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Posts posted by BigMacMoMo

  1. An Ode To Kaedrin

    The Thoughts and Musings of a Priest








    Nestled away in a pocket of the giant towering mountains lies a small dominion known as Kaedrin. Gentle breezes blow through the vale, grazing the bountiful fields of wheat that provide many men and women in the empire their bread, crossing over gentle streams that drop to lower levels in waterfalls, and over the bustling town of St Owynsburg.


    A town of moderate size with modest paving and buildings, one seeking a quiet recluse would find it to be as if the Seven Skies had found its way down to earth bringing activities and opportunities that would interest even the most dulcet man. Traveling through the cobbled streets, one would eventually find the House of Commons where every citizen of Kaedrin can have their voice heard.


    As a young priest who hails from a small village near Helena, I never expected an agrarian village such as St Owynsburg to be as special to my heart as my own. I have always been accustomed to rural life. I, myself, was born to modest farmers who worked the land, toiling until the crops were harvested and selling their bounty so that they may provide for my family until next winter. 


    The town of St Owynsburg has since proven to me that not all people who live the agrarian lifestyle will live the life that I experienced as a child. In fact, in Kaedrin, the people are not merely surviving, they are thriving. The hard working Kaedreni harvest their wheat in surplus each year, allowing for time to focus on their own pursuits, improving the community vastly.


    As we all know from the history books, the land where Kaedren lay used to be the site of the Golden City of Ves. After the city was demolished, the Kaedreni began rebuilding, erecting buildings and a new and improved infrastructure to the town in a small period of a few years. Not only were the buildings completed, but the craftsmanship placed into them is immaculate. Never have I seen such perseverance and creativity displayed in such a group of people.


    These attitudes not only apply to architecture, but to other pursuits such as law and order. Within the town lies a building known as the House of Commons, where all citizens gather once a saint’s week to discuss matters of the utmost importance. This is where the mayor and all of the officials are decided. Each official that I have met displays the grit and optimism that I would like to think is perfect for running a thriving town.


    The thriving of the town cannot be seen more than in the tavern, The Resting Ram. Men, women, and children gather to converse about new topics of interest and plan the next big event. Within the tavern, many an interesting person have gathered to provide interesting bits of information about the world at large. The tavern truly is a vital organ in this beautiful town.


    A walk away from the tavern lies the noble and grand Varoche Palace, a remnant of the old city that once stood where St Owynsburg is. Many important figures from history have stepped inside that building, and undoubtedly, many more will in the future. The sheer size of it is to bring awe to any who have not truly viewed a palace before. I, myself, was shocked by the size of it when I first arrived at the town. Now, it has become a sign of humbleness, reminding me of what man can do if we are to work together.


    Now, in regards to religious values, I find that there is no town quite as devout as St Owynsburg. In the very back of the vale lies the construction site of the Monastery of St Thomas. Many monks will soon reside there, furthering the work of GOD. In some ways, I find that the strong beliefs have changed many visitors. Just recently, I found myself baptizing a goblin who was in tears as I performed the holy ritual.


    Truly, I have found myself a beautiful town filled with hard working individuals with strong hands and even stronger minds. I can only urge you to come stop by for a visit so that you may experience what both I and many others have. 



    These Writings Were Written By,

    Father Erasmus, Prelate of Ves



    *A thesis would be sent to the Bishop Laurence of Kaedren by a young acolyte*


    On Servitude

    A thesis essay by Erasmus von Getreide

    Published on the 23rd of Tobias’ Bounty



    Throughout the years, the great deeds of kings, princes, and lords have been recorded with the awe and wonder that have commonly been invoked by tales of chivalry. These great men are remembered for their noble deeds. Little does one think, when reading these tales, about the most noble acts performed daily by those that serve the great men: the commonfolk.


    With strong arms and calloused hands, men and women of the land wake early to begin their daily work while praising GOD. Throughout the day, the commonfolk toil, providing the necessary feed and tools for the Lord’s flock. These great men of GOD do so, because, much like how GOD created the Aenguls to serve, the Creator also created the commonfolk to work to serve the GOD fearing men of the nobility and clergy.


    Nobility such as the most regal house of Horen, trace their ancestry back to the beloved prophets: GOD’s chosen servants. As those that are in the nobility are of the family that is chosen by GOD, should the commonfolk not listen and obey those who share the blood of those that are divine? While the nobility holds the blood of that is divine, the clergy holds the ability to speak with GOD. All men who wish to be closer to the Creator must listen to the priests who are able to convey his message. 


    With the divine blood of the nobility and the divine nature of the clergy, the men of the land are urged to listen to these wise figures in order to better serve the wishes of GOD.


    Beware, those that question listening to the shepherds of the lord’s flock, for are they not embodying the fiery Daemon Iblees when he questioned GOD’s powers in the very beginning? Are they not choosing to sin by going against GOD’s will that stated that the shepherds preside over their flocks? Be weary, for if a sheep is to disobey the shepherd, they will find themselves lost, vulnerable to be eaten by wolves. 


    Much like how a sheep is to follow the guidance of the shepherd, the sheep is to also not to covet that which the shepherd has. It is unnatural. The sheep must not end up like Saul, wishing for the forbidden fruits that belong to only GOD. They must not covet the possessions and positions of their master, for has GOD not already not granted the common man with all they could want? He has bestowed upon them a humble shepherd who provides shelter, food, water, and a place of worship.


    A pious man may ask, “What if the shepherd has proven themselves to be corrupt and does not follow the ways of GOD?” To that, I must say that it is the common man’s duty to work to change their master’s ways, for a poor shepherd can lead a flock into grave danger. If the master continues to follow the ways of an impious man, it is the duty of the commonfolk  to bring this to the attention of a known pious shepherd who will exert GOD’s will.


    Working hard for many days of their lives, the work of the common man does not go unnoticed. The quiet work of these men build the fabric of our very society, and when those that praised GOD and followed their shepherd properly inevitably pass away, they shall join the rest of the good pious men in the Seven Skies to be rewarded eternally.


  3. 1 hour ago, axelu said:

    hi! welcome back. I’d say, if you’re interested in heartlander rp – and by your character’s name, i’m assuming you are – Helena would be the place for you. It can be found in CT at the warp signs under the name Oren. Otherwise, for highlander rp, I suggest Haense, and at last – for elven rp, there’s currently a settlement called Aldemar by Helena being built. Presently, it’s comprised of really nice and ornate tents. 


    good luck!

    Thank you very much! Your help is much appreciated!

    1 hour ago, FlemishSupremacy said:

    Welcome back, bigmac, missed you, fam.
    I’ll see you around ? 

    Missed you too man!! It’s good to be back

  4. Hello there! I am BigMacMoMo but you guys can just call me BigMac. Recently, I’ve been really missing the LOTC server, and I wanted to see if I could find myself a place to hang around in! I don’t know if anyone would remember me, but I used to play in Axios, Atlas, and a little bit of Arcas, but I stopped playing to focus on my studies. With the whole quarantine event going on, I feel this would be a great opportunity to get back in. Would anyone have any recommendations as to where to start out when I return to the server?

  5. 1 hour ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    It’s best to not get involved in the war going on right now unless you want your return to LOTC to instantly give you a bunch of enemies.

    Noted! Thank you!

    1 hour ago, BrandNewKitten said:

    Helves are also in a really great spot right now. With access to the war but also many other non-combat routes there is a strong focus on character progression. So if you find your rural character doesn’t fit as nicely I say come over to Haelun’or and give it a shot. 

    Thank you! 

  6. 2 minutes ago, AGiantPie said:

    I can log on in just a few minutes (gotta load the dishwasher first) and show you where Leuven is if you’d like to come find the place in RP.


    I can also send you the discord link if you’d prefer to join that first.


    I’m just a serf myself, so to actually join officially you’ll have to speak to Count Conrad (cruzazul), but I’m sure my liege lord would be happy to have another honest laborer.

    Thanks! I would really appreciate that and the discord link!

  7. 2 minutes ago, AGiantPie said:

    What sort of community/rp are you looking to get into? A lot easier to give recommendations if we know you’re looking for something specific. 


    In any case I’d invite you to join the County of Leuven if you’re interested in a rural farm town lifestyle.

    I would be more than happy to join the County of Leuven! I’ve always been interested in rural rp. How do I get started?

  8. Hello, there! As the title above explains, I am looking for a friendly and interesting roleplay community that I can join! I played on Axios, Atlas, and for a small portion of Arcas, so I have a bit of rp experience under my belt. I am not too particular on what race the group is. As long as I can have a good time and can contribute to the community, I will be perfectly content.

  9. Student application


    IGN: BigMacMoMo


    RP Name: Kenway Ragnarson


    Discord: BigMac#2990


    First Option: Governing


    Second Option: Linguistics


    Third Option: Realm History


    Fourth Option: Literature



    (Sorry for dark font. Typing on phone)



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