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Application Comments posted by StarGazzer

  1. Your Application has been:


    Your 24 hours are up, but no need to worry you can apply again.

    I would look over the changes i suggested before you apply again 

  2. Your application has been:

    Rn9opsW.pngWelcome to the server!

    While you are being added to the server, i would recommend looking over our wiki, and our new player guide 

    if you need any help you can message me over discord (star gazer #9998), in game with /msg stargazerology, and in the forums

    Happy Roleplaying 

  3. Your application has been placed under:


    • please add a city from our lore to your bio

    you have 24 hours to make these changes, and if you need help you can message me over the forums, and through my discord (Star Gazzer #9998 )

    also consider joining our new player discord https://discord.gg/R6GkjP

  4. Your application has been :


    Welcome to the server! here are few things I would do while you are being integrated to the server. re-read the lore, check out our new player guide (

    ), and join our new player discord https://discord.gg/YRV99c

    if you need any help, you can contact me over the forums, in game by doing /msg stargazerology, and through my discord (Star Gazzer #9998)

  5. in the wiki powergaming is doing things that you couldn't really do/ not letting others respond your emotes and attacks. I would think of this in  your own words

  6. Your application has been placed on:


    • Your definition of powergaming. and meta gaming can be found in the wiki or here on the forums 
    • Your bio must be at least a paragraph, and must include pieces from our lore. Like a city

    You have 24 hour to make these changes

    if you need any help you can message me here through the forums, in game, and through my discord (Star gazer #9998)

  7. Your application has been placed on:


    • Your definitions of power gaming and meta gaming are not up to server standards, i would recommend looking at our wiki for help with this
    • Please have your bio include pieces of our lore in it, as well as a city from it. Also please remove “Satan” From your bio as he not a figure on LOTC
    • Please remove the ability to talk to hellhounds as well as they are not really a thing on the server. and as well as magic abilities
    • Your skin is also not up to par for what a dark elf should look like, take a look at our skin archive for some help https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/161821-the-lotc-skin-archive/

    You have 24 hours  to make these changes

    If you need any help you can contact me over the forums, In game, or  through my discord (Star Gazzer #9998)

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