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Application Comments posted by StarGazzer

  1. Your Application has been placed on:


    you have 24 hours to make these changes! no worry though you have a lot of resources at your finger tips like our wiki https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page

    also consider joining our new player discord https://discord.gg/tGZEPd

    if you need to contact you can do it over the forums here, and by my discord (star gazer #9998)

  2. Your application has been placed  on:


    • could you add a example to your defitions of  powergaming, to show you understand it!
    • as well your bio needs to be at least a paragraph, and include a bit of lore like the city he was born in. just tell the story of his child hood to now! As for the city i would look at the last map arcas for that on our wiki!

    You have 24 hours to make these changes, and don't worry you have lot of resources at you finger tips!

    Here is the link to our wiki ( https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page )

    also consider joining our new player discord!(https://discord.gg/MaR6Px)

    If you need to contact me you can do it here over the forums in pm, and you can contact me by my discord! (Star gaze #9998)

  3. Your application has been: 


    Welcome to the server!

    while you  are being added on, take time to read over our lore again and also  check out our new player guide! 

    If you ever need to contact me you can do it over the forums, my discord(Star gazzer #9998), and in game with /msg stargazerology

    happy roleplaying!

  4. Your application has been: 


    Welcome to the server!

    while you  are being added on, take time to read over our lore again and also  check out our new player guide! 

    If you ever need to contact me you can do it over the forums, my discord(Star gazzer #9998), and in game with /msg stargazerology

    happy roleplaying!

  5. Your application has been placed on


    • Your skin doesn't fit the fantasy of the  server, could you change it to be more tribal or medival 

    You have 24 Hours to make these changes, and no worries you got this! Here are a few links that you might find helpful: Our wiki(https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page), our skin archive(

     and  our new player discord, (https://discord.gg/AgdWg2). These will help you learn more a bout the server and get you ready for when you rp on the server!

    If you need to contact me, you can do it through the forums here and through my discord (Star gazer #9998)

  6. Your application has been placed on: 


    •  Any sort of magic or curse has to be attained in character. could you remove this please 
    • Also your  bio mention the Santegían rebellion, and that was a long time ago, so you character being 18 now wouldn't work. so could you replace that with something from the history of atlas

    You have 24 hours to maek these and you are almost there, here are some tools to help find these changes. Here is a link to our wiki (https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page) this can help you find the lore that you need. also another great too is our new player discord(https://discord.gg/AgdWg2) Which will connect to you our community and help answers and question you have!

    if you need to contact me you can do it over the forums and by my discord (Star gazzer #9998)

  7. Your Application has been:


    Welcome to the server!

    As your are being added to the server I would take time to read over the lore once more, and check out our new player guide! 

    Both are great ways to learn more about our server!

    If you need any help on your journey you can contact me over the forums, by my discord (Star gazzer #9998), and in game with /msg stargazerology when I'm online!

    Happy Role playing!


  8. Your Application has been placed on:



    • Could you add a city from our lore to your bio, just to show that you read and understood it.
    • As well could you put your time zone if you are able too, just helps us with statics and such.

    You have 24 hours to make these changes and don't worry there are many tools you can use for help such our wiki. Our wiki is a great place to find basic information about our server and its lore(https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page) As well we have new player discord for you to get connected with staff and new players alike (https://discord.gg/86rzn3).


    If you need to contact for any question you can contact me over the forums, and by my discord (Star gazer #9998)

    You can do it!

  9. Your Application has been: 


    Your 24 hours are up, but no worry  you can apply again. just take in the changes you needed to make for your next Application 

  10. Your Application has been placed on:


    • Your Definitions of powergaming, and meta gaming are not quite what we expect for the server. if you could look at the wiki to help come up with a better definition as well as a example that would awesome!
    • Your biography needs to be more of a narrative piece, telling of there childhood, and major events that happen around them. This also needs to be a place to show that you read and understand our lore, so can you add a city from our lore  from some of the recent maps like atlas.
    • Whatever your  description says is how your skin is suppose to look, so you can either change your bio or skin
    • Also could you use proper grammar and English in this app as it will be important for the server

    You have 24 hours to make these changes, and don't be afraid to ask for help! Here is a link to our wiki (https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page) which is a great resource for information. If You to contact me you can message me over the forums, you can also message me over my discord if you have one (Star gazer #9998). Also consider joining our new player discord (https://discord.gg/GuDBXw)

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