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Application Comments posted by TheIchorDruid

  1. qgcl0pt.png

    -Please make sure to fix both your power-gaming and meta-gaming definitions.


    Other than that you did a wonderful application!


    Please make sure these changes are done within 24 hours otherwise your application will be denied. 

    If you need any assistance please do contact me on the server (/msg TorkoalTom) or my discord: Rae#3015. 


    We also encourage new-players to join our new player discord where you can speak freely to the community and my fellow colleges, here: https://discord.gg/xR7rgh . 


    Image result for cute animal gifs

  2. Changed Status to Under Review


    -Please correct your Metagaming definition as it is currently incorrect. 

    -You must read our rules and agree to them. 

    --You must mention at least one piece of server lore within your biography, this could be where he currently/ has lived or what religion he follows etc.


    You have 24 hours to make the following changes before your application is denied. 

    If you need any further assistance please do feel free to contact me on the server (/msg TorkoalTom) or on my discord: Rae#3015



  3. Y4MtE45.png

    -Please correct your power-gaming definition.

    -Rape does not exist upon our platform of Lord of The Craft so please assure that aspect is removed from your character’s biography. 

    -For your character biography you tend to switch between first and 3rd person, please assure to use only one tense. 

    -You must include at least one piece of server lore, this could be what religion they believe in or what place they are from. This can be found upon our Wiki here: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page

    -You need to change your last interesting fact as all of LOTC emperors are quite well known, claiming to have killed one would not make sense. 

    -Please make your character description more detailed, about the physical appearance of your character.


    You have 24 hours to make these changes, before your application will be denied.

    If you have any questions or need help at all, please do message me either on the server (/msg TorkoalTom) or my discord: Rae#3015.


     Image result for animal gifs cute




  4. Changed Status to Under Review


    -Please correct your power-gaming meta-gaming definitions, for they currently stand either too vague or incorrect.

    -Your character’s biography should include more detail, important facts such as: Where they live, how they grew up, their likes and dislikes, flaws etc. 

    -Your character biography should also include at least one piece of server lore. This means a part of our server history/ lore must be woven into your character. You can find history and currently places on our Wiki here: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page 

    -Please choose a more appropriate skin for your character, should you need any sources for character skins you can check out our Skin archive here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/161821-the-lotc-skin-archive/



    You have 24 hours to make the following changes before your app is denied. 

    Should you need any assistance feel free to contact me on the server (/msg TorkoalTom) or my discord: Rae#3015 !


    Image result for animal gifs cute



  5. Y4MtE45.png

    -Please provide more detail on your metagaming and powergaming definition.

    -Please mention at least one piece of server lore – this could be where your character currently/ previously has lived, what significant event perhaps had a toll on them? You can find details of different places upon Arcas here: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page 


    You have 24 hours to make the following changes before your application will be denied. 

    Should you need any help please do contact me either on the server ( /msg TorkoalTom) or on my discord Rae#3015.


    Image result for animal gifs cute

  6. Changed Status to Under Review


    -Please assure to correct your power-gaming definition.

    -Your character age must be made older in order for your elf to be from Leyu’celia. 


    Please make sure the following changes are made within 24 hours before the application is automatically denied. 


    If you need any help at all, feel free to contact me in game /msg TorkoalTom – or my discord Rae#3015




    Image result for animal gifs cute

  7. 4YfBIBv.png


    Welcome and congratulations upon a well written application!


    We encourage all those who join us to join the new player discord where our lovely helpers and assistants can aid you!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


    If you also wish for aid, feel free to message me upon the forums or my discord Torky#3015. You can also ask questions in-game via /atreq <message> and we shall get back to you as soon as we are able ~

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