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Posts posted by Suxals

  1. Aengul’s Armory


    Name of Artifact: Aengul’s Armory

    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: Suxals

    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: Angelo de Alba

    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Suxals

    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Angelo de Alba  

    Effect(s) of Artifact: The Aengul’s armory is a large chest that is able to preserve Aerelian soulfire within itself without allow it to escape nor perish, which makes it perfect to storage infused weapons and trinkets, also it would slowly recharge them as long as its own infusions are still charged.


    Red Lines of Artifact:


    • It needs to be recharged once per elven week, otherwise it won't charge the infusions, just keep them unaltered.

    • It must be represented as a yellow shulker box. (Once they are implemented in Atlas, smh)


    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed): The Aengul’s Armory is a chest crafted with woof of the Tree of Life (Former container of the Living Flame, the font of power of the Ascended) and coated with the most pure magegold, which gives to the chest the effect of keep the soulfire within preserved and untouched by the time. Also it would have 4 ideograms, one on each vertical side, giving to it a big storage of Aerelian Soulfire and the capability to slowly charge the infused items that are stored within as long as the ideograms are active.

    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: None, just the original one.

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?: Mhm.

    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope.






    Patronus of Embers


    Name of Artifact: Patronus of Embers

    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: Suxals

    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: Angelo de Alba

    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Suxals

    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Angelo de Alba  

    Effect(s) of Artifact: The Patronus of Embers is an infused sword of three feet of length made of white wood of the Tree of Life, it would have four ideograms along the blade and when they are activated they would start to invoke golden soulfire, wrapping around the entire blade and continuing four feet further, giving to the wielder a range of seven feet in total.


    Red Lines of Artifact:


    • It needs to be recharged after each use, it would run out of energy easily. (It would last until the fight ends)

    • Three emotes are needed to invoke the entire length of the blade of soulfire,

    • Only Ascended would be able to use it.

    • It has little use in close range combat, because the sword is not sharp and it could only resist a few blows before shatter in pieces.


    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed): The Patronus of Embers is a short sword if 3 foot of length that was made with wood of the Tree of Life and has four ideograms along the blade which could be only be activated by an Ascended, the edges aren't sharp and the sword is quite light. Originally the sword of the blade was gray-ish, but once it was infused it took a whiter color, making it look like if it was made of quartz, the hilt of the sword would be made of magegold and the grip would be decorated with purple leather. Once an Ascended activates all the four ideograms they would start to bright and invoke golden soulfire, it would wrap around the blade and continue growing, following the the shape of the sword, extending its range another 4 feet and turning three times wider. The soulfire of the Patronus of Embers would be as thick as a torrent of soulfire, even finding its way to go through chain mail if applied with enough pressure.

    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: None, just the original one.

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?: Mhm.

    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope.


    (( The idea for the Aengul's Armory came from a shulkerbox that i had in Axios that had that name and was always filled with my more valuable magical items, the sword is just an infused wooden sword that compensates the lack of normal damage with extra range for the holy damage.))


    (( Expect 4 more within this week :>  ))



  2. 33 minutes ago, kender123 said:

    True I could write a whole story on this but the story isn't the important part about it all since it isn't something world ending. And usually when speaking Tah blessed them, think of your normal religious person saying "Ah, my lord has graced me with this blessing himself." if you would


    Yeah... but still, of course "He did it" is an easier way explain how it was created, but Aengulic interventions arent that normal at all, and if you do it then there is nothing stopping other clerics for do the same, and if everybody does it then it wouldnt be any special... i think you could find a better excuse than just praying, the arm of Tahariae was blessed by Tah himself but it had much more fluff and backstory... idk this is just my opinion.

  3. Ashen Aquila
    The Gladiators of the sky.


    ( Credits to Kaustuv Chatterjee )

    “They attacked at midnight, their reddish feathers were glowing with the light of the moon, quickly they fell upon our animals, not even fire stopped their flight ”

    Habitat: Mountains and volcanoes


    Size: Around 4,3 feet of height and 12 feet of wingspan.

    Diet: The Ashen Aquilas are exclusively carnivorous, once they reach their adulthood they won't eat anything that they haven't hunted by themselves, something that makes keep them in captivity almost impossible.

    Temperament: Usually aggressive unless tamed.

    Brief summary of the creature:


    The Ashen Aquila is specie of big bird of prey that shares characteristics with Kites and Vultures. They could be found in the continent of Atlas at great heights. Their plumage would be completely crimson if it were not for their white head and breast, also a group of black feathers would be at each edge of the wings, giving it a very aesthetic look when they fly. They tend to live around forty years and could reach a maximum size of  4’3 feet of height and 12 feet of wingspan, their shape and soft weight makes them one of the fastest species of birds. There are two kinds of Ashen Aquilas, the Royals, which are usually bigger and smarter than the average, they can easily identified because they have a group of golden feathers on the forehead, while the Common Ashen Aquilas are smaller and tend to follow the Royals.




    Crimson Feathers:

    The feathers of the Ashen Aquilas can stand really high temperatures for short periods of time, while it is absorbing the heat they would glow in orange and finally burning away if it is exposed for a long time, turning into ashes, if the heat is not enough to burn them they would recover its original color and slowly free the heat, this process would take a few months and would keep the Ashen Aquilas warm during their expeditions to cold lands.



    The Ashen Aquilas live in large groups leaded by at least one or two male Royals, a group of females of the same kind and an unlimited amount of Commons, which are the ones that leave the nests to hunt. The Ashen Aquilas are very aggressive with other creatures that could a treat for them or a good adversary, even with members of other groups of their same specie, they usually fight in groups and won't leave the battlefield until they kill their enemy or they die in the attempt. The male Royals are very territorial and would only allow another  adult male Royal in their group, usually this one being one of their heir as leader.


    They live in very high places like the peak of the mountains where they can find other birds of prey to hunt or near volcanoes, where they can recharge the heat of their feathers.


    Once they are tamed their minds would change drastically, specially the Royal ones since they are more intelligent, they would learn to recognize their name and don't attack their owner, but this depends of the personality of the owner and how they train them. If trained with patience and kindness they would be really good partners and smart, but if trained with brutality they would become even more aggressive than when they were wild.


    There are four ways to tame an Ashen Aquila, the first would be get an egg and keep it warm until it is born, the second would be fight against them and humiliate it to break their feral personally, but it would only work with the Royals and take several months or even years, the third way would already have a Royal tamed, it would make the process much easier because the others would mimic it, and the fourth way is use magical artifacts or Druidism. The eggs of the Royals would have golden circles all around the egg.


    To tame a Royal with the second option you will need to put them in a cage with their wings tied and feed them with meat directly to their peak and being sure that it eats it, this would put their minds in shock and make them remember when their mothers fed them, which would create a special connection with their new owner in the mind of the Ashen Aquila.


    Abilities in Combat:

    The Ashen Aquilas use their sharp peaks and they claws to fight, usually flying in circles around their enemy and aiming their attacks towards the eyes or neck. They are rather strong so if they catch a part of the body they would try to use their wings to take down their adversary or even raise them from the ground if it is a small animal. But clearly their strength are the groupal attacks, a group of three Ashen Aquilas could kill a young uruk.



    The reproduction of Ashen Aquilas is very rare and requires at least one Royal for it to be successful, while the intercourse between two Commons would fail in almost all the cases.


    The next table would explain it:


    • Male Royal + Female Royal= 20% Royal, 50% Common, 30% Failure.


    • Female Royal + Male Common=  70% Common, 30% Failure.


    • Both Common= 10% Common, 90% Failure.


    (This will be defined by a /roll 10, and following the table, for example to get a Royal you will need to get a 9 or 10 if  you used two royals to breed it, being 1, 2 and 3 failure.)Taming:

    There are four ways to tame an Ashen Aquila, the first would be get an egg and keep it warm until it is born, the second would be fight against them and humiliate it to break their feral personally, but it would only work with the Royals and take several months or even years, the third way would already have a Royal tamed, it would make the process much easier because the others would mimic it, and the fourth way is use magical artifacts or Druidism. The eggs of the Royals would have golden circles all around the egg.


    To tame a Royal with the second option you will need to put them in a cage with their wings tied and feed them with meat directly to their peak and being sure that it eats it, this would put their minds in shock and make them remember when their mothers fed them, which would create a special connection with their new owner in the mind of the Ashen Aquila.


    Their origin is unknown but they were discovered when small groups of descendants started to inhabit the lands of Atlas and invade their territory with cities and castles, this also caused a reduction in the amount of food available, which forced them to move to lower lands and start to attack groups of descendants, many stories were told about these gorgeous birds attacking groups of merchants or killing dozens of cows in the farms. Though this new way of life caused them to spread in different groups and increase in number, though it didn't last long, because the descendants started to hunt them, specially when they noticed the properties of their feathers, soon the population of Ashen Aquilas started to disappear, and the few that were left were constantly fighting with each other.


    Actually they are almost extinct, only one group remains and they have few members.

    Weaknesses: They are weak against mundane weapons and almost all the kinds of magic but fire evocation.

    LM Approval Required: Yes




    -A Common Ashen Aquila wouldn't live more than 40 years, only a royal one would live past that point. And they reach their adult stage at the age of 4 years, when they can start to breed.


    -They would be very hard to tame, without the help of a magical item or having it from an egg that could take a few years, but once tame a Royal, the others would follow him and be easier to tame.


    -Only one wild group can exist per continent, because if another group is created they would enter in war and don't stop until one is completely exterminated.


    -The feathers would resist direct fire for only 3 emotes before they burn away, if the fire vanish the feathers would stop glowing and after 2 emotes they would come back to their original color and be warm to the touch.


    -They need to hunt their own food, they would prefer to die of  starvation than eat already dead animals.


    -The breeding must be realized following the system already stated and using rolls, where the lower rolls would mean failure.


    -The Ashen Aquilas can’t be mounted.


    -The wild Ashen Aquilas can only be roleplayed by members of the Event Team or Lore Team. And the feathers must be signed by a member of either those teams if they are used for crafting.


  4. Mh... i find weird the Groupal Shifting, why would you be able to use the magic on another person just because they are willing? I know it is an OOC rule, but it doesnt make much sense in roleplay, what kind of change would experiment the body of a person that is willing to shifted to allow them to do such?

    Also i expected more fluff, but good addition after all. :)

  5. 2 hours ago, James2k said:

    any freebuild structures in a nation's territory should be allowed to be griefed by that NL's men. so you can still hide your bandit camp in the woods and hope you dont get found, but if you do or if you build something out in the open, it's getting torn down.


    There wont be freebuild in the tiles owned by nations, and the nations would be able to administrate their territory like they actually do in Axios.

  6. 9 minutes ago, iMattyz said:


    Why though? What's the harm? Buildings and constructions are the facilitators of roleplay and anything that eases that process is good. Obviously don't make it generally available but also don't just discount it altogether.


    I used to think like you until the devs explained me the amount of bugs and possible exploits of LC, basically in the first month a faction could dupe enough iron for the entire time of the map, so until that is fixed it wouldnt be implemented, the only exception would be the initial capitals. Probably a better option would be appear in the future tho.

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