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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by thesaintjaleel

  1. There are people who go to veteran homes to light their fireworks without realizing that many of them have PTSD


  3. Never actually met you but you're a good and nice person ;^)

  4. The Ghanyah Discord is open to all ;^)



  5. This is my new song, sing along if you know the weioudz



  6. Since elves own Krugmar they should name a new elf rex xdddddddddd

  7. Looking for a skinner ;^) discord me

  8. Looking for skinners, willing to pay 1k - 7k minas discord me.

  9. Disregard all previous status updates, FM is actually the best team this server has ever had ;^)

  10.  - if ur interested in good Heist RP and easy money.

  11.  - Southeron Lore ;^)

  12. Band practice from 9AM to 7PM tmrw YIKE-

  13. Oh wait, I think I've already played this storyline.....

  14. So much things going on yikes 

  15. Happy Thanksgiving ??

  16. Fleek on that sis and I oop till I can’t cap on period!

  17. Skskskskskks who’s gonna tell her?

  18. Helves kill aura on 30000 radius please turn down the server cannot sustain

  19. doobie doobie doo ba doobie doobie doo ba 

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