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Status Replies posted by Audio/Volatile

  1. I need to stop listening to the NieR soundtrack, this is getting unhealthy.

    1. Audio/Volatile


      I listened to two variants of Song of the Ancients like five times today. I should just learn to play that song. Eventually.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. grilled cheese is a lie

    1. Audio/Volatile


      I'm American so it's grilled cheese here butidon'twannafantheflames

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  3. Woooo, just submitted my application. Time to see how awful it really is.

  4. Okay, can you please make the little shield the same as the other buttons? Thank you, it's triggering my OCD



  5. 052acdf7f3038dc22b8f7714c2d5587f.gif  the forums aren't broken no

  6. The date is December 7th, 2016. Mankind is struggling to survive. I have made basically no progress in making an application because I keep exploring the server instead. Please send help.

    1. Audio/Volatile


      Okay, I'll have my parents killed by goblins, then. Thanks :^)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. The date is December 7th, 2016. Mankind is struggling to survive. I have made basically no progress in making an application because I keep exploring the server instead. Please send help.

    1. Audio/Volatile


      Oh jeez, small world! All the cool people I know are at least in El Paso or something :')

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. The date is December 7th, 2016. Mankind is struggling to survive. I have made basically no progress in making an application because I keep exploring the server instead. Please send help.

    1. Audio/Volatile


      Thank you for your encouragement! And HIYA FROM AUSTIN!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. The date is December 7th, 2016. Mankind is struggling to survive. I have made basically no progress in making an application because I keep exploring the server instead. Please send help.

    1. Audio/Volatile


      I wasn't really trying to make an edgelord because I see waaay too many of those. I just wanted to make a boring ol' humie mercenary-type guy. Backstory's always been something I've struggled with. I keep getting distracted :<

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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