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Posts posted by OzYmandi

  1. Mc Name:


    Character's Name:


    Character's Age:


    Character's Original Race (If applicable):


    Transformed form:


    Creator's MC Name:

    Creator's RP Name:

    Evangéline Avern

    Briefly explain the lore behind this creature/construct:

    Gravens are a kind of spirit or type ghost, though subtly different than such, Ghosts can adapt to their surroundings, while Gravens, much like Apparitions, are bound to haunt an area on which the gruesome or unlawful death that created them happened and cannot leave and roam around untill that place is destroyed. Gravens are dificult to exorcise fully, though will prove no threat as they can be easily damaged by normal steel, not requiring gold or silver. Gravens are semi-corporeal, unlike ghosts, they can posess form and figure. Being semi-corporeal, and not corporeal as its whole, the Graven is limited and would not manage to complete its task, wandering tormented for all eternity in an agonizing state of limbo.

    Their creation is much like that of a ghost or apparition, that is: a violent or unlawful death, but in the Graven's case, it happens to one devouted to his life's work. A prison warden that became a graven would dedicate his eternity to making great crafts, if able to do so.

    The Gravens are spirits, meaning that the interaction they have with the mortal world is harshly limited to that one duty he once treasured in life, thought the degree they devout to in that task depends on the zeal they had for it on their mortal life.

    Like already said, Gravens are Semi-corporeal, meaning that their interaction are limited. Though, that semi-corporeality means that more violent Gravens can hurt people in the mortal world.

    Gravens, again due to the semi-corporeality, are mainly covered in illusionary darkness or spectral flame that can be harmed much like any mortal, not needing gold or silver, simply steel.

    Gravens sometimes appear to flicker or fade from sight, that being due because of their spirit energy that ties them to the mortal world cannot bind them here for long. Gravens literally work for their living, because if they don't fulfill part of their tasks, they will slowly fade away from sight, untill reaching a point the Graven is completely off the plane until it has enough energy to come back.

    Disrupting a Graven's spectral form with steel, gold or anything, means that it will slay the Graven. Stabbing through its heart would kill it like any mortal man.


    Gravens are successive to usual phantom weaknesses, such as steel, gold, silver, holy magic, shamanism, alteration and Fi'

    They cannot be exorcised since they devout to the are where their creation happened, but should the place be destroyed, allows the Graven to roam away.

    Gravens also have an aversion to sunlight, which contains and weakens them, leading them to adorn cloaks and armour more often than most.

    Do you have magics you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app using the Magic List Erros topic?:

    Of course <3

    Have you applied for this creature and had it denied before? If so, link the app:




  2. MC Name:


    Character's Name:


    Character's Age:


    Character's Race:

    Wood Elf

    What magic(s) will you be learning?:


    Teacher's MC Name:

    lazyguy1916 (Swgrclan)

    Teacher's RP Name:

    Cahir aep Ophael

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

    No, N/A!

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    No, N/A!

  3. MC Name:  LetUsParty


    Character's Name:  Te'jawz


    Character's Age: 24


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):  Kha'Pantera


    Transformed form:  Graven


    Creator's MC Name:  N/A (But @EdgyMagey helped by stabbing me in the back)


    Creator's RP Name:  Evangéline Avern


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    A graven is much like a ghost or apparition, being created by a gruesome or unlawful death, but in the Graven's case, the individual that suffered such death is one devouted on something througout his life (In Te'jawz's case, Smithing) and that applies in the Graven's afterlife, being given a task bound to eternity until they can complete it, though in general cases they aren't able to do so. 

    A Graven is a spirit, meaning that their interaction with the world is limited to that of their task. That doesn't mean they can't interact, lets say, with a friendly neighbor (did you catch that reference?). For an example, a blacksmith such as my character, is bound to create many  axes, swords, armours.

    They are semi-corporeal, meaning they have bodies covered in flame and dark illusion that can be harmed like any other mortal simply by Iron, not needing silver nor gold. For more violent Gravens, this semi-corporeality means that they can harm others. A blacksmith  graven is devouted to creating great smiths and if one destroys or simply interrupts his work, he might attack the person for such, but if the person is brave enough, they can talk the Graven out. There are more violent Gravens, as well as more friendly Gravens.

    Gravens tend to flicker or fade from sight. This happens to them because the energy of their spirit that holds them in this world can't  bind them in this world for long. Graven work for their living. Literally. If a prison warden graven catches criminals and puts them in jail, that Graven restores its spirit energy. If it fails to catch criminals and put them in jail for a period of time, it might fail to maitain itself on this plane, slowly fading.

    Disrupting a Graven's spectral form in any way can and WILL kill the Graven. Lets say, if you stab someone in the heart and that someone is a Graven, it will most likely kill the graven.

    A Graven's appearance is sometimes covered by illusion that seems real, such as armours, clothes and such. Their form is composed of green-blue flames instead of a normal mortal's flesh, their eyes would be a blackened skeletal visage.

    If one was to look deeply inside a Graven's eyes, one would see the screaming, trapped soul within. It could drive a descendant crazy for a few minutes.

    A Graven's armor is purely illusional but at the same time it seems and feels like it isn't, not fully protecting the Graven, but making them somewhat hardened.

    Some redlines:

    Gravens are bound to an area, meaning they'll stay in that area untill they complete their task or if that area is destroyed.

    They are spirits, like ghosts and apparitions, but unlike them, they can be easily hurted by steel due to their semicorporeality (sorry if written wrong)

    If a Graven does not realize its task, it starts fading away until it gathers enough energy to re-appear.

    A Graven's interaction with the mortal world is limited.





    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:  Yepp

    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:  En  slash ay.


    Edit: Changes needed have been added.

  4. As much as I like this dude, I wouldn't like him on staff for the same reasons people dislike me as a staff member, which is pure salt.


    Yes. Salt;

    I've seen you and Lemon_Head fighting and Lemon always was like, chill and you just calling him names, both OOC and L-OOC.


    I mean.

    Just... Don't be like that and you'd make a great staff member.

    For now, I'm going to give you a -1 

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