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Zara Lukky

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  1. Hey, Its me IceLukky. I wondered if u could send me a Link to the Application format. I've Done everything its asked me to do, but I'm not sure how to actually write down me application. Could you help me? Oh! and is it possible i could become a Female Highlander? Hopefully you'll read this!


    -- IceLukky

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. garentoft


      What Fury said.

    3. Zara Lukky

      Zara Lukky

      How am I supposed to write a biography if i can't even understand the lore?

    4. BonesOfTheEarth


      For lore, you just search around the wiki for three or so pieces. As we've had a recent map change, the easiest would be 'Where did you live in Vailor' and then mentioning what boat your character took when getting here through the spirit plain, and then 'where does your character live now'


      The rest is fluff and up to you. And for the questions, seeing as you're a human you likely lived in Felsen, took the Human Boat, and now live in Johannesburg

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