addition to our thematic contest we will have all drinks be free to all guests, drinking contests and a portion of the night where you can have the chance to dunk members of the Elysium royal family into a dunk tank. We hope to see you at our night of festivities.




    (( OOC: Location - The Burrow, Elysium - [X:-2546, Z: 53] @ July 23rd at 4 EST )) 



    Royal Bartender of Elysium

  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Miriel Undella


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



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