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Posts posted by Tulan

  1. Why change the chat settings when they have functioned fine? Hashtags will not contribute to anything other than appeal to young people. Using slash has worked perfectly for as long as I can remember, and I don’t see anyone complaining about the current chat. And the fact you think it’s alright to shove something unwanted down on us when it’s clear some do not want it.

  2. “House Keint is more than just a house of traitors as you so claim. Alfred has betrayed the legacy of Wilhelm, which is a greater offence than the House of Keint could ever aspire to.  You’d condemn my branch without the proper investigation into this matter of this so called ‘treason’. If you had followed up on your vassals history you’d know two branches of the House exist.” The Lord of Blackden Keints would weigh in, shaking his head in disbelief as he goes to pack his few belongings for a hasty leave from Curon.

  3. “House Keint is well respected within Curon, and have served them faithfully for over fifty years. Everything I have earned by my own will to rise above our treacherous past as its Lord of the Blackden Keints, and I trust that these Keints will do the same. It does not matter what people think of our House, it speaks more of their character.” He’d nod toward his distant relative. “Well spoken Nicholas.” The old Keint would smile briefly.

  4. 2 hours ago, KeatonUnbeaten said:

    “You’re obviously ******* retarded if you think that it’s impossible for Norland to ever be strong again, considerin’ how many fuckin’ times the rats of Oren have crawled from the woodworks.”

    “Clearly smarter than your idiotic self who belittle others because they make logical sense. Pathetic to call someone you do not know retarded. My physical and mental state of mind is perfectly well. And when have the ***** nation of Norland ever been succesful? You’re warmongering ***** with no brains and all muscles. Shut the hell up.” 

  5. “The Ruric’s ‘ave led our people through countless failed campaigns, always endin’ in tha’ same way with our people sufferin’ for their bitter rivalreh with the decendants o’ Horen. Why should we follow them through another bloodshed where thousands of Norlanders die for their ambition?” A Norlander wonders.

  6. bbW_lomln3dDwiXyS-R3hP3t6jHulDjyZw6mkYT5HqiA6_VgeSYPwIqVHHzQz1XanGv-pUEHODW0O17bReLlES8TGk8dWis7JY-2SKMiEQZm5wT0F4ZcDIdH5StV0jJ0CRiDSQdP

    [!] Fliers would be dispatched around various cities of Arcas.[!]

    “House Keint of Curonia is now recruiting able-bodied men and women to serve in their ranks. Upon joining you are expected to swear fealty to both House Keint and the Kingdom of Curonia. You will be required to attend rallies aswell as training excersises, wearing the tabard of House Keint is mandatory for all levymen. You will be compensated for each rally that you can attend, and will recieve a pay of up to a hundred minas. If you are interested in serving an ancient and noble house, seek out Erec Keint, Patriarch of House Keint in Avalain in the Kingdom of Curonia.” 



    ~The Black Lion Guard~

    The soldiers form up the brunt of The Black Lion Guard, they are expected to follow orders from their superiors.

    The Corporal is a soldier who have extinguished themselves through training or in battles. And is also required to carry the Keint Standard into battle.
    The Swordmaster is partially responsible for the training of the new recruits of The Black Lion Guard.

    The Sergeant can lead a squadron of up to five soldiers, comprised of four soldiers and one corporal. Aswell as give out orders to the men below.

    The second highest rank in the Black Lion Guard is the Lieutenant, he is responsible for patrols, and can lead a battalion.

    The Force-Commander is the highest ranking official in the Black Lion Guard, who have command of all squadrons and battalions below.




    Erec Keint, Patriarch of House Keint

    (Discord: Vorgraven#7704)

  7. 4 minutes ago, HolyTurkey said:

    I wonder how long it is unto the Stauntons re-emerge and Curon hands their land over to them again?” asks Ted.

    “And what would they have to do with anything? House Staunton, whoever they might’ve been are likely extinct. Treason is not defined by blood, but by your actions. And none of the actions fits what House Devereux have become now, and yet Duke Wilhelm is being vilified unjustly. Perhaps the Duke of Adria can speak for himself, instead of being mediated by this Alaric.” He’d shake his head.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Treshure said:

    Gwyn shakes his head. “In the Empires of old, the Emperor would have permitted a vassal war. This perpetuates a culture of weakness.”

    “It is a good thing we’ve learned from such idiocy then. This is nothing like a culture of ‘weakness’. You may be craving for the days where the Empire ran rampant with bloodshed. Sounds more like the warmongering kind who would see this Empire slide back into chaos, and with it, war.” A concerned man of Curon would state.

  9. Erec Keint frowns heavily at this insult. “So our people have to confine to bankruptcy so the corrupt state of Adria can grow fat on the spoils from such an outrageous preposition in the name of their so called honour? The word honor has long since lost its value by capitalistic states, such as yours. You should all be ashamed.” He’d shake his in disbelief.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Brazilianski said:

    It’s a +-0 from me.


    I can’t count how many times I’ve seen you being – well – one way to put it would say toxic or a bit agressive on OOC when someone said something you didn’t like. That’s not the kind of behaviour I expect from a GM.

    That doesn’t mean I don’t think you’d be fit for other positions. While you might be a bit toxic sometimes – who isn’t. Nobody is perfect. By the way I see you - when you do – elaborate arguments, I can tell that you write atleast somewhat decently. And since I’m a person who believes highly in experience, I’d say that, depending on what time in Axios you join, I’d wait a bit before going for GM. I’m 3 years, about to be 4 years into this server and still don’t know more than half of it. You seem like a great person, but I think you belong in another team, atleast for the time being.


    It’s just my honest opinion, though. I’m not the one who decides.

    Good luck!

    Thank you for your reply. And I may be inexperienced, doesn’t mean I cannot qualify. Anyway, you have a great day.

  11. IGN(s): Vorgraven


    Age 23


    Timezone GMT +1


    Discord: Vorgraven #7704


    What map did you join during?: Axios


    Do you have access to a Microphone? No.


    Average Daily Play Time? Varies from day to day, 4-7 hours, from around 4PM GMT +1 to 21 GMT +1 on school/workdays, I have more hours in the weekends.


    Have you held any LotC staff position(s) before? If so, for how long?: No, I haven't.


    Do you have prior history in any forms of moderation?

    I was moderator on a small RP server I tried to make with a couple of friends, unfortunately it went as it goes with minor communities. I know some basics from that time, it's probably a little rusty, since I've stayed away from staff positions on my past servers.


    Why do you want to join the GM Team?:


    I have been on the server for quite a while, both on and off since I joined. I have been more active here in the autumn, and thought it was time I contributed more to the server. And I think I have the responsibility and willingness to do my part to better the server, despite my inexperience in Moderating. Don’t know what more to add, without making it sound like I am just sugarcoating myself for this position.



    Have you applied for this position before and been denied? If so, link the application:



    Anything else you want to tell us?:

    Not really, no.

  12. 1 minute ago, LtBepis said:

    There it is. If you look trough the guys’ post history he posted an ET request just for himself a few days ago

    And if you had seen his later post you had noticed he decided to not bring this event here. Do continue digging for crappy excuses to lash on this poor man, like you all have for almost a month? If not more.

  13. 30 minutes ago, TheDragonsRoost said:

    Actually, the Lord of Creation character isn’t going to come to LotC and its an open event therefore no protagonists. I’m not involving overpowered characters in this universe as I don’t want that for this server. The lore for this universe is complicated at the very least without the OP characters.


    4 minutes ago, LtBepis said:

    did you read the part when he said he wanted this to be the backstory on the solo event he’s trying to make the ET do for him...?

    I did, doesn’t say it is going to be an RP event. Maybe time to give the guy a break?

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