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Posts posted by _NotChris

  1. MC Name:


    Character's Name:


    Character's Age:


    Character's Race:

    Afflicted Human  

    What magic(s) will you be learning?:

    Electic Evo

    Teacher's MC Name:


    Teacher's RP Name:

    Percius Mauntel

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    A man with a brown beard and  green eyes looks upon a notice nailed to a bored in one of the many cities of Axios.  After seeing the notice he would walk away but to return with a parchment with writing on it, it reads:   "Ello Mister August, I am Lincoln,  I write to ye in the hopes of getting this apprenticeship of yours. Im at the age of twenty one, im a strong lad physically and can do hard labor if need, I also have hopes of becoming a trader of sorts, and I think this apprenticeship would be a great way to learn and explore the land of Axios. As of this moment I live in Carasca, and island east of the orcs, its a wonderful city with wonderful people. - Lincoln 



  3. MC Name: ItsOnlyChis

    Character's Name: Lincoln

    Character's Age: 21

    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Human

    Transformed form: Afflicted Human

    Creator's MC Name: Skylez1

    Creator's RP Name: Kaleb

    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: The Afflicted are a rare occurrence of an Alchemy concoction. They are made off the original descendants, but they have been changed by a parasite, their body and soul to be more exact. Only a very well educated alchemist may attempt to create the concoction which the parasite lies. In the first few days of have the parasite in them they would feel a pain in one of their limbs, a abnormal needle or a sharpened fragment of bone coming out one of their their limbs, more and more of these abnormalities would make their way out of the skin. If the afflicted try and remove this bone they would be meet with pain, lots of it. The soul of the afflicted would tained in due time, this happens because the parasite within them is a chaotic and crude being, a ‘soul leech’. As their soul is chipped they can not master many magics, to be more precise they can only master one magic. They may learn a secondary magic, but they can only be proficient in this magic. Also they can learn a third magic. They can learn three magics in all. They can NOT learn any Deific magics due to their contorted soul as well some Dark arts. After some time being affected they can start to learn how to control the growth, but it still be painful to mutate a limb. This gets easier and less painful as the user spends more time with their new found talent. Some side effects of being afflicted are: they are susceptible to Aurum weaponry, cutting through limbs with some struggle, grey bags under the eyes is a common trait of an afflicted being, they eventually will lose the ability to reproduce, they can become more wrothful as time passes on with the change, they have a lower body temperature than most, but not a cold as Frost Witches, and they can grow in height and body mass. The mutated limb may only reach up to 2 blocks, mutated limbs can change into crude versions of weapons like swords, pikes, and axes. Blunt weaponry is more difficult to make but it can be done with practice and time. More complex versions of these weapons can be made with time and experience.  

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes!

    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Indeed

  4. Ooc: 

    MC Name: ItsOnlyChis

    Do you have skype?: Indeed 

    Do you have Teamspeak?: Indeed 

    Are you a GM alt spying on us? Idk you tell me 



    Name: Lincoln 

    Place of Residence: Your moms house 

    How many fruit carts do you squat?: Many 

    Do you have battle experience?: Hit a kid once 

    Do you pledge yourself to the Captain, so long as he is fit to lead?: Sure 

  5. I. Name: Eric Mal

    II. Age: 47

    IIa. Date of Birth [If Known]: "Its been a long time, can't remember I'm afraid."  

    IIb. Location of Birth [If Known]: Lorraine 

    III. Race [Human/Elf]: Human 

    IIIa. Culture [Heartlander, Highlander, Wood Elf, etc.]: Highlander 

    IV. Status of Blood [Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, Former Nobility, etc.]: Gentry 

    V. Place of Residence: Vasiland 

    VI. Martial Knowledge [Trained in Weaponry, Archer, etc.]: "War axes, swords, the hole lot." 

    VII. Skilled Labor [Farmer, Lumberjack, etc.]: "In me youth a was a farmer."



    MC Name: ItsOnlyChis

    Skype ID: You have it. 

  6. Volunteer format
    MC Name: ItsOnlyChis 
    Nation(s) you belong to IC: Haense 
    Time Zone: EST

    Skype (if applicable): ItsOnlyChisSkype(or cowleskid if the other dosent work)

    Discord (if applicable): N/A

    Forum Account Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/profile/88069-itsonlychis/ 

    Preferred Method of Contact: The Forums would be best, seeing sometimes i'm not able to get on to Skype   

    How will you go about assisting new players?: Being a newish player (depends on what you call 'new') I can relate to how new players feel about their situation in the being of the server, I remember being a bit confused about how the mechanics work, but i had a friend on the server before help me out tell me the basics, and what i'm hoping to do is be that friend if you want to call it that for those new players. In summery I would like to teach new players how things work on the server and help guide them the kinda scary time of being new to a community.   

  7. Name: Lincoln 

    Age: 18

    Race: Human

    Relevant Talents: Likable Person, efficient.

    Why should we pick you to be a City Steward? : I live within the capital walls, I have a job but I'm always looking to farther myself into society. 

    Username: ItsOnlyChis

    Timezone: EST

    Rate your activity on a scale of 1 - 10: 8-9

    Why should we pick you to be a City Steward, from an OOC viewpoint? : I'm active, I believe I a likable person and can get along with others well.

    Skype username: Pm me for it.


    If your application is successful, you will be contacted by myself or another member of the Stewarding team.

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