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Posts posted by Myleres

  1. There's no universal, 'be all end all' way to make friends. If you interact with people on this server you're bound to run into someone with a common interest eventually. Priceflash and Unwillingly said it best. (: 

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             200 something i dont even know


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             Wood Elf


    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             The An-Gho


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Azdrazi are draconic beings bound by their servitude to Azdromoth. Created from descendants, they transform in a process called the Transference. With this transformation comes a variety of boons, blessings, and changes. Cursed by immortality, the azdrazi have plenty of time to accustom to their new form. The most notable physical changes come from the scales which line their skin, the horns that sprout from their head, and the additional height gained (though this height is only a foot taller than previous and capped at 7’6). Alongside the physical changes, nephilim will find themselves plagued with a reconstruction of their mind. They are anything but neurotypical, tainted with a yearning for events felt in their descendant life. Old habits will die hard, a fate many dragonkin will fall to in pursuit of their past self.

    Azdrazi are not just cursed with a plethora of issues. Alongside their transcendence to draconic origin, they gain access to their inner flame. This can be thought of as the nephilim’s ‘mana’, as they use this resource to cast their version of ‘spells’ which are dubbed enrapturements. They must be careful, though, as should they burn through 8+ units of dragonflame in a 24 OOC hour period, they will find themselves turning to stone and permanently killed. They may not possess any slotted magic or apply for another transformative CA – they are bound by their servitude to Azdromoth entirely. When killed by means other than their dragonsflame depleting, they will find themselves respawning at their corresponding drakeshrine (or cloud temple, should one not be created). 

    Some other notable things include the ability to be severed from their draconic connection by other Nephilim that possess the appropriate knowledge, the ability to polymorph and slightly change their features, and the ability to brand descendants as Heralds of Azdromoth – should they know how. Mundane potions and diseases will not affect them.

    All of this comes alongside considerable weaknesses. They are able to be corrupted by infernal, demonic, or otherwise dark sorcery. With this corruption comes a plethora of changes to their enrapturements, polymorphs, and physiology.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Mora will have dark gray horns and dark red/brown skin. Black hair. Skin can be provided if my description is poor.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. Spoiler



    Image credit: [Janek-Sedlar]

    “Do you think yourself capable for this task, Ash-Bearer?”

    “I do not think. I know.” 


      What did it mean to cut down the innocent? Was she meant to take the life of a descendant in cold blood? His tasks were hardly this obvious – the first answer she arrived at was almost always wrong. Yet she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was only one solution to this trial. She had shown how much she was willing to give for this path. Her old ways, her friends, even her sanity. Mora had given everything she could, left with naught but the burning passion within; what else was there to sacrifice? It was on her trek to Nevaehlen that she began to wonder. Maybe this trial was not about giving or sacrifice. Maybe it was about what she was willing to take.


    “Is anyone truly innocent?”

    “It is all a matter of perspective, Mora.”


         Those words echoed in her mind, a fruitless question uttered to a being that dare not answer. Even the purest of priests, nuns, or acolytes had sinned; whether it be as miniscule as a lie or any transgression larger. A sin was a sin, no matter the size. Even then, she had no belief in man’s innocence – for innocence was weakness in the eyes of the wild. Her eyes settled upon the Nevaehli gatehouse, wondering if the wild folk might bear the answer to her question. Whether knowingly or not, they had ushered her further along this path than any herald had. Like her old mentor had taught, it always helped to return to your roots.


    “What does the wind have to say?” 


      She lay alone with nothing but the wind to give her comfort. Tapping her ferrum kukri along her thigh, she pondered the possibility that one of the Nevaehli might wander out here alone. Could she even bring herself to do it if the opportunity arose? Would she ruin the serenity of the calm, quiet evening in the forest? Even then, she had already come to the conclusion that no descendant was innocent. None but herself. Her eyes darted down to her arms, noting the crimson tattoos that lined her forearms. Ichor was going to make a lovely addition to the draconic branding. She drew in a deep breath through gritted teeth, grip tightening along the blade.

    Her attention was soon caught by the quiet rustling of a bush, gentle footfalls signifying someone – or something’s – approach. A fawn wandered up to her, beady eyes staring her down. The kukri was brought back to her side in a slow, cautious motion as she tried not to startle the creature. The slightest hint of a smile began to creep upon her visage as realization set in.


    “No descendant is truly innocent.”


        The carcass of a fawn and its mother now lay at her feet, ichor seeping into the earth below. The unrelenting heat she felt was no longer unbearable – instead, she found comfort in the warmth which surrounded her. Sinking to her knees, Mora was finally able to extract some simple pleasure from a job well done. Though her hands had been stained, the blood was not her own. For the first time in a long while, a genuine laugh rolled out from between her lips. She was finished.

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