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Posts posted by Hoster102

  1. 1 hour ago, Salty Soviet said:

    "The alliance of which we saved your Uncle's arse from getting murdered by Uther Grimlee, shitstain." Einarr Ahlström barks out.

    "saved his arse? You weren't even apart of the town when any of that happened, your group joined afterward and then left and have hardly been seen since. You also converted Erik from the All Father, shows how weak he was." Bjorn mutters shaking his head

  2. 7 hours ago, Salty Soviet said:

    "Where's Erik Reyurnt when we need him..." Caedwulf Heimll cries a tad.

    "my Uncle has not been around for some time and wasn't fit to lead. Under him Mjol died out" Bjorn grumbles


    4 hours ago, Slothtastic said:

    "It seems we have nej more ally." Brynjolf Volsung mumbled, hearing the news of Mjol and Norland allying again. 

    "I have not seen or heard of Northspawn in years, what alliance was there ever?" Bjorn states going back to work

  3. [Application]

    RP Name: Agnar Reyurnt

    MC Name: Hoster102

    Known Arcane Arts: Electric evocation, (have an app out for Conjuration ST)

    Position Desired: Student (Teacher of electric if my TA is accepted may 12)

    When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Skype or discord can be a way to contact Hoster102, and 1pm-1am EST

    (i have some ooc questions too btw about the guild)

  4. What is your Minecraft Account Name?: Hoster102
    How long have you played on LotC?: since september/october of 2016
    How many hours per day/week are you available?: 2-3 a day that i'm usually on server atleast, more on skype
    Have you read and do you thoroughly understand Magic Lore?: Yes
    What Magic Lore do you hold the most experience with?: Electric evocation through use, though I've seen other magics used and read on them.


    Write about a magic-related topic that you find interesting (e.g. How mental barriers work): The work of arcane evocation is quite interesting in the aspect that it is "wisps". the use of this magic by condensing all of these numerous wisps is quite varied though not the most durable of magics. Being able to be fashioned as the user's imagination can go is quite unique being more open then some other voidal magics (such as conjuration). Also the fact that upon impact arcane evocation is more of a concussive force rather than an energy similar to say lightning is interesting. It also has one of the largest known spells in any voidal magic due to these wisps being able to do most anything the user can imagine which makes sense. I feel it's an interesting and balanced magic with recently alot of new in depth lore behind it that makes it much easier to understand and grasp it's potential.
    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past: I've worked as an ET actor for a small time
    Do you have a Skype account? (You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it. Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team): Hoster102
    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it: Nope

  5. MC Name: Hoster102


    Character's Name: Agnar Reyurnt


    Character's Age: 55


    Character's Race: Human


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Conjuration


    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching: 



    How did you learn this magic(s)?: Study of books in Dragur library along with talking to mages when available


    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT): Seisraz


    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning: Conjuration is the use of evocation to create organic material (at later levels it can be paired with elements). To do this requires a study of the creature's or plant's anatomy. At beginning levels the conjurer will only be able to summon smaller creatures or pets whom will grow in size as the conjurationist grows in power. The creatures or plants summoned take a toll on the user and fatigue them after prolong times of them being summoned and once the connection is lost the created life will dissapear. AT higher levels along with pairing elements into your conjurations you can create hybrids such as a Cat that has feathers or a rat with scales.


    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s): 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope

  6. "I have a 75x75 piece of land in Lorraine currently to the left of the bridge to Metz. There is currently a tavern, 5 houses, and a large tree (hollow inside, massive) on the property. I'm looking for 6K mina for the house." - Agnar Reyurnt

  7. MC Name: Hoster102


    Character's Name: Agnar Reyurnt


    Character's Age: 55


    Character's Race: Human


    Link to your accepted MA: 



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Electric Evocation


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s): Electric Evocation is the act of bringing forth raw electricity from the void as is hinted at in it's name. Though one of the more basic forms of evocation electric evocation is also quite dangerous. There is a chance for electricity to backlash on the user if they lose focus while casting or they try to cast more than they can handle. Electricity can be quite unpredictable and requires alot of focus. Though while able to create electricity the user is not able to manipulate electricity that they did not create. Now while brought from the void this electricity behaves like normal electricity and is drawn toward metals and must properly be emoted. The most common uses of Electric evocation is sparks, a lower level cast and starting level for novices after connecting to the void, Bolts, the most common use though more deadly require a large amount of mana to use, Streams which are less common but hold a constant connection and drains mana rapidly. Lastly there is the Call Down, a powerful spell used at higher levels and is extremely exhausting to the user, it brings down lightning from the sky to crash down upon the target.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student: 

    "follow me, we are going to practice bolts again," motioning for the student to follow him outside, upon heading outside Agnar Reyurnt would lean up against the wall in his yard as his student stands a few meters away from a dummy, this has happened a few times though what is different this time is that some dummies to the side have iron armor unlike the usual leather. "Alright John, I want you to hit that target for me" points toward the lone straw man in leather.


    The student calms his breath raising his hand outward toward the straw man his fingers splayed, electricity slowly begins to gather a short distance away from his palm cackling. The noise slowly grows in volume before it suddenly leaps from his hand.


    Instead of connecting with the straw dummy at the end of the room the bolt of electricity arcs toward the one toward the right in iron armor hitting it with a loud crack as the electricity arcs around the suit of armor.

    Agnar moves away from the wall toward the panting confused student with a smile on his face, "electricity has an attraction to metals. This should be taken note of when you begin to cast, your surroundings are important as you wouldn't want to hit a bystander or an ally now would you?" 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope

  8. Seems pretty great work, i'll probably get a few pieces in the future


    Character Portrait 

    Sketch, Polished, or Color: Color

    Color Details (if applicable): A paler northman with blonde hair, family colors are grey, light green, and cyan

    Character Name: Agnar Reyurnt

    Age: 50 (like 30 irl years)

    Gender: Male

    Race: Highlander

    Link to Character's In-Game Skin (optional): https://www.needcoolshoes.com/skin/u95qw/agnar

    Flowery Physical Description: A well built man from years in the mines and working as a lumberjack bearing many scars, one primarly large one along his right forearm. his build has grown smaller due to having learned magic. Usually always bearing a smile and seeming wiser than his years. His hair is shaggy in length though well kept. along his left forearm if included is a tribal wolf tattoo. sleeves are usually rolled up to just above his elbows

    Clothing (this will only be visible from the shoulders up): skin is enough reference though the shirt is loose.


    Other: none for this time possibly in the future

  9. [!] Posters would be hung around Aleksandria in cursive bearing the following


         My daughter has been kidnapped by a group of cultists who have intentions of sacrificing her. I cannot fight them myself as i'm too old so i'm willing to pay 30 mina for each dead cultist and 100 mina for the safety of my daughter. Please help me!


                                                         ~Aidyn Holcaster~



    The bounty is made for a group of 3-5 and is off into the woods outside of Aleksandria. PM Hoster102 if you're interested and have a group, to schedule.

  10. 1. What is the name of your nation / group? What kind of culture do they have? How long have they existed (in real-life time)?


    The name is The Jarldom of Mjol and the culture was Norlandic, but is becoming it’s own new culture since the rest of Norland vanished. There have been two religions, a monotheistic religion called All-Fatherism before and we are currently shifting to a polytheistic religion surrounding an afterlife in Jiorhall. The town has existed for roughly 5 months.


    2. Do you already have land? If so, where is it? Please provide the names of any tiles or regions that you own.


    Yes, within A5. The tile guild_svenheldbasion and it is 138x138


    3. Please link any of your groups accepted charters below:






    4. What are your goals for nation status? This can be anything- remember, this is a hidden sub-forum. Your intentions and goals will not be publicly known.


    To allow for more players to join as easily as possible and become more a notable, viking inspired, trade settlement.  We cannot get our own cart to the human fast travel hub in our current state and it is hindering our recruiting abilities.


    5. Approximately how many members are in your group? How many of them are actively playing? Be honest! If I were to visit your capital city on any given day and at any given time, how many people could I expect to see? How about during peak hours? And what about during the "dead" hours?


    There are currently 20 members of the town with various people that visit to roleplay. About 15 people are active players though through various personas. You would typically find 3-5 people on in town. During the dead hours you may find 0-2 people on in town. (players may be on but visiting different towns in peak and average). During peak hours 10-12 players can be found role playing or doing various rallies.


    6. Who will be leading your nation as nation lead / king / etc.?


    Sullincollivan is the Jarl on his Erik Reyurnt persona.


  11. MC Name: Hoster102


    Character's Name: Agnar Reyurnt


    Character's Age: 43


    Character's Race: Human


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Electric Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name: Jentos


    Teacher's RP Name: Jentos Blackwood


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Have not before

  12. Minecraft Name: Hoster102

    Skype ID: Hoster102


    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: No

    Where do you grab inspiration from: I grab inspiration from a myriad of places the main ones being; Books, Games, Mythology, D&D. Through out multiple campaigns played with other players and different DMs I am constantly learning about what I can do to improve time after time and gaining new ideas for campaigns and quests in the game. I am a big fan of different mythologies and the history and lore of the different mythologies have always fascinated me. Some of the books I have enjoyed and give me inspiration is the Lord of The Rings, Eragon, Adventurers Wanted series, Summoner, and many more. Each of the writers add their own styles and help me think of fun things to create and to enjoy for myself. 

    What are your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice any: Varuk II, Agnar Reyurnt, and  Salinor. I would be willing to sacrifice one, maybe two.

    What race, or group, do your events best cater to: My events  would more than likely cater best toward Dwarves and Humans.

    What do you believe are the key factors for a successful event: I believe that the key factors include providing a challenge and then in an accomplishment, that is reasonably with what the players want. A common quote in D&D "Being a dungeon master isn't about what you want, it's about what the players want" (idk who originally came up with it.)

    What strengths would you bring to the team: I am active, creative, and good at working with others and I am very RP based. I am often on the server or atleast the Forum 

    Why do you want to be part of the team: My favorite part of Lotc is the role-play and this is a way to help generate that for other players and myself. I also feel that I wold enjoy being a ET actor due to experience in D&D.

    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organize: 

    Dwarves- A group of evil dwarves have stolen from Urguan's banks and have escaped into the deep roads to try and hold their new found wealth. The protagonists must venture into the dangerous deep roads in hopes to find these dwarves and bring them in for trial and to retrieve their lost gold. Upon reaching the hold out of the Evil Dwarves the players would see a makeshift palaside setup to defend. Breaking into the wall would be rather easy and the players would find minimal resistance as the majority would be deeper into the side of the mountain. Going deeper into the caves a large opening made to be like a throne room would be before them. The leader of the evil dwarves would be pacing around yelling for his men to kill the players as he stayed back. With his men defeated he would fall to his knees to and surrender begging not to be killed. (would consist of PvE)

    Humans- Some Cultists have recently abducted a virgin daughter of a citizen of Courland but a member got captured in the skirmish as they escaped and the players must interrogate the member to find the location and rescue the maiden. After tracking down their hideout they would find them chanting in a dimly lit room the woman on the table drugged to be complacent. After the skirmish if the players kill them off the leader of the Cult would shout "This is not the last you will see of us" before escaping down a hidden passageway and collapsing it behind him as he tried to escape. (More Rp based combat)

    Either- Bandits have been raiding merchants on the roads to the city, making economy rough but have so far evaded the local soldiers when hunted. The players must pose as merchants to convince the bandits to attack them and then defend themselves. Upon laying the trap and traveling to town the bandits would attack two coming from either side and three on the road in front. The leader would be on horseback and try to charge down the players.

    How long do you plan to be able to work on the teamI hope to be apart of the team for a few years, more so among the summers.

    Tell me a joke: What did the right eye say to the left?

                                  Between you and me something smells.

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