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Posts posted by Tulan

  1. “And what will this great new Sultan do to assimilate the people left over from Ghanyah? Something your predecessor should’ve made sure to do. As if those left from the ‘wrong’ side of the war was irrelevant.” A former subject of Ghanyah would comment.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Razam said:

    Kætheryn sighs, shaking her head.

    "You are a poor and sad coward, Thomas de Hartcold... Why I ever let you shoot a child into my body vexes me to this day.."

    "Petty, coming from the woman who slept with my uncle, a man of sixty-four at the time, thank God he left nothing for you to inherit." He'd equally so shake his head. "That you would stain our family in such a way is truly saddening."

  3. "And why is it you are the voice of Blackreach instead of the woman who leads you? That woman has alot more reason, and willingness to end this discord, than all of you simply throwing a fit because you are consumed by the hatred that you cannot see a reasonable ending to this. Get your lady to speak for you, she seems to be the only one with a clear head." He'd shake his head, puzzled how these men filled with hatred are the ones being the voice of this rebellion.

  4. 1 hour ago, Zeldarina said:

    "That is just not so." She laughs at his dramatic and over-the-top statement. "My barony is sworn under Renatus. And it has been for some time. All that as been done is call off the treaty. To have war there must be two sides. "

    "When you have children of your own, maybe you'll understand how far a parent is willing to go to secure a safe future for them." He'd calmly say. "Guess there's no reason to continue this. You simply laugh at the harsh reality of War." ((This thread should be locked honestly.))

  5. Wonders how she can be so spiteful to a place she doesn't know, except from rumours. "That this woman will even condone the deaths of others while sitting comfortably in her home, I hope the innocent people who live simple, peaceful lives, that this coalition now will crush. By GOD, I pray the innocents trapped by this war will haunt you all for the rest of your days." He'd shake his head at the foolishness of this. "Tell me, what do you fight for? You threaten the home of my family, which have no part in this. Can you live with yourself, Baron? Knowing you have the lives of hundreds of children, including my own at your mercy."

  6. 1 hour ago, Th3_11th said:

    "Only the men who still believe in Thomas' cause shall put to the sword. Those who pledge loyalty to Blackreach, Barmount, Curon, The Empire of man, or go on their merry  way; shall not face my blade."

    "I will never bend to the first mentioned, the rest I would rather put my faith in."

  7. "Get off your high horse, you might see yourselves as the heroes, but to those on the opposing side who have done no wrong, you will always be the villain of this story." He'd comment toward this William Jameson. "Your morals are so out of tune, so my family have to suffer simply because I ended on the wrong side?"


  8. "I never said I'd stand with him. I'd place my family's safety over his duchy. That is where my loyalty will always be, first and foremost. I do not care for these allegations, his have only come to light under this intense scrutiny. I am sure if we dug so fiercely into any man's background, I am sure you would find some things that he  would not wish to be known. You think simply because I serve him, that I condone all his actions? You're merely a lesser of two evils in this matter."

  9. "That may very well be all true, he may have broken oaths toward these factions. Regardless, as a newcomer to this region I can only say Thomas de Hartcold has acted the way any man would to maintain the integrity of his state, no matter how poorly others might view it. I know where my loyalties lie, and an oath is not lightly broken. Should the day come where I had to choose I know where I'll stand." He'd nod, acknowledging the man.

  10. 41 minutes ago, ElvenHuntress said:

    I am the leader of blackreach and formally I haven't made a decision on whether I want peace or for this war to continue, the reason I didn't reply sooner is because I'm busy sorting things outside of lotc



  11. Then the least this 'Elven' can do is announce she will not have peace personally, instead of using you as a medium.

    How are we to know if all we have is your word in OOC that she wants this war, with no proof of her character saying so to you in RP?

  12. 9 hours ago, Th3_11th said:

    "I am not being greedy Algar. War has a price to pay, a price we have all paid. It is time for us collect Thomas' debt. He lost this war, begs for mercy. I will not give it freely."

    The Bailiff of Blackden simply shakes his head. "You do not seem like a man set on ending this war to spare hundreds, if not thousands more, on either side of this conflict. Thomas would be a fool to let an oathbreaker back into the fold. As for the daughter you mutilated, that is a price you should pay in full for. What is to stop you from raising more men? The word of an oathbreaker and a mutilator does not hold much credibility." He'd say in a serious tone. Taking in a breath of fresh air.

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