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Posts posted by Nectorist

  1. A giant of a man sits atop a tree stump, mournfully watching a small boat drift over the horizon. Many had stayed behind, but he had been left on this land. His own kin, the Rurikids, had refused his joining. The lot of them couldn’t even be bothered to make a serviceable excuse, he was just too much of a ‘liability’ – whatever that big word was supposed to mean. 


    However as the fading boat finally left his view, the giant could not help but grin. He stood as still as a mountain for several long minutes before letting out a terrible, harsh bellow. His bout of laughter continued until he was out of breath, and the giant had to prop himself up via his woodcutting axe to keep himself from falling over.


    “No more stupid little men to tell me what to do. The big shiny is mine.”


    And with that he headed in the direction that he thought was Nordengrad, but was actually north instead of east.




    An old veteran, hiding himself in the fineries of his garments, looks at the war-scarred Nordengrad. He passes a few burned huts, under reconstruction, taking a long moment to look in and around each. He was no looter, though, rather he was searching for signs of migration. However the tracks of thousands of horses and soldiers marred any clear, cohesive movements that may have been imprinted in the dirt. And the city was no longer empty, for efforts to restore it had long been in progress. However, out of the corner of his visage, he spots something ever so familiar. Spinning to the side, and displaying a sartorial elegance befitting his attire but not his age, he catches a better look. There in the dirt lies a small wooden figure, marred by both poor craftsmanship and war. He approaches the figurine, slowly raising a shaky hand to his mouth, cupping it to suppress the urge to vomit. His vast funds had nearly been bled dry by the war, but no money lost was as cruel as this.


    Forcing himself to pick up the figurine, the old man runs his fingers about its rough surface, gritting his teeth as he pockets it once more. He then swiftly pivots away from the walls of the town, showing perhaps the most discipline he had ever cared to hold himself to. He begins to walk away, but his ever-weak will fails himself once more, and the old man cannot help but pause, taking a long and studious glance back at the town every few steps. It is hours until Nordengrad finally leaves his sight.



  2. Discord Name; Ya have it.


    Desired State; Illinois


    History of said State’s history, leadership, and government;


    Illinois began as one of the early frontier territories of the United States with the construction of Fort Dearborn in 1803. By 1809 Illinois was incorporated into the U.S as a territory and officially joined as the 21st state in 1819. Southern Illinois was settled first, but a gradual push northward followed soon after. 


    Though slavery was deemed illegal in Illinois due to the Northwest Ordinance, laws against slavery were not strictly enforced and the ordinance became null and void upon Illinois’ ascension to statehood. Southern migrants flooded into the south of Illinois, but their attempts to make slavery official were all blocked. By 1860 the majority of the state’s population opposed slavery, but it was by no means a bastion of civil equality. Slavery was declared illegal in the Illinois Constitution of 1848, but it upheld some of the strictest Black Codes.


    Because of Chicago’s strategic location it grew to become a vital port city and economic center for Illinois. The Illinois and Michigan canal allowed shipping from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico, and by 1850s over 30 rail lines passed through the city. Industry also grew in the Chicago, making it Illinois’ most vital city by far by the 1850s.


    Nominal Leader/President/Governor/etc.;


    John Wood currently sits as the governor of Illinois, but given the current Federal President, and the other notable Illinoisians with Federal ties, there is a large amount of Pro-Federal support around the north and east of the state.


    Do you want a Custom Character? If so what’s their name and background? (Can only start in low level positions of power);


    Jack Stevenson – a leader of one of the few radical Pro-Slavery militias in Southern Illinois.



    Issued and Confirmed by his Majesty Louis II, High Prince of Rosenyr

    Circa (1693)



    With the upcoming of courts following the conclusion of the construction of the Palace of Rosenyr, his Majesty Louis II, High Prince of Rosenyr has deemed it fit to bring up a series of Royal Laws for when in times of court, the following shall be the official laws of Court, as when a court is called, all in attendance are required to obey these laws, failure to do so shall result in severe punishment, decided by the High Prince.



    I. Preamble

    II. How to Address Nobility and Gentry

    III. Attitude during Court

    IV. Court Procedure

    V. Oaths





    According to the ancient customs of the Rosnian people, there are certain laws and traditions that must be followed to adhere to the etiquette of the noble court. These customs originate from the divine right granted upon the prince. As customs to address someone graced by the divines themselves, these traditions are not law only through social contract, but through divine contract. And as his vassals derive their grace through the High Prince, the same divine traditions extend to them. Whether in the company of a knight of the High Prince himself, persons of all social classes should adhere to the behavior expected of them.



    How to Address the Nobility, Clergy and Gentry


    High Prince/High Princess- Upon arrival into the court all must refer to him or her as “Votre Majeste”


    Orateur Principal - Upon arrival into the court all must refer to him or her as “Votre Eminence”


    Prince/Princess- Upon arrival into the court all must refer to them as “Votre Altesse”


    Duke/Duchesse- Upon arrival of the Duke or Duchesse unto the court all must refer to them as “Votre Grace”


    Grand Orateur- Upon arrival into the court all must refer to him or here as “Votre Grace”


    Count/Countess- Upon arrival of the Count or Countess onto the court all must refer to them as “Mon Lord or Madame”


    Grand Orateur- Upon arrival into the court, all must refer to them as “Votre Excellence”


    Baron/Baroness- Upon arrival of the Baron or Baroness onto the court all must refer to them as “Mon Lord or Madame”


    Lord/Dame- Upon arrival of the Lord or Dame onto the court, all must refer to them as “Mon Lord or Madame”


    Knight / Knight-Dame- Upon arrival of the Knight or Knight Dame, all must refer to them as “Sir or Dame”



    Attitude During Court


    During court all are expected to uphold the traditional standards of old Rosenyr, following as such.


    1. All must remain quiet whilst the High Prince is addressing a matter

    2. One may not speak unless spoken to, as it is a sign of disrespect

    3. Any who dare question the High Princes decree, will be seen as an act of defiance and treachery, and shall be dealt with immediately, as this act would not be taken lightly.

    4. One not of noble blood may never touch the High Prince, besides to kiss his ring.

    5. When the High Prince enters a room, all present must stand up.


    ~Royal Subjects in the Court of High Prince, Louis II. circa 1699~


    Court Procedure


    How to Approach a Member of the Court


    1. When approaching any nobility, or gentry, one should either offer a bow or curtsy. This is considered a formality to show respect when addressing someone of high stature.

    2. Males should at least bow at the neck. When addressing the High Prince, one should bow at the waist.

    3. Females should curtsy in a subtle manner. Dip one’s body downward by bending at the knees.

    4. When approaching any noble one should wait to be addressed before speaking. The formality of the conversation should be dictated by the individual of the higher stature and physical contact only made if they initiate first.

    5. When standing, keep at attention with one’s hands clasped in front of behind one’s self. No crossing arms nor slouching.


    General Courtly Procedure


    1. All those who wish to attend court must arrive at or before the specified time. Those who arrive late interrupt the procession of court, and must use the stolen time to offer an apology to the Prince before seating themselves.

    2. Once all have arrived, the royal procession will enter the court. The Orateur Principal shall enter first, followed by the Rose Council, the Royal family, and finally the Prince himself.

    3. The High Prince will be the first to seat himself. Once he has been seated, the Orateur Principal will follow, followed by the Royal family, and the Rose Council. Only then will the rest of those in attendance to court be seated.

    4. The chancellor of the Rose Council will call the beginning of the royal court. Upper nobility will be given the first chance to petition the High Prince and the council. After them, court will proceed according to descending rank, following with lower nobility, gentry, and finally commoners.

    5. It is customary, though not required, for vassals of the High Prince to display their undying love and fealty by presenting His Majesty with gifts or homage. In turn, it would beseech the High Prince to return the favor with gifts of his own.

    6. When approaching the High Prince and addressing him, one should be sure to adhere to all etiquette laws.

    7. After all petitioners have made their case and returned to their seats, the chancellor will call court to an end. The High Prince will rise, and as he does, so will the rest of the royal procession and those attending court. The Orateur Principal will lead the royal procession out of the audience chamber, followed by the High Council, the royal family, and finally the Prince himself.

    8. Once the royal procession has exited, court will be dismissed, and all in attendance be free to exit the audience chamber.







    The Oath of a Landed Noble Unto the High Prince
    I, Lord [Familial name of dynasty], son of the woman [mother’s name], swear to you [High Prince’s familial name], High Prince of Rosenyr, that from this hour unto my death or dismissal that I will be faithful to you with regard to your life, and the members of your family, both in good faith and without deception. I will be faithful to you concerning the holding of [fief’s name] and the territory that belongs to it within its entire boundaries. I swear I will neither seize that castle nor its territory, not I, nor any man or woman acting by my advice or instigation. I will help you to hold, have and defend against all men and women who might wish to seize or deprive you of all these above mentioned things. I will give you possession of that castle and that fortress which is or will be inside it as many times as you demand them of me, either you yourself or by your representative or representatives. All that has been said before, I will hold and observe faithfully and without deception, by the Divines.



    Signé au nom de


    His Royal Majesty, Louis II of the House of Rosiere, Prince of Rosenyr, Duke of Peri and Northwatch, Count of Pris and Layria, Baron of Pessac, Olsten and Anders, Defender of the Rosynian, Lairnic, Adreni, and Matrian peoples


  4. 1 hour ago, argle-bargle said:

    “Strange, isn’t it Demetrius? To not invite the Empire or any vassal of it. Almost....an insult.” Astrid would say, handing him a bottle of warm milk.


    “Wait, there’s an Empire?” Caloman des Rosieres says to himself, having recently received word of settlements to the south from scouts of his. “There’s so much land that us new-arrivals have not yet explored. Where even is Sutica anyway?”

  5. 22 minutes ago, Keening said:

    I’ve known Nectorist for about three-ish (?) years now

    Four years as of February


    1 hour ago, sneLf said:

    helps in bedwars.



    3 hours ago, Kanadensare said:

    dont worry, that’ll go away pretty soon brother

    They said the same thing about the Red Cloaks


    3 hours ago, Imperium said:

    +1, would rp raid with him again

    Down to take on CT this Friday?


    3 hours ago, christhemythical said:

    Nectorist has been a staff member previously on another server that I alongside others have played on

    I’m still glad you weren’t a Salty Seljuk


    2 hours ago, Chromie said:

    **** I used all my +1s dont worry.

    You better watch yourself, kiddo

  6. IGN(s): Nectorist


    Age 18


    Timezone USCT


    Discord: Nectorist#7594


    What map did you join during?: Axios


    Do you have access to a Microphone? Yes


    Average Daily Play Time? 2-4 hours during the week, and upwards of 8 hours during the weekend


    Have you held any LotC staff position(s) before? If so, for how long?: I've been on the AT for about a month.


    Do you have prior history in any forms of moderation?

    I have held a few staff positions on Minecraft servers, RP or otherwise, in the past. On RP servers specifically I have been a GM/Mod three times, a GM Lead twice, and an Admin once. I have also assisted in the creation of a few RP servers, with my primary focus being rule and lore writing. In real life I occasionally direct/supervise volunteer building projects and have stepped up into a leadership/moderation role several other times throughout my life.


    Why do you want to join the GM Team?:

    I now have time to dedicate to the server that I did not before. My short tenure on the AT has shown how rewarding it is to help other players, be they new or experienced. Becoming a GM would allow me to do this to a greater capacity, and my long experience as a staff member would help me in this task. I have been spectating raids, unlocking chests for players, resolving conflicts, and just about anything else required of a GM since I was 14; in this time I have learned that it is something I love to do.


    I also see the myriad of issues that have struck the GM Team recently. Several GMs are on hiatus or are inactive, the current war has shown the mess that is the war rules and procedures, and many communities on the server have grown discontent with the state of things. I wish to join the GM Team to help solve many of these problems. I have seen and dealt with all of these issues before; some of these conflicts I have solved successfully, others I have not. I believe my experience and knowledge of crucial aspects to maintain RP servers such as rules, war procedure, and establishing the line between OOC and RP, will assist the team as they deal with these matters. 


    Have you applied for this position before and been denied? If so, link the application:

    Never applied before.


    Anything else you want to tell us?:


  7. Tuvya var Ruthern reads the announcement, a, granted dour, smile contorting his features. Pointing to the city of Markev, half-slashed on a worn and tattered map hanging from his wall, he turns to the small band following him. 


    “A victory for my father’s homeland, it seems. I had figured it was time to return, but my interest has piqued enough to make my venture all the more important. Perhaps I have something to learn from these people.” 




    Hans de Ruyter continues biking to the north, furiously pedaling as to escape the coming winter. “Damn. It seems they have done my job for me,” he laments, wishing the awful weather wouldn’t have gotten in the way of a good holy war.

  8. No idea, honestly. The War Team could have just said, “the seventy-five remaining defenders, along with everyone we’re bringing back, currently hold the fort.  The twenty-five defenders have ten minutes to sally out, or they lose the warclaim.” At this point our trap had been destroyed, and only a gate stood between us and the overwhelming attackers. Only a short pause to teleport the dead attackers back, and give them gear, was needed.


    As for the traps ours was clearly escapable. We had ladders leading out to the front of the trapped hallway, and I saw several attackers who were caught in the traps use them. Apparently one of the ladders was broken, but given how a GM could either place a ladder or pause the warclaim for a moment to fix the ladder, the fact that our legal trap was broken at one point shouldn’t have resulted in the entire trap being taken from us. 


    All in all, this could have all been solved in a small pause so the GMs could return the dead players and fix our trap. There was no need for a complete cancellation and postponement of the warclaim.

  9. Ser Hans de Ruyter sets his prototype bicycle against the side of his manor, strolls past his orange tulips, and sits at his favorite bench. The weather, cold and snowy as it had been for weeks, seemed milder today. He tapped his wooden clogs together, drumming his feet absent-mindedly as he procured the Imperial Newspaper from the satchel at his side. He flipped through it, stroking his fine Lodenlander beard in disappointment upon not finding articles about safely using copious amounts of drugs, interior decorating in the color orange, or new bicycle-riding trails. 


    Just as he was about to throw the paper into the nearest snowbank, the bold, front-and-center headline of the newspaper caught his attention. He carefully read through it, looking for mention of his name and how he had successfully led a slaughter of Arberrangian pagans, and saved his party from an attack by a larger Norlandic force. However, as he finished the article, no mention of the glorious raid in the name of God was mention, but rather their acts were considered to be a part of a “training exercise."


    "What?!” he shrieks in impeccable Common. ”A training exercise? My glorious crusade of a handful of pagans gets reported as a training exercise?!? Arberrang just decided to rebel after they lost a training exercise, is that what they want us to believe? Those disgusting rebellious pagans were cut down without quarter, as they should be!"


    With a huff of frustration Ser Hans de Ruyter goes to retrieve his prototype bike, taking with him a few tulips and some spare clogs. He then ventures north, searching for a bike trail that will let him blow off some steam.

  10. Ser Hans opened the letter with a look of pleasant curiosity. 


    Good kid, that Ruthern. I wonder what he has for me now.


    His eyes skimmed down the parchment, trying to quickly get a grasp of the nature of the letter, when suddenly his gaze fell upon the word 'wedding’.


    An anguished scream could be heard from the de Ruyter manor.



  11. Andrei reads the letter sent to him, softly sighing as his gaze drifts about the writing for a few, long minutes. Setting the farewell down, the aging man recollects the final encounter he had with Therese, and how it had ended in condemnation and loathing. 


    How cruel is life to have robbed me of a proper goodbye? he muses, craning his short-lived attention to the dying embers of the fireplace before him. I suppose it will be my time sooner rather than later. Perhaps I will have a chance to make it up then.


    His visage once again wandered, this time to the decrepit ruin of the castle he was soon to call home. A new group of allies and friends of his had banded together, and soon they would require his assistance. 


    You taught me a great many things, too many for me to start thinking of my age. I still have a few good years left in me, so I might as well start doing you proud while I still have time.


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