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Posts posted by Elennanore

  1. iq7aY2W.png

    You must make these changes within the following 24 hours or your application will be automatically denied.



    1. Your powergaming definition is wrong, it is not up to our standards, nor is it what we are looking for. Try searching 'god-emoting' and 'power-emoting' for reference. 
    2. You must provide a screenshot of your skin on the application.
    3. Your character's biography could use some work, please include some server lore in it (e.g. the name of a city, town, or nation).
    4. High Elves do not have natural blue or brown hair and are 'normally' taller than 5'7. Do note that Elves go infertile at 500, leaving you only 63 years to have a child.
    5. The server is called 'Lord of The Craft' but that does not mean we are a Lord of The Rings. The Elvish language and Quenya are massively different and are not the same. Also, we do have a version of 'Hobbits' but they are called 'Halflings', please, I suggest that you read over the servers lore. 
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