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Child Neglecter

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Posts posted by Child Neglecter

  1. In terms of the actual real-life applications of medieval armour, because you guys are looking to try to buff lighter armours, you should probably be going by the real-life properties of each type of lighter armour:


    Chainmail: Excellent at dealing with slashes and stabs from sharp weaponry. Ranged weaponry? So-so, in real life, but on LOTC you could likely make it so that any kind of chainmail can still be pierced by any kind of arrow. Bad at dealing with blunt weaponry.


    Scalemail: A bit of a hybrid between plate and chainmail, scalemail's good at everything that chainmail is good at, with the added bonus of being slightly better against piercing attacks and blunt attacks than chainmail. But, you can make it so that only a certain amount of scalemail can be worn, so it can't cover all areas, unlike chainmail.


    Leather: An all-rounder in terms of how it can deal with anything, but still would be able to be easily shot through and pierced by ranged weapons, and you can still stab and slash into them, but with less efficacy than against someone wearing nothing but cloth. 


    Gambeson: Far better than leather armour even on its own, when combined with chainmail gives you the power of padding AND protection together in one package deal. Again, similarly to scalemail, make it so that you can't wear it everywhere when used directly chainmail, so some spots are still not as well protected. 



    An alternate suggestion? Set clear restrictions about how many weapons and potions and other relevant things a person may utilize in a combat scenario based on how heavy their armour is, with plate being the most cumbersome, requiring players to decide what weapon(s) and potion(s) in their arsenal they are going to use in that scenario and STICKING TO IT for the rest of the duration of it.


    Having a clear-cut list of the amount of things you may use in a combat scenario based on how heavy your armour is (it can range, obviously, between different levels of armour) will allow you to not only grant the lighter armoured players their own niche (by allowing them to be more nimble not in their movement but in the amount of things that they can use in combat) whilst simultaneously balancing plate armour so that it's no longer "the meta".


    Think of the different pivotal roles in an actual medieval combat scenario - the archer, the footman, the heavy-hitting knight, and so on. Each is not outclassed by the other - each has their own strengths and weaknesses.



    Controversial Take:

    Maybe get rid of the ability of plate-wearing people to be able to use blunt weaponry and only allow them to use sharp weapons. Blunt works best against people with plate armour, so light-armoured people should be allowed to wear them since it works against all three classes of people (no armour, light armour, heavy armour) but blunt weapons are typically much heavier than sharp ones, so you can restrict plate-wearers to sharp weapons only.


  2. The Apparat wept, knowing that The Prince was one with his wretched father, his palm still bespeckled with dried blood. 



    The Black Cardinal, he who rested in those profane heavens, welcomed the burning man to stand alongside him - the Left Hand.

  3. Disclaimer: Any resemblance of pictures, videos, or other forms of media to the minecraft player known as "MaltaMoss" is purely coincidental. MaltaMoss is not an associate of the "snow elves", "snelfs", "snelves", "fenn", "princedom of fenn", "principality of fenn", "fennic remnants", "ivae'fenn", or "valkyrim". For legal purposes, on March 24-25, 2022, between the hours of 11:15 and 2:09am, MaltaMoss was at the 7-Eleven on 1388 46th Ave, San Francisco, to buy a pack of smokes and a gallon of milk, and was nowhere near the minecraft entity known as "Haelun'or". MaltaMoss does not condone violence in any form and does not condone any violence that may or may not have happened on that knight in particular. Further, any resemblance of MaltaMoss to the player known as "Mukumbura" is purely coincidental. MaltaMoss is not, and does not know, know of, associate with, support or condone this "Mukumbura" or his alleged acts, whatever they may be. As an upstanding citizen of the "Lord of the Craft" community, who honorably served for many a month as a bluetag under the tenure of the esteemed administration, MaltaMoss pledges that if so required by the appropriate Lord of the Craft authorities, he will do whatever is in his power, little though it may be, to bring this "Mukumbura" to justice for any crimes allegedly committed against "lesser" elves on March 24-25, 2022, between the hours of 11:15pm and 2:09am. Should any authorities wish to question MaltaMoss in relation to acts that may or may not have been committed that night, or others, MaltaMoss asks that all such correspondence be directed to his legal counsel.

  4. 11 hours ago, Morigung-oog said:

    “He.. replaced me.” A gremlin wept from the great beyond.


    6 hours ago, AdmiralLB said:

    "Boo-hoo, guess how I feel." An old man rambles, to nobody in particular.


    An already successful young businessman ignores the plights of the needy and the failed, stroking his chin with all the smugness of a man of success.



  5. The Silenda Custodum 

    “Lyu’lareh, ikur’iheiuhii’iheiuh.”




    Welcome to the opening of the newest enterprise beneath the walls of the great nation of Celia’nor, Silenda Custodum. An operation priding itself upon the quality of the craft that is produced, this conglomerate is a representation of the might of metal and flesh, unified into one. 


    Sponsored by the might of the Royarch of Celia’nor, Illthrak Ibarellan, our benefactor and leader, we exist to serve our greater nation and the people of Man overall.


    Silenda Custodum Catalogue


    We operate on a commission-based system, wherein those that seek our craft may approach our walls and enter their request, producing weaponry of the specialist kind, as well as other items. 


    In addition to this, we host the finest medics within our wall, capable of providing all services in manners of flesh - whether this be the amendment of one’s own lost limbs, or the correction of ugly scars and other appearances through plastic surgery, as well as further crafts, we are here to provide. 


    Custom Weaponry

    Prices to be negotiated upon. 


    Custom Tools and Accessories

    Prices to be negotiated upon. 


    Custom Armour

    Prices to be negotiated upon.


    Limb Transplantation

    Prices will vary depending on what requires transplantation. 


    Anaplasty by Surgery

    Prices will vary depending on what requires augmentation. Faces are unable to be done.


    And much more ..


    The Highest Standards


    At Silenda Custodum, we channel the lands that surround us, the very lands that hosted Gotrek Industries before us, and their Dwarven kin. We uphold the highest standards of craftsmanship, offering every product with meticulous attention to detail granted to each. Our commitment to excellence is unparalleled, and so you will be met with only quality. 


    Silenda Custodum - where Monument meets Master.


    Lord Avagis Ingesøn, Alderman of the Silenda Custodum



    His Royal Majesty, The Prince of Fi'andria, Evarir of the North, Descendant of The Silver Phoenix, Enforcer of the Star’s Will, Prince of Celia'nor,  Illthrak Ibarellan of the Principality of Celia’nor




    Disclaimer: Silenda Custodum, whilst still operating as a Guild alongside being a business enterprise within Celia'nor, is not an academy, and you will not find any teaching here - those who wish to join should already be masters of their craft.


    Silenda Custodum can be found in the place of Gotrek, occupying the previous ruins, 750 blocks north of Celia’nor. 




    If you wish to contact us IRPly, contact child_neglecter via Aviary. Any further questions can be answered by me on my Discord: myholyland.


  6. based on the lore and what i'm reading here you're better off scrapping this whole thing and going bottom up


    you know, not all things need to necessarily be linked to druidism or an existing trope when you're writing a magic like this - come up with something new and unique, something actually set apart from everything else on the server. put your creativity to use. 

  7. Telum Praetorium:

    Tributes of the Maestro

    “Arma et vasa dominorum facta sunt. Optima solum.”




    It is by the our enigmatic hand that we introduce the works of Telum Praetorium, the ultimate emporium that satisfies the greatest avaricious and selfish nature that Man beholds, vending items and weaponry of specialist nature, powerful in their revelry, revealing the power that the blood of thine enemies may behold, alongside items of many makes, mundane and magical.




    Seek us out, and you will have the answer to your finest wishes - we are the finest practitioners of our crafts, and practice, above all, our very own autonomy. What you will find here is sold by no man, only within the confines of the Telum Praetorium. 


    It is your right as a man, a woman, a child - so long as your pockets are full, you have found your place here, with us. May your might be unleashed through our gifts of splendour. 



    Contact: myholyland on Discord, or child_neglecter in game.


  8. 5 hours ago, seannie said:

    if you avoid the berry bushes, you wont be caught up in them. as easy as that


    5 hours ago, Luxury said:

    Ive been starving in the wild enough times to appreciate berry bushes.


    4 hours ago, AuJy said:

    You take away the berry bush, I take away your kneecaps.


    1 hour ago, SlitheryC1 said:

    berry good


    The foul berry has taken more of the lives of horses than any Warclaim in the history of LOTC has. The foul berry makes our cavalry bleed - it only makes us suffer, even in the face of the menial satisfaction that the berries themselves grant us.


    The redness of the berry is marked in its deepness by the blood of the horses that saturate the soil beneath them. 

  9. As someone who frequently explores the outer wilds of the Lord of the Craft world, I find incredible frustration in the continued existence of berry bushes, which effectively act as "spikes" in the defence of various cities against cavalry who may be attempting to scale their walls.


    This, in itself, I can understand, but what I cannot understand is why there are so many of these Berry Bushes placed out in the wild, when players are encouraged to explore beyond the paths that have been set up between settlements. 

    Why must we continue to be encumbered by the presence of these foul bushes, that only harm our horses and hinder our progress? What is the point?


    Answer the questions and leave your thoughts down below. 

  10. idk who you are and if you need to hear this but this place isn't important enough to validate a farewell post every time u wanna leave


    just leave and if u wanna come back later on come back

  11. Manus Dei: Transform in Mind and Body
    “Manus dat et aufert. Maledicat et dat.”


    As it was in the eyes of one, so it is in the hands of another. Sons of Man, the opportunities offered by Manus Dei will now continue to be in effect - our Corporation has now been entrusted to the hands of skilled men. 


    We offer our services in the amendment of permanently removed limbs, in plastic surgery, as well as in the present augmentation and improvement of your very body itself.



    Verily, sons of Man, there are secrets that lie within the extraordinary wisdom of the masters of nature that possess the name Alchemist. As men and women beneath the Creator, it is your God-given right to possess these secrets; to lay witness to the glory that lies within the Magnum Opus that rests within each man’s body. 


    We, at Manus Dei, offer unto you these gifts of splendour, to witness for yourselves within each of your own bodies, for only a simple price. Reach for the destiny that lies within yourself - clutch it in your hands, at Manus Dei. 




    Athletes and soldiers, the world around, come in search of the greater strength and power needed to grasp one’s destiny at Manus Dei. Join them; lay witness to the power that Alchemy may have to unlock the excellence and beauty that lies within the combination of nature’s splendour and your very flesh and bone, all God-given, granting you abilities beyond comprehension.





    Contact: myholyland or priestofworms on Discord, or child_neglecter / Nozgoth in game. 



    المسيح قام ,حقاً قام


    Christ has risen - He truly has.



    Enjoy a hymn from the beautiful singer herself, Fairuz, our Bird of the East.

  13. if you don't add the no FTB redline I will go out of my way (despite never being a member of the Druidic community at any point in my time on LOTC) to ******* make an amendment SOLELY for the sake of adding one 


    add it. you will be relentlessly bothered if you do not add one.


    don't make the mistake of thinking that people won't abuse it's lack of addition, if this gets accepted. 

  14. Cheers for the time we spent together, Josh. Wishing you all the best in your future career - having worked as one in the past, I know fully well it's both a joy and a pain.


    If you ever want to do anything together, my Discord's always open brother. Have a good one man. 

  15. 5 hours ago, satinkira said:

    you have to include logs of creation for MArts, other than that I love myself some lethal company lore (i HATE mayuri kurotsuchi)


    Can't in this case, since the MArt requires an Invent Ritual that can't be done until after the MArt itself is accepted.

  16. -pgYsfjV99SmA1AhDmdXEZxHORXBb2RvA016_EdmD-c11doPD8f5afnxeu8WoC0l2_yvUXLAlD3_Vdpbn68ebO0jCWkmhzcO7ouJA2ooVLtJHrH83obm7DnUjg_sMnoxeFduWPbCRXfQIv4YbV7S5ZA




    Name of the Artefact - The Faceless Idol


    Is this a combat related Artefact? If marked as “no” it will not be usable in combat situations. - It can’t be used in combat, aside from providing the defence of a typical metal mask.


    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artefact - 



    RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artefact -  Avagis aep Ohlson


    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artefact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items) - child_neglecter, Moon_Is_Innocent, Punished_Pup, Capn_Avery, hemomancy, WickPlayer


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artefact (N/A if not applicable) - Avagis aep Ohlson, Tallows, Vukosav, The Pale Lady, Crescence, Krahvyn Doomforged


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artefact - To be added upon the MArt’s acceptance, an Invent Ritual consisting of five Blood Mages (all T5) and a singular sacrifice (Krahvyn Doomforged)




    Hallowed yet profane, the mask beckons its holders forth; said to be tainted by the touch of forgotten lepers, it dooms those in its possession to a simple, yet profound temptation; to reveal the self they might become within the grasp of the Mask, thereafter. 


    Possessors, drawn into its allure, may don the accursed visage, merging with the malevolent spirit within, so too that they might be guided by the ancient glyphs and the lesser, wicked forces that give rise to entropy.


    Blessed be those that revere the Faceless, false God.




    The Faceless Idol [Item]

    The Faceless Idol itself is a steel mask, and thus possesses the durability of one, granting the individual who wears the mask protection equivalent to such. Metaphysically bound to the Mask by eldritch energies, however, is a spiteful, wicked and sadistic spirit - one separated from its previous form, having now permanently inhabited the mask. The mask calls to those who keep it in their possession, no matter if it is in sight or not, inciting them to don it. 


    When donned, the host’s personality will be forcibly replaced by that of the Mask’s, and the Mask will only be able to be removed either forcibly by another person (with great difficulty) or by the possessed individual themselves, were they to be in complete opposition to the actions of the Mask. 


    When the Mask has been donned, the possessed individual will be required to complete a set of tasks in order to appease the nature of the mask, in any order, listed as such:


    [Task 1]: Cover and bathe themselves in the blood of two other Descendants.

    [Task 2]: Collect and preserve various body parts - this may range from severed hands, eyes,
    ears, et cetera.

    [Task 3]: Infiltrate the minds of at least two other people using the [Ability] One In Blood.





    The Faceless Idol is a steel mask, and provides the adequate protection that a steel mask would provide to the face. It has the durability of a normal steel mask. 


    When the mask is donned, the person that puts it on will be forced to witness as their personality is replaced with the personality of the Mask. The Mask’s personality is inherently extremely chaotic, sadistic and cruel - it seeks nothing but to cause chaos and bring pain to other people, as well as carrying out the tasks. 


    The Faceless Idol is bound by eldritch energies and the severed personality of Krahvyn Doomforged, thus resulting in the powers that it possesses, as well as the personality found within it. It has been created by means of a Blood Magic Invent Ritual.


    The Mask’s personality’s desires will not be inherently influenced in any way by the desires of the host - they are equally threatening to all around them, including friends and family. The Mask has an utter disregard for life, seeing other people not as living beings, but as objects to be investigated. There is no logic to the ways of the Mask, and it is insane.


    The personality of the Mask is innately one of a sadistic and cruel scientist - with little respect and regard for most others, the Mask despises perfection, as it believes that achieving such a state would leave it with nothing further to do. Every evil act that the Mask engages in, whilst senseless and horrific, is one that can be inherently linked to its intrinsic goals. As well as this, the mask is devious, conniving and manipulative, being capable of disturbing tactics that portray its disregard for life around it. It is as theatrical as it is gruesome, being a raging psychopath in every sense of the word, and having exceeding intelligence.


    Whilst the Host is wearing the Mask, they will be able to witness everything that is occurring. However, their psyche is altered to become far more agreeable to the chaotic, evil actions that the Mask partakes in, and only in cases where the person strictly objects to the actions of the Mask can they then remove it by themselves. 


    The Mask will try their best to keep the host body safe, but may still risk their life if it is for the objective of completing the tasks as set out - however, the more times that the Mask is put on, or the longer that the Mask is in the possession of the host, the more the host will be inclined to put the mask on.


    When the Mask has been in the possession of the host for longer than a duration of 1 OOC month, the host will begin to develop an identity crisis wherein they no longer believe that they are fully themselves without the mask, and they will begin to associate the mask with being a part of them. As a result, they will fight to keep the mask in their possession.

    Were the Mask to be in the possession of an individual who has been banned or has not logged onto the server in 3 OOC months, the ST may repossess the MArt and return it to one of the five members of the original Invent ritual that led to its creation, or, if they do not wish to accept it, the individual who possessed the Mask prior to the banned/inactive individual.


    The masked individual will sound no different from the typical host, though may at times have a scratchy and chalky tone to their voice, as they become dehydrated - the mask, being its own entity, may sometimes neglect to care for the body, though it will still continue to try to care for the host body while it is possessing it.


    The mask can only be put on with the IRP and OOC consent of the person who is in possession of it. 


    The tasks demanded of the host body must be completed every 2 OOC months. 


    If the mask isn’t used for a duration beyond 1 OOC month, it will no longer function in any way, and will become inert. The only way to reactivate the Mask would be for the holder of the mask to then either be killed, or for the Mask to be consensually handed off to another person. The new possessor of the mask must consent to receiving the mask. Were the new possessor to be killed within 1 OOC month by the person who held it previously, the mask would remain inert for the duration of the OOC month.


    Were the mask to remain in the possession of the new host (if it had gone inert and had then been handed off), they would not be able to hand it off for the remainder of that 1 OOC month, unless they were killed.


    The redlines above are in place in order to prevent greedy item hoarders from keeping the item locked up and then, when they want to use it again, changing hands and killing the other person to get the item back. 


    The Mask will never resort to murder in order to complete its tasks, unless it is forced to kill in order to defend itself and the host body from damage.


    The Mask is able to be put on by anyone, so long as they have adequate Genus in order to be able to use the ability One In Blood. 


    Were the tasks to remain uncompleted after 2 OOC months, the Mask would then become inert, and would need to be exchanged to another individual in order to become active once again (or upon the death of the individual in its possession)


    The person in possession of the Mask would find it increasingly difficult to destroy, as it is beckoned by the Mask not to destroy it. However, whilst difficult, it is entirely possible to destroy the mask physically so as to rid the possessor of the effects of the Mask. 


    Those who wear the mask are not granted any extra mental resistance against other magics.


    The mask will still allow the possessed user to utilise their magic just as effectively as if they were not possessed.


    The mask will not maintain the knowledge of any of its former users, nor carry over any information it gained whilst it was in their possession. Whilst it is in the possession of another, it will not "recognise" any previous owner or have any different interaction with them than if they were just given the Mask for the first time. This redline is in place to prevent those who possess the mask from trying to discover previous wearers of the Mask.


    As a result of the personality of the mask, the longer that the individual is in possession of the mask, the more that they begin to present some of the traits of the Mask’s own personality as a result of the influence it has upon them, as some form of cruel Stockholm Syndrome. When they are no longer in possession of the mask, these traits will fade over time.


    Task 2 requires the individual to either collect two major parts, consisting of hands, feet, legs, arms, or heads, or four minor parts, consisting of things such as organs, eyes, or large pieces of skin that have been stripped from flesh. 


    The Mask may only be completely destroyed if it is completely melted down at temperatures sufficient to completely melt steel, rendering the item completely destroyed, freeing the spirit within. However, it may again be reformed if an Invent ritual is used to summon the spirit, with this secondary ritual not requiring any form of human sacrifice.




    Unison in Flesh [Ability]

    The parasitic nature of the Mask itself lends to its ability to conceal itself between the skin and flesh of the individual, entirely hiding its presence. This can be done on command, though for the duration of this time, the person is forced to portray, in extreme fashion, the emotions that the mask possesses.





    Whilst Unison in Flesh is active, the individual’s face is still protected by the steel durability of the mask itself, though their skin is able to be damaged. 


    The emotions that the Mask makes the person portray must, at all times, be extremely obvious in terms of how overly theatrical they are - the Mask will always make itself known to the people around it in this way, eerily contorting the face of its wearer, preventing the individual from trying to conceal the fact that they are wearing the mask beneath their skin. 


    The shape of the Mask at that time has no impact on the resulting appearance of the emotions portrayed on the face of the wearer, whilst Unison in Flesh is active.


    Unison in Flesh is an ability that, when utilised by the masked individual, will feel uncomfortable to them at all times. The longer it is active, the more the Mask will wish to reveal itself fully on the face of the individual it is being worn by.


    Were the person to be hurt or injured beyond the point of being bruised, Unison in Flesh will deactivate. 


    Were someone to attempt to remove the Mask from the wearer whilst Unison in Flesh is active, they would have to first penetrate their skin, before prying it off, along with the skin of its wearer, leaving the previously masked wearer flayed off their facial skin entirely. 

    It takes three emotes in order to activate Unison In Flesh and in order to deactivate it. In the first emote, the prongs placed along the rear of the mask will begin to create painless incisions in the sides of the face of the individual, siphoning the blood drawn out into the Mask itself. In the second emote, the Mask will use these prongs to crawl along the face of the individual, slipping itself beneath their skin. In the third emote, the Mask will hold these incisions shut tightly, preventing any further leakage of blood, allowing them to heal on their own. 



    Through All Ages [Ability]

    A property of the Mask that has allowed it to exist throughout the ages, each time possessing a different appearance, according to the choice of its bearer, yet each still as imposing as the last. Another steel mask can be superimposed onto the mask itself, which it will then meld with, shifting its appearance based on the design of the other mask.





    The purpose of this ability is purely aesthetic - the mask can be shifted to suit the appearance that the owner of the mask wants it to have. The mask will combine with the steel of the new mask itself, meaning that new additions such as horns and antlers can be made to fit the mask, but these must be entirely for aesthetic purposes and cannot provide any further protection.


    Any new additions or appendages added to the Mask will not be present when the ability Unison in Flesh is activated. 


    The mask must, at all times, cover the entire face - a mask that only conceals half the face will not be able to be merged with the previous mask via means of Through All Ages. 


    The material that constitutes the mask to be combined via Through All Ages must, itself, be standard steel - the constitution or strength and durability of the Mask cannot be altered via means of Through All Ages. 


    Through All Ages cannot be utilised when combining with a mask that covers more than just the face - so a helmet that includes a mask cannot be utilised as a part of this ability. 


    Despite the various shapes that the mask can take through this ability, the comfortability of the Mask upon the face of the wearer remains the same. As well as this, the Mask itself will never grow any heavier or lighter, remaining at a weight of 500g. 


    Through All Ages may allow the mask, if physically damaged, to be repaired by utilisation of this ability. However, were the mask to be damaged beyond repair, such as being melted completely, the ability would no longer function. 


    Through All Ages may only be utilised every 1 OOC month. 

    Were the individual to not be able to provide some kind of other steel mask for Through All Ages, they could provide two Genus’ worth of their blood, poured on top of the mask, in order to heal it in the same fashion. This would not change the appearance of the Mask, though would repair any damage, no matter how significant unless the mask to be damaged beyond repair (such as being melted completely)



    One In Blood [Ability]

    The most profane and cruellest of all of the abilities of the Faceless Idol is the one that allows the formation of the progeny of the sadistic pseudo-psyche within other minds. By means of the transfusion of the possessed host’s blood and genus, the Mask may form an incomplete, toxic hivemind, at least for a time.





    The Mask is capable of temporarily implanting the traits and symptoms it holds into other people, in order to form a temporary pseudo-personality in others, via means of a blood curse. This curse is temporary, only lasting the duration of 1 OOC hour. 


    The pseudo-personality can be fought against, and is not dominating, unlike the original Mask’s personality, but can also be embraced.


    For Blood Mages who possess the Mask and are possessed by it, they may spread the Blood Curse to another person by means of the Siphon Spell, listed in Blood Magic, by implanting their blood into the receiving victim. 


    “For those who do not possess Blood Magic but wish to use One In Blood, they may instead elect to feed the victim 25ml of their own blood into their mouth. The blood cannot be mixed with anything else in order for this to work.” 


    The blood to be utilised must be freshly harvested, no longer than 1 OOC hour old.


    In any case, the IRP and OOC consent of the individual who is to receive the blood curse is required in order for One In Blood to function. There will be no effect if they do not IRPly give consent.


    Those afflicted with the One In Blood Curse will not be granted any mental resistance against other magics.


    The mask’s blood curse will, irrespective of whoever is wearing the Mask itself, tempt all those who are afflicted with the blood curse to do things ranging from stealing and petty crimes, to kidnapping, hurting, et cetera, but they cannot kill, for the same reason that the Mask chooses not to kill unless in self defence or when it is strictly necessary to maintain the safety of the victim possessed by the Blood Curse.


    Those who are in possession of the Blood Curse will recognise the wearer of The Faceless Idol as their temporary idol, but they are not required to obey the orders of the mask-wearer, though may still be inclined to if it is in line with the goals of the Mask and those possessed by One In Blood.






    This MArt has been created by means of a Blood Magic Invent Ritual, by means of combining the Genus of five T5 Blood Mages for purposes of utilisation within the MArt’s creation, forming a total of 10 Genus. Alongside this, Krahvyn Doomforged has been utilised as a means of sacrifice in the ritual, leading to the permanent death of his character, resulting in the implantation of his personality into the mask forevermore, whilst also filling the mask with the eldritch energy created by the ritual itself, granting unto it unholy powers. 


    Blood Magic itself allows for the freeform utilisation of the Invent Ritual as a means of a method of invention, thus allowing for the creation of this MArt. However, the ritual itself cannot be completed until following the acceptance of the MArt, and may need to be repeated multiple times until fully successful. The Mask is able to do what it does because it is possessed by the personality of Krahvyn Doomforged, but this personality no longer remembers any semblance of who or what it once was, thus existing purely as a pseudo-character bent on chaos and making the lives of others miserable, whilst not engaging in murder unless it is completely necessary, setting out to complete its profane goals, and controlling and twisting its host in order to ensure it does as it pleases.


    The pseudo-character formed by the Mask placed on the host is capable of spreading temporary effects to other, IRPly consenting individuals in order to form a kind of hivemind of those who are bent on chaos, but can only do this by means of blood transfusion by either Siphoning via Blood Magic or by direct means into the bloodstream of the consenting individual, due to the magic that was used to create the Mask in the first place. 


    Number of duplicates of this Artefact:



    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



    Have you applied for this Artefact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  17. what year of your time on lotc would you want to wipe your memory of entirely 


    now same question, but what year would you like to remember everything of (just for reasons related to lotc, nothing to what might've happened to you IRL that year) 


    what's the biggest staff fuckup you think you might've ever seen across your 8 years on the server (thank god ive been here the same amount of time i'd remember just as well)


    who is one person that you know will never return to lotc that you'd like to see one last time 

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