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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Halfling event in Knoxville let's gooo! This time with giant flowers!

  2. bog darks are small

  3. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193156-brandybrook-gaming-night-the-sequel/


    Halflings aren’t the most oppressed race. It’s gamers who face real oppression here on LOTC.

  4. Stuff be going down in Brandybrook. Will the wee folks survive to see another year? Find out next issue!

  5. I should write up an RP post tonight 

  6. All Hail Lord Knox!

  7. Oof the server keeps on crashing for me

  8. I am very very excited for the future of Minecraft Roleplaying after this merge! I cannot wait to gun down schoolgirls with electrical evocation as the teachers try to stop me using Ki power, only to be suddenly stopped by the big bad school bully who takes my lunch money to pay for a runesmithed arm.

  9. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/174539-event-idea-truffle-hunt/




    Any of you dudes interested in having a Truffle Hunt event thing? I might need an ET to run it, but it would be cool.

  10. What is your favorite halfling village?

  11. The halfling pumpkin was defended! The halfling race is safe!

  12. the halfling race is doing well

  13. I made a creative writing piece

  14. Where the heck is the nation plot auction for 7.0?

  15. I used to only follow a few people, and I was sad because I dinget many notifications. Now I follow more people and I’m sad because I have too many notifications

  16. Vortex was too ambitious for the time it had available to be worked on before 8.0 launch and suffered as a result.

  17. Another newspaper!

  18. This is a long restart

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