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Status Updates posted by ClergyManDan

  1. I've definitely made some small and very rarely big mistakes whilst working on an event and I please urge you to tell me your concerns or what you would like fixed promptly or in the near future. I am most active when it comes to skype so don't be afraid to send me a pm and tell me what's up, because I'm always open to having more understanding of what you would like changed, feel uncomfortable with, or would just enjoy for an event for yourself and your friends. As I want to make sure all events are planned correctly and arranged over time whilst making sure everybody gives me the thumbs up to do it. I'm here to make sure everyone is enjoying themselves and filling your day with exciting rp with extravagant or small adventures for your persona. 

  2. Idk... I think this is getting out of hand, my desire to be a creature and go on a rampage is looking a bit... concerning. Maybe I should start playing a bunny... 

  3. If people worried more about climate change, we wouldn't have to deal with so much useless politics. 

    1. monkeypoacher


      >implying useless politics aren't a diversionary tactic to avoid difficult topics like climate change, worsening economic inequality, and widespread corruption

  4. It always surprises me when people get mad at me for some reason, and then I would ask if I could understand what the reason is or see if I could help in any way. Then they blame me for not being there to help them, kinda like... what? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ClergyManDan


      It's a good thing I'm a Catholic. 

    3. TeaLulu


      u being catholic is offensive

    4. ClergyManDan
  5. Sometimes the best rp, is simple rp. 


  6. The most rewarding part of being an ET is seeing everyone enjoying themselves, or are willing to give me feedback to help me make sure everyone is have fun!

    1. TinyBiceps


      that's so sweet

  7. When you put it like that, like that, like that, like that you riiiiiiiite.

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