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Posts posted by ColdestPepsi

  1. Aimo tossed his room into disarray at his home hearing the news, going to throw the packed boxes he had still been too lazy to unpack around the place until he grew tired, only sparing the fishtank from his grief at the man who he had fought side by side with before's death.

  2. Ending it



    Issued and averred by




    By the word of Aimo of Astor

    It would not be wrong to call myself a controversial man. I have spent the past decades in service to The Petra. Through this time I have served through peace, war, and a mix of both. I have killed in battles those that personally called out the Queen, I have taken steps to preserve the relationship between Petra and her own at points. I have saw out reforms in order to best suit the Order of the Petran Laurel to serve the purpose needed at the time. Most important to me though I have overseen the increased numbers of the Petran Laurel. I have seen people whom I am proud of raise themselves up. I have also stumbled at points. I have atoned before, I will again. I also recognize that I am not wanted at this point. That the perspective on how I operate has shifted, that I am seen as something perhaps too dangerous to keep around now that I have served my purpose. I see this as if I were a tool, I have been used up to the purpose deemed fit, and now I am to be cast aside so as to not take up room that may be desired for another tool. So, I will not seek to be Knight Commander, I do not seek anything anymore in regards to my status as a knight of the realm bar two things. I first ask that I am not forgotten by history, that such is not allowed as some might wish. I second ask that I be allowed to continue on only to train Princess Rowena. I ask this second one out of my duty to her. It would not be fair to the princess if she were to be cast astray in the storm that can be squirehood. I wish to also leave one important lesson to those who might read and learn. It matters not what one’s blood is, it matters not if you are a prince, a noble, or a mere person on the street. Blood matters not, what you do matters, how you are remembered by those who also do matters. So, what I do is I seek an end to this all for the health of The Petra. I care more for it than I do glory, grudges, and many other things. I will still seek out my own judgment and penance by the Julians, it would be wrong to not do so.


    Some might call me a thug, a beast who deserves nothing which I have gained through my long service. To this I say the following; I was willing to put aside my own issues to not try and tear apart the realm.


    Continuing if allowed only out of duty to the Princess,

    His Lordship, Aimo of Astor, Baron of Fir’Steinn

  3. Petra is not yet Lost!




    ArchDuke of Vallagne

    Gareth Lucius



    It has been declared today a child empire by people who claimed my and many other’s homes. I will not stand to see this. I declare a defense of The Petra, all who are true Petrans are welcome to join me in such. You need to only send me a letter to join in on the defense of our people and home. We will not bend the knee, we will not go quietly. Any who attempt a child empire in Petra will be forced out.


    Resisting imperials like my mother,

    His Serene Highness Gareth Lucius Temesch of The Petra, ArchDuke of Vallagne, Count of Theral, Protector of Bagworm Beetles, Architect of the Great Trial


    Faith, Steel, and Fire.



    Issued and averred by

    Knight Commander




    Action must be taken, that which is unholy must be scoured from the lands. Faith, steel, and fire will be the weapons of the Knights of the Petrine Laurel. We have already taken steps this Saint’s Day to rid this continent of the scourge which plagues it. A demon who hid amongst the people, their lair burnt and their ritual room destroyed. The spawn of Iblees will be scoured from not only Petra’s lands but beyond as well, vengeance and justice shall be had. Thus the Knights of the Petrine Laurel do offer their aid to those of her allies formally once more, should aid be needed, aid shall be rendered. We will not suffer the existence of that which blemishes GOD’s creation.



    big thank you to @TimberBufffor sitting through and mod oversighting the thing this post was inspired by, big bless to him!


    Continuing to organize the knights of the Commonwealth and ever contentious,

    His Excellency Sir Aimo “The Eccentric, Tongue Taker” of Astor, Knight Commander of the Petrine Laurel


    Sir Artel “The Flamebringer” von Theonus, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Commissaire of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Mardonlands, Forge Master of Marignan


    His Excellency, Sir Wilford "The Protector" Reinhold, Chancellor of the Petra, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raonoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Head Physician of the Reinhold Clinic, Deputy Steward of the River Council, Physician of the Vallagne Clinic, Steward of the Chamber of Earth, Patriarch of House Reinhold.


    Dame Wren “The Burning Heart” Sarlen-Temesch, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Deputy Treasurer of the River Council


    His Lordship, Sir Marius ‘Wordsmith’ Lovetts,

    Baron of Hrenthorne, Poet Laureate of The Petra, 

    Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Keeper of Fyreswake,

    Protector of the Drakewood


    Sir Konstantin von Theonus, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Lord of Bingleburg, Seated Knight of Solland, Hero of Faubourg.


    The Honorable, Sir Atticus Abraham Reinhold, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raonòir, Seat of Nortrebanc, Court Mage of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Deputy Speaker of the Garmont Assembly of the Petra, and Representative for the Sorcerous State of Hohkmat

  5. Aimo nodded at the missive, having been told to help distribute it. He had two that he knew under his command, possibly more, who knew. They were some of the hardest working he knew. They were also faithful not just to each other but to everything else from the Church. They sacrificed much to get where they were and he knew they were willing to sacrifice more if asked to. He respected the hell out of how they worked their way up, this missive put a smile on his face for they could finally be openly happy together this day onwards without facing persecution in their own homeland. This was a good day.


    A Switch in Footing.



    Issued and averred by

    Knight Commander




    With the end of the war it is thus fitting to switch off of the unofficial footing in which our order has found itself in. Enough descendant blood of our Canonist brothers and sisters has been spilled while on the offensive with the Covenant. The time has now come for the knights of the Order of the Petrine Laurel to seek out quests, to aid our fellow Canonists no matter where they may be. For more humbler tales to be made for any future knights, ones not drenched in the blood of those led astray by Anathema. These stories will instead be those of learning, and using the lessons taught by their mentors rather than of pure triumph on the battlefield.


    Continuing to organize the knights of the Commonwealth,

    Sir Aimo “The Eccentric, Tongue Taker” of Astor, Knight Commander of the Petrine Laurel

  7. Introspection.



    Issued and averred by




    As I write this piece I do so as not the Knight Commander or Sir of the Commonwealth but as the common man Aimo of Astor. I have talked with one whom I hold highly in my own regards, Sir Atticus Reinhold. It is his words which have pushed me to realize the weight of my own letter and how such was taken. In my haste to challenge such I have erred. I seek detente, a cooling of relations and a chance to talk and rationalize both of our reactions to the actions by each other. I know Sir Atticus in his wisdom and patience has pushed for a meeting between both you and myself with himself as moderation. Now as we enter into what will hopefully be the final years of the war as the Duke of Adria has denied peace is not the time to be causing division through open missives and backroom politics. Both of us have indulged in pride and thus I am attempting to stop the oncoming collision of egos from bringing both of us down. Therefore, I do hereby retract the insults levied towards your person. Should you accept this offer of detente and thus this meeting, moderated by Sir Atticus, I would like to work out towards still getting the transcript out in its full. It is our duty as part of Catherine’s council to be held to a higher standard, one which, once more, we have both indulged in pride and thus broken this standard. I do hope you can see the error in your own ways with handling this situation and thus may follow suit in thinking about the ways in which this was handled by all parties involved. As I shall endeavor to slow my anger and thus lessen my haste to act I pray you also endeavor to reflect upon what has occurred as well. Before the saint year is up I shall go on a pilgrimage to various churches throughout Canondom and pray not merely for an improvement in myself but also yourself.


    Either way, I hereby shall submit myself to my own order, put myself up to a vote of confidence by my own peers. It shall be up to them whether I remain at my post to steer the Order of the Petrine Laurel into the future or not. This vote too shall hopefully be held before the end of the saint year is up so as to provide as little uncertainty for my brothers and sisters in the Petrine Laurel. Until this vote is had I shall continue my duties to them none-the-less to the Commonwealth as I ought to do.


    With Regards,

    Aimo of Astor


    The Sword is Mightier than the Quill.



    Issued and averred by

    Knight Commander




    Lord Adrian Godfrey Temesch, when one takes up the mantle of high government within the Commonweath of the Petra they must be held to the utmost standard of our laws. Indeed, it is the duty of every Petran as per Part Two, Article Five, Section One, Point Five of the Catherinian Code to uphold one’s honor and integrity. Instead, with this transcript which has been published the last saint’s day we have seen the reverse of such. For it completely fabricates the end of the Garmont itself. Not only did the Garmont not end with my talk of making the Petran Trout a point of national pride and thus our Commonwealth’s fish get voted on, but said matter was passed in a vote. Furthermore, you also cut from the transcript the ever needed request by our new head of the Ausecan Corps for men and women from the Commonwealth. This all is not only my own word at what happened but also that of High Steward Sir Artel.


    I make this missive aimed towards you since despite being blind, even the blind ought to be honest and resolute in their honor. You scorn not only me by your signature being at the top of those present and thus a tacit approval of the dishonesty but also that of the Prince Consort, who has taken on the monumental task of trying to recover the guard and Ausecan Corps from years of malaise. As of this missive I offer the following as ways forwards, what you pick is your own doing.


    1. A duel of honor, with the term of if I am victorious the removed parts of the transcript will be restored, even those which have been redacted to stop the signs of your own hand in certain matters.

    2. Merely the transcript of the second half of the Garmont can be issued out, the actual contents of such being that of the true results of the talk of the Petran Trout and the call for recruits by the Prince Consort.


    When there were issues within the purview of my own station I took action to address such. I am not an unfair man though, should you choose to take the duel, you may choose the way in which it is carried out, not merely a clash of swords. You may be blind but you ought to be able to see the gross violation of integrity and honor which must be corrected.



    Sir Aimo “The Eccentric, Tongue Taker” of Astor, Knight Commander of the Petrine Laurel

  9. "What do you mean they left out the field trip?" Aimo questioned as he looked over the start of the transcript left before him. "That was arguably one of the most important things which happened in the entire session!" As he began to get to the bottom of the transcript though his eye began to twitch. "This entire thing is useless and doesn't even represent what happened, it completely ignores the successful vote which happened on the trout. I swear, this is just erasing the votes they do not care for. My final act, a confirmation of what I set out to do and what got me elected the first time, and they go and erase it from the record."

  10. Aimo thought about the wonderful music which the trading of artillery made as he went about after the battle, tallying up the count of his men. "The man knows how to make them sing. Of course it is my favorite song which they play, on a grand scale none the less. Oh how I love the song of war." Spotting the last one he confirmed what he had suspected, all accounted for, none of his own dead. He thought back to the song now as he began to scavenge what equipment he could, it wasn't too long since it stopped, the shock assault only taking around six minutes to clear them out.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Deets said:

    Konstantin gripped the reins of a horse that stood at the wayside of the road following the conclusion of the battle. Several lances, and two fine Mardonlander Chargers had been slain under him in the course of the fearsome melee. Leading this newfound steed onwards, he rejoined his good friend, Aimo @ColdestPepsi as they returned towards the main Covenant force as it regrouped, a wide smile held under his helm for the victory in Balian. "I think a Haeseni knight owes a drink after this one, my friend." He said with a laugh before continuing onwards.


    Aimo grinned as he slid Katana from flesh, then going to wipe the blood of the faithless off his new weapon. As he took in the sea of opposing bodies, he couldn't help but revel in the sight, only being taken out of his own world when his friend Sir Konstantin addressed him. "Ye, that he might. Though we did good work today Kon, more will stack up. I only hope the fires can keep up with the amount of dead." With that he joined his compatriot, already impatient for the next battle.


    Vol. 3



    Issued and averred by

    The Mayor



    The Covenant


    We open this piece with news most jubilant, the Covenant has formed, with more having joined since the inception of such. This alliance is united in one purpose, the destruction of Veletz and any who may aid her. The task is a righteous one as they have acted like bandits and common thugs to the innocent people of the realms of Aevos. 


    Victory at Breakwater


    In the early morn' of the 15th of the Sun’s Smile we the Covenant arrived upon the battlefield with only one goal in our collective minds - glorious victory. We were given our marching orders, and disseminated into groups - some to work the siege weaponry, others to protect them, yet more to guard the walls, and the final groups (that's us!) to guard the gates, and wait on standby until further instruction was given.


    For a day and a night we stayed hunkered down in our encampment, Bailan and Petran both, as our allies set upon the important task of trebuchet and cannon bombardment from the northernmost part of our base. Some might claim our initial role was perhaps boring, but, to me, it was crucial. We were a pivotal piece in the protection of our allies - we ensured that only the most foolish of their number would even attempt to breach our walls, and kept our people alive. War is just as much about the mental battle as it is the physical, if you ask me. Our very presence served as a reminder - we are many, and you are few. We are strongest together, and we will not allow you to drive us apart. Our quiet-but-no-less-critical duty would not last forever, however. An order had been given to us all. Finally, the time had come to push.


     Their weaponry destroyed, their keep in ruins, every soldier of ours leapt forth from our encampment in a coordinated rush. Like a dam burst open, we surged towards the foe, a veritable flood of man and steel. The deafening clang-crash-bang of blade upon armor cut through the air as we met with our adversary, all but drowning out battle-cries and dying shrieks both in a glorious cacophony. Time lost all meaning - the battle could have raged for moments, it could have raged for hours - all that mattered was the bite of sword-into-flesh, that careful dance of lunge-parry-block to preserve our own lives whilst taking as many as we could from those who dare threaten us. It was all but impossible to make out what was going on in the fray, identities of comrade and enemy both marked only by the difference in equipment. In that moment, we were not people- we were more than that. A swarm, a flood, a complete and utter force of nature.


    Though many of our own fell, they fell harder, and soon, we breached their beloved keep. The survivors were flushed out like vermin, and we, the Covenant, claimed it as our own, alongside our victory - no doubt only the first of many.


    - A retrospective from the perspective of Lady Angelina Lucien-Reinhold.


    Hohkmat and Petra Stand United


    The bonds of brotherhood forged in blood and steel alongside one another is one which is hard to break. Those of Hohkmat have taken up arms with Petra, standing with us and the Covenant. It is the wishes of the Petran Piece to express our utmost thanks to those of Hohkmat for their aid, their magic surely helped in the siege and it shall help in the future of the cracking and destruction of further walls. We are all united under the same banner, one which fights for various reasons, be it vengeance, justice, or simply for survival. We salute our magically inclined brothers and sisters in arms.



    He Missed???


    Hold onto your hats folks! Rumors are ablaze that just before the impending Siege of Breakwater, the Guardian of Petra tied the knot at none other than the scorched ruins of St. Edmund’s Abbey. 


    As the ceremony was about to commence, in marched the Pontiff himself, accompanied by John and other cohorts from Aaun, aiming to inspect the Abbey. Instead, they ended up becoming unexpected guests.


    But wait, it gets juicier! When the time came for the newlyweds to seal their union with a kiss, the Regent, in a moment of sheer nervousness, seemingly missed his blushing bride and planted a smooch on the ashen wall instead! Can you imagine the sheer embarrassment that must’ve followed? Talk about a kiss gone awry!



    An Interview with Aimo of Astor


    Interviewer: How do you think being in a landlocked keep affected the morale of the Ferrymen during their siege defense,  and do you think it had any effect on the outcome of the battle?


    Aimo: I think that considering they don’t even use ferries that much unless it is to run away that it had no real effect on their morale. I would suspect that if anything the thing which brought them lower was the over saint hour/day straight bombardment which they had to endure. When we sallied out they gave some caution but not nearly enough and paid the price when they took a fight they had a very uphill fight to win.


    Interviewer: If you had to pick between saving the Petran Trout, or opening a new Daemonsteel mine for the war efforts along the banks of the Petra, which would you chose?


    Aimo: The trout are near and dear to my heart, but the point of saving the trout was for the Commonwealth herself. I would choose the Daemonsteel mine any day personally. It gets the most for our people in the long run. We cannot benefit from the trout if there is no Commonwealth afterall.


    Interviewer: Do you believe that the church is more or less holy now that it has been burnt, due to new holes in the windows and roof?


    Aimo: Holy or holey?


    Interviewer: Did not elaborate further


    Aimo: Well, as for holy I would argue it is a site of great tragedy yet perseverance, these places have the power that we give them. If we are to say that it has become more significant to us for all she has gone through and she is still up to shape for a coronation then who am I to argue the increased importance and value we give such. As for holey, yes.


    Interviewer: If you were to give one piece of long-winded advice to new or aspiring squires wishing to learn how to make waffles, what would it be?


    Aimo: Okay, so, you want to make waffles? First you need to dig down and ask yourself “Why waffles, what have they done for me, why this over anything else which you could prepare? Is this going to ruin my cutting phase or am I still bulking right now?” Once you have that figured out you need to figure out how you plan to make waffles, you need to choose a plan and execute on it. “Will there be complications?” Who knows, you need to plan for just about everything and anything. “Will these even be good?” Then you have to experiment with making waffles. “Do we know everything we can use to make these?” Honestly we probably don’t because perhaps a voidal mage using their magic to make waffles be better than using mundane fire under your mold. Anyways, getting off the point slightly, we need to experi- Hey, Cat, you’re interviewing here, you can’t cry, there is no crying when there are waffles, stop crying. STOP CRYING. 


    [!] Several minutes of muffled sobbing later.


    Aimo: Okay, we are done crying. Anyways, where was I? Oh right, we need to experiment with waffles, we need to see everything through, we need to experience everything at least once so that we know whether it is good or bad and how good or bad it is. Like the time I went and seasoned a waffle with coconut crab meat, surprisingly good, the bastard of a crab deserved it. It is like that which you need to approach waffles and life with. You should approach most subjects with such curiosity, unless it is things like dark magic or darkspawn. Back to waffles, you need to experiment and try all types of things, lest you miss out on the waffles of life. Waffles, waffles, waffles, once you try all types of horrendous waffles and decide on what is actually good then you can know which waffles are good for you and which ones you should make and eat.


    Interviewer: What is the worst decision you think Veletz made leading up to this war and why?


    Aimo: Angering literally every realm. They could have not and had a much more manageable time, but they had to decide to just anger literally everyone they could and expect no consequences. They have put themselves in the chair, it is our job to make sure they sit in it


    Catriona’s Comics


    [!] A depiction of several of the monarchs of the Covenant, leaving behind their cushioned chairs to fight this righteous war.


    Aimo’s Astoran Word of the Volume


    Ykrok: Debt


    Upcoming Garmont Bills


    As of now, there are no more Garmont bills as of this Petran Piece’s publication. The mayor is as of current aiding the Queen in a task of her own making regarding the lawbook.


    Ask the Mayor


    Question: How has the recent ban on clay building affected the Petran Trout population?


    Answer: It has been good, the lack of harvesting clay from the river has helped to stabilize the environment and the riverbed overall. 


    Question: What is your opinion on the up and coming mole society?

    Answer: What?




    Ever been interested in owning your own living doll? Want to support the Commonwealth? Contact Atticus Reinhold, or purchase a voucher from Star of the Republic II, and you can have your very own magical assistant for a mere price of 60 mina! Though most often known as lively playmates for children, living dolls can have extensive utility as forgehands, shop greeters, housekeepers, and lifelong emotional companions. Anything you can think of can be brought to life, including containers for your valuables that will hide themselves from intruders, and tools that can carry out your day-to-day work. Your living creation can be made out of a number of materials, including but not limited to: Cloth, felt, wood, porcelain, ferrum, and daemonsteel.


    Half of every purchase will go directly to Petrine war bonds, so you’ll know that your mina is in the right place!





    Mayor Sir Aimo “The Eccentric, Tongue Taker” of Astor, Knight Commanderof the Petrine Laurel

  13. [!] A letter is penned in response and swiftly sent to one Mimosa Applefoot.

    "I can understand the want for the use of coal, and believe me, there is still a use for which the Commonwealth of Petra more than ever needs coal. That is why we wish for an upscaling of production and mining of coal. The need for the burning of wood and charcoal is simple, coal will feed our artillery on the battlefield, we need vast swathes of such if we are to rain down fire upon the Anathema's forces. I can assure you that coal production will not fall by any means, our proud miners will not lose their jobs, if anything they shall have more to mine! This has nothing to do with the environment, merely continuing to feed the hungry war machine. Where there is a pull one must give slack so that the ship stays steady. 

    -Sir Aimo of Astor."


    Black Lung is Patriotic



    Issued and averred by

    The Mayor




    We find ourselves in a fierce struggle from which we need to emerge victorious from. Men, women, sons, and daughters of Petra we must come together in order to secure this war’s victory for our people. That requires one major thing, coal. Our Artillery although unmatched in the Siege of Breakwater requires ammunition, and such requires coal. Therefore I see it necessary to mandate the burning of wood and charcoal instead of coal for every day heating of homes and cooking. Until further notice, not a single piece of coal is to be burnt when charcoal or wood may take its place. 


    Furthermore Black Lung Disease is to be declared a patriotic disease, one which shows the fervor and love for one’s homeland. To risk one’s own pain and health for the Commonwealth is a great sacrifice and one which will not go underappreciated.



    Mayor Sir Aimo “The Eccentric, Tongue Taker” of Astor, Knight Commander of the Petrine Laurel


  15. Aimo nodded at the order, getting to preparing for such. He remembered the meetings with the traitors and felt no remorse for the actions to come. "No half measures on this one, we're owed a keep and they happen to have one, which-" He began to feel a creeping grin come across his face as he spoke to himself. "is just the one we're owed."

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