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Posts posted by Altarael

  1. Leonel Avani



    --=( "Introduce kindly, and observe intently" )=--


    Name: Leonel Zaltal Avani. 'Leon' for short.

    • pronounciation: (lee-ON-ell z-all-tall- a-vv-onn-ee)

    Age: Sixteen.

    Current Residence: Nomadic.

    Race: Heartlander Human.

    Gender: Male.

    Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

    Zodiac: Leo.

    Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOy222ay7nc

    Goal: To carry out justice in any form possible.



    --=( "Appear to please, act to be remembered" )=--


    Skin Complexion: Pale to medium complexion. 

    Body: Mesomorphic, some muscle, little body fat.

    Face: Angular yet friendly. 

    Height: 6'0 feet tall.

    Weight: Weighs in at 154 lbs. 

    Eye Color: Amber-gold.

    Hair Complexion: Black with brown undertones.

    Hair Style: Medium length unkempt.

    Clothing: Casual and thrown together.


    • Celtic knot bracelet around right and left wrists. 
    • Lion tattoo on back of neck.



    --=) "Stand apart from others" )=--


    Leonel in general is a very calm, well spirited individual. He travels the world as a nomad actively and seeks to find a way to bring order to Axios by enforcing justice. The human's background has had little impact on his personality which is yet to be molded. The teenaged youngster looks to seek knowledge, with a hunger to know more about the world. He wants to become a hero, while the ideal is rather silly he is quite set on it, and wishes to see himself flourish into a great person in the future. Leonel is very open minded too, and accepting. His personality is best described as clay that needs further forming, and as of now, isn't necessarily set in stone. He likes and appreciates nature and art. And most specifically shows an interest in upholding the law. He likes swordplay and regularly tries to practice it



    --=) "History dictates how we view our world" )=--


    The teen was born to two Heartlander parents within Oren. His upbringing was rather bland and basic as for any human, taught basic moral values and principles that could help him in various every-day scenarios, the human is typical. His past, however was significantly altered when his parents were separated. The male husband to his mother Allison, Andrew, was engaged in behaviour that was later revealed to Allison; leading to the permanent separation of the two. Andrew attempted taking custody of Leonel, and when he was 13 and 14 he was taught swordplay and basic combat; but not much further than that. Andrew eventually committed suicide over the divorce between him and Allison, leaving Leonel on his own and carrying the scars of his past. He seeks a new beginning and purpose, a family that he can go to when in need. And thus travels Axios presently, searching for one.

  2. All sorts of memeing or joking becomes internal reality for the person pushing their jokes outward at some point. You cannot consistently joke about racism or homophobia until it starts to become blatant you are so obsessed with these issues that you are actually fulfilling some nasty criteria.


    The disgusting part of LOTC is that no one cares how offensive you are because it is the manifested incarnate of the concept "it is just a joke, so it shouldn't offend you", when people have started joking to offend.


    That said, sometimes you will need to accept the reality that some of these people are just lowly degenerates that feel the need to scream on the internet rather than keeping to themself. Personally I am on a total rampage and will begin reporting people for whatever I see that breaks the rules; joke or not. I am simply sick of this joking to offend mentality.

  3. This letter would find itself posted to any library archives and notably around Haelun'or in Axios.

    Dear mages of Axios,


    I am seeking a teacher in the arts of magic. Notably Transfiguration. If you are elligible to educate an individual such as myself on the arts of transfiguration or even a briefing on such please do contact me immediately. Send a bird to the name below whenever possible. Currently I know Fire Evocation, and Conjuration, thus if I am passed to learn Transfiguration I could certainly put that to use for he who decides to teach. And finally I can teach Fire Evocation and Telekinesis, so an exchange of knowledge could also be worked out.


    Highest regards, Aerolun Cyredaer.


  4. This letter would find itself posted to any library archives in Axios as well as around docks.

    Dear citizens and people of Axios,


    I am seeking a lawyer and a psychiatrist. If you are one of these or would like to inquire information please take this note, fold it and write your name below, as well as your inquiry and send it to me as soon as possible. I would like to organize a consultation ideally. Thank you for your time.


    Aerolun Cyredaer.


  5. On 10/10/2017 at 1:36 PM, The Fire Mind said:

    Pending. Correct the following errors:

    1. Golems do not have enchantments, it is just runes.

    2. Expand on the core.

    3. Please talk about Redcore golems.


    Fixed. I think. I removed the bit about enchantments, specified the core cannot be larger than an orc and talked about redcore golems.

  6. MC Name: Ankathia.


    Character's Name: Paramax. 


    Character's Age: 1. 


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): N/A.


    Transformed form: Golem. 


    Creator's MC Name: Heathenry (Aerialkebab).


    Creator's RP Name: Cahir aep Ophael.


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: Golems are stone constructs that are build by a magical core. They are sentient. They are built by runes and this magical core in order to serve it's one and only purpose in life; it's impera or master. The golem will only take orders from this master or their creator. Golems are dumb and must be taught everything. They sometimes possess simple vocabulary but need to be taught everything else, metaphors and similes are beyond comprehension and a golem takes everything said to them literally. The core cannot be larger than an orc. Redcore golems basically are golems that have been damaged at the core but not really killed, and gone total-destroy everything mode. Golems, however are not infallible. Despite their immense strength and density they are slow and lumbering with their movements, and vulnerable to any weapon or tool capable of breaching stone. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?: Yes.


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No.








    Conflux is the art of inviting the void into one's own form. Through the arts of Conjuration, usefulness has again once arisen, to revive this dying art. Conflux is the combination of two words, Conjuration and flux (a term used to describe the process of melding). It represents the melding of one's own body with a Conjuration. Conjuration a magic that focuses around summoning life, and conflux a magic that focuses on melding the very summoned life forms with one's own form, and thus tethering it to their body. Conflux is a new art, and truly represents the turning point of any magi in their studies of conjuration. In final summary, conflux is the art of binding conjurations to one's own body. Although innocent in nature, conflux is one of the magics that is more darker, and sinister in the eyes of many; especially Druids due to it's unnatural ability. It is also the hardest magic to learn. Although a feat, it is technically an alteration and evocation of one's own body melded into two. This lore, generally has the goal to revive Conjuration and bring it to it's former glory. Conjuration is also a feat.



    The art of melding one's own flesh with a voidal evocation of life may sound daunting, and many are right to assume so. To properly cast Conflux, a mage will need to study their anatomy in high detail and regard first, they will need to know every inch of their own body, and funnily enough many mages do not know of their own bodies. They'll need to know of every edge and curve their body can offer, and be able to reflect that in the void. Then thereon by running mana violently through their body, they are able to slowly start to summon their conjuration, anchor it into their flesh. Effectively binding and melding the biology of two creatures together temporarily. Most conflux mages cannot use this for combat until adepthood. Although the most common use of conflux is to equip one's forms with claws, or vines that can be used martially.


    As conjuration is, conflux is too, a very exhausting art. It takes a tremendous amount of mana to properly sustain and uphold one's twisted form. Although by studying their own anatomy, and effectively the anatomy of the creature, they are able to meld the two forms together, in either localized or full body forms. This allows a mage to become one in the same with a feral beast, or even a plant. The most advanced sect of Conflux is Primordial Binding; should a mage have the evocational capacity they'd be able to bind their flesh with a primordial being itself to turn into an elemental form of them self, although extremely risky and dangerous. Often casting conflux requires a lot of practice and knowledge on both oneself and another creature before attempting to mangle the forms together.


    Conflux generally comes in two forms apart from the subsects of the magic, localized and full body. Once a mage reaches a certain point in their studies they will be able to shift into fullbody forms of their conjuration, turning their entire figure into the desired animal or plant. This allows a mock version of the Druidic Shapeshifting ability, but comes at great risk to a user, if one stays in the form for too long, they'll find them self possibly losing limbs upon return to their regular form. And finally Conflux as a whole is a very painful magic, melding one's own biology with another creature, plant or animal; is dauntingly painful. And thus any mage attempting this needs adequate time to cast, and specific training in resisting the pains of Conflux.






    Perennial binding is arguably the most simplest form of Conflux, since a mage will not have to fuse organs with another creature, thus the transition process is much more simple, albeit still incredibly painful for all users. Perennial binding is the art of inviting any sort of plant into one's body. Good examples of this are mages fusing vines through their veins and then allowing the plant to flow through their system. Once this has been done, vines are easily controlled. As if a nervous system, any conjuration summoned into one's body is able to be controlled externally. A mage can use these vines to bind an attacker, although attacking anyone with Conflux is usually ineffective, and far too painful for any mage beyond the third tier. Flowers and plants are too able to grown out of one's body. Fullbody binding for this sect of the magic is often turning into plants, or trees of the sort.



    Morphon binding is the ability to bind and meld animals into one's body. This is often best used when localized in combat, although not unseen in fullbody form. Morphon binding allows a conflux magi to transition into an animal of their choice. For example, a mage could grow wolf-claws out of their hands, or fur out of their body. They could meld any sort of localized animal with their own figure onto a localized part of their body. Morphon binding is significantly more challenging and draining than Perennial binding, since it requires careful casting and cannot be used on the fly. One will need to prepare before entering a combat situation properly. They can change into any animal partially or fully depending on their skill level. Morphon binding is comparable to the Druidic ability of shapeshifting; although it is FAR more painful, and gruesome for the mage involved. 



    Quite easily the most dangerous, yet interesting form of conflux magic. Primordial binding allows a magi to transition into their element of evocation, should they know how to weave primordial conjurations already, they can effectively use the life-form properties of the primordial and thus bind it with their own flesh. This is obviously the most harmful use of Conflux of all. It is quite dangerously cast. Although due to the biology melding with an element, it will not kill the user. Turning into fire would not burn nor harm their form when they exit, although it easily can if they are not careful enough. Primordial Binding is a skill that requires complete, or close mastery of Conflux magic. And even then it is incredibly dangerous to attempt. For example however, a mage could transform into a complete liquid form, or fire form. 



    • A mage must not only emote fatigue and exhaustion when casting conflux, they must also emote pain, this can be agonizing screams. Until tier 4, generally, the pain is excruciating. But once the transition is complete the pain is gone.
    • A mage must only use Conjurations that they are CAPABLE of casting, this means no Primordials if you do not have an evocation (elemental) before Conjuration.
    • A mage can only cast Conflux if they satisfy the necessary perquisites in the chapter below.
    • It takes 4 emotes+ to cast any form of Conflux Magic at any tier due to the pain and amount of mana involved in casting it.
    • A mage must have in depth knowledge of not only what they are trying to create but their own body themself (often means dissecting another member of their race before attempting).
    • You must emote returning back to normal form.
    • Using Conflux magic for combat before Tier 3 is not allowed, and will simply tire a mage too much.
    • Warding or antimagic on Conflux magic will cause a mage to simply snap out of their form immediately. Leaving them for burning fullbody pains and aches for about three emotes in game.
    • Damage against shifted mages is based off a common sense system. Fire being extinguished by water will cause the mage to snap out of their form, water being shocked with electricity will cause the mage to be shocked out of their form, violently, and vice versa. Another principle rule is if a limb or part of the fused form is ever severed off, the mage will transition back into their regular form.
    • A mage will feel damage against them in their form of mutation, this generally makes it harder to cast. Use common sense to determine whether or not the pain would be too much to uphold a voidal connection.
    • Conflux can only be cast on oneself.
    • Generally, you may not remained transformed for extended periods of time. Maximum is 30 minutes OOC. Scale by tier.



    One could not hope to start waltzing into this dangerous craft without any background knowledge, as a result, a mage needs to be a master Conjurationist. Alternatively however, a mage could be a tier three conjurationist with tier three transfiguration, which gives them a better grasp on their mana and where to circle it. Otherwise aside from that, a mage needs to fulfill these requirements before casting Conflux Magic. Once the perquisites are fulfilled they must seek out a teacher, self-teaching with this magic is not possible unless the MT authorizes it.



    Learning Conflux magic is no easy feat, however it is indeed possible. Through rigorous practice, dedication and skill, a mage, can master the finality of Conflux magic, and perfect their study of Conjuration: becoming the apex mage. Please note that the emotes below are examples and you are expected to adhere to the emote maximums. Also for transitions itself, you are welcome to emote aura in any of this, mists around your form or a flash of light to signify the transitions. To better gage the sake of the magic, I ask that you do real-time transformations for the early tiers, and then later on you can get more aesthetic with your shiftings.


    • Tier 1: At this stage in a mage's studies, the conflux mage is beginning. They are studying the theory behind the magic, how it works and why the cells bind with each other. They learn about how it is an alteration and yet evocation in the same, and spend lots of time learning about their race's anatomy, when the mage dissects another member of their race is when this is satisfied, and usually lasts for a week.
    • Tier 2: At this point, a mage is beginning to learn how to actually cast the magic. The mage now a master of their own race's anatomy, can now channel the void and their mana through their body. Once they do this, they would evoke their conjuration as per normal. At this stage the mage can only evoke localized mutations and bindings, and are typically limited to Perennials. During the end of tier 2 they start venturing into Morphons. They are able to fuse their limbs at best, locally. ( 6+ emotes to cast ).
      • Anabella readies herself. She sits down in her seat, shutting her eyes as she started to focus on the vines she conjured during his studies of perennial conjuration. This was no difficulty for her, however. She begun to run her mana through her right arm's veins and cells, giving the void an open invitation to her body. Her body started to shift in eldritch ways. Sweat rolled profusely down her form. She screamed out gruesome cries as the veins took through her body. Vines started to meld with her inside flesh, rolling through her veins as the vines would break through her skin, growing outward. The mage would suddenly halt her casting, breaking everything as the vines suddenly dispersed, and her biology returned to as it once was. She would fall back in her seat, exhausted and tired from the small casting; only able to sustain such a transition for a few seconds.
    • Tier 3: Now indeed far more proficient, it does not cause the mage as much pain as it once did, and they are now able to morph larger portions of their body, as well as attaining a better grasp on Morphon Binding. This makes a mage now a viable combatant, most mages are seen letting vines grow out of their arms, and using them as flimsy extensions of their limbs. More peaceful mages are seen growing their arms in grass. At this stage they are now able to also perform slight mutations on their face, and body rather than just their limbs. Although still limited to localized mutations. ( 5+ emotes to cast ).
      • Eric grunts. He sees his attacker from afar. He calculates the time. He would be able to safely cast before his offensive counter would notice anything. The boy focuses and concentrates, he envisions a wolf within the endless and familiar void, he'd begin to cycle the mana through his form. Localized to his right and left arms, the boy's skin started to mangle and fuse with a creation. Eric screamed, and groaned in extreme pains, the boy's skin started to grow wolfish furs as his nails sharpened to deadly and killing claws. He lashed himself forward, sweat dripping down his form from this eldritch transition, scratching at his attacker through exhausted breaths, able to maintain himself due to the proficiency level he held for a few more minutes. Scratching and clawing eventually the boy had to give in, his arms returning to normal, as he broke his casting.
    • Tier 4: Marking the elitehood of a Conflux Mage; now they are able to shift into Primordials given they satisfy the criteria and know an evocation to do so. Thus now able to shift into Conjurations, and fullbody transitions. They are able to shift into fullbody Primordials, and the lesser. Mages at this stage have the capability to do much. However they are limited in that they still suffer great pains, and cannot sustain the form for extended periods of time. 
      • Lisa sighs, she smiles to her friend sheepishly, she readied her arms, clasping her hands together as sweat started to profusely roll down her figure in every inch. She'd envision a dog. A dog of which she conjured in her days of Conjuration. She thought of this dog and begun cycling mana through her body, as per usual inviting her voidal creation to her form. Her skin started to mangle, she cried out in a gruesome pain, as her body fell to the ground. Her spell; uninterrupted. Suddenly doggish limbs started to protrude out of her leg, her body would shift into a twisted form as in a long moment of crying and shrieking, the girl shifted fully to a dog. The now-dog seemed fine, although exhausted internally. She turned to her friend and then barked. Short lived the transition was, the girl decided to transition back. The dog would slowly transition back into the girl it was once was. 
    • Tier 5: The difference between mastery and elitehood is primarily now the mage is able to maintain their form for longer periods of time. They are now able to also able to shift into larger beings than their form, such as a horse or lion. This makes master users of Conflux very strong, although at a high risk. Poor casting can lead to some unfortunate consequences, like mangled limbs or organs.
      • Aerolun smirked, he snapped his fingers on both ends as he drew in a deep breath. Sweat would start to profilerate on his form, and he'd start to shriek in a pain as the mana from his passive-pool shifted into active mana, running through his form as he envisioned his primordial in the boundless void, the mage was so familiar to. Slowly his flesh started to change into wild and volatile orange flames, flickering as the sparks exhale from his skin, sparks would tear his form apart as he'd suddenly transition into a primordial-like boundless form of a fire.




    In summary, conflux magic is a form of magic that allows a mage to meld their flesh with a conjuration form of life. An artificial form of life that has been created via the void. More on this can be learned by reading the Conjuration Lore. However Conflux is essentially the apex and mastery feat of Conjuration. It is a magic I thought of to revive the dying art, and draw more users to learning it.

    • Allows for transitions to fiery and elemental cool forms.
    • Allows for mock-shapeshifting as well as localized mutations.
    • Allows for cool new styles of combat. 

    Hope you enjoy! Written by Ankathia!

  8. Aerolun Cyredaer happened to notice the statement. "The hypocrisy of this state not only gets tiring but becomes laughable when it they publicly display it." The elf merely chuckled. "Purity is a social construct designed to engineer the mali'aherals and control them. That in itself is impure and unprogressive."

  9. MC Name: Ankathia.
    Character's Name: Aerolun Cyredaer.

    Character's Age: One hundred and five.
    Character's Race: Mali'aheral.
    Link to your accepted MA: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/161456-telekinesis-ma-astraaeus/
    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Telekinesis. 
    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s): Telekinesis is the alteration of object's gravitational force via the void. It is similar in evocation in that one will evoke or change the gravity of an object. However it is much still an alteration. Telekinesis can do many things, although it is limited. A mage cannot lift what they normally couldn't do magically. Telekinesis relies on a mage's strength and practice. A tier one mage couldn't hope to lift much at all, most likely only five kg and only one object. As a telekinetic progresses further into their studies, they'll find they'll be able to lift more objects, although the weight of what they can do is divided by the objects. For example, a tier 5 telekinetic lifting three objects could likely lift 100 kg per object, although this would probably be much more tiring as the mage as to focus. A tier 5 mage once they reach their apex is then on able to lift more by the amount they practice per week, every elven week they'll add 5kg to their capability.


    Telekinesis as a whole cannot also block incoming projectiles, things like arrows can however be altered in their trajectory as the faster an object moves the harder it is to apply this alteration we spoke above earlier. For example, a strong telekinetic could offcourse an arrow if they had the enough time to cast so it would not hit them; but they could not stop it altogether. One other limitation of telekinesis is that a magi cannot alter objects or people with changing surface area (anything that is living), as this is far too complex to do and an alteration would simply not work on them. Telekinetics also must have reasonable solid objects to alter, sand particles and water could not be altered with the use of telekinesis, nor could gasses or anything too intangible for a mage to grasp. They often are trained to exert their will when using the magic, and after enough long training and decades of years of use can become very competent in the magic. As are all voidal magics, telekinesis drains a user's mana pool very fast, and thus all alterations from telekinesis must eventually return to their normal states, rendering all uses of telekinesis temporary in nature!
    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:


    Aerolun would stand up from his desk, turn to his incoming student. He'd greet his acolyte with a light grin.

    "Please do sit down."

    The student would sit himself down, listening intently to his teacher, going to merely nod at everything he says.

    The student would also take notes.

    "Telekinesis is the alteration of objects, moving them upwards and forwards, backwards and across, solid objects however. Although with this power, comes limits. You may not alter anything that is living, nor too intangible, and it must be relatively still for you to afflict. Remember what you learned about the void our previous meeting, something cannot be created from nothing, it is a tiring cast but it is worth it for many reasons. Not all things in the void last too, telekinesis, although very useful."

    Aerolun raised his right hand, his fingers twitching as he focused intently.

    After a moment, the quill on his desk, post-turning to face it, would slowly start to shift into the air, the 'aheral's breaths grew noticeably exhausted, indicating his presence in the void and his donation of mana to his magical feat. The quill lifted upwards and then landed over towards the student, Aerolun turning over and facing the student as he kept his eyes intently on the object. The 'aheral had a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead which he would promptly wipe away, after the task was completed the 'aheral ceased his connection and casting.

    "Oh yes, you need to be looking at the object too."

    The 'aheral went to sit in his chair, turning it to face his student as his student was sitting. 

    "I would like you to summarize for me."

    The student gulped, going to raise his voice slightly.

    "Telekinesis is moving objects around magically.. impossible to do however if the objects meet certain criteria.. Like being alive or too intangible, or too fast to track."

    Aerolun grinned. 

    "Good, now I would like you to think on this and we will return to our next lesson. You won't be able to cast though, and seeing as you already have your voidal connection established there won't be any administrative work for our next lesson. Dismissed."

    The 'aheral dismissed his student, as he got up and walked off. Going to return to his desk, drawing up a lesson plan for the next encounter. The lesson plan itself would be attempting to have the student cast on a quill for practice, as most newer telekinetics do so.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A.
    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.
    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No.


  10. My character Aerolun Cyredaer who has a TA in fire evocation gave MickMeist's character in this application a briefing on fire evocation as well as the theory of magic (voidal connection, mana, the states of, and there on), as well as a demonstration of fire magic in use, to his character. This should further supplement and bolster his understanding on fire evocation, as well as due to the no experience prior to these magics required, improve his understanding on the physics of magic.

  11. [ OOC Information


    Minecraft name: Ankathia.


    [ Roleplay Information ]


    Your true name: Aerolun Altor Cyredaer.


    Age: One hundred & three.


    Race: Mali'aheral.


    Magics you have or aspire to have: Possessing of Fire Evocation, Telekinesis, aspiring to learn Sensory Illusion, Conjuration and Transfiguration. 


    Do you agree to follow Codex Arcana?: Yes.

  12. 4 minutes ago, TheDarkIsEternal said:

    Yes! Its based off it. I actually read all the books, and watched the movie (Though it wasn't as good as the books)


    I think that the movie was lacklustre with one specific actor's ability, that's why I'm eager on reading the books. Hopefully if I can acquire such I will read them ASAP. 

  13. MC Name: Ankathia.


    Character's Name: Aerolun Cyredaer.


    Character's Age: One hundred & three.


    Character's Race: Mali'aheral.


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Conjuration.


    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching: 


    How did you learn this magic(s)?: By studying detailed tomes in the Library Of Dragur as well as watching a demonstration of Conjuration by Sarya Sarwarin back a few long months ago. An event where she had summoned a wolf in front of Aerolun. Only recently has he taken interest in Conjuration to become more of a less combat oriented magister. He has sought out the Library of Dragur, additionally to this earlier in his travellers he stumbled across a tome in Santegia on Conjuration which he had briefly skimmed through, although that tome has since been taken out of their library too.


    He has also in addition to this tome read many books in the Eternal Library of Haelun'or, skimming though the Conjuration tomes back in the day, although this merely provided Aerolun a vague background on Conjuration, making his learning from the two books in Dragur much more swimmingly done. In addition to this background supports, Aerolun is a present master and teacher of Fire Evocation, which gives him more background and insights onto the study of Conjuration. This allows him to ease much better than a mage who hasn't typically become well versed on such a category.


    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT/LT: Whispess or @Luv.


    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning: Conjuration is the art of drawing and creating life from the endless and yet blank plane known as the void. From this a conjurationist can conjure plants, animals and primordials given they know an evocation of sorts. Morphons are classed as the summoning of animals, Perennial Conjurations are classed as the summoning of plants, and Primordial Conjurations are classed as elemental conjurations. Conjuration is one of the most taxing voidal arts in Evocation to use, as a being of living needs to be supplied consistent mana. Conjurations are complex evocations in that they require a mage to know every detail. Conjurations are created organ by organ, flesh to flesh and bone to bone.


    Although Conjuration is difficult, it is quite useful in a plethora of instances. A mage can summon a morphon conjuration in order to use to defend themself given they are sufficient and proficient enough to do so, for example a wolf or fox would usually be at Tier 3+, even then heavily exhausting. Summoned morphons are obedient to their creator. However in order to summon ANYTHING with conjuration, a conjurer needs to know what they are summoning on the inside AND outside. This often means a conjurationist will have to dissect the summoned living creature, and study all of it's physical properties. Size is also a big component of casting Conjuration, this means that the bigger the conjuration, often the more complex and draining said spell would be.


    Once this has been done, they must create something, it is like art. A mage must create something with art, and then present it to reality; who will judge it. If a mage messes up even the smallest details inside or out on their creations, it will be rejected by reality and a failed cast will have occurred. This often leaving mages very drained. After casting Conjuration in general, mages have often usually used the majority of their mana reserves and will need time to rest and recharge before casting any magic then on. In general, Conjuration is the evocational art of summoning life from the void. It is simply no easy thing to master, but with time, persistence and practice, a competent mage will find themselves wielding the powers of Conjuration at high degrees. 


    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s):

    • https://imgur.com/a/7hBcP
    • If available, @PurpleCola might remember the instance where Sarya showed Aerolun Conjuration if needed.
    • If available, Santegian Library can be scanned for the old copy of the Conjuration book.
    • If available, Old Eternal Library of Haelun'or can be scanned for the old copy of the Conjuration book(s) if they aren't presently removed, I haven't gone there recently seeing as the nation dissolved and is no longer active.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: One hundred percent.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope.

  14. MC Name: Ankathia.


    Character's Name: Aerolun Cyredaer.


    Character's Age: One hundred and three.


    Character's Race: Mali'aheral (High Elf).


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Sensory Illusion.


    Teacher's MC Name: Callwarrior. @OpaqueGlass


    Teacher's RP Name: Ikail Runebrooke.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Absolutely.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No.

  15. RP Name: Aerolun Cyredaer (link).

    MC Name: Ankathia.

    Known Arcane Arts: Fire Evocation (mastered), Telekinesis (near mastery).

    Position Desired: Student of a Alteration/or Conjuration (Transfiguration) and in return, Instructor of Pyromancy (or Fire Evocation as I hold a TA in that magic).

    When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Anytime past 6 PM est. However on the weekends I'm usually available, I'm contactable via my discord which is listed on my public profile.

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